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Kaylee Carroll

Samantha Campbell
Samantha Cooke

1. Survey Results Chart

Survey Questions Responses(Frequency) Relative Relative Frequency
Frequency (Decimal)
(Fraction = %)

Do you think air Yes 56 55/71 = 79% 0.79

pollution is a problem
we should be worried No 7 7/71 = 10% 0.10
I dont know 5 5/71 = 7% 0.07

I dont care 3 3/71 = 4% 0.04

Do you think anyone Yes 37 37/71 = 52% 0.52

is doing anything to
address the problems No 20 20/71 = 28% 0.28
of air pollution?
I dont know 8 8/71 = 11% 0.11

I dont care 6 6/71 = 9% 0.09

Would you be willing Yes 46 46/71 = 65% 0.20

to help decrease air
pollution if you were No 4 4/71 = 6% 0.70
Maybe 15 15/71 = 21% 0.10

IDC about air pollution 6 6/71 = 8% 0.09

How educated are I know nothing 5 5/71 = 7% 0.07

you about air
pollution? I know a little bit 54 54/71 = 76% 0.76

I know a lot 12 12/71 = 17% 0.17

Did you know Yes 58 58/71=82% 0.82

smoking cigarettes
and other tobacco No 6 6/71=8% 0.08
based products
I dont care 7 7/71=10% 0.10
contribute to air
2. Question: Do you think air pollution is a problem we should be worried about?
Pertinent results: 79% said air pollution is a problem we should be worried about.
Computation: 0.79*326,474,013= 257914470.27 257,914,470 people of the united
states think air pollution is a problem we should be worried about.
Statement: According to our survey we calculated an inferential statistic for our target
audience, ( the population of the United States), that has 257,914,470 people in the
United States thinking that air pollution is a problem we should be worried about.

3. Question: Would you be willing to help decrease air pollution if you were asked?
Pertinent results: 65% said they would be willing to help decrease air pollution they
were asked.
Computation: 0.65*326,474,013= 212208108.45 212,208,108 people of the United
States would be willing to help decrease air pollution if they were asked.
Statement: According to our survey we calculated an inferential statistic for our target
audience, ( the population of the United States), that has 212,208,108 people in the
United States saying they would be willing to help decrease air pollution if they were

4. Paragraph: Two questions from our survey were Do you think air pollution is a
problem we should be worried about? and Would you be willing to help decrease air
pollution if you were asked?. We calculated our inferential statistic and found that about
257,914,470 people in the United States think that air pollution is a problem we should
be worried about and about 212,208,108 people in the United States would be willing to
help decrease air pollution if they were asked. We will use this information to give
people more information on our website about air pollution. I dont find any bias in our
survey and Mrs. Campbell looked at our survey and said there was nothing wrong with
our wording. We made our survey and posted in on Facebook and Twitter and checked
the results the next day.

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