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MAY is Youth Service Month in Rotary

May 2017

District 3780 celebrates the culminating event

of the All Star Year in Rotary by holding a
highly informative, inspiring, fun-filled and
fellowship building district conference.

District Governors and Spouses of D3780 pose with Rotary International

President Representative Tony Heading and Spouse Dianne at the Discon
2017 in the Taal Vista Hotel in Tagaytay City
District Governors Message
By Governor Dwight Hilarion M. Ramos, Rotary International District 3780

Two Words

I do have 2 big Mar joined RC SFDM in 2003, became President in RY

words to say; And it 2009-2010. After serving as club president, he served in the
is not Good bye! district continuously up to the present. Among others, he has
Truly, all I really served as the Districts Club Administration Committee Chair-
want to say now is man, Member of the Districts Membership Development
Thank you! Committee; Assistant Governor, Chairman of the Districts
Thank you to all of Sub-Committee on Community Service, Associate Editor of
you My fellow Ro- the GML, District Secretary, Vice Chairman of the Committee
tarians of District on Club Trainers Program, member of the Grants Committee,
3780. Rotary Year a faculty member of the Rotary Leadership Institute, a mem-
2016-17 would not ber of the District Training Team and the Executive Vice
have been a success President of the Paul Harris Society, GSE Team Leader of D-
without all your sup- 3780s Outbound Team to the UK and the Isle of Man in RY
port. But more than 2012-2013. He also served as Chairman of the Districts Club
that, for making it an Trainers Program in RY 2014 -2015, and Chairman of the
experience of a life- TRF`s Annual Giving Program in RY2015-2016. He was also
time for me and my Chairman of the Districts Golden Wheel Awards Night, Lieu-
family. In the words tenant Governor for Region 2, Vice-chairman of the Club
of RIPR Tony Head- Trainers Program, Vice Chairman of the Paul Harris Society,
ing, something me and Angie will excitedly be talking about Faculty of the Rotary Leadership Institute, a member of the
again and again for the rest of our lives! District Training Team and was Vice Chairman of the Rotary
Also joining me in thanking all of you are of course
the All Star Presidents and the All Star District Officers. We DGN Mar has received numerous awards and com-
are truly glad that in our journey to fulfill the promise of mendations; among them are: he was his clubs Most Out-
Well be there You were all there with us as well! standing Rotarian in RY2005-2006, the Most Outstanding
President in RY 2009-2010, and RC SFDM the Most Out-
Thank you to District 3780, for giving me this oppor-
standing Club, the Most Outstanding District Officer in
tunity to serve you for Rotary Year 2016-17 as District Gover-
RY2010-2011, Outstanding Assistant Governor in 2011-2012,
nor. My Home Club as well joins me in gratitude. That fi-
and the Most Outstanding Committee Chairman for RY 2014-
nally, after about 28 years we were able to show you the
2015, a Governor`s Award. Recently, he was awarded a Paul
brand of leadership that your Mother Club can offer. It was
Harris Vocational Excellence Award in Law Practice.
truly the pleasure of the Rotary Club of Quezon City to Serve
the District! Mar is married to Cynthia Chit Cruz Reyes, a Busi-
ness Economics graduate from UP and Past President of the
And so in the great tradition of your Mother Club dur-
Inner Wheel Club of SFDM. Mar and Chit are active members
ing the Governors Ball of DisCon 2017, we sang the RCQC
of the Marriage Encounter movement. They were Head Ser-
Hymn, Im Proud to be a Rotarian again, not to say good-
vants of Alpha Zeta Paglilingkod, a Series under the Tuklasan
bye but just to say from the bottom of our hearts, thank you!
Sector of Fr. Jess Fernandez, SJ, and were also the Couple
Likewise, during the Governors Ball, we welcomed President of Tuklasan Foundation, Inc. in 2007-2009. They
Incoming District Governor Nestor Chito Borromeo, who will have three (3) sons, Rafael, Gabriel and Lorenzo Miguel.
serve for RY 2017-18. And looking much farther ahead, we
Undoubtedly, the future of our District is bright, with
have our DGN PASTOR MAR M. REYES, JR. of RC San Fran-
our DGE Chito and DGN Mar being ready, able and willing to
cisco Del Monte, who will serve for RY 2018-19.
get on board in service to humanity!
Mar is a 1980 graduate from UP Law. Currently, he is
a member of the Board of Directors of the UP Alumni Associa-
tion. He is in general law practice. He is the Senior Partner
and co-managing partner of Reyes Francisco Tecson Sabado
and Associates Law office. As a Rotarian, his classification is
Intellectual Law practice.

