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Student: Edward Grade: 2 Special Need: Vision Impairment Age: 7 years old

Program Support Group Members involved in the division of this plan:

Classroom Teacher
Parents (Mother & Father)
School integration co-ordinator


The Individual Learning Plan (ILP) we have developed for Edward is designed to respond to his needs and improve his learning
experiences within the classroom. As well as improving his ability to learn, the goals we have set aim to improve his social skills,
behaviour and independence. Edward possesses many strengths; he is starting to display determination and enthusiasm in regards to
his independence within the classroom. Another strength of Edwards is that he has the capability to not let his disability prevent him
from always trying to do his best. Both Edwards parents are supportive and always willing to help out in any way that they can.

Edward has been diagnosed with a vision impairment, which means he has limited function of his eyes, affecting the range and clarity
of his vision (Royal Institute for deaf and blind children, 2016). Students with vision impairments may squint, rub their eyes
frequently, or complain that their eyes burn or itch (Woolfolk and Margetts, 2013, p202). Edward quickly loses interest if his eyes are
sore which causes him to disrupt the class. To counteract this, within the ILP we are encouraging Edward to speak up and alert the
teacher if his eyes are sore, and to remove himself and take a break to rest his eyes and refocus. Woolfolk and Margetts (2013) also
discuss the importance of the layout of the classroom. Consistency within the classroom, and consideration of obstacles will allow
Edward to become familiar with the layout and allow him to move around more independently. Likewise, we have suggested that
Edwards desk needs to become a tactile environment that remains constant, allowing him to set up for work and begin without
This strategy will prevent Edward from becoming over-dependent on the adults within the classroom, which Brown, Packer and
Passmore (2011) state can occur when adults are overly attentive. Edward should be able to overcome some of the stress he feels when
he is unsure of what he is meant to be doing. In addition, we are encouraging Edward to discuss how he is feeling to increase his
confidence. Socially, Edward finds it difficult to get to know the students in his class, because he takes longer to get to know their
names and struggles to pick up on visual cues. In align with Willings (n.d.) suggestion that students should use their names when
talking we are implementing strategies that encourage other students to face Edward when speaking and introduce themselves so that
Edward can become familiar with their voices and actions. Equally as important is increasing Edwards academic abilities. Foreman
and Arthur-Kelly (2014) make it evident that students with vision impairments require individualized resources, including Braille and
large print resources. In accordance with this we have suggested that Edward needs to have a Braille alphabet strip on his table, and
any worksheets need to be printed in a larger format, ensuring that any text or writing lines are clear and black to avoid confusion.
This is because, as stated by Woolfolk and Margetts (2013), the quality of the print is often more important than the size (p202). The
strategies we have implemented need to be taken on not only by Edward, but also by the teacher and the entire class to ensure their
Positive Planning Matrix

Academically Emotionally Socially Behavioural

Edward needs assistance in Edward can sometimes Edward struggles socially Edward is a well behaved
most areas of the classroom. become overwhelmed as he has difficulties student and always acts in a
Characteristics He also requires adapted with stress. picking up on visual cues responsible manner.
(Their story) lessons due to his vision Edward is usually able to from the other students. He He is able to listen carefully
impairment. Edward is work through his stress, is struggling to get to know and follow instructions. He can
usually willing to try new however there are times the other students. sometimes become disruptive
things; this is however with when he needs to take when his is frustrated or tired.
the teacher's guidance and some time out to calm
encouragement. himself.

