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Integral University, Lucknow

Question Bank

Course Code: MT112 Credits: 04 Date : 03-01-2017

Course Name: B.Tech.I year, II sem. (Engineering Mathematics-II)

Units to be covered in Mid-Sem Exam 1 : 1&2(half),Mid-Sem Exam 2 : 2(half)&3

Difficulty Index: easy (A); moderate (B); difficult (C)

Unit Q. Question
1 No.
1 Find order and degree of the differential equation
ax 0
dx 2
(a) 2,1 (b) 1,2 (c) 0,0 (d) none of these

2 In homogeneous equation the degree of each term is-

(a) the same (b) three (c) different (d) none of these

3 d2y
The P.I. of y sin x is
dx 2
(a) (b) sin x (c ) 1 / 2(cos x) (d)none of them

4 d2y dy
The P.I. of 2
6 9 y 5e 3 x is
dx dx
(a)5/18 (b) (sin x)+cos x (c) 5/36{exp(3x)} (d) 0

5 y cx c 2 is the general solution of equation

y 0 2 2
(b) y xy y 0 (c y xy y 0
(d) none of them

6 e iax is equal to-

(a) cos ax+ isin ax (b) sin ax+icosax
(c) cos ax (d) sin ax

7 Unit and Symbol of Capacitance is-

(a) C, Farad b) C, Henry (c) R, Ohm (d)R, Ampere

8 dx dy
If 3 x 2 y, 5 x 3 y then x=
dt dt
(a) e ( A cosh 10t B sinh 10t
e ( A cosh 10t B sinh 10t
(c) both (d) none of them

9 The P.I of
d2y dy
2 2
3 y is
dx dx

10 y = x is a part of complimentary function of the equation

d2y dy
P Qy R if-
dx dx
(a)1+P+Q=0 (b)1-P+Q=0 (c) P+Qx=0 (d) none of

11 The integrating factor of differential equation is

12 The degree of all linear differential equations is

13 The P.I. of ( D 2 6D 5) y 4e x is

14 The solution of =0 is

15 The symbol of variable voltage is .. and Unit is .

16 Write Kirchoff law for LR circuit in series .

17 In simple pendulum, the relation between period of oscillation(T)
acceleration due to gravity(g) and the length of pendulum (l)
18 The differential equation whose auxiliary equation has the roots 0,-1,
-1 is .
19 The number of arbitrary constant in the general solution of a
differential equation is equal to .. of the differential equation.
20 The normal form of second order differential equation
d2y dy d 2v
P Qy R is given by Av B where
dx dx dx 2

21 Solve

22 Solve the following differential equations-

3y e2x

23 Solve the following differential equations-

24 Solve the following differential equations-

25 Find P.I of the differential equations-

26 Solve the following differential equations-

27 Solve the following differential equations-

28 Write down the linear and non linear differential equation.

29 Solve the following differential equations-

30 Solve the following differential equations-

31 Solve the following differential equations-


32 Solve by the method of variation of parameters-

e3 x
( D 2 6 D 9) y

33 Solve the following differential equations-

34 Solve the following differential equations-

35 Solve the following differential equations-
d2y dy
3 2 y xe x sin 2 x
dx dx

36 Solve the following system of differential equations-

Dx+Dy+3x=sint, Dx+y-x=cost.

37 Solve by changing the independent

38 A resistance of 100 ohms, an inductance of 0.5 henry are connected in
series with a battery of 20 volts. Find the current in the circuit as a
function of time.

39 Solve the D.E
+5x+y +x+5y

40 Solve by removing the

first derivative.