The Governors Monthly Letter EDITORIAL BOARD
Members of the Editorial Board thank All District Governor Dwight Hilarion M. Ramos
Star Presidents and club officers who con- Publisher
tinue to share stories of how their clubs District Secretary Cesar Poch Jaymalin
have been serving humanity through Ro- District Chief of Staff Ma. Cecilia Cecille Rodriguez
tary. District Information & Communication Officer Winston Sia
We encourage all clubs share their stories Ricardo Ric P. Salvador
of Rotary Serving Humanity for publica- Editor in Chief
tion in the June 2017 GML. Associate Editors

Jesus Jesse Tanchanco

If youre reading this publication online,
click on the link to view earlier issues. Elizabeth Beth Directo
Marcia Marcia C. Salvador
April 2017 GML Rafael Raffy Chico
Cresencio Cris Bacho
March 2017 GML
The Governors Monthly Letter 2016-17 is published by the District
February 2017 GML 3780 Governor with offices at the Rotary Center Building, Roces Ave-
nue, Quezon City, Philippines. Materials for publication may be sent to
the Office of DG Dwight, to EiC Ric Salvador at
January 2017 GML,, to Marcia Salvador at mdcsalva-, or other associates.
December 2016 GML.

November 2016 GML

Reminder to All Star Presidents
October 2016 GML RI-mandated Rotary Magazine Subscriptions

September 2016 GML Rotary International has issued warning letters of

suspension to a number of Rotary clubs in District
August 2016 GML 3780 for failure to subscribe and pay, as a re-
quirement of a functioning club. Club members
must subscribe to THE ROTARIAN, or The Philip-
July 2016 GML
pine Rotary Magazine (PRM), or other RI-
authorized regional magazine.
Send an email message to EiC Ric Salvador to receive
a web-linked PDF version of the GML: As indicated in the letters, those clubs have been
given 120 days, or until June 30, 2017, to comply.

Please settle your account with the office of the

Philippine Rotary Magazine at the Ground Floor of
our Rotary Center Bldg. as soon as possible.

Make sure that your incoming club president

does not take over an RI-suspended club.
Reminder from:
Ricardo Ric Salvador
DG Co-Representative to PRM 2016-17

Click here to view list of Rotary clubs issued warning letters.

Discon 2017 celebrates achievements of the All Star
Year in District 3780
to raise awareness to Rotarys global
campaign. This was preceded by a golf
tournament on March 30 at the Splen-
dido Golf & Country Club.
The first plenary session opened with a
festive, colorful and lively production
number by energetic dancers and drum-
beaters. This was followed by informa-
tive talks given by Secretary Alfonso
Cusi of the Department of Energy and
Ms Armie Jarin-Bennett, President of
CNN Philippines (and daughter of PDG
Hermie Jarin). Highlighting the after-
noons session were the State of Rotary
Worldwide by RIPR Tony Heading,
State of the District by Governor Dwight
Ramos, and State of Rotaract by DRR
Rachel Cheng Diano. In the evening,
Rotarians came garbed in retro 80s
attire and enjoyed the Fellowship Night
The 30th District Conference of RID Spouse Dianne from D9640 Australia, which was made truly spirited by the
3780 was successfully held at the Taal who were visiting the Philippines for the music of Juan Miguel Salvador and his
Vista Hotel in Tagaytay City, Cavite first time. band. The fun was punctuated by the
from March 31 to April 1, 2017. Repre- drawing of exciting raffle prizes: two
senting RI President John Germ and Before the start of the conference electronic bikes and ten flat screen tele-
Spouse Judy during the conference proper on March 31, a fun walk dubbed vision sets.
were PDG Anthony Tony Heading and March to End Polio was held

