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A project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree of Master of Science in mathematics

Zelalem Teshome (Dr)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

In this paper we establish several equivalent conditions for an algebraic lattice to be finite
Boolean algebra


In this paper, we would like to find natural lattice-theoretical condition conditions that
ensure an algebraic lattice with compact element 1 is a finite Boolean algebra. Mainly
this paper contains three chapters. First chapter contain an algebraic lattice which is
complete and compactly generated, and it also contain distributive lattice and modular
lattice. Second chapter contain a complemented lattice, if every element of L has a
unique complement, a Boolean lattice which is complemented distributive lattice and
finally in this chapter we prove Boolean algebra if and only if it is 0-distriributive, 1-
modular and semi-complemented. The last chapter of this paper contains several
theorem of finite Boolean algebra to establish several equivalent conditions for
algebraic lattice with compact element 1 is a finite Boolean algebra.
I would like to express my gratitude to all
those who have contributed to my education
during this year.
I especially thank Dr. Zelalem Teshome
for his endless support and advice in my
work. Without his help my work may not be

Introduction ..II

CHAPTER ONE................................................................................................................... 1
Preliminaries..................................................................................................................... 1
1. Algebraic Lattice .......................................................................................................... 1
1.1Definitions of lattice ................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Complete lattice ...................................................................................................... 6
2. Distributive lattice ........................................................................................................ 8
3 Modular Lattice ........................................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER TWO................................................................................................................ 13
Boolean algebra .............................................................................................................. 13
1. Complemented lattice ............................................................................................. 13
3. Atom and Dual atom............................................................................................... 19
CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................................................ 22
3. Finite Boolean Algebra............................................................................................... 22
Reference ............................................................................................................................ 34

In this chapter we define and prove some theorem of lattice. Specifically we
define algebraic lattice; before we define algebraic lattice, first we define and
give some examples of lattice, complete lattice, compactly generated lattice,
then we define algebraic lattice. In addition we define sub-lattice, duality
principle of lattice, distributive lattice and finally we define modular lattice.

1. Algebraic Lattice
In the section we define lattice, complete lattice, compactly generated lattice
and algebraic lattice that is complete and compactly generated lattice.

1.1Definitions of lattice
In this subsection we define lattice in two standard ways of defining lattice,
one puts them on the same (algebraic) footing as group, or rings (that is, by
join () and meet ()) the other, based on the notion of order.

Definition1.1. A lattice is a nonempty set L with two binary operation,

(join) and (meet) satisfying the following identity.
L1. =
= (Idempotent law)
L2. =
= (Commutative Law)
L3.(x y) z = x (y z)
(x y) z = x (y z) (Associative law)
L4. ( ) =
( ) = (Absorption law)
1. Let L be the set of proposition, let denote the connective or and
denotes the connective and.
2. Let H and K be two arbitrary subgroups of a group G. Let HK denote
the set intersection of the subgroup H, K (which is itself a subgroup of
G), and HK the subgroup generated by H and K. With respect to
these two operations, the set of all subgroup of G is a lattice, the
subgroup lattice of G.
Before introducing the second definition of a lattice we need the notion of a
partial order of a set.
Definition1.2. A binary relation defined on a set P is a partial order on the
set P if the following conditions hold in identically in P
P1. , for all P (Reflexive)
P2. and implies = for all a, b P (antisymmetry)

P3. and implies for all a, b, c P (Transitivity)

If, in addition, for every ,
Then we say is a total order on P. A nonempty set with partial order on it
is called a partial ordered set ( poset ), and if the relation is a total ordered
then we speak of a totally ordered set, or linearly ordered, or simply a chain.
1. Let ( ) denote the power set of A. i.e. the set of subset of A. then
( ( ), ) is partially ordered set the relation set inclusion.
2. Let N be set of positive integer. Define x y x is a divisor of y. Then
(N, ) is a poset
Definition1.3. Let L be a poset with partial order . Let X be a subset of L.
i. Let UB{X} ={ : }; the set of upper bounds of X.
ii. The least upper bound of X, in symbol { }is the smallest element of
{ } ,if it exists it is unique element of { } such that for all
y in { }.
iii. Let { } = { : }; the set of lower bounds of X.
iv. The greatest lower bound of X in symbol { } is greatest element of
LB{X}, if it exist it is unique element b of LB{X} such y b for all y in
Definition1.4. A poset P is a lattice if and only if for every , P both
{ , } and { . } exists in P.

Example: let b = the greatest common divisor of and b and =
least common multiple of and b. then (N, { , b}, { , b}) is a
Definition 1.5. Let L be a lattice and S is a subset of L such that for
every pair of elements , in S both and are in S, where and
are the operations of L, then we say that S with the same operations
(restricted to S) is a sub-lattice of L.
1. L is a sub lattice of itself.
2. P = {a, c, d, e} as a poset it is a lattice but P is not a sub-lattice of a lattice
{a, b, c, d, e} as below the diagram show.

c d

Definition 1.6. Let (P, ) is a poset. The dual poset (pdu ,) is the poset with
the same underlying set but whose relation is the opposite of , that x y if
and only if y x. The consequence of duality principle for poset is if any
theorem is true for all posets then it also true for their duals.
Note that: the following theorem shows that the definition 1.1 and
definition 1.4 are equivalent i.e. if L is lattice by one of the two definitions
then we can construct in a simple and uniform fashion on the same set L a
lattice by the other definition.
Theorem1.7. The following two conditions are equivalent.
I. If L is a lattice by the first definition1.1 then define on L by if
and only if = (equivalently = )
II. If L is a lattice by definition1.4, then define the operation and by
= { , } and = { , }.
Suppose ( ,,) be a lattice.

