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UNIT 5 The Internet

Words and Word Groups Important Expressions Questions

That's right How do you use the internet?
Doru. nterneti nasl kullanrsn?
account hesap make new friends yeni arkadaa edinmek I guess How often do you use the internet?
access erimek listen to music mzik dinlemek Sanrm nterneti ne sklkta kullanrsn?
attachment eklenti watch movies film izlemek I mean What do you usually do online?
cable kablo watch videos video izlemek demek istiyorum, yani nternette genellikle ne yaparsn?
comment yorum yapmak search for information bilgi aratrmak That's OK. Do you use the internet for the same things
confirm dorulamak send e-mails e-mail gndermek Tamam nterneti ayn eyler iin mi kullanyorsun?
connected bal make live chats canl shobet yapmak That's it. Who uses the internet most in your family?
connection balant use internet phone internet tlf. Kullanmak te bu kadar! Ailenizde interneti en ok kim kullanr?
download indirmek do homework dev yapmak Never mind. How many hours a day do you use the internet?
internet connection internet balants practice English ngilizce pratii yapmak nemli deil Gnde ka saat internet kullanrsn?
log in / on oturum amak do shopping alveri yapmak be good at What do they usually do online?
log out /off oturumu kapatmak get news haber edinmek bireyde iyi olmak
offline evrimd check sport scores ma skorlarna bakmak be addicted to How do you usually access the internet?
online evrimii get information bilgi edinmek bireyin bamls olmak nternete genellikle nasl eriirsin?
password ifre watch serial dizi izlemek be known as What's your e-mail adress?
register kayt olmak olarak bilinmek e-mail adresin nedir?
resgistration kayt ACCEPTING Do you have a website?
search engine arama motoru Certainly. nternet siten var m?
sign sinyal, iaret Kesinlikle What's the best thing about the internet?
sign in oturum amak Of course. nternetle ilgili en iyi ey nedir?
stay online evrimii kalmak Elbette What's the problem about?
upload yklemek USB flash drive USB Bellek Id be happy to. Sorun ne hakknda?
web browser web taraycs printer yazc Mutlu olurum. Is your pc online or offline?
web site web sitesi mouse fare Id be glad to. Bilgisayarn evrimii mi, evrimd m?
wireless kablosuz monitor monitr Mutlu olurum. What do you mean?
headphone kulaklk Sure. Ne demek istiyorsun?
e.g. rnein microphone mikrofon Elbette How often do you check your e-mail?
addict baml, mptela DVD disc DVD (diski) Okay Ne sklkta e-maillerini kontrol edersin?
affect etki etmek speaker hoparlr Tamam. Do you have a mobile device connected to the internet?
almost hemen hemen keyboard klavye REFUSING nternete bal mbil (tanabilir) bir cihazn var m?
avoid kanmak system unit Bilgisayar kasas How do you connect to the internet?
book fair kitap fuar scanner tarayc Sorry. nternete nasl balanrsn?
chart graifk portable hd drive tanabilir harddisk srcs zgnm. How many internet users are addicts?
etc. vb. hard disk hard disk (sabit disk) No, Im sorry. I cant. Ka tane internet kullancs, internet bamlsdr?
except haricinde webcam web kameras Hayr. zgnm, yapamam. What are some things Internet addicts do?
expert uzman screen ekran Sorry, I cant. nternet bamllarnn yapt baz eyler nelerdir?
forever daima hard disk drive hard disk srcs zgnm, yapamam. What can Internet addicts do to get some help?
health salk software yazlm Id like to, but I cant. nternet bamllar yardm almak iin ne yapabilirler?
home ev sahiplii yapmak processor ilemci sterdim fakat yapamam. How often do you go online?
identity kimlik hardware donanm Id love to, but. Ne sklkta internete girersin?
interaction etkileim sterim, fakat .. How often do you play online games?
be known as olarak bilinmek Absolutely not. Ne sklkta online oyun oynarsn?
need help yardma ihtiya duymak Kesinlikle deil. How often do you do homework on the net?
post postalamak, gndermek Im busy right now. Ne sklkta internette dev yaparsn?
safety gvenlik u an megulm. How often do you chat online?
share paylamak Ne sklkta internette sohbet edersin?
surely elbette Are a member of any social networking sites?
through araclyla, vastasyla herhangi bir sosyal paylam sitesine
everywhere heryer What do you usually share with your online friends?
evrimii olan arkadalarnla genellikle ne paylarsn?

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