Day 2 of Discon 2017 celebration
Day 2 also had very interesting talks RYs 2017-2020
from Atty Alex Lacson (Basic Education and beyond, (2)
12 Little Things Every Filipino Can Do Establishment of a
to Help the Country); Ms Peachy Dio- permanent District
quino-Valera (The Climate Reality Pro- Ethics, Concilia-
ject); Mr Thomas Graham (Why the Fili- tion and Mediation
pino Can Change the World); Mr Fran- Committee with a
cis Kong (You are The Brand). three year term;
(3) Establishment
of the position of
Club Information
and Communica-
tions Officer
(CICO) as a per-
manent part of a
club administrative
structure with a
three year term; (4) Adoption of the ernors Ball in the evening of April 1.
name Rotary Peace Plaza to refer to Incoming District Governor Nestor
the newly renovated park located in Chito Borromeo and his family were
front of the Rotary Center; and (5) Es- formally introduced, after which his
tablishment and Creation of a Special team of Great Presidents rendered a
Committee on Good Governance which special number. What followed was
shall propose a system of evaluation of sheer fellowship and dancing, spiced by
all clubs in the district. the drawing of dazzling raffle prizes: five
(5) units I-Phone 7, two (2) grocery
The day also saw the selection and con- Also, the officers of the Rotary Center packages worth P50,000 each, and two
vening of the twelve (12) members of Foundation Inc, led by its President (2) tickets to ColdPlay concert.
the Nominating Committee that resulted PDG Gil Divinagracia were inducted.
in the proclamation of PP Cong Berna- Then Gov Dwight Ramos presented the DISCON 2017 was hosted by RC Cu-
dette Herrera-Dy as the District Gover- District Governors Expense Statement. bao QC led by ASP Veronica Ho and
nor Nominee Designate to serve as DG This was followed by the awarding of Discon Chair PP Johnny Yu. As RIPR
during RY 2019-2020. the winners of the Club Exhibits to rec- PDG Tony Heading said, it was a great
ognize excellence in content and pres- conference and he and Spouse Dianne
Before the closing ceremonies, five pro- entation (1st place - RC Pag-asa QC; had a wonderful time. For sure, they will
posed resolutions or enactments were 2nd place - RC Holy Spirit; 3rd place - RC bring back to Australia fond memories
presented and affirmed. These were: Kamuning East. of their first visit to the Philippines. In-
(1) Adoption of the District Strategic deed, DISCON 2017 was an occasion
Plan as an official policy document for DISCON 2017 was capped by the Gov- for inspiration, fellowship and fun.

RC Loyola Heights turns over additional 26 new low cost
housing units to continue serving needs of indigent,
homeless members of Pampanga community
By Club editor in chief PP Jesse Tanchanco, RC Loyola Heights D3780

The Rotary Club of Loyola Heights (RCLH) recently turned

over an additional 26 new low cost housing units, a Day
care and Health center at the at the Santiago de Apostol
and St. Patricks Village for the benefit of the poorest of the
poor and the homeless in Betis, Guagua, Pampanga.

A total of 130 housing units have so far been built and

turned over since RY 2007-2008. It is a joint project of the
Rotary Club of Armargh, Ireland, The Shiraki Founda-
tion of Hawaii and the Rotary Club of Loyola Heights.
The community is provided with sources of potable water
The event was witnessed by DG Dwight Ramos, PDG Jess and electricity. It boasts of 2 multi-purpose halls where live-
Cifra, PDG Dan Espinosa and DGE Chito Borromeo. On lihood training is conducted on a regular basis, and a
hand to welcome the district dignitaries were the members chapel.
of the Rotary Club of Loyola Heights led by ASP Gigoy
Umali and project chairman, PP Bong David. For next Rotary Year, the RCLH is planning to avail of
Global Grant funding to build 25
units in addition to the contribu-
tions regularly provided by its
foreign partners.