We went to show that (L, ) be a poset and for every , in L both { , }
and { , } exists in L
Claim1. The property P1-P3 satisfied
Suppose , , L and define if and only if =
(equivalently = )
P1. Since L is lattice by L1 = . So that .
P2. Let = and = .Then and .Since L is a
lattice and by (L2) = it implies that = .
P3. Let = and = . Then and .
So = = ( )
= ( ) by L3
= .
Thus .
Consequently( , ) is partially ordered set.
Claim2: for every , L, both { , } and { , } exist in L.
Now from = ( ) and = ( ), we have ( )
and ( ), so is an upper bound of , .
Let u be another upper bound of , .
and , and = , = b, then = ( )
= by (L4) and likewise = , so ( ) ( )= = .
Hence ( ) = by (L3) and
( ) = ( ) [( ) ]
= (by L4)
Thus .
Therefore, = { , }
Now we went to show = { , }

By using (L4) (absorption law) we have = ( ), = ( ),
it follows and . So is lower bound of , .
Let u be another lower bound of , .
, and ,
= , and u =
= ( ) = , = ( ) = .
so ( ) ( ) = = , then by associative law we have
( ) = and ( ) = ( ) [( ) ] =
(by absorption law)
Thus { , } =
II I Suppose ( , )be a poset and { , }= and { , } =
for every , , in L
We went to show that property L1-L4 satisfied.
L1. Since { , } = = and { , } = =
Therefore = , =
L2. Since and is unique
{ , }= { , } This implies { , } = = and
{ , }= { , } This implies { , } = =
L3.we went to show , { , } = { { , }, }
i.e. ( ) = ( )
Let be an upper bound of , { , }
{ , { , }}
and LUB (b, c))
and ,
, and

{a, b} and d c
LUB { { , }, c}
Therefore , { , } = { { , }, }
L4.we wants to show that { , { , }} = ( )=
LUB {a, GLB {a, b}} = a (GLB {a, b}) by hypothesis
= a ( ab) by hypothesis
Therefore ( ) =
Again we want to show that { , { , }} = ( ) =
GLB {a, LUB {a, b}} =a (LUB {a, b})
= a ( ab)
Thus GLB { , { , }} = a ( ab) = a
Consequently (L, ,) is a lattice .
Definition1.8. In the poset (P, ), the element x is covered by the element y
if x< y but x< y<z for no z P. We use the notation x y. We also say that y
covers x, in notation y x.
Example. The following diagram shows that covering relation. That is
,b1 and 0c
1.2 Complete lattice
In this subsection we define complete lattice and compactly generated
lattice which is algebraic lattice.

Definition1.9. A poset P is complete if, for every subset X of P both { }
and { } exists (in P). The element { } and { } will be denoted
by respectively.
All complete poset are lattice and a lattice which is complete as a poset is a
complete lattice.

Theorem1.10. Let P be a poset.

I. If A exists for every subset A of P, then P is a complete lattice.
II.If exists for every subset A of P, then P is a complete lattice.
Proof (I) suppose exists for every subset A of P.
We want to that exists
Let { } = { / , }
LB {UB {A}} = {z P/r UB (A), z r}
Hence the greatest element of LB {UB {A}} is the smallest element of UB {A}
thus { { }} = UB{A}
Thus exist
Therefore P is complete lattice.
(ii) Suppose exists for every subset A of P
We want to show that exists
Let LB {A} = {y P/ , }
UB {LB {A}} = {z P/ ( ), }
Hence the smallest element of UB {LB {A}} is the greatest element of LB {A}.
Thus GLB {A} = LUB {LB {A}}
Thus exists
Therefore P is complete lattice

Lemma1.11. Every finite lattice is complete.

Proof .Suppose S = {a0, --- an} be a finite subset of a lattice.
We want to show that and are exists.

Now we use simple induction method
Let L be finite lattice and S a subset of L. Since L is finite S is also finite.
Thus a0a1---an =LUB{S} by definition 1.4, associative law and simple
Again a0a1 a2--- an = GLB{S} by definition 1.4, associative law and
simple induction.
Therefore L is complete lattice
1. The rational number are not complete lattice because let r be an irrational
number, then {qQ: q< } does not have least upper bound.
2. For any set A,( ( ), , ) is complete lattice and = and =
for every K ( ).

Definition1.12. Let L be a complete lattice

I) Let be an element of L. Then is called compact element if , for
every A L implies that for some finite B A.
II) L is compactly generated if and only if every element in L is a sup of
compact element i.e. for every b L
= { comp ( )}, (Where comp (L) is the set of all compact element of L.)
Definition1.13. A lattice L is called algebraic if it is complete and compactly
1. Every finite lattices are algebraic lattice
2. The subset [0,1] of the real line is a complete lattice, because by least
upper bound property of real number every nonempty subset of it has UB
then it also has LUB, but not algebraic lattice because 0 is the only compact
element and hence the only element that is the join of compact element.
2. Distributive lattice
Definition1.14. A distributive lattice is a lattice which satisfies either (and
hence, as we shall see, both) of the distributive laws.