Unit Q. Question
2 No.
1 The value of L(1) is
(a)1/s (b) 1 (c) s (d) 0

2 Laplace transform of sin(2t) is

(a)1 (b) 1/(s-2) (c) (d)

3 Inverse Laplace transform for 1/s is-

(a) S (b) 1 (c) 0 (d)
none of them

4 The solution of L(1 / t. ft )

a) F (s)dx (b)
F (s)dx
(c) both

(d) none of them

5 Laplace Transform of unit step function with step at a point a is-

as as
(a) (b) e (c) se (d) none of them

6 Inverse Laplace transform of is

(a) 2cos t (b) sin t (c) cos t (d)cosht

7 1
L1 2
s( s 1)
(a)1-cos t (b) 1+sin t (c) 1-sin t (d) 1+cos t

8 s 1
L1 log
s 1
(a) (2/t)cos t (b) (2/t)sin t (c) 2t cos t (d) 2t sin t

9 e 2 s e s
If the Laplace Transform of a function f(t) is then-
(a) f(t)=1, t>1 (b) f(t)=1, when 1<t<2, and 0 otherwise
(c) f(t)=-1, when 1<t<2, and 0 otherwise
(d) None of them.

10 1
L1 is
( s 1)
t t
a) te (b) te (c) e/t (d) none of them

11 L(cos 5t) = .

12 1
13 L(u(t-a)) = ..

14 ..
15 s
L1 cot 1 ........

16 dn
L1 (1) n n ( F ( s)) .......

17 Inverse Laplace of F(s+a)=.

18 s 1
L1 .
s2 1
19 L( F (t ))
20 L[e 4t sin t ] ..
21 Write the definition of Laplace transform-
22 Write the definition of Inverse Laplace transform.
23 Write the convolution theorem.
24 Prove that Laplace transform of 1 is 1/s.
25 Write down the shifting properties of inverse Laplace transform.
26 es
Find : L

(s 1)

27 Find Laplace Transform of t sinh at.

28 Find Laplace transform of t cos t.
29 sin(t / 3), t / 3
Find Laplace transform if F (t ) ,
0, otherwise

30 Find Laplace transform if

0,0 t 1

f (t ) t 1,1 t 2
1,2 t

Find Laplace transform of t 2u (t 3) .

32 2 s 2 5s 4
Find L1 3 .
s s 2s

33 Find L[t 2 sin t ]

34 1 cos t
Find L

35 t
Find Laplace transform of
e 2t t sin 3 tdt .

36 2 s 2 5s 4
Find L1 3 .
s s 2s

37 1
Using convolution theorem , solve L1 .
2 2
( s2
a )
38 s2
Solve by convolution theorem , L1 2
, a b
( s a )( s b )
2 2 2

39 Solve the following initial value problem-

y y sin 3t ,
y (0) 0, y(0) 0


Evaluate : t 2 e 3t sin 2 tdt

Unit Q. Question
3 No.
1 If the Fourier series of f(x) has only cosine term then f(x) must be-
a)Odd function (b) even function (c)zero (d) none of them

2 Fourier coefficient in Fourier series expansion of a function

represents the-
(a) max. value of function (b) 2 mean value of the function
(c) min. value of function (d) none of them

3 For a function not given by formula but by a graph or by table of

corresponding values bn
(a) 2[mean value of f(x)cos nx in (0,2 ) ].
(b) 2[mean value of f(x)cosec nx in (0,2 ) ].
(c) 2[mean value of f(x)sin nx in (0,2 ) ]
(d) n[mean value of f(x)sin nx in (0,2 ) ]

4 For a function given by graph or by a table of corresponding values,
(a) 2[mean value of f(x)cos nx in (0,2 ) ].
(b) 2[mean value of f(x)cosec nx in (0,2 ) ].
(c) 2[mean value of f(x)sin nx in (0,2 ) ]
(d) n[mean value of f(x)sin nx in (0,2 ) ]

5 P.I. of ( D 2 6DD D2 ) z e 2 x3 y is-

2 x 3 y 2 x 3 y
(a)(1/3) e (b) (1/-44) e (c) 2 e
2 x 3 y
(d) e 2 x 3 y

6 The P.I. of ( D 2 6DD D2 ) z e x is-

(a)Exp(x) (b) Exp(y) (c) Exp(x+y) (d)Exp(x-y)

