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Acyclovir 200 mg/5 ml Suspension (J05AB01000L8001XX )


Aciclovir - Trade Name

System Antiinfectives
Indication i)Mucocutaneous Herpes Simplex infection in immunocompromised and AIDS
patients ii)Primary and recurrent Varicella Zoster Infection in
immunocompromised and AIDS patients
iii) Severe Kaposi Varicella Eruption (Eczema herpeticum )
iv) Severe primary HSV infections ( eg. Neonatal herpes, encephalitis, eczema
herpeticum , genital herpes, gingival stomatitis, vaginal delivery with maternal vulva
v) Severe and complicated varicella infection (eg. Encephalitis, purpura fulminans)
vi) Severe zoster infection in paediatrics ( eg.Encephalitis, purpura fulminans,
immunocompromised patients and facial, sacral and motor zoster)
Dosage i) Adult : initially 400 mg 5 times daily for 5 days. Child < 2 yrs : 200 mg 4 times daily,
Child > 2 yrs : 400 mg 4 times daily. ii), iii) and iv) Adult : 200 - 400mg 4 times daily.
Child : < 2 yrs, half adult dose; >2 yrs, adult dose.
v) Adult : 800 mg 5 times dly for 7 days vi) Adult : 20 mg/kg (max : 800 mg ) qid for 5
days , Child <2 yrs, 200 mg qid, 2-5 yrs : 400 mg qid, >6 yrs : 800 mg qid.
Contra Patients known to be hypersensitive to acyclovir.
Precautions Patients with preexisting neurologic, renal, or hepatic impairment, dehydrated patient,
elderly and lactation.
Interactions Increased mean half-life & plasma concentration with probenecid.
Adverse Skin rashes; GI effects; Fatigue.

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