D1. ( ) =( ) ( )
D2. ( ) =( )( )

Theorem1.15. A lattice L satisfies D1 if and only if it satisfies D2.

Proof: Suppose D1 holds

We want to show D2 hold.
( )= [ ( )] ( ) 4
= [ ( ) ( ) )] 3
= [ ( ) ( ) )] byL2
= [ ( )] 1
= [( ) ] 2
= [ ( )] [( ) ] 4
= [( ) ] [( ) ] 2
= ( )( ) 1

Therefore D2 hold.

Now D2 D1
( )= [ ( )] ( ) by L4
= [ ( ) ( )] by L3
= [ ( ) ( )] byL2
= [ ( ( )] by D2
= [( ) ] by L2
=[ ( ]) [( ) ]) by L4
= [( ) ] [( ) ] byL2
=( ) ( ) by D2

Therefore D1 holds.

Lemma1.16. If L is a lattice, then for all a, b, c L

A) a (bc) ( a b) ( a c)
B) a (bc) ( a b) ( a c)
Proof: A) Supposes and , thus is an upper bound
of and .
Implies that ( ) ( ) ---1
Again now

Together implies ( ) ( ) ------- 2
1 and 2 together implies
( ) ( ) ( )
We get (B) by duality of (A)
From this lemma to verify the distributive laws in a lattice it suffice to check
either of the above inequality.

Theorem1.17. In distributive lattice, if = and = ,

then = .

Proof: By using repeatedly the definition of lattice we have the following.

= ( )= ( ) =( )( )
=( )( )
= ( ) = ( ) =

1. Let A be any set then, ( ( ) ,) be a distributive lattice.
2. The two usual mentioned non distributive lattices are N5 and M3 as the
diagram shows.

1 1

0 0

3 Modular Lattice
Definition1.18. A modular lattice is any lattice which satisfies the modular
Implies ( ) = ( )
Example. N5is not modular and M3 is modular lattice

Theorem1.19. Every distributive lattice is a modular lattice.
Proof: Suppose L is distributive lattice and and =
We want to show that L is modular lattice.
Let , ,
Let ( ) = ( ) ( )since L is distributive lattice
= ( )
Therefore ( ) = ( )
Consequently every distributive lattice is modular but the converse of the
theorem is not true because M3 satisfies the modular law, but it is does not
satisfies distributive law.
Preposition1.20. Let N (G), the set of normal subgroup of group G form a
modular lattice.
Proof: N(G) = { N: NG}
For N1, N2 N (G), we show that N1 N2 = N1N2 = {n1n2 : n1N1, n2N2 }
N1N2 = N1N2
Since N1N1N2, N2N1N2 thus N1N2 is an upper bound of N1, N2.
Let T be another upper bound of N1, N2and TG.
That is, N1T , N2T,
Claim N1N2 T.
Let xN1N2, then x = n1n2where n1N1, n2N2
Thus n1, n2 T
Therefore, x T and N1N2 T.
Consequently N1 N2 = N1N2least upper bound of N1, N2.
Thus (N(G), ) is a lattice.
Now we went to show that N(G) is modular lattice.
Claim N1(N2N3) = (N1N2) N3
That is N1 N3 implies that N1(N2N3) = (N1N2) N3
Let x (N1N2) N3
xN1N2 and x N3
x = n1n2, where x N3, n1N1, n2N2
n2= xn1-1 where x, n1N3,n1-1N3
Thus n2N2N3, x = n1n2 N1(N2N3)
Therefore (N1N2) N3N1(N2N3)
Conversely, let N1(N2N3)
Let =
N1, bN2,bN3
Since N1 N3, N3 . N3
Thus (N1N2) N3
Therefore, N1(N2N3) = (N1N2) N3

Boolean algebra
In this chapter we define Boolean algebra. First we define a complemented
lattice, semi-complemented lattice, dually semi-complemented lattice, 1-
distributive lattice, 0-distributive lattice pseudo-complemented lattice and
Boolean lattice. Thus finally we prove Boolean algebra if and only if it is 0-
distributive, 1-modular and semi-complemented.
1. Complemented lattice
In this section we give definition and example of complemented lattice,
semi-complemented lattice, dually semi-complemented lattice.
Definition2.1. Let L is a lattice with least element 0 and greatest element 1.
For an element , we say that an element b L is a complement of if
= 0 and = 1
If the element has a unique complement we denote it by
Example. The following diagram shows complemented lattice.

Lemma2.2 In a bounded distributive lattice any element can have at most one
Proof; Suppose L be a bounded distributive lattice and L has a
complement and for some b1, b2 L. That is, ab2= 1 and ab1 =1 and a
b2 = 0and a b1 =0
We want to show that = .
b1 = b1 1 = b1 (ab2)
= (b1 a) (b1 b2) since L is distributive lattice
= 0 (b1 b2)
= b1 b2
Thus b1 b2
Again b2 = b2 1= b2 (ab1) = (b2 a) (b2 b1) since L is distributive
0 (b2 b1) = b2 b1
Implies that b2 b1
Thus by antisymmetric we have that = .

