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Cricket Tournament

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Salaam Alaykum.

We hope you are keeping well by the grace of The Almighty.

The Development Society intends to organize a Cricket Tournament on Sunday, the 15 th of

February 2015. This will be held at the Union Sports Club (USC) Boarding House ground
from 9 am 12 pm. The fee for the event is Tshs. 1000/= per person.

Transport will be provided from the Mosque compound at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday, 15th
February 2015 and the students will be dropped back at the Mosque compound by 12:30
pm. Participants are urged to be on time for the transport.

The Development Society will take good care to ensure your childs safety. A First Aid Kit
will be available and Patrons will be present. However, we will not take responsibility for any
mishaps or loss of property. The Management reserves the right to take disciplinary
measures when necessary.

If you have any concerns regarding the event, kindly contact the below:

Patron Aamir Kanji: +255 782 500 305

Patron Aliraza Mussa: +255 788 378 350
Patron Hasnian Rashid: +255 687 561 454
Patron Imran Abbas: +255 786 186 175

Husayni Madrasah
Development Society

I __________________(parent/guardian name) parent/guardian of
______________________ (students name) of _____(class) allow my son to attend the
Cricket Tournament to be held on Sunday, 15th February 2015, having understood
all that has been mentioned above.

Parent Name: __________________________ Parent Contact Number:

Parent Signature: _______________________ Date: ______/_______/_______

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