7 The P.I. of ( D 2 D 2 ) z cos( x y)

(a)Cos(x+y) (b) xsin(x+y) (c) sin( x y ) (d) None

8 1
The value of F ( x, y )
( D mD)
(a) f ( x, c mx)dx (b) F ( x, mx)dx (c)
F ( x, mx c)
(d) None

9 1
The value of sin(ax by)
f ( D , DD, D2 )

sin(ax by)
1 f ( a 2
, ab, b 2
(a) (b) (c)
f (a 2 ,ab,b 2 )
cos(ax by )
f (a ,ab,b 2 )

(d) None of them

10 The solution of partial differential equation z=0 is-
a) z f1 ( y) f 2 ( y 2 x) xf 3 ( y 2 x)
b) z f1 ( x) f 2 ( x 2 y)
c) z f1 ( xy ) f 2 ( x y) f 3 ( y 2 x)
d) None of the above
11 2

sin mx. sin nxdx


12 Order of partial differential equation is same as the .. of highest

differential coefficient in it.
13 Formula for finding P.I. is
14 Solution of partial differential equation consist of .. and .

15 The solution of 4r-4s+t=0 is ..
16 The solution of 25r-40s+16t=0 is
17 The complimentary function is obtain by replacement of .
18 Solution of [ D3 6D 2 D 12DD 8D3 ]z 0 is .
19 Partial differential equation contains , . , .
20 The solution of [ D 2 ( ) DD D2 ]z 0 is ..
21 Solve the partial differential equation
22 Write down the Fourier series definition.
23 What are the Dirichlets conditions for Fourier series?

24 Find the Fourier series to represent, f ( x) x,0 x 2

25 , x 0
Find the Fourier series if f ( x)
x,0 x
26 Find the Fourier series if

27 Write the definition of even function and odd function.

28 Expand in s cosine series over (0,1).
29 Find the Fourier series for

30 Solve

31 Solve the partial differential equation

32 Classify the partial differential equation

(i) 2
(ii) 2
33 Find the Fourier series of for , find the
Fourier expression of f(x). Deduce that
34 Expand the function as a Fourier series in the
interval . Hence deduce that

35 Find the Fourier series of the function defined as

36 3 z 3 z
Solve- x3 y 3
x 3 y 3
37 Classify the partial differential equation-

2u 2u 2u u
x2 3 x 17 100u
t 2
xt x 2

38 Solve [ D3 7 DD2 6D3 ]z sin( x 2 y) e 2 x y

39 3 z 2 z 2 z
Solve 3 2 e 2 x y e x y cos( x 2 y )
x 2 xy y 2
40 Find Fourier cosine series of the periodic function of period is
1 1
2 x, 2 x 0
f ( x)
1 1
x,0 x
2 2

Unit Q. Question
4 No.
1 2 y 2 y
The general solution of wave equation c is
t 2 x 2
a) y (c5 cos c k t c6 sin c k t )(c7 cos k x c8 sin k x)

b) y (c5 cos c k t c6 sin c k t )(c7 cos k x c8 sin k x)

c) y (c5 cos c k t c6 sin c k t )(c7 cos k x c8 sin k x)

d) y (c5 cos c k t c6 sin c k t )(c7 cos k x c8 sin k x)

2 In one dimensional heat flow, the condition on temperature is

(a) Increase (b) decrease as time increase (c) decrease

(d) none of them

3 2z 2 z
The P.D.E c is known as-
t 2 x 2
(a) Wave equation (b) heat equation (c) Laplace equation
(d) none of them

4 The general solution of two dimensional heat flow is-

a) u (c1 cos px c2 sin px)(e py e py )
b) u (c1 cos px c2 sin px)(e py e py )
c) u (c1 cos px c2 sin px)
d) u (c1 cos px c2 sin px)(c3e c4 e )

