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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)

ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue-10, October 2015

A note on graphs with two kinds of zero forcing

Li Lei, Guang Zeng, Xin Luo

Abstract Zero forcing number and positive semidefinite

Let G VG , EG be a simple undirected graph and
zero forcing number are important parameters in studying W VG . The induced subgraph of W is the subgraph
minimum rank problems. Several graphs are proposed, which
have the same zero forcing number and positive semidefinite formed by all the edges in G between the vertices of W ,
zero forcing number in this paper.

denoted by G W . The subgraph induced by VG W is
Index Termszero forcing number, positive semidefinite zero
forcing number, minimum rank. always denoted by G W . If W v , denote it by
G v.
I. INTRODUCTION The zero forcing sets and zero forcing number were
initially introduced in [1] to provide an lower bound of
Given an n -by- n Hermitian matrix A , its graph G
denoted by A G , is the undirected simple graph on vertices mr G , and then they were extended to calculate the
corresponding to the row or column indices of A , in which msr G . Given a coloring of graph G , in which each
there is an edge between i and j if and only if aij 0 , i j. vertex is colored white or black, denote the set of black
For a given graph G its associated matrices set is defined as vertices by S . The derived set of S is the set of black

vertices obtained by applying color change rule (positive

G A| A G G , A A* semidefinite color change rule) until no more changes occur.
The zero forcing set (positive semidefinite zero forcing set) is
The minimum rank of graph G and the positive semidefinite
a set Z of black vertices whose derived set is VG .
minimum rank of G are defined as follows, respectively,
mr (G) minrank A : A G Given a coloring of G and we have a black vertices set
and S V G . Starting from vertices in S , the rules are
defined as follows:
msr G min{rank A : A G Color change rule: If vertex u is black and only one of
its neighbor v is white, then change the color of v black. We
and A is positive semidifinite} . say u forces v and write u v .
For G the maximum nullity and the maximum positive
semidefinite nullity are, respectively, Positive semidefinite color change rule: Denote by
M G max null A : A G W1 ,W2 , ,Wk , the components of G S . If
v Wi , u S , and v is the white neighbor of u in
M G max{null A : A G G Wi S , then change the color of v to black. We say u
and A is positive semidifinite}
forces v and write u v .
Obviously The zero forcing number (positive semidefinite zero
mr G M G G , forcing number ) denote by

M G M G Z G Z G , is defined as the minimum size of all

mr G msr G , zero forcing set (positive semidef-inite zero forcing set). We
and have
Z G minZ : Z is a zero forcing set of G
msr G M G G , and
Z G min{ Z : Z is a positive semidefinite
Li Lei, School of Sciences, East China University of Technology,
Nanchang, 330013, P.R. China. zero forcing set of G.}
Guang Zeng, School of Sciences, East China University of Technology, A (positive semidefinite) zero forcing set Z is called a
Nanchang, 330013, P.R. China.
Xin Luo, College of Applied Mathematics, Chengdu University of
minimum (positive semidefinite) zero forcing set if
Information Technology, Chengdu, 610225, P.R. China

A note on graphs with two kinds of zero forcing number

Z Z G Z Z G . two components, and denote G u H1 H 2 . We have

Example 1.1. See the Figure 1, Z1 2,3,4 an zero Z G Z G if one of the following conditions holds
forcing set and Z 2 1,2,4 is an positive semidefinite zero a G P3 ;
forcing set. Note that Z 2 is also an zero forcing set. b H i u is a cycle, i 1,2;
c H1 is a cycle and H 2 is a path;
d H i is a cycle, i 1,2.
Proof. (a): It is obvious.
(b): See the graph in Figure 2. We prove that every
positive semidefinite minimum zero forcing set Z of G
Figure 1: Example 1.1 contains exactly three vertices. For each graph
H i u ,(i=1,2) at least two black vertices are needed. So
Actually, in order to getting an positive semidefinite zero
forcing set, we just decompose the graph into several certain Z 3.
subgraphs, and on each part using zero forcing rule
On the other side, the set u, v, w is a positive semidefinite
zero forcing set. We have
Theorem 1.2[1]. For any graph G ,
Z 3,
M G Z G and mr G G Z G .
Theorem 1.3[2]. For any graph G, Z G 3 .
M G Z G and msr G G Z G . By observation, we know u, v, w is also a zero forcing set.