This is the 4th housing project of

the RCLH after Antipolo and San
Mateo, Rizal and Bagong Silan-
gan, Quezon City and San
Mateo, Rizal. More than 600
houses have been built over the
past 2 decades.

RC Pag-asa QC is transforming Aetas to be self-reliant by
helping them improve access to education & social ser-
vices, and learn practical means of livelihood
By Sec. Kenneth Jiro Agojo, ASP Stanley Jan Agojo, and PE Diane Loise Estanislao of RC Pag-asa QC
The Rotary Club of Pag-asa QC, chartered in 2008, places its RC Pag-asa QC em-
heart to its Signature Project the Aeta Community in Baran- phasizes to Aetas
gay Kanawan, Municipality of Morong, Bataan Province. Lo- the value of edu-
cated around 150 kilometers north of Manila, it takes an aver- cation in fighting
age of 3 hours drive by car plus a 30-minute uphill hike to poverty. The club
reach the community. stages its visit/
event at the Kana-
The community is dear to the heart of members though there wan Integrated
are several other communities that RC Pag-asa serves. The School where the community folks gather. At every open-
club believes the Aeta Community deserves to have status ing speech, CP Gary Ting and PP Oscar Karaan empha-
equal to a community in the lowlands regarding access to so- size the increasing opportunity for the Aeta children to go
cial services. The club members also believe that they could to a school within their reach, and that education could
help in reducing poverty among Aetas, that they dont have to help them learn not only life skills but self-sufficiency as
beg around the cities, and that they could have a good access well. At the commencement exercises last April 8, 2017,
to means livelihood within their reach. D3780 District Community Service chair LG Aiza Reme-
dios served as guest speaker and one of several resource
Throughout a year, Pagasians visit Kanawan and plan how to persons who inspired the graduates and their parents by
meet priority needs of the community - before the start of a sharing their own experiences.
school year, on graduation / Christmas time, and in between. The club gives support in the form of scholarship grants
The club spends time to prepare for every visit to the commu- to selected High School students. The club wanted to
nity. Invariably, those club visits are feeding events which the spur inspiration to the children and spare funds to make
Aeta families appreciate very much. The visits often present these scholars sustain their means and finish the course.
opportunities for healthcare missions, for gift-giving and dona- Feeding Program as ways of defeating malnutrition and
tions, and for educational inputs, fun and fellowship. enticing the students to come and attend school. This
is a support for the clubs advocacy to promote education
to children. When the feeding program was launched, the
attendance rate increased from 40% to 300%. The club
provides bulk supplies of food which the Rotary Commu-
nity Corps volunteers cook for breakfast of the students
on the daily basis.
Frequent medical missions. Medical mission are conducted

Thus far, the club addresses the economic and community

development opportunities in the Aeta Community in various

Formation of a Rotary Community Corps as team of com-

munity volunteers. To serve as source of information on
community concerns and developments in the community
to be shared with the club for action.
by Rotarians together with some volunteers who passion-
Livelihood scheme for volunteer fathers of families. For
ately attend to the folks health concerns. The club once
example, the club distributed seeds such as squash and
handled an Intensive Anti-TB campaign and a grand TB
mango as well as native chicken and goats for them to
screening project with the help of a fully equipped rolling
propagate, grow and sell as means of livelihood.
medical van made available by Congresswoman BH
Baking Seminar for mothers who wanted to help their
Herrera. Gladly, too, the club has rosters of volunteer pro-
spouse in making a living. Its a baking seminar in which
fessional doctors and dentists to share their craft in help-
the Philippine Society of Baking introduced practical tech-
ing the community.
niques in baking (empanada, bitso, polvoronand dough-
nut). The club purchased some of the baking supplies to There are more aspirations to be achieved for the Aeta Com-
be given to the mothers so that they could start their liveli- munity. The club continues its goal to help Aetas realize self-
hood. reliance within them, ignite their creativity and help them in
resources to start.
Nearly 1,000 pets receive free vaccination during rollout of
End Rabies in QC Program that aims to protect community
members from fatal effects of rabies
By Project Coordinator Butch Madarang, PP of RC Quezon City Circle