Edward is very dependent As Edward is dependent Edwards anti-social Edward can become
on the teacher for guidance on the teacher for behaviour prevents him for disruptive within the
Impact and motivation. He guidance and help in most participating in many classroom when he is stressed
(What constantly relies on the aspects of the classroom, group activities. or towards the end of the day
difficulties do teacher to tell him what to he tends to become Edward can often struggle due to sore or tired eyes.
they have?) do to help him keep up with overwhelmed very easily to communicate when he is Edward can often become
the class. if the Teacher is helping not comfortable or familiar fidgety and withdrawn from
C Edward can write, however another student and he is with the person he is the lesson.
deviates from writing on the unsure of what he is communicating with.
line. supposed to be doing.
Working on building Edward is working towards Edward is working on Edward will have his own
confidence and expressing his feelings and becoming more familiar space within the classroom
independence in Edwards recognising why he may be and comfortable with his where he is able to go in
learning. Edward and the feeling the way he is. peers. This will assist him order to rest his eyes or to
Strategies classroom teacher will in being more interactive calm himself down.
incorporate the use of his On Edwards table there and social within the
Ipad (CCTV) into lessons. will be different coloured classroom.
smiley faces (need to be
Edward also uses Braille on bright)- ensure that these As this may be
his books and has access to are fitted with braille dots overwhelming for Edward
an alphabet strip on his so he knows what smiley at times, the whole class
table that also has Braille. is happy, sad, etc. will be working together to
The classroom teacher will support Edward.
ensure that any needed By doing so this allows the
worksheets are available for teacher to see how Edward Students are encouraged to
Edward in a larger font. is feeling and whether he always face Edward when
needs to have timeout or speaking to him. And each
Edward will also have his not. person will introduce
own tactile workspace where themselves too when
he knows where everything speaking, until Edward
is, (seat, pencils, books etc). becomes more familiar
This is helping him to be with their voice.
responsible for his learning.
Individual Learning Plan

Semester Goals Short Term Goals Strategies/Methods Mode of Delivery Mode of Assessment
(Long Term) (WHAT) (HOW) (WHO / WHEN)

Throughout the Able to set up for and Everything organised Edward has been Edward will be
semester Edward needs start work tasks, prior. Eg. maths is instructed by the teacher confident with his
to interact and engage independently. always before english so and with the support of individual classroom
as a full member of the that workbooks can be the parents to tell the routine throughout the
classroom, by relying Ask students first, for organised. teacher what his needs day.
less on the teacher to help before approaching Braille on books. are for the day where he
tell him what to do and teacher. If Edward asks Alphabet strip on table is at. Edward will be involved
building independence the teacher first, they also with Braille. Throughout discussion in class discussion on
for himself, to ask his will tell him to ask a Worksheets in a larger time, Edward will be the floor both asking
peers for help or student first. (Even if font. encouraged to answer and answering
support. the students cannot and ask questions. questions.
help, the aim here is Edward will develop his Initially the classroom
confidence and self confidence by teacher will prompt a The teacher will keep
engagement). Becoming engaging in class response from Edward, track of Edwards
less dependent on the discussions and but over time he should contributions to class
teacher. verbally contributing. be able to raise his hand
discussion in a
and contribute on his
own workbook.

Edward requires Edward will aim to Ensuring he can access Teacher needs to Teacher and Edward's
adapted lessons due to achieve all class work braille alphabet strips provide Edward with a parents to have a
his vision impairment. by the end of Term One. and other materials if workbook that has very monthly meeting to
This will enable to give discuss Edwards
needed. dark (blue/black)
him a sense of progress and
independence and full writing lines so that he re-evaluation of lessons.
classroom participation. understands how
Edward will develop his sentences are formed. Teacher will assess
spoken and written Edwards progression
strategies by the end of through all class work.
Term One.

Edward is working Edward will indicate Indicator on table Edward can listen to Edward can
towards expressing his how he is feeling at the (Smiley faces, each a music and close his eyes successfully remove
feelings and recognising beginning of each day. significantly different as a reward for his goal himself and identify the
achieved for the day. need to take a break to
why he may be feeling (Working towards colour. He places a
control his emotions and
the way he is. expressing his feelings sticker/card on the face close his eyes to allow
to others and the that indicates how he is for refocus.
teacher. E.g eyes are feeling. Allows the
causing discomfort and teacher to know whether Edward is encouraged
irritation) he needs space, if hes to seek his independent
feeling stressed and time out without
disruption with other
needs extra assistance, students or teacher.

