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boolProp testingCheatsEnabled

boolProp testingCheatsEnabled
By Calidan

This document will attempt to explain the many features and commands associated with
using this boolProp cheat that I have used and experimented with. While I make no claim at
being overly knowledgeable about this command, through reading many incorrect
explanations about its use, I felt that others may benefit from what little knowledge I do have
about it. So on with the show

Before I begin however, I would like to

introduce you to your documentation hostess
Heidi. Heidi is a 3rd generation sim who,
along with her sister, moved out of the
neighbourhood she was born in and has
kindly volunteered to help me in explaining
these cheat features.


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boolProp testingCheatsEnabled

Table of Contents

1. How to activate the cheat.

2. Why wont it work for me?
3. CAS usage
4. Using it on a lot.
5. What are the features of this cheat.
5.1 Change Fit
5.1.1 Get Thin
5.1.2 Get Fat
5.2 Change Suit
5.2.1 Maternity or Pajamas
5.2.2 Swimsuit or Workout
5.2.3 Underwear or Naked
5.2.4 Formal
5.2.5 Casual 1
5.3 Set Age
5.3.1 Set to Birthday
5.4 Social Debug
5.5 DEBUG interaction
5.5.1 Cheer Up
5.6 Display
5.6.1 Debug Calculate Attraction
5.6.2 Debug Show Sims Gender Pref
5.7 Kill
5.7.1 Give Dead Token
5.7.2 Die By Flies
5.8 MAKE SELECTABLE/Make Unselectable
5.9 Set Aspiration
5.9.1 Min
5.9.2 Immaturity 1
5.9.3 Immaturity 2
5.9.4 Immaturity 3
5.9.5 Desperation 1
5.9.6 Desperation 2
5.9.7 Desperation 3
5.9.8 Neutral
5.9.9 Bronze
5.9.10 Silver
5.9.11 Gold
5.9.12 Max
5.9.13 Family
5.9.14 Grow Up
5.9.15 Knowledge
5.9.16 Reputation
5.9.17 Wealth
5.10Debug Toggle FBA On/Off
5.11.1 Drop Wants Test Object
5.11.2 Chance Card Tester
5.11.3 Pauls Reaction Tester
5.11.4 Scenario Tester
5.11.5 MakeMeSick Tester
5.11.6 Toms Clothing Tester
5.11.7 Tombstone of L and D
5.11.8 Rodneys Death Creator
5.11.9 NPC Killer
5.11.10 CAS Reset Household
5.11.11 Break Inducer
5.11.12 Break Suppressor
5.11.13 Memory Manager
5.12Dump Happy Log
5.13Force Error
6. Other features of this cheat.
7. Using the cheat on objects.
8. Conclusion.

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boolProp testingCheatsEnabled

1. How to activate the cheat.

As with all Sims 2 cheats, this one is activated through the cheat window. Press
CTRL+SHIFT+c to open the cheat window, and then type in

boolprop testingcheatsenabled true

As with most cheats, this can also be disabled by typing in the boolProp command followed
by false (as opposed to true to activate).

This is best done while in neighborhood view, as the full features of this command are only
activated once you enter a lot. You can turn it on while on a lot, however to fully enable it you
must then return to neighborhood before re-entering a lot.

You can see if this cheat is active by looking at the top right corner of the screen once you
have entered a lot. If it has be successfully activated you will see something similar to that
shown below.

Active Cheat

2. Why wont it work for me?

There are times when activating this cheat will not actually turn it on. This I found out the
hard way (took me several hours before I found the problem). If (for some unknown reason)
this boolProp has been added to the userStartup.cheat file found in the X:\Documents and
Settings\username\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Config directory and is set to
false in this file, you will find that no matter how many times you type it into the game it will
simply not activate. The reverse however doesnt hold true. Having this boolProp set to true,
while making the cheat active from game start, can be turned off through the cheat window
from within the game.

Also note: I have no idea if this cheat will continue to function once any EP is installed. I
know several of the old cheats were either disabled or changed once the patch for University
was released.

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3. CAS Usage.

Once this boolProp has been turned on in the neighborhood, when you enter CAS, pressing
SHIFT+n will activate several new features/items that you can access when creating a new
sim. Things like giving access to alien and mannequin skin tones, NPC and other hidden
outfits, and for the modders out there also display filename and other related information to
help in identifying which package that item belongs to.

Contrary to many cheat helps Ive read, the ONLY way to activate this within CAS is by
pressing SHIFT+n. You can however turn this feature off from within CAS also. This is
achieved by pressing SHIFT+m, and both the activation and deactivation key combination
can be typed at anytime from within CAS (be it in the family name OR in the sim name).

Example CAS activation/deactivation

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4. Using it on a lot.

This is where the main strength of this feature comes into its own. Id like to clarify a few
things firstly. This is NOT a patch, mod, or other external addition to the game, but an inbuilt
setting which was obviously left behind by Maxis. Also, the argument over whether this was
by design or accident is mute, since that is how the game was released.