5 2u 2u
If u x t is a solution of c 2
2 2
,then c=
x 2 t 2

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) -1 (d) -
6 u 2u
The general solution of P.D.E a 2 2 is
x x

a) u b (c cos pt c
2 2

n 1 2 sin pt )e p c x

b) u b (c cos pt c
2 2

n 1 2 sin pt )e p c x

c) u b (c cos pt c sin pt )e p c x
2 2

n 1 2

d) u b (c cos pt c sin pt )e p c x
2 2

n 1 2

The formula for bn in,4 b
n sin

l 0
u0 sin

l 0
u0 sin

l0 u0 sin

l 0
u0 sin

8 If the end x=0 and x=L are insulated in one dimensional heat flow
problems, then the boundary conditions are-
u (0, t ) u ( L, t )
a) 0, 1at , t 0
x x
u (0, t ) u ( L, t )
b) 0, 1at , t 1
x x
u (0, t ) u ( L, t )
c) 0, 1, for all t
x x
d) None of them

9 Laplace equation in polar condition is

2u u 2u 2u 1 u 2u
a) 0 b) 0
r 2 r 2 r 2 r r 2

2u 1 u
c) 0 d) none of them
r 2 r r

10 The Radio equations are-

a) Vxy LCVn & I xx LCI u (b) Vxy LCVn
(c) I xx LCI u (d) none of them

11 Laplace equation in polar form is

12 Transverse variable in one dimensional wave equation, the motion in

horizontal direction is

13 2z
The general solution of 0 is
14 z z
The solution of z(x,y) if the equation y 0 is.
x y

15 z z
The solution of z(x,y) if the equation y 0 is.
x y

16 2 z
The solution of sin( xy ) is
x 2

17 In the separating of variable, we assume u=XY, then X is a function

of .. and Y is function of ..

18 2u 2u
0 is called
x 2 y 2

19 u u
On solving 2 0 by method of separating of variables we
x y
suppose u=.
20 DAlemberts solution of the wave equation is ..

21 Applying method of separation of variables find the solution of PDE

u u
3u x 2u y 0, u x , uy
x y
22 2z z z
Solve 2 0 ,by the method of separation of variables
x 2
x y
23 2 v v
x 2 t
Solve v 0ast
v 0asx 0 & x 1
24 z z
Solve 2 x 3y 0
x y
25 Prove Laplace equation in Cartesian form.
26 Prove the Laplace equation in polar form.

27 u 2u
Solve , u ( x,0) sin x .
t x 2
28 u u
Solve 2 u, u ( x,0) 3e 5 x 2e 3 x .
x y
29 Solve the wave equation ender the condition u=0, when x=0 and x=
, 0, when, t 0, and , u ( x,0) x,0 x
30 u 2u
Solve the equation ,with boundary conditions
t x 2
u( x,0) 3 sin nx, u(0, t ) 0, u(l , t ) 0,0 x l .
31 Solve the non-homogeneous heat conduction equation
u a 2u xx sin 3x subject to the following conditions-
u( x,0) sin 2x,&u(0, t ) u(l , t ) 0 .
32 Obtain the solution of the wave equation using the
method of sepration variables.
33 A tightly stretched string with fixed end points x=0 and x=l is initially
in a position given by y y0 sin
,if it released from rest from
this position, find the displacement y(x,t).

34 Solve P.D.E. by separation of variables method

u xx u y 2u, u (0, y ) 0

u (0, y ) 1 e 3 y

35 Solve u 0 ,which satisfy the condition,


u (0, y ) u (l , y ) u ( x,0) 0
u ( x, a) sin
36 A uniform rod of length a, whose surface is thermally insulated is
initially at temperature 0 , at time t=0, one end is suddenly
cooled to 0,and subsequently maintained at this temperature, the other
end remains thermally insulated, find the temperature.
37 A thin rectangle plate whose surface is impervious to heat flow has
t=0,an arbitrary distribution of temperature f(x,y), its four edges
x=0.x=a,y=0,y=b. are kept at 0 temperature. determine the
temperature at a point of the plate as t increases.
38 A thin rectangle plate with insulated surface is 8cm wide and so long
compared to its width that it may be considered infinite in length
without introducing an appreciable, if the temperature along one short
edge y=0 is given by u( x,0) 100 sin x / 8,0 x 8 ,
While the two long edge x=0 and x=8, as well as the other short edge
are kept at 0 C , show that the steady state temperature at any plate is
given by u ( x,0) 100e 8
sin x / 8, .