According to All Star President Caloy Agulto and officially bies sa UP Diliman,"
reported by District Community Service Committee Chair aims to vaccinate
Aiza Remedios to DGov Dwight Ramos, a total of 980 pets 4,000 dogs and cats
were vaccinated in 10 sites which included, Palaris, Amor- in a span of one
solo, Village A,B,C, Arboretum, Daang Tubo, Libis, Area 1, month in barangays
Aguinaldo, Ricarte, and Dagohoy on Saturday, March 18, and areas within UP
kick-off date of the project. D i l im a n C am p u s
which started on
The program to eradicate the rabies virus is a brainchild and March 18, 2017 (kick-
initiative of Dr. Teodulo Topacio, Jr., National Scientist for off date) to be fol-
Veterinary Medicine. lowed on March 25,
April 1, and April 8.
Rotary Club of Quezon City Circle Past President Butch
Madarang, Project Coordinator, has enjoined Rotary clubs in The participants and
RID3780 to participate in the annual conduct of "End Rabies service partners of
in QC Now Na!," a Quezon City-wide Free Anti-Rabies Vacci- RID3780 All Star
nation Drive focused on getting rid of rabies in all barangays Presidents and Dis-
in QC. A special Task Force was created by QC Mayor and trict Team are the
Rotarian PP Bistek Bautista in September 2011 to celebrate Office of UP Diliman
the World Rabies day. The task force formally launched the Chancellor, UP
yearly event and trained hundreds of barangay Health Work- Alumni Association,
ers and para-Vet volunteers during the Summit. UPLB College of Vet-
erinary Medicine, DA-
Classified in one of Rotary Internationals' Areas of Focus, Bureau of Animal Industry, QC Veterinary Services, Baran-
Disease Prevention, the project aptly called "Oplan Alis Ra- gay UP Campus and the UP Beta Sigma Fraternity.

RC Broadway QC celebrates a month by serving humanity
By PN Marian Nancy Jordan, RC Broadway QC
The Rotary Club of Broadway, Quezon City has success-
fully conducted series of community projects in its adopted
barangay, and foster public schools last February 16, 2017.

First, the simple turn-

over of hand washing
faci ity in Manunggal II
Daycare Center, Baran-
gay Tatalon, Quezon
City. This is a district-
wide-project of RI Dis-
trict 3780 in its commit-

ment to extend community ser-

vice projects that would promote
health and sanitation among daycare Lastly, in a separate date on February 25, 2017, the Rotary
children. Part of the simple pro- Club of Broadway visited the Haven for the Elderly, a home
gram was also the distribution of hy- for abandoned and neglected older men and women located
giene bags with toiletries to little kids
i n c o l l a b o r a t i o n
with Convergys Company-Philippines.

