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Expansion of

Shaukat Khanam hospital


uild a second Shaukat Khanam is minimal and leads to that
Khanam in Peshawar is a hospital as the benchmark hospital in the
rational choice and according Pakistan. There is no doubt that first
to the need of hour. Then still Shaukat Khanam is the great exemplary
this project has the equal proportion of model of medical institute and they are
risk with the success factor. Sometimes succeed in sustaining competitive
external factors are more powerful than advantage of Shaukat Khanam i.e.
the worth of the project. Here we are Shaukat Khanam, totally funded hospital
going to highlight the external factor is providing the expensive treatments
which can be the serious challenge for free to the 75% patients with the
building the worth of brand Shaukat extraordinary facilities and with the great
Khanam. When the first Shaukat Khanam ambiance. And the credit of that
was came into being, people responded achievement goes to the Imran Khan,
this project greater than the worth of this because donors not only consider him the
project as it was the first cancer hospital successful captain, the great founder ,
in Pakistan and founded by that hero also believes in him because of their
whom people admires a lot. So the risk of honesty, worthy commitments and as the
brand development in first Shaukat rational decision maker. These
extraordinary qualities which make him Khanam play the great role here as well
different from others are reflecting shaky the relating factors satisfaction like the
now days in his politics arena, which leadership of IMRAN KHAN and what the
directly affects on the donors. Now the performance of PTI delivers to the people
performance of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf of north Pakistan. According to the latest
in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has the great 2014 gall-up survey, politically popularity
impact on the second Shaukat Khanam. of Nawaz Sharif increased by 18 % and
What they delivers to the people during popularity of Imran khan decreased by
his political power, makes the goodwill or 5%,so the successful of 2nd Shaukat
bad will about the Imran Khan and Khanam also relies on the popularity of
according to that people respond him into the leader Imran khan.
their projects. There is a fact that SKMCH
& RC receives the donation from all over Journey of Shaukat
the world, but its a natural psychology of Khanam (SKMCH & RC):
human that he gave more importance to
the surroundings and contribute more Some people were destined to bring
towards the welfare of their surrounding the change in this world by their
environment and people as compare to greatness. Imran Khan is one of them
think or bother about the far distance who ever enjoyed the lot of fame due
happening because its not directly
to his lot of crowning achievement.
affecting him or satisfying him. So the
The journey of achievements starts
people who will make second Shaukat
from his cricket career in which he
Khanam successful are the external and
gave the world cup to the Pakistani
internal people. internal people are the
team of Shaukat Khanam who works and nation, then there comes the big
follow according to the standard of their motivational u-turn comes in his life
leadership and specially make the due to the death of his mother
benchmark of performance as per the because of cancer .he announced the
worth of their leader in order to meet up retirement after winning the world cup
to the expectations. external people are in 1992 and decide to devoted his
the donors who provides them the fund,
focus on the making of first ever
but people invest either for the free lunch
cancer hospital in Pakistan in the
to the best option, so the emotional
honor of his mother Shaukat Khanam.
affiliation and satisfaction with Shaukat
Shaukat Khanam hospital inaugurated
in 1994 with a mission of giving free
treatment of cancer to the poor
people .Shaukat Khanam build by the
fund raising at the national and
international level ,people give the
warmth welcome and showing the
support in donations and zakat which
fulfill the need of investment which is
almost RS.170 million. Shaukat Management of the hospital

Khanam is one of the best hospitals in incorporated some goals and values in

Pakistan who are providing their their mission statement which is given

medical facilities to the patients with below

the best standards. This is the only

To act as a model
hospital in which modified business
institution to alleviate the
model is incorporated thats why the
suffering of patients with cancer
hospital is growing with this pace. Due
through the application of modern
to this progress Shaukat Khanam is
methods of curative and palliative
now expanding its self by building
therapy irrespective of their
second hospital of Shaukat Khanam in
ability to pay, the education of
health care professionals and the

Imran Khan builds a Shaukat Khanam public and to perform research

with the compassionate vision LETS into the causes and treatment of

BOWL OUT THE CANCER. he and cancer.