39 Solve the Laplace equation in the rectangle in xy-plane with
u(x,o)=0,U(x,b)=0,u(0,y)&u(a,y)=f(y) parallel to y-axis.
40 Find the deflection u(x,y,t,) of the square membrane with a=b=c=1,
,if the initial velocity is zero and the initial deflection
f ( x, y) A sin x.2y.

Unit Q. Question
5 No.
1 Least square methods are used to fit-
(a) Straight line (b) parabola (c) a, and b
(d) none

2 Equations by solving least square methods are known as-

a) Normal equations (b) auxiliary equation (c) both (d)

3 Number of normal equations in fitting of straight lines-

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

4 Number of normal equations in fitting of parabola-

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

5 Total number of solution for x 0 is


(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4


6 Total number of solutions for quadratic equations-

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

7 Quadratic equations always fit a-

(a) Straight line (b) parabola (c) hyperbola (d)

8 What are cube root of unity-

a) 1, , 2 (b) 1,-1,0 (c) , 2
(d) none

9 Every equation of n degree has solutions

a) n b) less than n c) 0 d)

10 Imaginary roots of an equation with real coefficient occurs in

a) Pair (b) non pair (c) single root,0 (d)

11 Normal equations for straight line are

12 Normal equations for parabola fitting are

13 Line for y on x is given by ..

14 Line for x on y is given by ..

15 If f(a) , f(b) have different signs, then the equation f(x)=0 has at least
one root between
16 If a, b are roots of the quadratic equations, then sum of the roots
And product of roots

17 The highest power of x occurring in the given equation is called .

of the equation.
18 The determination of all the roots of a given equation is
calledof given equation.
19 A value x which substituted in the equation reduces it to an identity is
called.. of equation.
20 The equation f(x)=0 cannot have more positive roots than the change
of sign in f(x), and more negative roots than the change of signs in..
21 Write a short note on least square methods.
22 Write the normal equations for straight line fitting.
23 Write the normal equations for parabola fitting.
24 Solve cube roots of unity.
25 What is factor theorem?
26 What quotient theorem?
27 Fit the straight line for the following data
x= 3, 2, 7,4, 8
y= 6, 1, 8, 5, 9
28 Fit the parabola for the following data
x= 13, 20, 17, 24, 18
y= 16, 15, 28, 15, 19
29 Use least squares method to fit a curve of the form to the
x: 1 2 3 4 5 6
y: 7.209 5.265 3.846 2.809 2.052 1.499
30 Fit the second degree curve for the following data
x- 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
y- 6.0 11.0 18.0 27
31 Fit a second degree parabola for he following data
x- 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
y- 1.0 4.0 10.0 17.0 30.0
32 Find the least squares fit of the form to the
following data
x: -1 0 1 2
y: 2 5 3 0
33 Fit a curve to the following data-
x- 2 3 4 5 36
y- 8.3 15.4 33.1 65.2 126.4
34 Solve the equation
x 6 2 x5 10 x 4 12 x3 59 x 2 10 x 50 0 by Ferrari

35 Find the quotient and remainder when

3x 4 4 x 2 8x 1 is divided by x-2

36 Find the equal roots of- by Descarte


37 Solve the cubic x 27 x 54 0. by Cardons Method.


38 Solve the cubic equation- by Cardon


39 Solve by Descartes Method

40 Solve the equation
by Ferrari method


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