Observation 1.4[2]. Since an zero forcing set is a Consider Observation 1.4., Z G Z G holds.
positive semidefinite zero forcing set, we have (c):See the graph in Figure 3. Label the graphs induced by
Z G Z G . H1 u as G1 ,G2 ,respectively.Let set Z be a minimum
For a tree , it is well known that M Z and positive semidefinite forcing set of G ,
M Z . Only path Pn among trees satisfies
Z G Z .
Z G Z G , so for path msr G mr G holds.
By Observation 1.4. we have
Z G Z G .
Apart from path, we know the complete graph also satisfies
the above equation. In Section 2 we give a certain graph G
such that Z G Z G , and discuss several graphs which The remaining is to prove the converse holds, too. We claim
have the same minimum rank and positive semidefinite that Z is a zero forcing set of G .
minimum rank.


A vertex v is said to be a cut vertex of graph G , if
G v is disconnected. The vertex connectivity k G is
defined as the minimum size of set W G such that
G W is disconnected or a single vertex, and W is called
cut set. A maximal connected induced subgraph without a cut Figure 3: Graph for Theorem 2.1 (c).
vertex is called a block.
Case I: u Z . The two color change rule is same for this
graph. The vertices in Z are all on graph H 1 or H 2 . If the
vertices of G u are all adjacent to vertex u , the set of
black vertices is not a cut set when applying positive
semidefinite color change rule. If not, there may be a set

v1 , v4 satisfying v1 ~ u and v4 ~ u and a path exists
between them. Replace v1 by v5 in Z and denote the new
Figure 2: Graph for Theorem 2.1 (b).
Theorem 2.1. Let G is a simple graph of ordern with set by Z1 . Do this until no such set exists, then the new set
k G 1 and only one cut vertex u which splits G into Z1 is an zero forcing set of G , and
Z1 Z Z G .

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue-10, October 2015

So M (C8 P2 ) Z (C8 P2 ) 4
Z G Z G and
holds. msr(C8 P2 ) 2s 4 .
Case II: If u Z , applying positive semidefinite color
change rule is the same A graph G is said to be a superposition of two graphs G1
Z(G) Z+(G). and G2 if G is obtained by identifying G1 and G2 at a set
As using color change rule in G1 and G2 ,independently.The of vertices, keeping all the edges that are present in either G1
Z G1 Z G2 is a zero forcing set of G1 G2 .If u do or G2 .
not force any vertices ,easy to know Proposition 2.6. Let G be the superposition at one
Z G Z G vertex of Ps P2 and Pt P2 with s 2, t 2 . Then

If not, denote the maximum zero forcing chain starting from Z G Z G M G 3 .

u in G1 is u v . The set after replacing u with Proof. See Figure 5. According to Lemma 2.3 and
Lemma 2.4, we have
msrG msr( Ps P2 ) msr ( Pt P2 )
v in Z is a zero forcing set of G . So
2s 2 2t 2
holds. 2(s t ) 4.
In summary, Z G Z G holds. Then
(d): See the graph in Figure 4. We can prove it by similar M G 2s t 1 msr G
method as (3).
2( s t ) 1 (2( s t ) 4)
By Theorem 1.3 and Observation 1.4,

3 M G Z G Z G .

Besides, the set u, v, w is an zero forcing set of G . So

Figure 4: Graph for Theorem 2.1 (d).
Z G Z G 3 .
Theorem 2.2. For a graph G , if
M G Z G Z G , then M G Z G . Since Theorem 2.2, we know the conclusion holds. Similarly,
we can prove the following results are true.
Proof. According to
M G M G Z G Z G M G ,
the conclusion holds. 2
Lemma 2.3 [3]. Let G be a connected graphs with
blocks G1 , , Gm . Then
msrG msrGi Figure 5: superposition of Ps P2 and Pt P2 on
i 1
vertex u .
The Cartesian product of two graphs G and H , denoted
G H , is the graph with vertex set V G V H such Proposition 2.7. Let G be the superposition at one vertex
that u, v is adjacent to u , v if and only if
' ' of C s P2 and C t P2 with s 4, t 4 . Then

(1) u u and v ~ v ,
' ' Z G Z G M G 7 .
or Proposition 2.8. Let G be the superposition at one vertex
(2) v v and u ~ u .
' '
of Ps P2 and C t P2 with s 2, t 4 . Then
Lemma 2.4[4]. For s 2 , Z G Z G M G 5 .
M ( Ps P2 ) Z ( Ps P2 ) 2
msr( Ps P2 ) 2s 2 . This research was supported in part by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China(11301070), the Natural Science
Lemma 2.5[4]. For s 4 ,
Foundation of Jiangxi Province of China(20132BAB211016,
20151BAB211012) and the Science Foundation of Education

A note on graphs with two kinds of zero forcing number

Committee of Jiangxi for Young Scholar (GJJ13444).

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