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Subject : English Language

Year : 4 Gemilang

Enrolment : 26 pupils

Date/Day : 22nd February (Wednesday)

Time : 9.10 am 10.10 am (60 minutes)

Theme : World of Knowledge

Topic : Be Safe (Unit 4)

Focused Skill : Reading

Integrated Skill : Writing

Previous Knowledge : Pupils are already familiar with some of the vocabulary in the
topic which was introduced in the listening and speaking skills.

Content Standard : 2.2 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be
able to demonstrate understanding of variety of linear and
non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials

using a range of strategies to construct meaning.

3.2 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be

able to write using appropriate language form and style
for a range of purposes.

Learning Standard : 3.2.1 Able to transfer information with guidance to complete:

(a) linear texts

: 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences

from: a) linear texts

Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

1. Answer 4 out of 6 True or False statements


2. Read the text with correct pronunciation, intonation

and stress.

Vocabulary : store, safety, away, placed, equipment

Educational Emphases : Contextual learning

Moral Values : Be alert
Thinking Skills : describing
Multiple Intelligences : Verbal-linguistic, inter-personal and intra-personal
Resources/Teaching Aids : Workbook, videos, speaker, laptop, LCD,notebook(E1)
Stages/Time Content Activities Remarks

To arouse pupils interests 1) Teacher shows pupils a video clip.

Set about the topic. 2) Teacher asks pupils about the Preparation
Induction Video clip: video clip. Phase
(3 minutes) Electrical Safety

Questions: - Preparation
Eg. What can you see - Analysis
from the video?

What happens if you

leave the electrical
equipment in a wet place?
To model the correct 1) Teacher writes a few Electrical
Presentatio pronunciation, intonation Safety tips on the whiteboard. Imagination
2) Teacher asks pupils to write down
n and stress of the text Phase
in their book.
(20 minutes) reading.
3) Teacher reads the tips aloud.
4) Teacher calls a few pupils in
Text: random to read out the tips. - Generating
5) Teacher asks a few WH-questions
Electrical Safety Tips ideas
to the pupils.

To enable pupils to 1) Teacher writes down a few True or

Practice understand the text well. False statements on the board. Development
2) Pupils copy down all the
(20minutes) Phase
statements and answer them
- Enrichment
correctly. - Assessment
3) Teacher asks pupils to memorize
all the tips within five minutes.
4) Teacher erase all the tips from the
5) Teacher asks pupils to close their
books and list down all the tips.
6) Teacher guides when needed.

To test pupils 1) Teacher writes down an informal Action Phase

Production understanding of what letter format on the board. -Implementation
2) Teacher asks pupils to write down
(15minutes) has been taught. -Continuous
6 safety tips in the letter to their
friend that they have learned .
3) Pupils pass up their books.
Closure 1) To recap the lesson. 1) Teacher recaps what pupils have
2) To instill moral values. learnt today.

(2 minutes)


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