other executive symbolize the vision

Mission statement reflects when you
with the victory and achievements of
walk into the premises of Shaukat
Imran`s cricket profession. So Shaukat
Khanam, you feel like entering into
Khanam is striving from 20years in
some efficiently and professionally
achieving this goal efficiently and
run organization. Right from the
security guard, receptionist, to the
caring and trained nurses up to the they promote the motivational and
consultants, are all detached from the disciplined culture in the whole
harsh reality of the outer world. High organization. Organization look after
standards of environment, treatment, the well being of their employees very
research, systems, and human well in the form of increments, up
resource able the SKMCH can compare gradation of education of employees,
with the hospitals of Europe. Although bonus on overtime working, training
SKMCH is the funded organization but and short courses offered in the
still sustains high standards as hospital especially for the nursing
compare to other funded staff. Management measure the
dysfunctional hospitals. performance through management by
objectives of all the employees except
the senior doctor and managers who
are measured through the 360 degree
method, so the increments are
distributed on the fair means and
create the competitive environment.
Annual increments, EOBI,
First time cancer is curable slogan
compensation benefits are the proof
used to aware the people`s perception
of the employee need satisfaction.
about the cancer and creates the
They have the update and accurate
hope against the cancer. The logo
employee record on the HRIS; HRIS
communicates the promise with their
incorporate overall Shaukat Khanam
patients. The two crescents
in a best way.
Represents the S of Shaukat Khanam,
nursing cap represents that serves the Industry analysis:
patient with care and the above star
shows the progress, glory and sense Why Shaukat Khanam and other key

of achievement with peace. players in Pakistan get so much

importance? because Pakistan is the
Shaukat Khanam executes the third world country who has not the
developed business model in which efficient and effective health
infrastructure, which competent to effective. so the IT sector of Pakistan
fulfill the demand of the total also recognize this opportunity and
population. According to WHO, world making the pharmaceutical, hospitals
health organization, in 2012-2013 IT developed organization. Now Cure
health per capita expenditure is 39 US Md, Soficom, Agha khan, Shaukat
$ and the GDP of Pakistan is 236.62 Khanam, Indus hospital etc availed
US $. Government spent on health this opportunity and installed the
sector is 3.2 % of GDP and the rest of hospital information management
the demand fulfill by the private system (HIMS) ,which helps to record
sector. That is the reason due to which automated information and ultimately
poor patients rely on funded hospital. reduce the cost. SKMCH is also ranked
The pathetic public destroyed public 3rd in ranking web of hospitals in
infrastructure push the consumer to Pakistan.
private or funded hospital for the
Market position of Shaukat
better treatment. More cancer hospital
expansion is necessary because Khanam:
doctors analysis realize us the bitter Shaukat Khanam is inaugurated in 29
reality that every year 15 million December 1994 when no one treats
patients are suffered from the cancer the cancer and cancer is curable only
and SKMCH provide treatment to the for the ALLETE class who can fly to the
fraction of it and cancer patients Europe for the treatment .so SKMCH
increase every year from 8-10 has the competitive advantage of first
the expansion of successful projects is mover in the hospital industry which
a lot of contribution in health sector. provides the cancer treatment in

Globally, healthcare is more than a Pakistan and also the research center

trillion dollar market. so to excel in of cancer. So this hospital fulfills the

this industry, people are keep demand of cancer hospital in the

improving the healthcare organization market but after that many other

and IT technology becomes the main suppliers comes in the market which

driver of making it the efficient and gives the cancer treatment. Let`s
discuss, SKMCH considers as a large KIRAN institute giving the cancer
player in the hospitals of Pakistan treatment and some of them are
then AGHA KHAN hospital in Karachi giving at a free cost which is the
and NATIONAL hospital in Lahore are competitive edge of SKMCH.
their big competitors .SKMCH
It means SKMCH caters the other
competes them due to their excellent
needs of their customers except of
model of institution and consistency in
giving cancer treatment irrespective
providing the services and by
of ability to pay. So it come the need
modifying their business day by day. If
of hour that SKMCH analyze the other
we compare the revenues then Agha
factors in order to sustain them as a
khan is generating high profit and
market leader. Marketing people
giving some financial assistance to the
realize that there is one segment
50% patients, in contrast of this
which can be extended i.e.
SKMCH treats 75% financially support
demographics. Lahore was chosen for
patients and generate 2nd highest
the First SKMCH because Lahore is the
capital of that province which has 60%
Hospitals Revenue population of the country. Thats why

