Questionnaire: GS1 Website

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Q.1) Which products are manufacture by the cermet resistronic pvt ltd?

Tins, Oil Container, eating products tins, oil cans.etc.

Q.2) which types of worker do you required in cermet resistronic pvt ltd?

Skilled, helpers, trained

Q.3) what are different colour codes for different product?



The NRF Standard Color and Size Codes give retailers, vendors and manufacturers a common
language for product color and size identification for EDI purposes that supplements the
information conveyed by UPC codes.

For products that have a color and/or size, an NRF Color Code and/or an NRF Size Code are
required Minimum Data Elements for implementation of the EDI Price Sales Catalog
Transaction Set (832). Visit the GS1 website to learn more about EDI.

In addition to cost savings related to improved inventory management, fewer errors due to
manual entry and reduced time for new item set up and maintenance, use of the codes allows
retailers and their vendor partners to do automated analysis for sales trends by sizes and colors,
and helps guide merchandise assortment planning.

This helps ensure that the right merchandise is in the right place at the right time, benefiting not
just retailers and vendors, but consumers, too.

Q.4) what different process are followed in manufacturing the different products in
cermet resistronic pvt ltd?

Q.5) how do you calculate the input and output of each process of cermet
resistronic pvt ltd?
Q.6) how do you calculate normal loss abnormal gain and abnormal loss for
different processes in manufacturing different product by your company cermer
resistronic pvt ltd?

Q7) which method of process costing used in cermet resistronic pvt ltd?

Q.8) what is your future plan for expansion of business of cermet resistronic pvt

Q.9) how process costing help cermet resistronic pvt ltd to minimise the abnormal
wastage of material, labour and overheads?

Q.10) how process costing helps cermer resistronic pvt ltd to increase the
profitability of the company?

Q.11) what is profitability scenario of the company cermet resistronic pvt ltd?

Q.12) why did you think process costing is an effective method in manufacturing
company like yours cermet resistronic pvt ltd?

Q.13) which costing method used in cermet resistronic pvt ltd?

Q.14) why process costing is an importantin manufacturing company, like yours
cermet resistronic pvt lt?

Q.15) how process costing helps you in decision making?

Q.16) In which industries your product were applied?

1. Types of Production Processes What is a Production System?
Production System are those activities of an organization where Types of Production
Processes resources flowing within a defined system are combined and transformed
Presented By: in a controlled manner Anupam Kumar to add value Reader in
accordance to the policies communicated by SMS Varanasi the management. Characteristics
of a Production System Types of Production Systems Production is an organized activity, so
every The types of production processes / systems are production system has an objective.
classified on the basis of The system transforms various inputs to useful Product / Output
Variety and outputs. Product / Operations / Output Volume It does not operate in isolation
from other They are broadly classified as: organizational systems. Continuous Production
Process Process / Flow Production There exists a feedback about the activities, Mass
Production which is essential to control and improve Intermittent Production Process
system performance. Batch Production Job Shop Production Types of Production
Processes Types of Production Process Production processes or manufacturing There is
yet another type of production process operations may broadly be divided into two The
third type of production process is one where categories. The company produces standard
modules and Made to stock production process assembles these modules These firms
make items that are completed and placed in according to the specifications of a customer
order stock before customer order is received. This type of production process is Assemble-
to-Order Made to order production process production process. E.g. These complete the
end item only after receiving a customer order. PVC window assemblers, This is because
manufacturer cannot anticipate what each modular kitchen board assemblers, etc. customer
wants.Anupam Kumar 1

2. Types of Production Processes Types of Production Processes Types of Production Processes

Another way to define the type of production Project process is based on the extent to which a
factory has Job-shop Production the flexibility to produce a variety of products. Process This
can be categorized as follows Intermitted Batch Continuous Production System Production
Production Variety Continuous System Process Flow Production System Production Mass
Production System Mass System Production Intermitted Production System Process Batch
Production System Job-shop Production System Flow Production Project Production System
Process Volume Continuous Manufacturing System Repetitive Manufacturing These are also
referred to as Repetitive Manufacturing Systems. WIP is low because the items move These
are mass production facilities that quickly in the plant. produce high volumes of the same
products. Examples are television, radio, and They are usually make-to-stock producers.
telephone producers. The manufacturing happens in Automated, Product(s) follow the same
path: special-purpose equipments. Continuous flow (flow shop) Continuous flow (flow shop)
Continuous flow operations are sometimes Some products flow also called process type
operations continuously through (as opposed to discrete operations). a linear process.
Examples are These types of Chemical plant, operations are called Oil and Gas, continuous
flow (flow shop) operations. Petroleum refineries, Usually the products Sugar mills, etc. are
not discrete.Anupam Kumar 2

