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Christopher Carbajal

370 E 236TH St.

Carson, CA, 90745

September 13, 2016

To Whom It May Concern:
I am Christopher Carbajal, a courteous, determined, and empathic Carson High Student. I am
amicable; others tell me that I am friendly, caring, and look out for others. My disciplined and
hardworking nature exemplifies my determination. Additionally, I understand others points of
view and do not judge them for disagreeing with me. My punctuality, however, has taught me
how to manage my time efficiently by simply making room for life. Preparation for mishaps
and my multi-tasking ability allows me to get things done efficiently and quickly.
My first step into settling into adult life would be graduating high school with straight As, being
accepted into one of my top UCs, and pursuing a career after that; Im working diligently in my
classes and searching for a college that suits me and will help with constructing my future. Step
two: earn my environmental degree in management and policy. A difficult childhood home made
me realize the importance of family and unity, which led to my maturation at a rather young age.
The third step is my career in asset building. The income career will allow me to help provide for
my family, reach my long term goals, and do it all while doing what I love.
A recent job I took at Journeys shoe store has helped me gain different life skills for my future. I
was a very to myself person, but in the job, Ive since then applied these skills to my
communicative techniques. Its a preparation for speeches and speaking skills, and taking this job
benefited me; I am more outspoken and not embarrassed to talk in front of others. Once I enter
college and get a permanent job, I wont be afraid to interact with my clients. These
improvements I have made and my multi-tasking ability will guide me through college and make
my long term goals feasible.

I look forward to the opportunities that I will make for myself and the experiences Ill have along
the way as well. Thank you for your time.


Christopher Carbajal

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