SKMCH &RC 6212 billion large number of patients are from

Punjab and then according to the
Agha khan 31316 billion
importance of second large population
National 1.8 billion
of Karachi,SKMCH opened the
When any large organization is going
diagonistic center of cancer in Karachi
to compete in the market, they should
.now Khyber pakhtunkhwa, become
never consider the small players of
the third concern regarding of
market just as the raindrop because
expansion of SKMCH because large
when their number and size of small
number of patients visit to Lahore
players become large they will kick
from the khyber pakhtunkhwa. Lets
out you from the competition. There
analyze the distribution of patients
are ten to eleven PAEC cancer
according to provinces who visits in
hospitals in all over the Pakistan, bait-
first Shaukat Khanam
ul-sukoon, children care hospital and
Province wise distribution of Shaukat Khanam which almost bears
patients in 2012
the cost of Rs.300 billion to provide
Province/region Percentage of the cancer treatment facilities at their
patients with
malignant door step. Four floors of hospital are
cancer completed and the remaining three
Punjab 64.42 will be completed in next year. Last

Khyber 19.48 government of Khyber pakhtunkhwa

pakhtunkhwa granted the land for second Shaukat
Sindh 5.44 Khanam. The build of 2nd SKMCH can

F.A.T.A 2.62 also improvise the performance of PTI

in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Making of
Baluchistan 1.61
second Shaukat Khanam divided into
Federal capital 0.95
two phases. First phase completed in
Azad Jammu and 0.87
2015, which have all the facilities
except surgery, for surgery patients
Afghanistan and 4.61
other countries have to visit to Lahore till 2017.

Total 100.00 The challenge:

Because 32% of patients of SKMCH
Expansion of second SKMCH is the
come from the NWFP and Khyber
availing of opportunity, when there is
Pakhtunkhwa where no other
an opportunity, there will also be the
reputable specialize cancer hospital is
threats. First are the fundraising
available and their economic situation
challenges because source of money
is also not good. Doctors said that if
is 67% comes from the donation and
patient come from there for the
rest from the zakat. Although they
treatment at free cost then even they
have the very strong goodwill that
cant bear the transport and other
they are generating profits from this
expense, ultimately they will not visit
money and reinvest again and also
again for the second dose
motivate the people to help regardless
This management analysis leads to of their status. They try to overcome
the decision of building second this challenge through open the
channel to donate from 10 RS to the benefits due to patients expenses.
extent how much you want to Politics of Imran Khan can affect on
contribute. Donations of some the donations for the second SKMCH.
hundreds make of no use for them In the period of last election opponent
because they need large amount of parties raise the allegation on the
donation, but just for the sake to transparency of the right use of
prosper the deed of help in to the donation; such events can change the
whole society. mind of donor. However they
condemned this allegation and proved
Threat of capacity limitation will be
the transparency on media through
cater by the new SKMCH. Trained
available proof on their website.
manpower is also the threat to able
Lahore is somewhat more peaceful
the employees can meet such high
than Peshawar, so security issues
standards. Employee retention is also
need more concerned in second
the major challenge is facing now a
days, other private organization
attract our employees through
excellent package. SKMCH is the
totally funded hospital and practicing
all HR practices which involves all
types of benefits and compensation Appendix:1
but can`t pay the high level of


Revenue (Rs. In Millions)

