Legislative Votes On Sales Tax

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Cowes] ule EQULAR WECTING ‘APRIL 4, 1989 he Jackson City Counest met at 10 2.8.4 Tueseay, April 4, 1989 sn the Counc! Room at City m1? resent were Mayor Farmer: Council nesbers Buchanan, Faught, Hays, Levis, Hertindale, Honroe-toses Jnorgan, Parks, oné ebb, Also present was Marty Holes, Acting City Recorder and Doris Tosh, Recorder fevereng Marry 811 gave the invocation. Counell mesber Lewis led the pledge of allegiance to the flag. The einutes of the regular meeting of March 7, ané the Spectal Callee Meeting of Maren 20, 1968) rere approves ane signe. rayor Fareer introduced the following Resclation which approves the plan for consolieation of| city ond county schools as prepares by Une Jackson-tactson County Plansing Comission for Schoo! Hconsclidetion. Counct? member Horgan moved the Resolution be approvee. Council menber Martina e| seconded the mtion, ating on the aotion was ab Follows: “ayes Fought, Hayes Lewis, Martindale, Morgan, Wee seSoUTiON WHEREAS, oy 4 Joint Resolution adopted by the Madison County Comission and Jackson City Commtsston, a Planning Comission was created fr duly, 1988 to study ane consider the need for Consolidation of schools im dackson and Pae'son County: ane WHEREAS, the Planning Commission proposes that schools in Jackson and Madison County be consol gated: ene WHEREAS, the Planning Comission has proposed 4 complete plan of consolidation in eccord: angel with the provissong.of TesAn a9" 2012005 a WHEREAS, the Jackson City Counet! Favors consolation af schools Nk, THEREFORE, be it resotves by the deckson City Counct) meeting on this the 4th day of aprsly i989 that the: proposed plan OF consol iaetion prepares By’ the vackson-hactson County Manning annisson for Schoo! Cogs ition be hereby sorroed fEonaol ieation be certified tothe Madison County Election Com sition, to Sha neselucion, in accordance mith the provisions of T.C.A. 4-2-1266) 0 Ware charles (On the motion of Counctl member Morgan, seconded by Counc! menber Martindale and unaninously carrigg, the following Resolution was adopted in which the City agrees to relinguish its right to tts share of the proposes sales tax increase so that all of the revenue generated from safd tax my be devoted to 2 consolidated school systes, If the proposed plan of consolfeation 1s not approved, this resolution shal? be null and void. eesoturion WEREAS, on tay 25 8 referendum wiTl be held to determine whether schoots tn Jack- son and iigison County are consol {dated and WEREAS, the proposed plan calls for additions] funding by revenue generated fron an increase of the local option sales tax, from 1.58 to 2.75%: ang WHEREAS, T.C.A, 67-6-712 provides the manner of distribution of revenue from the sates tax end provides that one-half the tax be elsteibutea to the cfty or town ia which the'tax is collected; and | WEREAS, T.C,A, 67-6-712(2)(6) provides that a county ane ctty may by contract pro- | vide for other sistribution af the Sales tax; and WEEREAS, the City of Jackson gesires to allocate aT] of its shire of the proposed salen tax fherense to education ang specifically to 2 nesly created consol ieeted schoo] { System NW, THEREFORE, be {t resolved by the City Counctl of Jackson, Tennessee neeting on } this the 4th day of Apri), 1989 that the City of dackson hereby agrees to relinquish Yes Fight to 48s share of the’ proposed sales tax so that 17 of Une revenue generated fro Sald'tax may be devoted to's contol idated school system in Jackson and Madson County. Sian oF consol astion tt not approved, this resolution shel] be "ull ang oa Fer yer Mayor Farmer introduced the following Resolution which changes the language in the City Charter and replaces the words "“Boerd of Commfsstoners” with *Counci1". Counc!) member Morgan moved the Reso- lution be edopted. Coune!? member Buchanan seconded the action. AI] § CounctT members voted in favor of the adoption of the Resolution, Mayor Farmer stated this Resolution will be forwarded to our Tegts~ lator ane they wit? be instructed to pass the proper legislation to allow our Charter to be changed. buk CG 65 5b COMMISSION MEETING - March 20, 1989 CONSIDER REFERENDUM FOR ADOPTION OF 1% CENT LOCAL GO_FOR TH RESOLUTION The adoption of a ls¢ increase in local sales tax will be appropriated for use in education and only for this purpose, and not for any other use. The City and County Government are in agreement that money from this increase will go solely toward this end. A motion was made by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Cook to approve this resolution. ROLL CALL VOTE: Voting Aye Voting Nay Timny"C. Arnold George R. Johnson Lacy Bond David N. Carter, Sr. Kapel Kirkendol1] Clarence D. Boone Chuck Clark Thomas H. Lovelace ionna C. Cook Charles A. McDowell D. C. (Pete) DeLoach T. C. Ozier Absent Billy Donnel? Kay Rodriguez Claudel) Brown, Jr. James £. Fuller Sandra E. Silverstein R. E. (Bobby) George Bill Sipes Robert L. Hardee Thomas Ray Turner Dale Jamieson James L. Watlington Arthur D. Johnson, Jr. Danny R. Waynick Aye - 22 Nay-2 Absent - 1 MOTION CARRIE REPORT FROM MADISON COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Buddy McMillin, County School Superintendent, reported the Madison County School

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