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Biotechnology Letters 24: 18391845, 2002.

2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.



Medicinal mushrooms: a rapidly developing area of biotechnology for

cancer therapy and other bioactivities

John E. Smith1,3, , Neil J. Rowan1 & Richard Sullivan2

1 Department of Bioscience, University of Strathclyde, 204 George Street, Glasgow G1 1XW, Scotland
2 Cancer Research Campaign, P.O. Box 123, 61 Lincolns Inn Field, London WC2A 3PX, UK
3 MycoBiotech Ltd., Singapore Science Park 1, Singapore 118225
Author for correspondence (Fax: +44 (0)141 548 2085; E-mail:

Received 27 August 2002; Accepted 9 September 2002

Key words: cancer, immunology, medicinal mushrooms, solid and liquid fermentations

Historically, medicinal mushrooms (basidiomycetes) have been shown to have profound health promoting benefits
and recent studies, which are reviewed here, are now confirming their medical efficacy and identifying many of the
bioactive molecules. Methods of large-scale cultivation by solid substrate and liquid culture fermentations are also
briefly described.

Introduction world (Chang & Miles 1989). To the ancient Romans

they were the foods of the Gods, to the early Egyp-
Many forms of chronic disease such as cancer and tians they were a gift from the God Osiris while,
cardiovascular disfunction can, in part, be attributed more appropriately, the Chinese considered them the
to diet and arising from the awareness of the relation- elixir of life. Several ancient societies dating back as
ship between diet and disease has evolved the concept far as the Palaeolithic period recognised the psycho-
of functional foods (Sadler & Saltmarsh 1998). The active, hallucinogenic properties of some mushrooms,
US Academy of Science has defined functional foods especially Amanita muscaria and Psilocybe spp., and
as those that encompass potentially health products involved them in ancient religious beliefs and practices
including any modified food or food ingredient that (Arora 1985, Samorini 2001).
may provide a health benefit beyond the traditional Many cultures worldwide, but especially in the
nutrients it contains (Thomas & Earl 1994). Foods as Orient, recognised that extracts from certain mush-
medicine underpins the paradigm of functional foods. rooms could have profound health promoting benefits
Functional foods cannot claim to cure diseases but, and, consequently, became essential components in
increasingly, evidence is being produced that supports many traditional Chinese medicines. There are at least
the role of some functional foods in disease prevention 270 species of mushrooms that are known to possess
(Steinmetz & Potter 1991). The concept of foods as various therapeutic properties (Ying et al. 1987) and
medicine does not fit easily within the current exper- the term medicinal mushroom is now increasingly
tise in either pharmaceutical or food companies and gaining worldwide recognition. Edible mushrooms
the full creative development of functional foods may which demonstrate medicinal or functional proper-
well require new alliances between these companies ties include species of Lentinula, Hericium, Grifola,
with respect to regulatory issues. Flammulina, Pleurotus and Tremella while others
Fleshy mushrooms (members of the class Basid- known only for their medicinal properties, viz. Gan-
iomycetes) have long been valued as highly tasty and oderma lucidum and Trametes (Coriolus) versicolor,
nutritional foods by many societies throughout the