Ok, to use this cheat from within the game, you simply press (and hold) SHIFT while left
clicking on an item, object or sim. This will bring up a new pie menu featuring many cool and
useful tools along with some VERY dangerous items which should not be used at any time
unless you plan to wipe that entire neighborhood and start over. Now while you can do this to
any sim, regardless of which sim is the currently selected one, for the best results it is
recommended that you have the sim in question selected and then use this cheat on that sim.

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5. What are the features of this cheat.

I shall apologies in advance simply because I am not sure of how accurate this information
is, only that it is what I have found through use and experimentation. If anyone out there who
reads this document has any more technical details, or more accurate information please feel
free to put any such information on MTS2 and I shall attempt to update this document as time

Figs 1(a/b) below show the main Pie menu you are presented with when you SHIFT+LClick
on the selected sim. If you have tried to SHIFT+LClick a sim and nothing happens, you
should look at sections 1 and 2 above before crying foul.

Fig 1a. Main Pie Menu

Fig 1b. Main Pie Menu More

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I shall cover most of the items displayed on these menus later in this section, however to give
you an idea of the importance of selecting the right sim when using this cheat, Figs 2(a/b)
below show the Pie Menu for when you use it on any other (in this case Adult) sim.

Fig 2a. Main Pie Menu (for another sim)

Fig 2b. Main Pie Menu More (for another sim)

You will notice that the majority of the menu items are the same however this is not always
the case depending on the age of the sim you are using it on.

*FINAL WARNING* Use of ANY of these features is AT YOUR OWN RISK. Make LOTS
of backups if you fear damage to your neighborhood.

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5.1 Change Fit

As the name implies, this let you change the

fitness level of your sim. While I havent
used this feature myself (since I prefer
default fitness level, and rarely have a sim
that changes from this) for those who like
variety in their sim types, this could be nice.

5.2 Change Suit

Again I dont make use of this feature, since I prefer to just go out and buy clothing or use the
Clothing Tester (featured under Spawn below). From the few times I did use it to test what it
did, it seems to be nothing more than to allow a shortcut to changing what a sim is wearing.

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5.3 Set Age

This simply advances the sim to the next

birthday. Note: it takes a couple of seconds
for the UI display to show the change in age,
however the setting itself is immediate. Once
you have used this on a sim, simply click the
sim like normal (no SHIFT) and select Grow
Up for your sim to become the next age. To
select the Grow Up item however, the sim
must be the currently selected sim. You can
use it to make babies grow into toddlers but
first you must MAKE SELECTABLE as
described below.

5.4 Social Debug

Although I have tested this, I still have no idea what if anything it does.

5.5 DEBUG Interaction

If used on the selected sim, they tend to

stand there with two actions, cheer up and be
cheered up. When used on another sim it
does however seem to make the selected
sim start to cheer up the other. As to what
overall effect this has is undetermined, as
every time Ive used it the sim has not
displayed any change in mood.

5.6 Display

Of the three items under this menu, the only one I have found that displays any information is
the Debug Show Sims Gender Pref. This will popup an information panel showing the sims
preference. Which sim is selected is irrelevant in this case as the one you SHIFT+LClick on
is the one that will display.

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5.7 Kill

I would highly recommend NOT using this

method of killing your sims. If you must kill
them off try making use of Rodneys Death
Creator accessible through the Spawn menu.

If you must use this please note, the Give

Dead Token appears to turn your sims into a
ghost. When I did use this it was only once I
killed the sim in question that the token came
into play and believe me I had no end of
problems trying to undo the damage. The
ghost in question would still show in the lot
information, in relationships and family tree
as a live sim however the sim was no longer
part of the household in question.

(Yes back to a backup neighborhood, which destroyed

days of play)

5.8 MAKE SELECTABLE/Make Unselectable

Contrary to what many have said and what others may think, this item only works on
Unselectable sims in the household. For those that are not sure what I mean, babies are
the best example. They exist as part of the household however you can not select them. You
will however have to use this item twice to gain selection access to that sim. The first time
you use MAKE SELECTABLE you will find that the family member in question will be
removed from the sim list on the left of the UI. You must then use it on that sim a second time
for them to once more appear in the sim list and then you will be able to select that sim.

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5.9 Set Aspiration

Im not going to explain what this does, simply because the names themselves are quite clear
as to the result it will produce. The aspiration types shown under more however are only
those that your sim is not. Heidi for example has the aspiration of romance, and as such that
does not show in this menu.

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5.10 Debug Toggle FBA On/Off

Once again I have no idea about this feature. From the times I have toggled it however it
appeared to do nothing. I can only guess that it has something to Forced Breaks but that is
only an off-the-wall guess.

5.11 Spawn

I will only cover the three items I make regular (if I can admit that) use of. Those being
Rodneys Death Creator, Tombstone of L and D and Toms Clothing Tester. Of the
others, I have played with them briefly however they are no real advantage to my game play
and as such I find them basically useless. When you select one of these menus, a new item
will be spawned. The first two are tombstones and the third a clothing rack.

