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It is my pleasure to recommend Deborah Hernandez for a position related to education.

While I was lead with Think Together, I hired Deborah and oversaw the support she brought to

the staff and students.

Deborah is to be commended for her professionalism concern for her students, and

quality of instruction. She plans well and takes the time to being organized and prepared. She

has made an outstanding effort to vary course material and present it in different and unusually

ways. She is receptive to new ideas and constantly looks for innovation methods to present

course content.

In addition, you candidate manages the groups with unusual skill for her experience, she

deeply cares about her students . She handles detailed work with skill and accuracy. Students

respect and look to her for approval and guidance. She has the intellect, passion, and

communicative skills to be an outstanding teacher, and I recommend her without reservation,

knowing she is a top consideration in the education profession. Please feel free to contact me

with any questions.

Alejandro Haro

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