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PN: Pro Nox (Before Night)

SN: Secundum Nox (After Night)

-1500PN The Maker invents PL6 Mecha technology
-1025PN Tsochar begin their assault on Kageshikai
-1010PN Dwarves seal the lower levels
-1000PN Dwarves fall to the Orcish Horde
0 The Day of Fire and Darkness
Orrin arrives, plunging the world into darkness, while fire pour
s out of the earth, destroying everything.
500SN Campaign Begins, City of Night falls to the Vampires
501SN Zern arrive in Kageshikai
===Dwarven Hold===
25-level dungeon
You stand before the obsidian wall at the far end of the conference room. A mirr
or room appears before you, the stone table is intact and dwarves are seated bef
ore it. A stout dwarf in military uniform addresses the company, "My brothers, w
e have driven the Tsochari mothership from orbit, and saved the planet from cert
ain destruction, but our hated foe has had the last laugh. The humans, elves and
orcs have fallen to fighting amongst themselves. Even now they are at the gate,
clamoring for our surrender. What is worse, although the Tsochar forces have be
en defeated, they managed to slip a small force past us in the last battle. They
have infiltrated the Core and shut it down. The automatic defenses have been ac
tivated, and our warriors cannot get close enough to fix the reactor. I have sea
led the lower levels, but without power, we are certain to fall to the invaders
outside. What shall we do?!?"
A Tsochari cluster (treat as a Worm that Walks or Leechwalker) has holed up in a
mecha suit outside the door to the Power Core.
Elsewhere in the dungeon, in a large, open chamber, lies the pool of the mighty
Wierd of Earth. Her pool rests at the ceiling, dripping acid onto the floor far
beneath her.
===Elemental Weirds===
5 Elemental Weirds know all about the coming of Eternal Night.
The Weird of Water is imprisoned on the Island of Fire, off the Eastern Shore.
The Weird of Ice lives in the North, in that desolate land of snow and freezing
The Weird of Earth lives far below the Dwarven Hold in the Northwest.
The Weird of Air's location is completely unknown.
The Weird of Fire has been corrupted by evil, and now serves the Dark Lord of Se
crets by tending the gate to the Plane of Fire at the planetary core. She dreams
of the Day of Renewal when the world will be bathed in fire and light from the
Sun, but she and her servants carry out a pale mockery every 100 years when the
planet's crust can no longer contain the force of the planar rip, spilling fire
out onto the land for 2 weeks, burying everything in a mighty lava flow.

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