Centaur Goblin War

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424 noncombatants
20 3rd level
4 5th level
2 8th level
80 noncombatants
8 3rd level
2 5th level
1 8th level
40 worgs
8 dire wolves
2 pack of varag
2 packleaders
1 pair guulvorg
goblinoid army - breakdown
38 goblin units
19 3rd level unit commanders
4 worg/goblin units
4 5th level worg unit commanders
2 dire wolf/hobgoblin unit
16 hobgoblin units
8 3rd level subcommanders
2 varag units
2 varag packleaders
2 guulvorg/5th level hobogblin
1 8th level commander
goblinoid camp - breakdown
424 noncombatant goblins
80 noncombatant hobgoblins
1 3rd level goblin
2 8th level goblins

50 noncombatants
15 3rd level
7 5th level
1 9th
centaur army - breakdown
32 Centaur Unit Large
HP: 104
Spd: 500'
AC: 14 touch 11
Melee: Longsword +7; 2 hooves +3
Ranged: Longbow +5 (110')
Damage: Longsword 13; 2 hooves 5.5; longbow 11
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +5
3 Centaur Barbarian Unit Large
HP: 256
Spd: 600'
AC: 22 touch 13
Melee: Greatsword +13/+8; 2 hooves +7
Ranged: Longbow +10/+10/+5 (110')
Damage: Greatsword 18; 2 hooves 6.5; longbow 14
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +8
SQ: Trample +13, Rage
Raging Centaur Barbarian Unit
HP: 312
Spd: 600'
AC: 20 touch 11
Melee: Greatsword +15/+10; 2 hooves +9
Damage: Greatsword 18; 2 hooves 6.5
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +10
SQ: Trample +15, Rage
Centaur Barbarian 3
1 Centaur Ranger Unit Large
HP: 248
Spd: 500'
AC: 16 touch 13
3 5th level subcommanders
Centaur Ranger 5
HP: 62
Initiative: +4
Speed: 50'
BAB/Grapple: +9/+19
Saves: Fort 5+, Ref 8+, Will 5+
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 12
Special Abilities: Favored enemy (gnoll, +4), favored enemy (goblinoid, +2)
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Centaur Trample, Two Weapon F
Spells: 1st - entangle, speak with animals;
1 9th level commander
Centaur Druid 9
HP: 62
Saves: Fort 7+, Ref 7+, Will 10+
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 17, Cha 13
centaur camp - breakdown
50 noncombatants
3 3rd level

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