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Grace Richardson

Mrs. Ross

Lit Comp 10

16 April 2017

Research Proposal: Music and Mental Health

In the 21st century, music has not only become a very popular source of entertainment

but a way to change mental health and mood. Clinical music therapists have realized the power

music has over people who struggle with depression and/or anxiety. Music has been proved to

improve the mood and mental health of the people who live with depression and anxiety. This

research project with provide the information from studies other professionals have done on this

topic and exactly how music does affect mental health. I will be interviewing a clinical music

therapist to further my knowledge and gather more information on this topic. My research will

show why and how music affects mental health and mood. This project will help people who

struggle with mental illness or depression to find a way to improve their mood and help their

health as a whole.

Working Thesis Statement: Music can highly affect mental health and mood in a positive way.

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