Definition2.3. If every element of L has a unique complement, then L is said

to be complemented lattice.
Example Let A be any set then, ( ( ),,) is complemented lattice.
Definition2.4. A lattice L with 0 and 1 is said to be
i. Semi-complemented if for every L, x1, then x = 0 for some
with y>0.
ii. dually semi-complemented if for each non zero element L, there is
some L such that b 1and = 1
Example. Suppose N4 be a lattice with 0 and 1, then the diagram of N4 is
both semi-complement and dually semi- complemented. For a, b N4


2. Boolean lattice
In this section we define 1-distributive lattice, 0-distributive lattice and
Boolean lattice. Finally we prove Boolean algebra which is semi-
complemented, 0-distributive and 1-modular.
Definition2.5. A lattice L is said to be Boolean lattice if it is a complemented
distributive lattice.
Example. 1. let B = {1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18} is positive factor of 18 (B, , ,)
is not Boolean lattice. Since the complement of 6 does not exist.
. For any set A,( ( ),, ) is Boolean lattice. is greatest element and
is the least element.
Theorem2.6. Let L be a Boolean lattice and , L, then
1. 0 = 1 and 1 = 0
2. =
3. ( ) = and ( ) =
4. = 0

1. 1 0 = 0 and 10 = 1 the by definition2.1 0 is a complement of 1 and
1 is a complement of 0,
2. Suppose is a complement of and is a complement of
= 0
= ( )
Again also
= 1
= ( )

Hence by antisymmetry we have = .
3. i) Suppose is a complement of let
( ) ( ) = [( ) ] [( ) ]
= [( ( )] [( ) ]
= [( ) ] [( ( )]
= (1 ) ( 1)
= 1 1 = 1
( ) ( ) = [( ) ] [( ) ]
= [( ( )] [ ( ) ]
= [( ) ( )] [( ) ( )]
= [(0 ( ) ] [( ) 0]
Therefore( ) = .

ii) Suppose be a complement of .

( ) ( ) = [( ) ] [( ) ]
= [( ( )] [ ( ) ]
= [( ) ] [( ) ) ]
= (0 ) (0 )

( ) ( ) = [( ) ] [( ) ]
= [( ( )] [ ( ) ]
= [( ) ( )] [( ) ( )]
= [1 ( ) ] [( ) 1]
Therefore( ) = .

4. () Let ab = 0 then
= ( )
= ( ) ( )
( ) Suppose
= 0
Thus a = 0
5. Suppose a b
We want to show that
If then = 0 by 4
= 0 by commutative
Therefore by 4

Definition2.7. Let L be a lattice with 0 and 1. Then the lattice L is said to be

i. 1-distributive if, for every , , L, = =1 implies ( b )
= 1.
ii. 0-distributive if, for every , , L, a = a = 0 implies a ( c) =
Example. The following diagram shows both 1-distributive and 0-
distributive lattice.

Definition2.8. A 0-distributive algebraic lattice is pseudo-complemented, if

for each L there exists L such that x = 0 if and only if y x*.
Moreover L* = {x*: x L} is Boolean algebra under inherited order. In order
to prove that 0-distributive lattice L is a Boolean algebra, we will want to
show that L* = L or equivalently x** = x, for all x L
Remark1. Let L be a pseudo-complemented. Then L* = { *: L}is
Boolean lattice under inherited order.
Suppose L is a pseudo-complemented lattice.
We want to show that L* is Boolean lattice.
Claim L* is a lattice.
1. Let L be a poset,
=0 if and only if
= 0 by L2
Thus = 0 if and only if
2. Let
= 0 if and only if and =0 if and only if .
Then by antisymmetric =
3. Let by (2) and by (2). Since L is a
poset by (2).
Thus (L*, ) is a poset.
4. By (2) and (1) we have and by (1) we have = 0 if
and only if . Thus =
5. if and only if =
() if a L*, then a= b*.thus by (4) = = = .
() if = , then = with b=a*. Thus
6. Let, , . Then by (2) and (5) we have ( )
Hence ( )
Let x be lower bound of a and b , , then by (2) and (5) we
have . Thus = { , }
7. For , , then = ( )
Let and .
Thus by (2) and (5) we have ( ) and b( )
Let and .By (2) and (5) ( )
Hence = ( )
Therefore L* is bounded lattice.
Now we want to show that L* is complemented and distributive.
8. Let
= ( ) = 0 = 1
= 0
Thus L* is complemented because a pseudo-complement exist it is
9. For x, y, z L*
( )
( )
Hence ( ) [ ( )] =0
( ) [ ( )] ]* =0
Thus z [ ( )] ]* , and so z [ ( )] ]*
Consequently [z [ ( )] ]*] [ ]* =0
[ ] [ ( )]
Thus we get ( ) ( ) .
Therefore by lemma1.16 L* is distributive.
Hence L* is Boolean Lattice.
Definition2.9: A lattice L with 1 is said to be 1-modular if for any a, b, c L,
a c and = 1implies ( ) = . This is equivalent to the
condition that L contains no pentagon sub-lattice with greatest element 1.
New we characterize a semi- complemented algebraic lattice is Boolean
Theorem2.10: An algebraic lattice is a Boolean algebra if and only if it
satisfies the following.
1. L is semi-complemented
2. L is 0-distributive
3. L is 1-modular
Proof ()
Suppose an algebraic lattice L is Boolean algebra
We want to show that L satisfies the given conditions.
1. Since L is Boolean algebra, then L is complemented distributive lattice by
definition2.5. Since L is complemented lattice with 0 and 1 then every
element of L has a unique complement. Thus, for every L 1, there is
some b L such that, = 0 for some > 0.
Hence, L is semi-complemented.