are decidedly non-edible because of their coarse tex- These medicinal polysaccharides are primarily
ture and bitter taste. modifiers of biological response where these poly-
Historically, most medicinal mushroom species mers interact with the immune system to up-regulate
were relatively scarce and were collected from the or down-regulate specific aspects of the response of
forests where they grew on dead or living trees and the host and this may result in various therapeutic
forest litter. They are predominantly lignocellulose effects (Bohn & BeMiller 1995). Their ability to en-
degraders. For medicinal purposes, they were almost hance or suppress immune responses can depend on
always prepared either as hot water extracts, concen- a number of factors including dosage, route of ad-
trates or in powdered form. Nowadays almost all of ministration, timing and frequency of administration,
the important medicinal mushrooms have been sub- mechanism of action or the site of activity. Several of
jected to large-scale artificial cultivation by solid sub- these compounds have been shown to potentiate the
strate or low moisture fermentation, thus removing hosts innate (non-specific) and acquired (specific) im-
the historical scarcity factor and allowing large com- mune responses and to activate many kinds of immune
mercial operations to develop. Mushroom cultivation cells that are important for the maintenance of home-
is the only large-scale biotechnological process that ostasis, e.g. host cells (such as cytotoxic macrophages,
creatively utilises lignocellulosics (Stamets 2000). monocytes, neutrophils, natural killer cells, dendritic
cells) and chemical messengers (cytokines such as in-
terleukins, interferon, colony stimulating factors) that
Medicinal properties trigger complement and acute phase responses (Li
1999, Ooi & Liu 2000). They can also be consid-
The practice of using medicinal mushrooms in Chi- ered as multi-cytokine inducers capable of modulating
nese traditional medicine dates back into antiquity gene expression of various immunomodulatory cy-
and has been recorded in ancient Chinese manuscripts tokines via specific cell membrane receptors (Maeda
(Bensky & Gamble 1993). Increased scientific and et al. 1994, 1996). Lymphocytes governing antibody
medical research in recent years and published in peer- production (-cells) and cell-mediated cytotoxicity
reviewed journals, especially in Japan, Korea and (T-cells) are also stimulated.
China, and more recently in the US, is increasingly
confirming the medicinal efficacy and identifying the
bioactive molecules (Wasser & Weis 1999, Ooi & Anti-cancer properties
Liu 2000, Hobbs 2000). Recent advances in chemical
technology have allowed the isolation and purification There have been extensive in vivo studies demonstrat-
of some of the relevant compounds especially polysac- ing the anti-cancer activity of the extracted, purified
charides which possess strong immunomodulation and glucan polysaccharides and polysaccharide peptides in
anti-cancer activities. The bioactive polysaccharides animal models (Wasser & Weis 1999). These stud-
isolated from mushroom fruit-bodies, submerged cul- ies strongly suggest an immunomodulating mode of
tured mycelial biomass or liquid culture broths are action. However, in in vitro studies on various can-
either water-soluble -D-glucans, -D-glucans with cer cell lines, there is evidence for direct cytotoxic
heterosaccharide chains of xylose, mannose, galactose effects on the cancer cells for some, but not all, of
or uronic acid, or -D-glucan-protein complexes i.e. the polysaccharides (Borchers et al. 1999). Many of
proteoglycans (Mizuno 1999). While many are orally the proprietary mushroom polysaccharides have pro-
bioavailable, others are mainly effective only by in- ceeded through Phase I, II and III clinical trials mainly
traperitoneal injection. The main medically important in Japan and China while some are now occurring in
polysaccharides that have undergone extensive anti- the US (Kidd 2000). In almost all cases the polysac-
cancer clinical trials include lentinan (Lentinula edo- charides are used as adjuvant treatments with conven-
des), schizophyllan (Schizophyllum commune), PSK tional chemotherapy/radiotherapy with many forms of
(polysaccharide-K, commercially sold as Krestin) and cancer. Highly encouraging results have been forth-
PSP (polysaccharopeptide) (Trametes versicolor), and coming together with the observations that their incor-
Grifron-D (Grifola frondosa) (Kidd 2000). All of poration into treatment regimes significantly reduced
these compounds are currently produced by Asian the side-effects so often encountered by patients. Sev-
pharmaceutical companies. eral of the purified mushroom polysaccharides have
been in clinical use in Japan, China and Korea for