To gain and improve To begin to develop Students are to introduce Teacher to encourage all Observe Edward
social skills friendships themselves to Edward students to engage and engaging with peers,
before interacting with interact with Edward. In whether through verbal
the playground, Edward prompt or individually.
him, for example, Hi
will have a rotating
Edward, this is Sarah, buddy system. Students
how are you? This will of his choosing that he
increase his confidence is comfortable with.
with verbal
communication and
allow him to start
recalling names.
Entry Skills (What the student has achieved)

Academically Edward is always willing to have a go and is willing to make mistakes as he knows this is beneficial to
his learning.
Needs adapted lessons because of vision impairment
Dependent on the teacher for guidance and motivation. Constantly relies on the teacher to tell him what
to do to help him keep up with the class.
Can write, but deviates from writing on the line.
( Put in specific examples of how he can manage his learning with his disability)

Emotionally Edward can sometimes become overwhelmed with stress. He is usually able to work through this,
however there are times when he needs to take some time out to calm himself.
Edward is working towards expressing his feelings and recognising why he may be feeling the way he is.
S Starting to self regulate.

Socially Edward is beginning to form some friendships within the classroom.

( Goal- relating more to children in the class/establishing friendships).
Still struggles socially because he struggles to pick up on visual cues from the other students. Needs to
work on verbal communication. Struggles to communicate non-verbally. Eg. look at the person
speaking (other students pick up non-verbal communication from observation). Sometimes stands too
close to other students,
Other students need to learn to communicate with words.

Behavioural Edward is a very well behaved student and always acts in a responsible manner.
He is able to listen carefully and follow instructions.
Disrupts students by fidgeting towards the end of the day due to irritation of eyes
Challenges (Areas for Improvement)

Academically Goal One: Able to set up for and start work tasks independently.
Everything organised prior. Eg. maths is always before english so that workbooks can be organised Braille
on books. Alphabet strip on table also with Braille.
Teacher- print worksheets in a larger font
- Tactile workspace so that he knows where he is, (seat, pencils, books)

Goal Two: By the end of the term he will be able to write a sentence on the line
Lined paper with thicker, darker lines (struggles to see the usual light blue lines

Emotionally Edward will indicate how he is feeling at the beginning of each day. (Working more towards
expressing his feelings to others and the teacher).

Socially E Edward is to work on becoming more familiar with his classmates voices and start to learn their names.

Behavioural E Edward will indicate verbally if he needs a 5 minute time out to close his eyes
Learning Priorities (Future Learning)

Academically Goal One-

Place workbooks in order of classes for the day
Place braille alphabet strips on desk to help with writing and recognising full words
Place braille on all his books and some classroom books (i.e home readers)
Teacher is to print worksheets in large font so Edward knows what worksheet is for what
A tactile workplace so he knows where is he is
Goal Two-
Teacher needs to provide Edward with a workbook that has very dark (blue/black) writing lines
so that he understands how sentences are formed.
Ensuring he can access braille alphabet strips and other materials if needed.

Emotionally Goal One-

On Edwards table have different coloured smiley faces (need to be bright)- ensure that these
are fitted with braille dots so he knows what smiley is happy, sad, etc.
By doing so this allows the teacher to see how Edward is feeling and whether he needs to have
timeout or not.

Socially Goal One-

Students will introduce themselves prior to speaking
In order for Edward to understand who each person is only allow one student at a time to speak
to him.
Behavioural Goal One-
If Edward needs to have a five minute timeout ask him to raise his hand- ask him to show the
number five on the hand
In regard to verbally simply ask him to say Miss I need my five minute time out- this will
show the teacher that he needs his time out..
Braille alphabet Access2print (n.d.)
Feelings Chart (example of a feelings chart, however it may be useful to have coloured faces. Braille will be printed under each

Access2print (n.d.). The Braille Alphabet. Retrieved from

Brown, C. M., Packer, T. L, & Passmore, A. (2011). Adequacy of the regular early education classroom environment for students with

visual impairment. The Journal of Special Education, 46(4), 223-232

Conscious Discipline (2010). How do you feel chart. Retrieved from

Foreman, P. & Arthur-Kelly M. (2014). Inclusion in action. South Melbourne, Victoria: Cengage Learning Australia.

Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children (2016). Vision. Retrieved from

ed). Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia.

Woolfolk, A. E., & Margetts, K. (2013). Educational psychology (3rd

Willings, C. (n.d.) Social interaction skills for students who are blind or visually impaired. Retrieved from

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