in T a n a y, Rizal. We launched an activ-

Second, provision of reference materials to Dr. ity "Bida si Lolo Bida si Lola" that despite their situation and
Josefa Jara Martinez High School. The materials sad stories, we recognize their significant roles in our society
were received by its Principal, and they deserve to be loved and respected. There was an
Dr. Jannet Aribon, and English teacher Mrs. Levi on the spot search for Valentine's King-Lolo and Queen-Lola
Serrano. These reading materials will help teachers to inno- where they showcased their singing and dancing prowess
vate their method of teaching, specifically to strengthen read- and amusingly replied to Q and A about life and passion.
ing comprehension skills of their students. We also provided sandwiches and drinks for more or less 150
elders, free haircut (libreng gupit) and had bingo games to
Third, in support to Rotary International's campaign to dimin- add more fun and joy.
ish world hunger problem, the Rotary Club of Broadway,
Q C h a s i n i t i a t e d a p r o j e c t The above-m entioned worthwhile undertak ings
Lingap Kabataan, Nutrisyon ay Agapan, a joint project have been realized through the able leadership of All Star
with the Rotary Club of Loyola Heights. We pro- President Erik Soriano and collective and full support of offi-
vided essential rice-soy meal packs for feeding activi- cers and members of the Rotary Club of Broadway, Quezon
ties in Diosdado Macapagal Elementary School. City.

Youth leaders hold Rotaract District Conference 2017
in Tagaytay City
The Rotaractors of D3780, calling themselves the RACStars,
held their District Conference 2017 at the New Haven Hotel in During the Fellowship Night on April 1, 2017, the attending
Tagaytay City on April 1-2, 2017. Prior to the conference RACStars had a chance to experience a different kind of
proper, they joined the motorcade and funwalk on March 31, bonding only young, energetic and creative Rotaractors can
2017 organized by D3780 Rotarians to promote awareness to pull together.
Rotarys goal to end POLIO.

District Governor Dwight Ramos joined the RACStars in the

It was an experience of inspiration and empowerment as the morning of April 2, 2017 and reminded them of their role in
Rotaractors listened to the following inspirational speakers: strengthening the Rotary movement worldwide.
Paul Estrebillo (Economic and Community Development), Ms
Peachy Dioquino-Valera (The Climate Reality Project), Tom The Rotaract DISCON 2017 was hosted by the Rotaract Club
Graham (Why The Filipino Can Change the World); Ms Roha- of Cubao under the sponsorship of RC Cubao QC, with guid-
niza Sumndad-Usman (Build Peace Movement). DRR Ra- ance from District Youth Service Chair PP Thelma Uanang
chel Cheng Diano rendered a State of the Rotaract Ad- and District Rotaract Chair Sharlyn Que.

All Star Presidents greet, welcome and serenade The
Great Presidents during the 2017 Presidents-elect
Training Seminar (PETS)
The Presidents-elect Training Seminar (PETS) for D3780 The evening of March 11 was highlighted by the traditional
incoming presidents (to be called Great Presidents) was HARANA (serenade) by the All Star Presidents led by District
successfully held from March 11 to 12, 2017 at the Develop- Governor Dwight Ramos and Spouse Angie. Holding white
ment Academy of the Philippines in Tagaytay City. It was the roses, the All Star Team sang Well Be There to the Presi-
culmination of a series of six (6) Pre-PETS sessions held to dents-elect who, led by DGE Chito Borromeo and Spouse
prepare the presidents-elect to assume leadership in their Nona, answered with their song Making a Difference. What
respective clubs for RY 2017-2018. The PETS was attended followed was a night of fun and fellowship around a bonfire,
by 94 PEs. complete with good food, pulsating live entertainment, and
the unique Rotarian bond of friendship
The PEs listened to and were inspired by distinguished Ro-
tarians on various topics: PDG Sonny Coloma D3830 (Great On March 12, the training seminar ended with a formal but
Difference); PDG Lito Colona D3830 (Rotarys Brand and joyful graduation ceremony and the seemingly endless photo
Public Image); PDG Ernie Choa D3810 (Membership Growth -ops.
and Attracting Young Members and Female Members); PDG
Sammy Pagdilao D3780 (Implementing High Impact Service PETS 2017 was hosted by RC Cubao Central led by Chair
Projects through Partnerships/Alliances); PDG Mel Salazar PP Pete Murao and ASP Marcus Gerochi.
D3780 (Club Administration); RIDN Raffy Garcia D3800 (My
Rotary Moment); PDG Jess Cifra (Rotary Foun-
dation Grants); and DGN Mar Reyes D3780
(Planning for Your Year).