many years, with no reports of any significant short- (7.9%); Flammulina velutipes (4.6%) and Volvariella
term or long-term adverse effects. These compounds volvaceaea (7.9%) made up 87% of the total produc-
are not miracle drugs but can increase the quality of tion. By late 1994, of these species, only Agaricus
life of cancer patients and may offer increased survival and Pleurotus were cultivated worldwide to be joined
rates for some types of cancer (Kidd 2000). in 1997 by Lentinula. The other three of the ma-
There is also increasing experimental evidence that jor six species are grown almost exclusively in Asia
regular incorporation of certain powdered medicinal (Chang 1999b). World production of mushrooms over
mushrooms in the diets of animals or topical applica- the last two decades has shown a phenomenal pat-
tion of extracts can have a cancer prevention effect and tern of growth, with a 5 times increase in tonnage.
restriction of tumour metastasis (Ikekawa 2001, Shon While Agaricus bisporus (with few specific medicinal
& Nam 2002). A survey conducted among mushroom claims) still retains the highest overall world produc-
workers in the Nagano Prefecture in Japan implied that tion, its relative contribution is decreasing due to the
regular eating of medicinal mushrooms (mainly Flam- dramatic increase in the other species, viz: Lentinula
mulina velutipes) was associated with a much lower and Pleurotus in particular. In 1981, Agaricus pro-
death rate from cancer than for other people in the duction represented 72% of world production but by
Prefecture (Ikekawa 2001). 1997 this had dropped to 32%. Overall world produc-
Extracts of medicinal mushrooms are also exten- tion of mushrooms is increasingly being dominated
sively used in Chinese traditional medicine to treat by species that are both edible and have medicinal
viral and other microbial infections, for cardiovascular properties or are only medicinal (Ganoderma and
diseases, diabetes and also for hepatoprotection. Com- Trametes).
mercial preparations are available as tablets, elixirs or Medicinal mushrooms can be cultivated through
capsules, and are extensively on sale in most Oriental a variety of methods. Some methods are extremely
countries and increasingly in the USA and Europe as simple and demand little or no technical expertise,
nutriceuticals in natural food/medicine markets. Gan- while cultivations which require aspects of sterile
oderma lucidum or Reishi, is the premier medicinal handling technology are much more technically de-
mushroom and the annual value of extracts of this manding (Stamets 2000). For production of the fleshy
mushroom alone sold worldwide is estimated at over mushroom fruit-bodies, various forms of solid sub-
US$ 1.6 billion (Chang & Buswell 1999) and mostly strate or low moisture fermentations are employed
used as a tonic for the immune system. whereas, for mycelial biomass production, liquid tank
fermentations are now becoming increasingly impor-
tant especially for nutriceutical and pharmaceutical
Technology of medicinal mushroom cultivation productions.

There are at least 12 000 species of fungi that can be Solid substrate fermentation
considered as mushrooms with at least 2000 species
showing various degrees of edibility (Chang 1999a). All medicinal mushrooms are lignocellulose degraders
To date, only about 35 mushroom species have been and can use wood as substrate for mycelial growth
cultivated commercially and, of these, about 20 are and fruit-body production. The historical method of
currently cultivated on an industrial scale. The ma- cultivation, and still practiced mainly in Asia, is on
jority of these cultivated species are both edible and logs of hardwood trees. This process occurs over sev-
possess certain medicinal properties. Overall, the eral years and yields two crops of mushrooms each
world production of cultivated edible and/or medici- year and continues until the log physically collapses
nal mushrooms was recorded as 4909 103 tons in due to wood degradation. This is primarily an outdoor
1994, increasing to 6158 103 in 1997, with an esti- process, producing quality mushrooms, but is not eco-
mated value in excess of 14 billion US dollars (Chang nomically suitable for worldwide production (Stamets
1999b). Mushroom cultivation is a worldwide prac- 2000).
tice. Output yield of the leading 10 species cultivated The rapid worldwide cultivation of medicinal
made up about 92% of total world production and mushrooms is due largely to the use of specially de-
of these, six species, viz.: Agaricus bisporus the signed 12 l polypropylene bags or containers with
white button mushroom (31.8%); Lentinula edodes microfilter windows for air exchange. The bags con-
(25.4%); Pleurotus spp. (14.2%); Auricularia auricula tain the substrate of sawdust and selected nutrients,

