Marketing Research Paper

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Business Research Methodology

Research project

Submitted by:
AFSAH FASEEH l1s14mbam1154

Submitted to:
Dr. Abdul Waheed
Product design and innovative features
leads the product towards success

Problem statement:

We are going to research the problem that often organization tries to make
them differentiate by several offering of the existing product in order to grab
the consumer attention. So here we focus one of the offering that is change
product design. How much change in product design contribute in getting
target market attention or leads to success?

Literature review:

In this research we are going to discuss that how much product development
is necessary for the consistent product success. To sustain the product
success, marketers always try to review on the product design and
innovative features at every stage of product life cycle for the consistency of
product success or In other words we can say that how much product life
management satisfy the customer requirement. Innovation is necessary to
attract customer on a continuous basis. Products must be able to satisfy
customer requirements for:
Timing, Function, Performance, Style, design, features and Price

Change in product design becomes perfect when it initiates positivity in

consumer behaviors that ultimately leads to success (Bloch, 1995)

To change the product design is not so easy as the goal of individual designer
and designer team may conflict with other constraint. Because marketer of
large organization have to keep in mind the ergonomics factor. Ergonomics is
very important because organization spends a large amount of money on
R&D to make the product attractive and ease of usage.

Ergonomics involves in matching the product design according to the

consumer ability to use the product (Osborne 1987)

Maidique and Zirger (1984,) conclude that new product success was
based on well executed R&D to commits the innovative features and product

Research and development is of great importance in business as the level of

competition, production processes and methods are rapidly increasing. It is
of special importance in the field of marketing where companies keep an
eagle eye on competitors and customers in order to keep pace with modern
trends and analyze the needs, demands and desires of their customers.

Unfortunately, research and development are very difficult to manage, since

the defining feature of research is that the researchers do not know in
advance exactly how to accomplish the desired result. As a result, higher
R&D spending does not guarantee "more creativity, higher profit or a greater
market share

Designers must choose materials and shapes that are consistent with
manufacturing resources and cost target

In innovation process, product design form has equal influence with the
technological, financial modification (Rindova and Petkova, 2007)

Product forms should limit behaviors to what is right. For example, the holes
in a pair of scissors show users just where to place their fingers, thus, forcing
correct usage

Dependent variable:

1) Product success:

Success is the favorable outcome of something attempted. So

product success is the criteria by which the process of delivering the
product is successful. This is about defining the criteria by which the
product or service delivered is deemed successful (e.g. system is used
by all users in scope, uptime is 99.99%, customer satisfaction has
increased by 25%, etc.). These criteria need to be measured once the
product/service is implemented and over a defined period of time

Independent variable:

1) Product design:

Product design is the process of creating a new product to be sold by a

business to its customers. A very broad concept, it is essentially the
efficient and effective generation and development of ideas through a
process that leads to new products. A product design needs to take
into account how the item will perform its intended functionality in an
efficient, safe and reliable manner. The product also needs to be
capable of being made economically and to be attractive to
targeted consumers.

2) New feature and style:

New feature describes what new characteristics and attributes the

product have and style means the appearance and form of the product.
A function of an item which is capable of gratifying a particular
consumer need and is hence seen as a benefit of owning the item.
In business, a product feature is one of the
distinguishing characteristics of a product or service that helps boost
its appeal to potential buyers, and might be used to formulate a product
marketing strategy that highlights the usefulness of the product to
targeted potential consumers.

Schematic Diagram

Dependent variable:

Product success

Independent variable:

1) Product design

2) New features and style

P r
N o
e C d h a n
w g u e c i n
f e p t r o d
a t u s cu t
u r d c ec s i
e s g e ns


Hypothesis # 1:

Change in product design leads to product success.

Hypothesis # 2:

New features and styles in product have positive impact on product success.


Conduct a review of the literature on the product design and product

success and analyze the relationship between these two variables. Further
analyze how much innovation and R&D is necessary in product designing
and introduction of new features. For the literature review we include the
secondary research i.e. journals. We carry out also the primary research by
conducting the surveys from random individuals of different backgrounds.
Questionnaire will be developed with questions based on the importance of
product success. Questionnaire result will seek to test the hypotheses.
Questionnaire will be distributed to an agreed sample size of 70 random
individual for a reliable result. Questionnaire consists of variables i.e. product
design, product features and product success. We seek the information from
our sample that whether product design and features modification enhance
their satisfaction and buying behavior toward the product and service. We
analyze the results through random sampling, in random sampling; individual
judgment plays no part in selection of sample. Each item in the sample
stands equal chance of being included in the sample. We operational the
variable in a way that product success is the concept and which are
dependent on their two element product design and product feature and
further dimensions which modified through the R & D and innovation.
1) Regression Analysis:

Variables Entered/Removed
Mod Variables Variables Metho
el Entered Removed d
1 style, . Enter
a. Dependent Variable: product_
b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summary
Mod R R Adjusted R Std. Error
el Square Square of the
1 .468 .219 .195 .49251
a. Predictors: (Constant), new_ feature_ style,
product_ design

The Table shows that 21.9 % information of Dependent variable (i.e. Product
success) is being explained by independent variable (i.e. new feature & style
and product design.)
Model Unstandardized Standardiz t Sig.
Coefficients ed
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) -.437 .958 -.456 .650
.062 .071 .095 .876 .384
1 design
.206 .048 .463 4.282 .000
feature_ style
a. Dependent Variable: product_ success

The table shows that 6.2% consumers are satisfied that product design plays
an important role in bringing the product towards success. And as significant
value i.e. .384 is greater than p-value i.e .0.05, so Independent variable
(product design) is not an important factor to have influence on dependent
variable (product success). If independent variable is increased by 1 unit
then dependent variable is increased by 0.062

The table shows that 20.6% consumers are satisfied that new feature & style
in a product plays an important role in bringing the product towards success.
And as significant value i.e .000 is less than p-value i.e .0.05, so Independent
variable (new feature & style) is an important factor to have influence on
dependent variable (product success).If independent variable is increased by
1 unit then dependent variable is increased by 0.206

2) One Sample t-test

One-Sample Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error
new_feature_style 70 10.4143 1.23350 .14743

Test Value = 0

t df Sig. (2- Mean 95% Confidence

tailed) Difference Interval of the

Lower Upper

70.638 69 .000 10.41429 10.1202 10.7084

As significant value is 0.000 which is less than p-value 0.05 so the hypothesis
is accepted.
3) Independent sample t-test

Group Statistics
Gender N Mean Std. Std. Error
Deviation Mean
new_feature_st Male 46 10.6739 1.26587 .18664
yle Female 24 9.9167 1.01795 .20779

As significant value is greater than p-value i.e 0.05 so the hypothesis is not
4) Observe Normal Distribution in SPSS

As the plotting is not close to the line so the distribution is not normal
Statisti Std.
c Error
Mean 2.4000 .06562
95% Confidence Bound
Interval for Mean Upper
5% Trimmed Mean 2.4206
product_succ Median 2.0000
ess Variance .301
Std. Deviation .54904
Minimum 1.00
Maximum 3.00
Range 2.00
Inter quartile Range 1.00
Skewness -.130 .287
Kurtosis -.953 .566
As the skewness value is .287 and it is between -0.5 to 0.5 so the distribution
is approximately symmetric.
As both skewness and kurtosis are not zero so the distribution is not normal.

Central Limit Theorem

As our sample size is 70 that is not large enough so our sample is not
normally distributed

New feature & style vs. Product success
product success
Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
7.438 5 1.488 7.124 .000
13.362 64 .209
Total 20.800 69
This is the table that shows the output of the ANOVA analysis and whether
we have a statistically significant difference between our group means. As
we can see that the p-value i.e. .000 is less than 0.05, The independent
variable (new feature and style) have a significant impact on dependent
variable i.e. (product success)

Product design vs. product success

product success
Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
.295 4 .074 .234 .918
20.505 65 .315
Total 20.800 69

This is the table that shows the output of the ANOVA analysis and whether
we have a statistically significant difference between our group means. As
we can see that the p-value i.e .918 is greater than 0.05, The independent
variable (change in product design) does not have a significant impact on
dependent variable i.e. (product success).
Research Questionnaire

We are students of University of Central Punjab and we are conducting

Research on New Product Development on the basis of product design
etc. We have chosen Iphone 6 as our product. Kindly fill out this
questionnaire to help us in doing our research. Thank you

Name: _________________

Age: _________________

Gender: _________________

Income: _________________

Occupation: _____________

Do you think that there should be a new style in a product?

a) Strongly agree b) agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

Do you think that new product feature and design gets lof of attraction?
a) Strongly agree b) agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

Do you like those products which are new in the market?

a) Strongly agree b) agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

Do you think for the product success, it is important to have newness in

a) Strongly agree b) agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

Do you think new features in product boost customers to buy the product?
a) Strongly agree b) agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

Do you think product which is new in design leads towards product

a) Strongly agree b) agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

Do you think new features in the product leads it towards success?

a) Strongly agree b) agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

Do you think new design in product build good image in customers mind?
a) Strongly agree b) agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

Do you think if the product has good features, style and design, it can get
maximum market share?
a) Strongly agree b) agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

Do you think products which are not unique in terms of feature and design
have good reputation in the market?
a) Strongly agree b) agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

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