A few more gallery pictures in March 2017


RI Presidents May 2017 Message Foundation Chairmans May 2017 Message

As you read these lines, final prepara- As we near the end of our yearlong cele-
tions are well underway for our 108th bration of The Rotary Foundation's 100th
Rotary International Convention, 10-14 anniversary, let's stop to think about what
June in Atlanta. We're looking forward to the world would be like if Rotarians had
one of the biggest and best Rotary con- never created an endowment fund for
ventions yet, as we celebrate not only a doing good in the world.
wonderful year of Rotary Serving Hu- I think we can say for certain that without
manity, but a full century of Doing Good Rotary's historic PolioPlus program, the
in the World through The Rotary Foun- world would not be on the verge of eradi-
dation. cating polio.

If you haven't already made plans to attend, it's not too Although public health officials and governments would have
carried out routine vaccination efforts, it was Rotary's leader-
late to register at There is simply no bet-
ship and support that provided the impetus to move beyond
ter way to round off another great year in Rotary than by
containment of the virus to global eradication.
coming together with 40,000 or so of your fellow Rotarians
to share ideas, find inspiration, and have a great time to- And let's consider the other diseases our Foundation grant
gether. projects have prevented and treated by providing access to
health care, clean water, and adequate sanitation. Malaria,
We're excited to have Bill Gates, a friend and partner in cholera, HIV/AIDS, Guinea worm the list goes on and on.
our work to eradicate polio, speaking at our convention How many thousands of people have avoided suffering and
this year. And it's worth arriving early to attend a special even death because Rotarians carried out projects?
Presidential Peace Conference, scheduled for 9-10 June Without the Foundation, many more people would have re-
and featuring Bernice A. King, daughter of Martin Luther mained illiterate and many others would not have the voca-
King Jr. and Coretta Scott King. tional skills needed to earn a living and provide for their fami-
I'm proud to host a convention that is practically in my
own backyard: Atlanta is a vibrant, modern state capital And then there is our quest for peace. In 2002, the first
just a two-hour drive from my home city of Chattanooga, peace fellows started class at the Rotary Peace Centers.
Today, hundreds of our graduates are using their skills to
Tenn., and it's a great place to experience the famous
prevent and mediate conflict and help those whose lives
hospitality of the American South. Our Host Organization
have been devastated by war.
Committee has a great week planned, starting with the
"Blue Jeans and Bluegrass" kickoff event on Saturday In villages around the world, you see hundreds of signs iden-
night. tifying Rotary Foundation projects. They stand beside water
wells and are affixed to clinics and schools. When I see one
Come on over to Centennial Olympic Park, right across of these signs, I feel proud to be a Rotarian and I think, "My
from the House of Friendship, and get in a dancing mood contributions helped make this happen."
with Grammy Award winner Ricky Skaggs and his Ken- Let's never forget that behind every one of these signs is a
tucky Thunder band. Meet up with friends old and new at story of the people whose lives have been touched and per-
the Centennial Celebration Block Party or on the Peace haps even saved. It is their stories that demonstrate conclu-
Tour of Atlanta. Roll up your sleeves for the Habitat Home sively how much better the world is because The Rotary
Build, or tie up your laces to take part in the 3K Walk/Run Foundation exists.
to End Polio Now. And before you say goodbye, come
back to the House of Friendship for one more party: our KALYAN BANERJEE
Foundation's 100th birthday party, with (of course!) cake Trustee Chair 2016-17
and ice cream.

It's going to be an incredible experience, and Judy and I

are looking forward to celebrating with you or, as we say
in the South, with y'all! See you in Atlanta!

