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A Poem on Elvis Presley

Slicked back black hair

Shiny, obnoxious outfit perfectly fitting
Voice as booming as a speaker
Elvis owns the stage
He isnt in a cage
Music is his life
His heart beats to the beat of his music
Playing his Guitar brings him to his happy place
His guitar sings with rhythm
Elvis sings with it
Together they are the perfect duo
Loved from around the world
They travel and bring joy to people
But all good things come to an end
When drugs take over Presleys life,
He drags down and leaves his fans behind
Remembered in Rock n Roll
Forever The King

by:Courtney Banaszak

In lines 1 and 2, I used imagery to explain in detail what Elviss most known look is.
People can imagine what he looks like when they read those lines. In line 3, I used a
simile to compare Elviss voice to a speaker. This explains how loud he was. Lines 4
and 5 rhyme. Those lines explain how free Elvis felt while he was on stage. Line 6 is a
metaphor, because music isnt actually his whole life, so that would be an exaggeration.
Line 9 is an example of personification because his guitar cant actually sing, singing is
a human ability.

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