and after autoclaving, are inoculated with the mush- gypsum (calcium sulphate) 1%, sucrose 1%,
room mycelium with the entire growing process being moisture content 6065% and pH 5.56.5 (Chen
carried out under controlled environmental conditions 1999a,b, Stamets 2000). The bags are sealed and auto-
over a reduced time scale (13 months). Almost all claved to create a sterile environment and on cooling,
edible medicinal mushroom fruit-bodies are now pro- inoculated aseptically and resealed. Total asepsis is
duced worldwide by modifications of this method required until the substrate is colonised. Only after
(Stamets 2000). colonisation are the bags opened to facilitate fruit-
The batch solid substrate fermentation process oc- body formation. Each mushroom species will require
curring within the polypropylene bag (bioreactor) can specific growth parameter requirements and attention
be viewed as a dynamic operation comprising three must be given to regulate temperature, relative hu-
phases in which the inoculum will grow and undergo midity, light and air flow. Each of these conditions
morphological development, viz.: will vary with the stage of development, viz.: spawn
1. The solid phase involving a lignocellulosic sub- run, primordium initiation and fruit-body develop-
strate (sawdust or wood chips) with other essential ment. The overall process is extremely complex and
nutrients. will span 13 months depending on type of mushroom
2. An aqueous phase intimately associated with the being cultivated. Any deviation in parameter control
solid surfaces and in various states of sorption. can have disastrous consequences. [For fuller details
3. A gaseous phase continuous with the external reference should be made to Stamets (2000) and Chen
environment. (1999a,b)].
This is essentially a low moisture fermentation Mushroom fruit-bodies are complex structures,
with no visible free water. both morphologically and physiologically with un-
Strain selection of individual mushroom species doubted variations in chemical composition from
is essential before starting fruit-body production. In- batch to batch. The chemical make-up of a mush-
dividual strains can show differences in growth rate, room fruit-body will mirror the composition of the
yield, temperature requirements, degree of required basic substrate and supplementary ingredients which
aeration and physical features of the fruit-body such as can vary considerably since the basic raw materi-
colour and shape. A mushroom species can consist of als are derived from lignocellulosics from agriculture
many strains each with a distinct genotype and pheno- or forestry. Also, within any batch of mushrooms,
type (Stamets 2000). Strain stability and identification there will be some degree of variation in size and age
can be problematic. which will, undoubtedly, influence specific biochem-
The inoculum or spawn should be a vigorous ical composition (Gunde-Cimerman 1999, Wasser
mycelial growth of a pure strain on a chosen vehicle et al. 2000). While this is not critical when produc-
(liquid medium, grain or sawdust) and this living, veg- ing fruit-bodies for the fresh market it could create
etative propagation stage will be used to inoculate the problems and preclude standardisation of the extracted
sterilised sawdust substrate in the polypropylene bags, products (nutriceuticals/pharmaceuticals) without ex-
e.g. tensive and costly purification.
Liquid spawn: mycelial spawn produced in flasks The way ahead for mushroom nutriceuticals and
or small fermenters and is a rapid method of multiple pharmaceuticals must be an increasing dependency on
point inoculation. pure culture mycelial cultivation strategies. By adopt-
Grain spawn: a variety of mycelium-coated grains ing modern fermentation practices it will generate
such as millet, rye, wheat, sorghum and milo, is many production and safety advantages, e.g. speed
widely used commercially. of growth with major reduction in production time,
Sawdust spawn: supplemented mycelium impreg- optimisation of medium composition and physico-
nated sawdust-bran substrate is less often used. chemical conditions to allow regulation of mushroom
Mushroom growers rarely produce their own metabolism, improved yield of specific products and
spawn and normally obtain guaranteed cultures from designed variation of product types. Furthermore,
a wide range of specialist inoculant companies. since the final product(s) can be better controlled, a
For the cultivation of most medicinal mushrooms more consistent and reproducible production can be
the basic substrate is hardwood sawdust (a mixture of achieved which will be an important factor in the cur-
fine and coarse sawdust to ensure good aeration), 75 rent climate of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
80%, supplemented with wheat bran (coarse) 20%, required by the regulatory authorities.