President 2016-17

The top 10 grammar mistakes people make,
according to Microsoft
By Shana Lebowitz, Business Insider March 15, 2017

SERVICE ABOVE SELF 3. Missing a comma after an introductory

Example: First of all we must make sure that
The Object of Rotary the power is off.
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and Correct: First of all, we must make sure that
foster the ideal of service as a basis of wor- the power is off.
thy enterprise and, in particular, to encour- 4. Missing a hyphen
age and foster:
Example: My 3 year old son
Sometimes it's laziness or impatience;
Correct: My 3-year-old son
FIRST. The development of acquaintance sometimes they're genuinely confused.
as an opportunity for service; 5. Incorrect subject-verb agreement
Using data from millions of its subscribers, Example: The cats eats.
Microsoft recently rounded up a list of the Correct: The cats eat.
SECOND. High ethical standards in busi- top 10 grammar mistakes in the English lan-
ness and professions, the recognition of the guage. The data comes from people who 6. Incorrect capitalization
worthiness of all useful occupations, and use Microsoft Word and/or Outlook, both of Example: It's cold, But we are going out.
the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation which come with a tool called Editor. Correct: It's cold, but we are going out.
as an opportunity to serve society;
Editor highlights spelling and grammar errors 7. Mixing up possessive and plural forms
and makes suggestions to help improve your Example: My sisters car is old.
THIRD. The application of the ideal of ser-
vice in each Rotarian's personal, business, writing. Correct: My sister's car is old.
and community life; 8. Incorrect agreement with noun phrases
Below, we've listed the 10 most common
grammar errors, along with examples, ac- Example: I would like to buy this apples.
FOURTH. The advancement of interna- cording to Microsoft. There's a good chance Correct: I would like to buy these apples.
tional understanding, goodwill, and peace you've made at least one. 9. Commonly confused words
through a world fellowship of business and Example: After all that running, I am out
professional persons united in the ideal of 1. Leaving too many white spaces be- of breathe.
service. tween words
Correct: After all that running, I am out of
Example: To the left. breath.
Correct: To the left. Read Microsoft's list of most commonly con-
The Four-Way Test fused words.
OF THE THINGS we think, say or do 2. Missing a comma
Example: If the weather remains the same 10. Incorrect verb form after auxiliary
1) Is it the TRUTH? we'll leave early. Example: They had ate when we arrived.
2) Is it FAIR to all concerned? Correct: If the weather remains the same, Correct: They had eaten when we arrived.
we'll leave early.
3) Will it build GOODWILL and
4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all This Court Case Proves Why the Oxford
Comma is Valuable
By Zamira Rahim, Fortune March 16, 2017
Rotarian Code of Conduct The comma is an optional one that is used before an
The lack of an Oxford comma between packing for
As a Rotarian, I will and or or at the end of a list. Its surprisingly contro-
shipment and or distribution of meant that it was
versial online, with its uses or lack of them being
1) Act with integrity and high ethical stan- unclear whether the guidelines meant distribution and
vociferously debated, but a labor court case has now
dards in my personal and professional life packing for shipment were separate things, or
settled the argument, CNN reports.
whether the exemption applied to jobs involving either
2) Deal fairly with others and treat them A group of dairy drivers in the dispute argued that packing for shipment or packing for distribution.
and their occupations with respect they deserved overtime pay and the appeals court
According to the court, the dairy drivers in question
agreed with them. Why?
only distributed but didnt pack perishable food, so
3) Use my professional skills through Ro- Because the guidelines setting out the types of work werent necessarily covered by the clause. The judge
tary to mentor young people, help those that dont require overtime pay lacked clarity. The added that where such rules are unclear, labor laws
with special needs, and improve peoples case turned on one particular extract: are structured to benefit employees, so the dairy
quality of life in my community and in the drivers won.
world The canning, processing, preserving, freezing, dry-
ing, marketing, storing, packing for shipment or distri- For want of a comma, we
4) Avoid behaviour that reflects adversely bution of: have this case, the judge
on Rotary or other Rotarians (1) Agricultural produce; wrote.
(2) Meat and fish products; and
(3) Perishable foods. 14

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