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Challenges of Large Heap Leach

Pad Design and Construction in

Northern China

Alan Lu, Knight Pisold Ltd., Canada

Bruno Borntraeger, Knight Pisold Ltd., Canada
Daniel Yang, Knight Pisold Ltd., Canada
XD Jiang, China Gold International Resources Corp. Ltd., Canada
Table of Contents
Project Location
Pad Layout Optimization
General Area / Section
Design Challenges
Construction Challenges
Project: CSH Gold Mine
Located in Inner Mongolia, China
(650 km northwest of Beijing)

Commenced production in 2007

Currently processing 30,000 tonnes of CSH Gold Mine

ore per day

Producing 133,000 ounces of gold per


Expansion underway to double annual

production of gold

Involves construction of new heap

leach facility with capacity of 100
million tonnes of ore
General Site Conditions
Inner Mongolia Plateau
(1,550 to 1,750 MASL)

Gentle Sloping Rolling Hills and

Undulating Topography

Thin Fine Grained Overburden

(0 to 2.8 m)

Clastic Sedimentary Formation

Bedrock Intercalated with Carbonate
Rich Rocks
(Quartz Sandstone, Greywacke, Siltstone
and Shale with Dolomite and Limestone)

Earthquake Magnitude : 7
(Peak Ground Acceleration : 0.1g)
Weather Conditions
Extreme Temperatures
(-38 C to 37 C)

High Ambient UV Radiation

Strong and Persistent Winds

Long Dry Periods and Extreme

Evaporation Rates

Severe Summer Rain Storms

Sand storm on site

Layout Optimization
Phase 1 Pad
Existing Heap Leach Pad
Phase 2 Pad (Original Proposal)
Covers Flat Area of 133 ha
Pile Capacity of 75 million m 3
Utilized the Best (Gentlest) Topography
Phase 2 Pad (Optimized Layout)
Phase 2
Maximizes Land Use and Minimizes Heap Slope (original)
Area Phase 1
Reduces Footprint Area of Original Phase 2
Design By 20%
Requires Construction of Only One Pregnant
Phase 2
Preserves Land for Future Heap Leach Pad (revised)
(Phase 3)
General Layout
Revised Phase 2 leach pad:
Surface Area 120 ha
Ultimate Heap 90 m Phase 1 Heap
Leach Pad
Storage Capacity 105 million tonnes El. 1695 Phase 2 Heap
(65.2 million m 3 ) Leach Pad
El. 1700
Typical Cross Section
Design Challenges: Liner bedding
Site Is In Semi-desert Region with Very
Thin Overburden Cover
(3 m)

Challenge: Find Suitable Low

Permeable Material (Clayey Silts) and
Sufficient Water Resources for Moisture
Conditioning of Liner Bedding Layer

Suitable Bedding Material Was Found

Along Ancient River Beds 5 km East of
The Mine

Identify Suitable Water Source

Shape Sharp Bedrock Outcrops to

Minimize Consumption of Liner Bedding
Design Challenges: Geomembrane
Challenge: Freezing Temperatures
and High Winds Required Special
Consideration of Geomembrane
Type and Thickness
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
Was Selected
80 mil (2 mm thick) HDPE
Geomembrane, Smooth and
Textured Were Selected
Manufacture and Quality of
Product Was a Concern
Design Challenges: Liner Manufacture
Challenge: In-plant Quality
Control Is Limited Amongst
Chinese Manufactures Despite
Significant Cost Advantages
Foreign, ISO 9000 Certified
Manufacturer Was Chosen
Laboratory Certified By
Provides Third-party, In-plant
Quality Assurance Program
Owner and Engineer Visited
Sites to Review Plant Set Up
and Quality of Manufacturing
Design Challenges: Solution Collection Piping
Challenge: 610 mm HDPE Pipes, Whilst
Reliable, Were Found To Be Heavy,
Less Flexible, Expensive, and Difficult
To Install In Phase 1
North America and South America
Leach Pad Designers Commonly Use
Smooth Wall CPT
Chinese Manufacturers Very Innovative
And Entrepreneurial With Respect To
Fitting Options Proposed
Design Challenges: Solution Collection Piping
The Flexibility Of CPT Pipes Make
Them Easier To Install Within The
Topography Of The Pad
600 mm Smooth Interior Corrugated
Polyethylene Tubing (CPT) Was
Selected For The Main Solution Header
300 mm and 100 mm Pipe Diameters
Were Selected For Collection Piping
Construction Challenges: Weather
Challenge: Weather Incurred
Damage To Subgrade And Liner
Installation Causes Delays To
Schedule And Costs
Liner Installation Crew Deploys Liner
In The Early Morning and Ballasts
Edges Before Winds Pick Up
Careful Planning For Surface Water
Control Off Geomembrane and
Subgrade to Minimize Erosion and
Construction Challenges: Site Materials
Challenge: Confirm That Specified
Earthworks Materials Meet
Technical Requirements
Soil Laboratory Established On
Site To Rapidly Evaluate Material
Earthworks Contractors In China
Had To Be Convinced That QA/QC
Added Value To the Construction
Construction Challenges: Earthworks QA/QC
Challenge: Contractors Had to Be
Encouraged to Conduct Quality Control
Testing On Overliner Manufacture to
Ensure Compliance Material
Local Earthworks Contractor Had Limited
Experience In Quality Control and
Construction Management
Field Soil Laboratory Was Established
Water Was In Short Supply During
Moisture Conditioning Process (Dry
Eroded liner bedding due to heavy rainfall and
poor surface water runoff planning
Construction Challenges: Earthworks QA/QC
Compaction Had to Be
Performed Quickly
Strong Winds and Sand Storms
Often Blew Away Fine Grain
Material, Requiring Re-work
Sudden, Intense Rainfall
Removed Fines And Caused
Excessive Erosion.

Destroyed liner bedding due to heavy rainfall

Construction Challenges: Geomembrane QA/QC
Local Installer Had Limited
Experience With Heap Leach Projects
But Was Skilled and Reputable in
Liner Installations
The QA/QC Field Program Focused
On Industry Standard Visual
Inspection and Field Installation
Testing Program
Strong Winds Were Main Challenges
to Installation
Numerous Sandbags and Temporary
Ballasting Were Required Throughout
Installation Process
Construction Challenges: Pipeworks QA/QC
Likely The First Time CPT Used as
Solution Collection System For a
Heap Leach Operation In China
Maintaining Good Quality Pipework
and Fittings Was a Big Challenge
Chinese Testing Standards (and
Product Quality) Do Not Yet Meet
International Standards
Suppliers Were Forced to Modify
Manufacturing Processes and Re-
manufacture Returned Products
Weather, Design And Construction Challenges Were
Overcome By Experienced Engineers
KP Was Very Fortunate To Have Chinese Speaking
Engineers In-House To Complete Design and Field
Work Activities.
Drawings and Engineering Documentation was
prepared in English and Chinese Languages.

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