2. Suppose for every , , L, = = 0 and L is distributive

Boolean lattice
We want to show that ( )= 0
( ) = ( ) ( ) Since L is distributive.
= 0 0 =0
Therefore L is 0-distributive.

3. Suppose for any , , L, a c and c = 1

We want to show that ( ) =
Let ( ) = ( )
=( ) ( )
= 1
Consequently L is 1-modular

() Suppose that L satisfies the given conditions.

We want to show that an algebraic lattice L is Boolean algebra
Since L is 1-modular which contains no pentagon sub-lattice with greatest
element 1. Since L has a greatest element. Then L is pseudo-complement
Since L is 0-distributive lattice to show that L is Boolean algebra we must
show that = .
Let x L with 1
Claim1 = 1
Suppose to the contrary that < 1.Then as L is semi-complemented
there is > 0 such that ( ) = 0 then = 0 whence
, which is contradiction.
Thus = 1
Claim2 =
Since is pseudo complement to , then = 0
= 0 if and only if By definition of pseudo-
And it follows from = 1 and 1-modularity since and
= 1
x(x*x**) = x **
x0 = x**
Therefore L is Boolean algebra.
3. Atom and Dual atom
In this subsection we define and give some examples of atom, dual atom, join
irreducible element and meet irreducible element.
Definition2.11. let L be a lattice with 0 and 1. An element L is
1. An atom of L if 0
2. A dual atom of L if 1
3. A join irreducible element if = then = or = for all
, L

4. A meet irreducible element if = then = or = for all
, L
Note that: In finite lattice L an element is a join irreducible if and only if it
covers precisely one element. Dually an element is meet irreducible if and
only if it is covered by exactly only element.
Example. The following diagram shows that c, d are dual atom and e, f are
atom. 1

Lemma2.12. Let L be a complete lattice that is a Boolean algebra. Then L is

finite if and only if its greatest element 1 is compact
() Suppose L is finite
We want to show that 1is compact
Let X be any subset of L
Let 1 = . Since,1 is the greatest element of L.
Since L is finite, X is also finite.
So we can find {xi}i=0nX for some finite n,
Such that 1= xi
Therefore 1 is compact
( ) Suppose the greatest element 1 is compact
We want to show that L is finite
Since 1 is compact, every element < 1 is contained in dual atom of L. i.e.
1, where b is dual atom of L.
Let b be dual atom of L and 1.
Since a complement of dual atom is an atom.
Now let us show that, there is a least element.
If c is the least other than 0, = , we are done. If not we choose c0, not
equal to 0 or c with c0< c. if c0 is least we are done. If not we choose c1 not
equal to 0 or c0 with c1 <c0<c. if it is least we are done. if not we choose c2 it
not equal to 0 or c1 with c2<c1 <c0<c. we continue by the same way to get the
least element. So that by this process we have a chain
0 < ----<c2<c1 <c0<c=b
Thus c0,c1,---, cn ,---- are distinct atom in L. Then the ascending chain c0, c0
1 ,----,c0c1 2---- n,--- does not terminate, and since 1 is the greatest
and it is maximal element then it terminate, so that L has only finite many of
Let d = c0 1--- n , if d 0, the d is an atom which impossible.
Therefore d = 0 and d = 1
Hence L is finite.

In this chapter we establish several equivalent conditions for an algebraic
lattice to be finite Boolean algebra with the greatest element 1.

3. Finite Boolean Algebra

Definition3.1. A lattice L is said to be weakly semi-complemented if for

every compact element x L with x 1 there is some nonzero element y L,
such that xy = 0.
Theorem3.2. An algebraic lattice L is a finite Boolean algebra if and only if
it satisfies the following conditions,
1. L is weakly semi-complemented
2. L is 0-distributive
3. L is 1-modular
4. 1 is compact, and every dual atom of L is compact
() Suppose an algebraic lattice L is a finite Boolean algebra.
We want show that L satisfies the given conditions
1. L is weakly semi-complemented
Let x L and for every subset X of L; since L finite, X is finite, so
that we can find { }i=1n for finite n such that { }i=1n for some finite
{ }i=1n
Therefore is compact element of L.
Since L is Boolean algebra every element of 1 L has a unique nonzero
Hence = 0 for some 0 .
Therefore L is weakly semi-complemented algebraic lattice.
2 Since L is Boolean algebra, then by the theorem 2.10 L is 0-distributive
3. Since L is Boolean algebra, then by the theorem 2.10 L 1-modular
4. 1is compact, and every dual atom of L is compact
Since L is finite Boolean algebra, then 1 is compact by lemma 2.12
Now we show that every dual atom of L is compact.
Let be dual atom of L.
Suppose for every subset X of L.
Since 1 is compact 1 = since < 1
Since 1 is compact 1= for some finite n, for some { }i=1n
Therefore <
Thus is compact.
Consequently is arbitrary, every dual atom of L is compact.
() Suppose that given conditions hold
We want to show that L is finite Boolean algebra.
We must show that L is semi-complemented.
Since L has greatest element and L is 0-distributive L, 1has a pseudo-
Since 1 is compact every element < 1 is contained in dual atom of L and
every dual atom of L is compact.
Let there is a dual atom q with < 1. The pseudo-complement these
elements satisfies q . Since q is dual atom q>0
Therefore, for every L and < 1 a pseudo-complement >0, such that by
the definition of pseudo complement and the greatest element is unique, then
L with y>0 such that xy = 0 if and only if y .thus for every L
1 there is such that = 0 with > 0.
Hence L is semi complemented.
Therefore L is Boolean algebra by theorem 2.10, and since the greatest
element 1 is compact, then by lemma 2.12 L is finite Boolean algebra

Let B = {1, 2, 5, 10, 11, 22, 55, and 110} be the set of positive divisors of
110. Then (B, , ,) is a finite Boolean algebra, where = 110 and

the least element is 1 and the greatest element is 110.

