Day and Night / Earth Rotation: Globe and Lamp Lab Reflections

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Day and Night / Earth Rotation

Globe and Lamp Lab reflections:

1.) After doing the Globe and Lamp lab, what can you say about your
understanding of time, and why its not the same time everywhere?

Well because there is only one sun in the world to go around a whole year and it is
on one half of the world and so when we have are sun up the other half of the world
doesnt have the sun rising up so it is night. Also we are going around the sun, but it
covers a certain part.

2.) What were the three locations that were night when it was day in Hawaii?

3.) Does the east coast, west coast, or middle of America get sunrises first?

East coast gets the sun rising first ,cause the sun's light can hit one side of the
earth while the other side is dark.

4.) Does the earth orbit the sun? Or does the sun orbit the earth?

The earth orbits the sun

5.) What would you identify as the variables in this experiment?

Independent: the location of the sun
Dependent: the timing of the sun and specific locations.
Other control factors:

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