1994- 2013

Hospital Other Total

Year Zakat Donations
Services Income Revenue
Dec 2013* 2,609 1,946 1,509 149 6,212
Dec 2012 2,202 1,669 1,156 165 5,192
Dec 2011 1,972 1,345 904 68 4,289
Dec 2010 1,554 807 608 44 3,013
Dec 2009 1,281 865 620 47 2,813
Dec 2008 1,125 646 460 37 2,268
Dec 2007 954 535 486 33 2,009
Dec 2006 750 438 273 34 1,495
Dec 2005 573 265 320 29 1,186
Dec 2004 424 397 368 33 1,222
2003-2004 374 287 238 14 913
2002-2003 261 244 178 15 698
2001-2002 234 152 174 17 577
2000-2001 211 131 190 15 547
1999-2000 139 117 152 17 425
1998-1999 113 100 129 11 353
1997-1998 90 99 103 11 303
1996-1997 62 117 105 7 291
1995-1996 35 109 87 18 249
1994-1995 5 46 85 5 141

Financial year changed from June 30 to Dec 31 in December 2004. Therefore, December 2004
represents 12 months results - 06 Months from Financial year ended June 30, 2004 and six
months ended December 31, 2004.

* Draft figures for the year ended December 31, 2013.

Operating Expenses (Rs. In Millions) *

For The Year 2013

Category Amount Percentage

Salaries and benefits - medical staff 1,352 28%
Salaries and benefits -admin staff 489 10%
Medicines 662 14%
Pathology, Nursing & Other Supplies 1,045 22%
Utilities 276 6%
Fundraising expenses 175 4%
Finance costs 26 1%
Repairs and maintenance 287 6%
Depreciation 361 7%
Other Operating Expenses 150 3%
Operating expense 4,822 100%

* Operating Expenses for the year ended December 31, 2013.

* These are draft figures and subject to audit.



Year Patients Outpatient Admissions Chemotherapy Surgical Radiation Imaging Pathology Pharmacy
Visits Treatments Operations Therapy Studies Tests Dispensing
*1994 25,862 125,009 9,092 57,400 6,778 79,373 92,916 1,408,358 640,962

2000 3,014 40,325 2,599 9,600 1,531 17,033 26,703 392,120 311,245

2001 3,656 49,511 3,102 9,322 1,847 22,170 31,462 565,717 383,018

2002 3,093 49,270 3,309 11,690 1,828 25,059 36,138 664,763 413,782

2003 3,486 54,190 3,668 12,839 2,268 26,149 45,025 878,330 457,398

2004 4,219 69,023 4,177 15,377 2,750 32,318 62,657 1,148,224 525,404

2005 6,570 76,736 4,910 15,868 3,795 36,326 80,455 1,411,930 586,891

2006 7,696 87,534 5,134 18,206 4,080 39,545 95,646 1,762,116 622,528

2007 9,125 112,714 6,023 23,719 4,398 41,463 117,924 2,176,649 735,472

2008 9,529 119,037 6,079 23,709 4,514 43,143 128,636 2,368,844 740,288

2009 7,981 124,372 6,545 26,448 4,487 43,307 132,578 2,494,616 792,795

2010 9,120 130,165 6,785 27,588 6,109 42,888 134,177 2,852,347 851,126

2011 9,480 141,806 7,618 31,367 6,560 44,540 153,125 3,251,680 931,848

2012 9,542 156,766 8,613 31,198 6,990 51,865 160,574 3,740,838 1,092,480

2013 9,211 172,236 9,949 33,783 8,371 53,451 162,739 4,089,705 1,195,061

Total 121,584 1,508,694 87,601 348,114 66,306 598,630 1,460,755 29,206,237 10,280,298

te: 75% of the patients receive financial support.

Appendix 3


Inaugurated December 29, 1994

Founder Imran Khan (Chairman, Board of Governors)
Annual budget Rs. 6.8 billion
Financially supported patients 75% (since 1994)
Philanthropic spending
Rs. 14.723 billion (US$ 198 million)
Area/Location 20 acres in Lahore, Pakistan
Beds 195

New registrations 9,211 (Year 2013)

Outpatient visits 172,236 (Year 2013)
Chemotherapy 33,783 (Year 2013)
Radiation treatments 53,451(Year 2013)
Admissions 9,949 (Year 2013)
Surgical procedures 8,371 (Year 2013)
Pathology tests 4,089,705 (Year 2013)
Imaging studies 162,739 (Year 2013)
Pharmacy Dispensing 1,195,061 (Year 2013)
Staff 1,808 (90 Consultants, Physicians & Surgeons)



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