Lemma3.3. Let L be a 1-modular and 1-distributive lattice with 1 compact. If
= 1 and = 0, then both and are compact elements.
Proof; suppose . Then 1 = ( ) . As 1 is compact, we have 1=
( ) for some finite n. Put = , then 1 = =
and so by 1-distributive 1 = ( ) . Now, by 1-modularity ac =
(ac) (ab)= a and hence a c
Therefore a is compact
Suppose . Then 1 = ( ). As 1 is compact, we have 1=
( )for some finite n. Put = , then 1 = =
and so by 1-distributive 1= (bc) . Now, by 1-modularity bc = (bc)
(ab) = b and hence b c
Therefore b is compact

Lemma3.4. If a lattice L with 0 and 1 is dually semi-complemented and 1-
distributive, then it is 0-distributive.
Suppose L is dually semi-complemented and 1-distributive.
We want to show that L is 0-distributive.
Let ab = ac = 0 and suppose ( ) 0, since L is dually semi-
complemented, there is some d<1 such that [ ( )] = 1
Since L is 1-distributive
=( ) = ( ) by associatively
Since = ( ), [ ( )] = 1 and L is1-distributive a d =
a ( c)
( ) = ( ) = 1
Again by 1-distributivity 1 = ( ) ( ) =
= = 1.Also by 1-distributivity 1 = ( ) = ,
which is contradiction to d<1
Therefore a (bc) = 0, thus L is 0-distributive

Theorem3.5. An algebraic lattice L is a finite Boolean algebra if and only if

it satisfies the following condition.
1. L is dually semi-complemented
2. L is 1-distrubutive
3. L is 1-modular
4. 1is compact
5. L satisfies the descending chain condition

Suppose L is finite Boolean algebra.
We want to show that the given conditions are satisfied.
1. Let be every nonzero element of L. Since L is finite Boolean algebra.
Then every element of L has unique complement 1such that = 1
Therefore L is dually semi-complemented.
2. Claim L is 1-distributive. Let a, b, c L.
Let ab = ac = 1, then we show that (bc) = 1,
( ) = ( ) ( ) , since L is distributive lattice
= 11 = 1
Therefore L is 1-distributive.

3. Suppose for any , , , and = 1

We want to show that ( ) =
Let (ab) c = c(ab)
= (ca) (cb)
= a1
Consequently L is 1-modular.

4. Since L is finite Boolean algebra, then 1is compact by theorem 3.2.

5. Since 1is compact, every element a< 1 is contained in dual atom of L, and
the complement of dual atom is an atom of let b be dual atom of L, then
is a complement of
Let be a least element of L and if = we done. If not choose an
element c0 not equal to 0 or c with c0<c, if c0 is the least element other than 0
we are done. If not we choose an element c1 which is not equal to 0 or c0 with
c1< c0<b, if c1 is the least element other than 0 we are done. If not we choose
c2 which is not equal to 0 or c1 with c2< c1< c0<b, if c2the least element other
than o we are done. If not we continuing this process until we obtain the least
element other than 0. By this process we obtain the following chain.
0< ---<cn< --- c2< c1< c0<c
Since L is finite Boolean algebra this chain must be finite that for some n, cn
is a least element other than 0.
Cn= cn + i for i = 1, 2, 3 ..
Therefore L satisfies the descending chain condition.
( ) Suppose that L satisfies the given conditions
We want to show that L is finite Boolean algebra.
Let the set = { L: is a finite meet of dual atom of L} containing a
minimal element, say = , where the pis are dual atom of L. Since L
satisfies the descending chain condition and the greatest element 1 is compact
p1, p2, --- pn are in fact the only dual atom of L. Thus, since L is dual semi-
complemented, we must have = 0.So each pi is complemented. Since 1 is
compact, by lemma 3.2each pi is compact.
Now to see L is semi-complemented. Let x<1, consider = {pi: x pi }since
L algebraic lattice = 1 and y {pi: x pi } . By 1-distributive
= 1, whence y>0, while = 0. Thus L is semi-
Finally, by lemma2.10 and by theorem2.12, L is a finite Boolean algebra.
Lemma3.6. An algebraic lattice L is distributive if and only if I(L) is a
distributive algebraic lattice.
Proof: suppose L is distributive algebraic lattice.
We want to show that I(L) is distributive algebraic lattice
Let I(L) = The set of all ideal of L
(I (L), ) is a poset
I (L) , since LI(L).
Claim I (L) is an algebraic lattice
Given two ideal J and K of L
JK = { x L: x a b for some a J, b K }
Let as show that JK is an ideal
, JK x a1b1, ya2b2
x y (a1b1)(a2b2)
x y JK
Let y x and x JK y x a b y a b y JK
JK is an ideal
Let M be an ideal such that J, K M
We want to show that JK M
Let x JK x a b where a J, b L
x a b a, b M since J,K M
x M since M is an ideal
Thus JK = LUB {J, K}
Since L itself is an ideal it is largest element of I(L)
{0} is the smallest element of I(L)
Therefore is bounded lattice.
Let ILI(L) where IL is a set of ideal of the lattice L.
IL ={IL: I is an ideal of L}
Define JL ={x L:x F for some F J} where J is the of all finite subset of
IL =
Claim JL = IL
1. JL is an ideal of L
Let , JL by definition for some FJ and bG for some
F,G IL and finite
(F) (G) = (FG)
JL since FG is a finite subset of IL and F(FG), G
2. Let JL and L such that . We want to show that JL
JL F for some FJ
From (1) and (2) JL is an ideal.
I { }
I JL for each IJ
3. Let K be an ideal of L such that I K for each I IL
We want to show that JL K
Let x JL xF for some F J where J is the set of all finite subset of
x 1 2 n where F= { 1, 2,, n}
Since K is an ideal and 1, 2, , n K, 1 2 n K
for K
Therefore JL =IL
Hence I(L) is a complete lattice.
( ] = { : } for L
( ]is a principal ideal
( ] is compact
Suppose ( ] where I I(L)
Since ( ], =JL
JL F where FJ where J is the set of all finite subset of