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5.11 Spawn Rodneys Death Creator

As the name implies, this lets you kill your sims in several strange ways. To use these items,
the sim you wish to affect must be selected and then you just click the tombstone like you
would any other item within a lot. Please be VERY sure you want to kill your sim before using
this item as they will die (as Im sure you have guessed)

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5.11 Spawn Tombstone of (L)ife and (D)eath

The New * items here will spawn a new sim of the requested age and gender. These
spawned sims seem to be simple random generations.

The Age Transition * items are nice for those who like to watch the cinematic and to force
your sim to age, however I find that just setting a sim to their next birthday and then getting
them to grow up is a more natural or normal way to age my sims.

Add Neighbor To Family lets you add basically anyone from the entire sim bin as a family
member, and yes that includes the Grim Reaper.

Get Family Member is a strange item. From my testing and experimentation, for those sims
that this item does appear for it brings up one family group only. In the several
neighborhoods I tested in, I still have not been able to determine what the game criteria is for
this, but it is the same for all the sims in the hood except those listed. For those sims there is
no Get Family Member item.

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As mentioned previously, the New * generates a random sim of the chosen age and gender.

CINECAM BABY triggers the having a baby cinematic and yes a baby is the outcome,
however you would have to use another of these menus to actually give that baby a name,
and I am unsure of what DNA is used to produce this offspring. Without actually letting this
baby grow up to test the results, it is probably either a random generation or the sim in
question is cloned (if someone could clarify this please).

Make me Family Child seems to break current family relationships from my observations and
as I dont use it anyway I have not checked this further to see how those family relationships
are affected in the long term.

Make me Alien Pregnant does as the name suggests, nothing more I can add to that.

Show Parent and Sibling Relationships is a very useful tool for modders and persons like
myself who enjoy the DNA/genetics system included within the game. When you select this
menu the parent information and NID numbers will appear in information popups for the
selected sim.

Make Me Friendly to Everyone Here will do just that. This item will set the daily and long
term relationship for the selected sim to 90 for all sims currently on the lot, and those sims to
90 for the selected sim. Then all that is required is one successful interaction and you have
instant friends.

Get Pregnant with is one of the most useful items available through the Tombstone of L
and D. Selecting this item will then let you chose ANY sim currently on the lot to be the
parent of a pregnancy, including the selected sim themselves.

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Once again Im not going to go into too much detail about the items listed here as they are
fairly clear from their names.

Setup Lot Export however appears to do nothing from my observations although I have not
explored it fully.

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5.11 Spawn Toms Clothing Tester

Most of these are pretty easy to understand. I have used this spawn on occasion simply to
see What Clothes Do I Have? in households that are too poor to have a wardrobe. Yes I
said too poor as the use of the simoleon cheats is outside the scope of this document.

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6. Other features of this cheat.

With this cheat active, you can also modify many other aspects of your sim. Now contrary to
much Ive read and to what many think, I have found no need to use the SHIFT key for any of
the methods listed below. All you need to do is click and drag.




As you can see, even the sims star sign changes when you modify their personality.


I find using this method to change skill levels to be better than using some external program
like SimPE. Dont get me wrong, I am not saying SimPE is no good (in fact I make regular
use of it) but changing skill levels with it only seems to modify the look of the skill and does
not trigger all the other features associated with that skill in the game. Cooking for example
has many new meals tied to it and these are not triggered when this skill is modified using
SimPE. Using this boolProp however to change these values does trigger any and all
associated bonuses that come with that skill.

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Wants and Fear

This is a little different and is something I have only just discovered myself. I take no credit
for this find however as I read a vague reference to it on some site while browsing the

You can CTRL+LClick on any of the Wants and Fears to collect/deduct those aspiration
points. This has the same effect as actually fulfilling those Wants and Fears, and they will
then re roll to give new Wants and Fears.

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7. Using the cheat on objects.

With this cheat activated you can SHIFT+LClick on most if not all objects in the game and
some type of pie menu will be presented. For most this will contain a single Force Error
item, and I would strongly suggest NOT clicking on this. From the few times I have in order to
test this I was presented with an object error within the game. In ANY case that one of these
types of errors occur while the cheat is active I would recommend you ALWAYS click on
reset as opposed to any other possible choice. Any and all errors (be them Sims2Exception
or ObjectError) are written to X:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\EA
Games\The Sims 2\Logs directory.

A couple of Objects you may find useful.

I wont go into any of these settings simply because I rarely make use of them, however I
have decided to included them for your enjoyment and information.

Trash Can

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Mail Box

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8. Conclusion

Well thats about it for the moment. I would like to send apologies to all who lasted this long.
When I started this document I had no idea it would grow to be over 20 pages in length and
no doubt without all the pictures it most likely would have been only half the size. With that
said I felt that the pictures would make it a lot easier to explain some things and to show what
I was referring to.

Shouts to everyone at MTS2 Wonderful site and I hope that my little contribution to the
community finds a nice home and outlet there.

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