Liquid submerged fermentation to the normal pellet growth obtained in stirred fer-
menters, air-life fermenters normally produce filamen-
Submerged pure culture fermentation techniques have tous growths.
been widely developed for most of the main medicinal A recurring problem with the use of Basidiomycete
mushrooms and used in the propagation of mycelium fungi in liquid fermentation conditions has been the
for three main applications, viz.: (1) liquid spawn for low rate of mycelial growth as compared with other
solid substrate fruit-body production; (2) biomass that microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts, and fila-
can be used for food and dietary supplements; and mentous fungi. The vegetative mycelial state of most
(3) biomass and/or extruded metabolites especially medicinal mushrooms will be the dikaryon, the binu-
exo-polysaccharides as raw materials for pharmaceuti- cleate cell containing the opposite sexual nuclei. The
cal studies. In all cases the underlying principle in each vegetative propagation of such cells involves complex
approach is to use mycelium in the active physiologi- clamp connections which may be an impediment to
cal state and of known purity. As in any fermentation rapid mycelia propagation. The dikaryon is the sta-
study, the factors which can affect mycelial growth ble, long-living stage of the Basidiomycete life-cycle
rate, yield of biomass and metabolic production, in- whereas the monokaryotic stage is normally short-
clude inoculum size, pH, composition of nutrients, lived. However, a technique has been developed to
aeration and temperature. While many studies have convert the dikaryotic stage of Trametes versicolor
been restricted to shake flask cultures, others have into a long-living monokaryotic form with ensuing
used laboratory and pilot-scale liquid cultivation tech- extracellular product formation. When the dikaryotic
nology, with dry mass yields of 1618 g l1 during stage was subjected to a mechanical treatment such as
45 days of cultivation for several medicinal mush- grinding or shearing in a liquid submerged medium,
room species (Solomko 2001, Puchkova et al. 2001, a monokaryotic mycelium was produced which was
Reshetnikov et al. 2001). characterised by extremely high propagation rate and
The limited availability of the caterpillar fungus, polysaccharide production (Yoshikumo et al. 1979).
Cordyceps militaris, used in Chinese traditional medi- It is not known if this technique is widely used com-
cine for hypoglycaemic activity, prompted the devel- mercially with other Basidiomycetes that occur in the
opment of mycelial fermentations in liquid culture dikaryotic vegetative stage.
(Yang et al. 2000, Park et al. 2002). These fer- Another growth promoting effect for Basid-
mentation studies have been highly successful with iomycetes in both liquid culture and solid substrate
product development closely similar to that obtained culture has been obtained by adding to the culture
from the whole fungus/insect combination. Similarly, medium a straight chain saturated aliphatic alcohol
the hypoglycaemic polysaccharide from Phellinus lin- with a carbon number within a specific range of 26
teus has been successfully achieved by submerged to 36 carbon atoms (Takita et al. 1983).
mycelial culture (Kim et al. 2002). Ganoderic acid has While mycelial cultures dominate most Basid-
been successfully produced by liquid fermentation of iomycete fermentations yeast-like cultures have also
a mycelial culture of Ganoderma lucidum (Fang et al. been used commercially. Tremella mesenterica fruit-
2002). A glycoprotein with strong immunosuppressive bodies contain a polysaccharide, glucuronoxyloman-
activity has been extracted from cultured mycelium of nan, with reputed hypocholesterolemic effects. How-
Ganoderma lucidum (Tsumoo et al. 1994). The two ever, such production from fruit-bodies can be highly
most widely used anti-cancer polysaccharides, PSK variable and new methods have been developed to
and PSP from Trametes (Coriolus) versicolor pro- standardise production by liquid fermentation meth-
duced respectively in Japan and China, have always ods, for the neutriceutical market. This fungus has
been obtained by liquid tank fermentations and now a very complex life cycle in contrast to other Basid-
new generation products are being developed with new iomycetes. A single basidiospore can germinate on
strains and novel cultivation techniques. The exact nutrient medium to hyphal growth or by yeast-like
details of these fermentations are not available. budding. The haploid yeast budding culture has been
While standard stirred-tank liquid fermentations developed and shown to be the best form of growth
have been the most widely used mycelial techniques, for submerged liquid culture and for producing large
several studies have used air-lift fermenters for ex- amounts of the desired polysaccharide (Reshetnikov
opolysaccharide production from mycelia of Gan- et al. 2001, Wasser & Reshetnikov 2002). The dy-
oderma lucidum (Lee et al. 1999a,b). In contrast namics of this submerged culture can be divided into

two stages. In the first phase or trophophase, uni- Kim SW, Park JP, Cho YJ (2002) Mycelial growth and exopolymer
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