1 2 n where i

( ] Since is an ideal and [x a x
Thus ( ] is compact
L = (1] L is principal ideal. Hence it is compact.
Since L is compete lattice, L L and it is the greatest element.
Thus 1= L
L is the element of (largest element) of I(L)
L = (1] in I(L) is compact
Claim I= ( ]
i. Since a ( ], I ( ]
ii. Let x ( ] x F for some F
subset of ( ]
I sine I is an ideal
Thus every element of I(L) is join of compact element
Consequently I(L) is compactly generated and hence I(L) is algebraic.
Suppose L is distributive
We want to show that I (L) is distributive.
i.e. (IJ)(IK) I (JK)
Let x(IJ)(IK) , x(IJ) and x(IK)
( ) ( )
[( ) ] [( ) ] since L is distributive
[( ) ( )] [( ) ( )]
I (JK)
Therefore, I (L) distributive.
Conversely suppose I(L) is distributive lattice.
We want to show that L is distributive.
Let ILI(L) where IL is the set of all ideal of L
IL = {I L: I is an ideal of L}
Since I(L) is complete lattice IL and IL exist.
IL = {x L: F, for some FJ} where J is the set of all finite subset of
Since IL and IL is an ideal of L, then IL and IL is a subset of L.
Then we want to show that (IL) and (IL)
This implies (IL) = F since every element of IL is less than or equal to
F and F is unique.
Thus by theorem1.10 L is complete lattice.
Let b L and I L
Assume I is arbitrary and bI
But I = ( ( ]) = ( {x L: })
Thus by above result we can find finite subset F of I such that bF.
Therefore b is compact.
Also by the principal ideal concept and by the hypothesis of first part every
element of L is join of compact element. Hence L is algebraic.
Suppose I (L) is distributive lattice
Now we want to show that L is distributive lattice.
Let I1, I2, I3I (L) where each Ii is principle ideal.
Since ( ) [( ) ( )] = [( ) ( )] [( ) ( )]
[ ( )] = [( ) ( )]
( )= ( ) ( )
Thus L is distributive lattice.