3. Types of Production Processes Process Production / Flow Production Mass Production Process
When is it used: When is it used: Advantage: Advantages: Dedicated plant and
Standardization of product Higher rate of production Standardization of product with reduced
cycle time. equipment with zero and process sequence and process sequence flexibility
Dedicated special purpose Higher capacity utilization Higher rate of production due to line
balancing Material handling is fully with reduced cycle time. machines having high automated.
production capacities and Less skilled operators are Highest capacity utilization output rates
required. Process follows a due to line balancing predetermined sequence of Large volume of
products Low process inventory operations Manpower is not required for material handling.
Shorter cycle time Manufacturing cost per unit is Component material cannot Lower in
process inventory low. be readily identified with final Persons with limited skills can product
be used for production Balanced production lines Limitations process. Material and parts
flow is Break-down of one machine Planning and scheduling is a continuous without back-
may stop entire production routine action Unit cost is low due to high volume of production .
tracking line. Product differentiation is Production planning and Line layout needs major
limited. control is easy changes with changes in Involves high initial Material handling can
be product design. investments. completely automatic Higher investment in production
facilities. Intermitted Production Process Job Shop Production Process In this type of
production process The volume of each product is low. Job 1 Job 2 Generally produces
make-to-order, custom products in accordance with design supplied by the customer. Each job
may be unique and may require a special set of production steps. Further, each job may require
a particular routing. Job 4 Job 3 There are no standard routings. Products may follow
different paths. Needs general-purpose production equipment Job Shop Production Process Job
Shop Production Process Job shop production process are used in When is it used:
Advantages: High variety of products with A large variety of products woodworking shops,
low volume can be produced with the Use of general purpose general purpose machines
metal fabrication shops, etc. machines and facilities Operators become more Highly Skilled
Operators who skilled and competent with May require an inventory of a few type of the take
up each job as a each job raw materials. challenge Full potential of operators can Large
inventory of materials, be utilized BUT, here the largest percentage of the tools and parts
Opportunity exists for Detailed planning is essential creative methods and inventory is Work in
Process (WIP). for sequencing of each innovative ideas. product Capacities for each
Limitations: Work in Process is the inventory that work centers and order priority Production
planning is accumulates in between process stages. complicated Larger space
requirement.Anupam Kumar 3

4. Types of Production Processes Batch Manufacturing Batch Manufacturing Many

manufacturing operations fall between The batch manufacturing company makes a job shops
and repetitive manufacturing. batch of one product, then may switch over These are called batch
manufacturing. (set up) the equipment and make a batch of Batch means a single production
run another item. Batch size means the quantity produced in a single production run.
Production equipment should be more flexible It may be less than 100 units OR up to a few
1000 than repetitive manufacturing and it is units. generally less flexible than job shops. Batch
Manufacturing Batch Production Process When is it used: Advantages: There is a shorter
production Lower manufacturing lead Here, products having run time and cost as compared
to Plant and machinery are job order production process. same or similar flexible Better
utilization of plant and processes may be Every batch of production machinery requires
changes in the plant Promotes functional grouped into a and machinery set-up. specialization
product family. Limitations: Lower investment in plant Material handling is complex and
machinery Examples are small Production planning & control Flexibility to accommodate
is complex and process number of hand tools (e.g., drill, products High set-up cost due to Job
Satisfaction to operators. screw driver), and frequent changes in set ups. hand mixers. WIP
inventory is higher than continuous production process. Project type Project type A project is a
highly flexible and low volume type Some types of service operations may also be operation.
called as Projects. Usually the item to be produced stays in a fixed place and all the resources
come to it. These involve a team of people over a period At the end of production, resources
leave the place. of time and then the people leave the project. Examples are Example: ship
construction, Developing a software package may be a project bridge construction, type of
service operation. buildings and large machines.Anupam Kumar 4

5. Types of Production Processes Basis for Comparison of Types of Production Process

Production Processes Job Shop Production Process Manufacturing Cost Flexibility of
Production These are characterized by manufacturing of one or few quantity of products
designed and produced as per the specification of the Capital Investment Types of Products
customer within prefixed time and cost Batch Production Process Plant Produced It is a
form of manufacturing in which the job passes through the Inventory Material Handling
functional departments in lots or batches and each lot may have a different routing. Size of
Plant Equipment usage Mass Production Process Manufacture of discrete parts or
assemblies using a continuous Technical Requirements Security of Job process is called mass
production. To workers Flow / Process Production System Organizational Structure The
production process in which the items are made to flow through To employees. the sequence of
operations by various devices right from the first operation to the finished product stage is called
a flow or process production system. To Objectives of Operations Management

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