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By: Kate Hesterman

Hobbies and Interests
Hanging out with my friends
Watching Netflix
Jung Typology Test Results:
Results: ISTJ ISTJs are often called inspectors. They
have a keen sense of right and wrong,
especially in their area of interest and/or
responsibility. They are noted for
devotion to duty. Punctuality is a
watchword of the ISTJ. The secretary,
clerk, or business man by whom others
set their clocks is likely to be an ISTJ.
VALS Survey
Primary Type: Strivers

Have revolving employment

Are fun loving
Are imitative
Rely heavily on public transportation
Are the center of low-status street culture
Wear their wealth.

Secondary Type: Experiencers

Write Up
In conclusion I found out that I am an ISTJ. That means that I
have a keen sense of right and wrong, especially in their
area of interest and/or responsibility. And I am noted for
devotion to duty. I also completed the VALS survey which
told me that my primary type was a striver. This means that I
am fun loving, imitative, I rely heavily on public
transportation, and are the center of low-status street
culture. My second secondary type is an experiencer.
Career Interest Game
When completing the Career
Interest Game I chose the label
of Investigative Which then
gave me a list of careers to
choose from, also with common
hobbies and personality types.
Possible Careers:
Job Description
Study human society and social behavior by
examining the groups and social institutions
that people form, as well as various social,
religious, political, and business organizations.
May study the behavior and interaction of
groups, trace their origin and growth, and
analyze the influence of group activities on
individual members.
Hours I Need to Work
Most sociologists work full time during regular
business hours.
Bachelors degree holders can benefit from
internships or volunteer work when looking for
entry-level positions in sociology or a related field.
Although hours are often flexible, they normally
work more than forty hours a week.
Special Skills or Abilities
Research skills

Analytical skills

Communication skills

Interpersonal skills

Leadership skills

Computer literacy

Cross-cultural understanding
Working Conditions
Most sociologists work in research organizations, colleges and
universities, and state and local government.
Sociologists usually spend a large part of their day in pleasant
offices, libraries, and classrooms.
At times, however, sociologists are likely to do some fieldwork
that may involve traveling to remote areas or interviewing
people from many different backgrounds.
Therefore, sociologists should be able to work independently
and also know how to interact with the wide variety of people
that they are likely to meet in their work.
Challenging/Rewarding Aspect
Challenges- Rewarding Aspects-
Sociologists also must stay abreast of new Research work is an intellectually stimulating
research in the field. endeavor that often leads to new insights and
A sociology career has high barriers to entry. knowledge.
In all likelihood,you will need a master's Stable Income
degree or a Ph.D. in sociology to find a job. Intellectually stimulating job with a high level
In fact, as of 2010, there were only 4,000 of autonomy.
sociologist jobs in the United States. Get to help patients and in the end of the day
Sociologists can expect stiff competition when you feel good about yourself.
looking for work.
The median annual wage for sociologists
was $73,760 in May 2015. The median
wage is the wage at which half the
workers in an occupation earned more
than that amount and half earned less.
The lowest 10 percent earned less than
$36,200, and the highest 10 percent
earned more than $145,250.
Education Needed
Sociologists typically need a masters degree or Ph.D. There
are two types of sociology masters degree programs:
traditional programs and applied, clinical, and professional
programs. Traditional programs prepare students to enter a
Ph.D. program. Applied, clinical, and professional programs
prepare students to enter the professional workplace, teaching
them the necessary analytical skills to perform sociological
research in a professional setting.
Schools Sociology Program
University of Chicago
Brandeis University
Princeton University
Stanford University
University of Pennsylvania
Columbia University
Future Employment Opportunities
Law enforcement
Urban planning
Youth/Elderly services
Social Work
Community Development
Criminal Justice
Most Famous Sociologist:
Karl Marx is a philosopher, social scientist,
historian and revolutionary. He is without a
doubt the most influential socialist thinker to
emerge in the 19th century. Although he
was largely ignored by scholars in his own
lifetime, his social, economic and political
ideas gained rapid acceptance in the
socialist movement after his death in 1883.
Karl Marx
Work Cited
"Sociologists :: Job Description." Sociologists :: Job Description. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2017. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2017.

"Sociology Marketable Skills | Belmont University | Nashville, TN." Sociology Marketable Skills | Belmont
University | Nashville, TN. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2017.

"Sociologist." Sociologist Career Profile | Job Description, Salary, and Growth | Truity. N.p., n.d. Web. 15
Feb. 2017.

"What Can I Do with a Sociology Degree?" What Can I Do with a Sociology Degree? Sociology. N.p., n.d.
Web. 16 Feb. 2017.

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