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Ulen Tharloo

CG Underfolk Cleric 1/Healer 9/Combat Medic 5

Medium Humanoid
Hit Dice: 10d8+5d6+30 (96 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 60 ft.
Armor Class: 20 (+5 armor, +2 deflection, +3 Dex), touch 15, flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+8
Attack: +10 ranged (1d8+4 plus 1d6 subdual)
Full Attack: +9/+4 melee (1d8+4 plus 1d6 subdual)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Healing Kicker 11/day (sanctuary DC 26 OR +5 Reflex saves OR +1
atk, +1 saves vs. fear, 13 temporary hp for 1 min.), Turn Undead 9/day
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Effortless Healing, Evasion, Field Healer,
Healing Hands, Mobility, Skill Focus (heal), Spontaneous Heal, Unicorn Companio
Spell-like Abilities: 1/day - Cleanse paralysis, Cleanse disease, Cleanse fear,
Cleanse poison, Cleanse blindness
Saves: Fort +11 (9), Ref +10 (7), Will +15 (9)
Abilities: Str 14 (10), Dex 16 (12), Con 14, Int 16 (14), Wis 22 (18), Cha 22 (1
Skills: Concentration +20 (+29 defensive) (18), Craft (mecha) +8 (5), Diplomacy
+26 (18), Heal +31 (18), Knowledge (nature) +14 (11), Knowledge (religion) +15 (
12), Sense Motive +19 (13), Survival +19 (13)
Feats: Augment Healing (+2*SL), Chain Spell (+3), Combat Casting, Expeditious Do
dge, Magic of the Land (+2*SL), Sacred Boost
Cleric Spells: 3/9+1
CL 1 (DC 16+)
Healer Spells: 6/8/8/7/6/6/5/4
CL 14 (DC 16+)
Domains: Healing, Renewal
Heal Spells: +4*SL + 6 (+2 CL)
0 Cure Minor (7)
1 Cure Light (1d8+15)
2 Cure Moderate (2d8+24)
3 Cure Serious (3d8+33)
4 Cure Critical (4d8+38)
4 Cure Light Mass (1d8+38)
5 Cure Moderate Mass (2d8+42)
6 Heal (180)
6 Cure Serious Mass (3d8+46)
7 Cure Critical Mass (4d8+50)

+1 Merciful, Throwing, Returning Longspear (32K)
+2 Studded Leather Armor (4K)
+4 Peript of Wisdom (16K)
+5 Cloak of Charisma (25K)
+4 Healing Belt of Strength (25K)
+4 Gloves of Dexterity (16K)
+2 Ioun Stone of Intelligence (8K)
Ephod of Authority
Ring of Mystic Healing (3.5K)
Ring of Protection +2 (8K)
Boots of Expeditious Retreat (24K)
Healer's Kit
Climber's Kit
Everburning Torch
10 1K Diamonds
Wand shield 3/day
scroll of remove paralysis

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