Theorem3.7. The following are equivalent for an algebraic lattice l.
1. L is isomorphic to the ideal lattice of Boolean algebra.
2. L is distributive, 1 is compact, and every compact element of L is
3. L satisfies the following condition.
a. L is 1-distributive
b. 1 is compact
c. is a sub-lattice of L ( where is the set of all compact element of L)
d. Every meet irreducible element p< 1 is dual atom
(1) (2) suppose I (B) = {I: I is an ideal of a Boolean algebra B}
Suppose LI(B) where B is Boolean algebra.
I.e. there is f:LI(B)
, ( ) I(B) say I i.e. ( ) =
Since the ideals of a Boolean algebra are precisely the principal ideals
( ) = ( ] For some
Since B, ( ] I(B). this implies there exist such that f(c) = ( ]
( ) = ( ]and ( ) = ( ]
This implies ( ) = ( ) ( ) = ( ] ( ] = ( ] = (0]
( )= (0]
= 0 since f is one to one
( ) = ( ) ( ) = ( ] ( ] = ( ] = B
( )=B
This implies every element of L is complemented.
every, compact element of L is complemented.
(2) (3)
a. Suppose L is distributive lattice.
Let for every a, b, c L and ab = ac = 1 we try to show that a(bc) = 1.
a(bc) = (ab) ( ac) since L is distributive
= 11 = 1
Therefore L is 1-distributive.
b. By our supposition 1is compact
c. Suppose = { L: a is compact element of L}
Since 1 is compact 1 L, so that
Let d, c we want to show that . Let and be the complement
of and d respectively.
Assume .
= ( ) = ( ) ( )by 2
( ) ( c d)
Whence ( ) ( ) for some finite m, by similar way we can
( ) ( ) for some finite n.
Let = ) , then
[ ( )] [ ( )] = ( )by 2
Since 1 is compact and the greatest element of , then every join of
elements of is less than or equal to1. Thus
Consequently is sub-lattice of L.
d. Now we show that every meet irreducible element p<1 is a dual atom.
Let x be an irreducible element
Suppose not i.e. suppose x is not a dual atom.
Then there exist y such that < < 1
< <1
Then there exists a compact element c such that c y and .
Since every compact element is complemented, there exists such
, if , then c 1 which is contradict since 1<1.
= 0 = ( ) = ( ) ( )
Hence ,
Since = ( ) ( ) where both ( ) and ( ) are
This implies = ( ) ( ) is a proper meet representation of .
is not meet irreducible.
Hence our assumption is false.
Therefore every meet irreducible element p<1 is dual atom.
Thus 3 hold.
(3) (1)
Suppose is sublattice of L.
By definition is also a lattice
Since L is an algebraic lattice, then L is complete lattice and every
sublattice of complete lattice is complete is complete lattice.
is bounded lattice because it is complete lattice.
Now let as show that every compact element is complemented.
Suppose a is a compact which is not complemented
Let D = { L: b is a compact element and = 1}
D1 = { : f D}. Then D and D1b be sub-lattice of .
Since is not complemented 0 D1. So, by Zorns lemma, there exists a meet
irreducible element such that , for all D1.
1 , then 1. We claim that < 1.
Suppose = 1. Since 1 is compact, it follows that = 1, for
some compact element . so D and hence D1. But
is a contradiction, to the fact, that t p, for all t D1.
Therefore < 1 and hence pa m for some dual atom m of L. again
since a p, it follows that p<m. But this contradicts the fact that every meet
irreducible element is dual atom.
Therefore every compact element is complemented.
Thus is complemented.
Let p be a dual atom of L.
Since L is 1-distributive, for any , , L such that a b = a c = 1
a (b c) = 1 since bc< 1and p is a dual atom, then bc p such that b p
or c p
Therefore p is meet prime. Hence every element of L is meet of dual atom
Since, every element less than 1is contained in dual atom of L and every
dual atom are compact and every compact elements are complemented. Thus
L is distributive. It follows that any sublattice of distributive lattice is
distributive, and then is distributive lattice.
Since is bounded distributive complemented lattice, it is Boolean
Let =B
Now we want to show that I (B) is ideal lattice and f: L ( ) is an
Suppose I(B) = {I: I is an ideal of Boolean algebra B}
We want to show that I(B) is an ideal lattice .
Let J and K be any ideal of B. they have a common elements say a J and b
K, ab J . Thus we can take J as set of intersection of J and K.
Since intersection any two ideals are also an ideal, and then the intersection
J is an ideal.
Again, any ideal which contain both J and K must contain the set M of all
element x such that x< for some J and b K. but the set M is an ideal
if x M and y x ab, then y ab (by transitivity), and if {x, y} ,
then since and y for some , J and , K.
( ) ( ) = ( ) ( ).Where and
K since J and K are an ideals. Hence M = sup {J, K} in the set of all
ideals of B.
Therefore I(B) is a lattice.
Since 0 and 1 is in I (B), then it is a Boolean algebra.
Now we want to LI (B).
Suppose f: LI(B) be defined by ( ) = { : }
I. Lattice homomorphism
Since f(a) and f(b) is a principal ideal of Boolean algebra then
( ) = ( ) ( )
( ) = ( ) ( )
Therefore f is lattice homomorphism.
II. One-to-one
Since ( ) = ( ] for B
Let ( ) = ( ) for , L
( ] = ( ]
( ] =(0]
Thus = 0 since B is Boolean algebra.
Therefore f is one-to-one.
III. Onto
Let J be an ideal in I(B)
J= ( ]
Let a = , thus f(a) = ( ]
Therefore f is onto
Therefore f is onto.
Consequently L I (B)
Thus 1 holds
Now comparing this with theorem 3.2, we obtain the following results.
Theorem 3.8: An algebraic lattice L is a finite Boolean algebra if and only if
it satisfies the following conditions
1. L is 1-distributive
2. 1 is compact
3. is a sub-lattice of L
4. Every meet irreducible element p< 1 is a compact dual atom.
Proof (
We want to show that L satisfies the given conditions.
By theorem 3.5(2, 4) L is 1-distributive and 1 is compact.
By theorem 3.7(3) is a sub-lattice of L and every meet irreducible p<1
is dual atom.
By theorem 3.2(4) every dual atom is compact.
Therefore L satisfies the given conditions.
Suppose L satisfies the given conditions.
We want to show that L is finite Boolean algebra.
Since be the set of all compact elements, thus by theorem 3.7(2) every
compact element are complemented.
Therefore L is weakly semi-complemented.
By theorem3.7 (2) L is distributive.
Suppose a, b, c L, a c and bc = 1
We want to show that (ab) c = a
(ab) c = c(ab) = (ca) (cb)
= a1 = a
Therefore L is 1 modular.
By our supposition 1 is compact.
Since by theorem 3.7 every compact element are complemented and L is
compactly generated, thus every element of L is a join of compact element of
L. i.e. for every b L
={ } where s are a compact element of L.
= ({ } )
= { }
Therefore element of L is complemented.
Thus for every non-zero element , there is some such that b 1
and =1. Hence L is a dual semi-complemented.
By lemma 3.4 L is L is 0-distributive.
Consequently by theorem 3.2 L is finite Boolean algebra.

[1] :Stanley Burris H. P. Sankappanavar, A Course in Universal Algebra; the millennium
edition , published1981
[2]:Garrett Birkhoff ; lattice theory; American mathematical society colloquium publication.;
volume xxv published 1967
[3]: Rudolf Lidl.gunterpilz, Applied Abstract algebra; Springer
[4]: George Grtzer; Lattice Theory Foundation; Foundation; Springer Basel AG
published 2011


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