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Limit State of Collabsibility

Beam L/C Node Fx kN Fy kN Fz kN Mx kNm My kNm Mz kNm

Max Fx 6 201 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5BL 7 137.47 358.819 0.426 -29.332 -0.777 575.222

Min Fx 6 202 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5ML 7 -75.763 436.816 -1.012 -28.527 3.25 992.394

Max Fy 4 202 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5ML 4 1.247 1258.592 3.311 -16.455 -5.074 3614.67

Min Fy 45 201 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5BL 61 7.555 -779.441 -7.914 2.188 -8.676 1023.194

Max Fz 37 201 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5BL 46 23.176 -399.582 17.395 -53.608 -10.238 206.287

Min Fz 1 202 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5ML 1 -1.286 -704.837 -12.584 12.662 6.16 -112.167

Max Mx 44 203 1.2DL+1.2LL+1.5SF(X) 54 -0.789 826.773 -1.584 166.425 2.524 2683.347

Min Mx 8 204 1.2DL+1.2LL+1.5SF(-X) 9 -0.789 826.773 1.584 -166.425 -2.524 2683.348

Max My 37 201 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5BL 47 23.176 -441.993 17.395 -53.608 15.855 837.468

Min My 1 202 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5ML 2 -1.286 -747.247 -12.584 12.662 -12.716 976.896

Max Mz 32 202 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5ML 39 0.301 1162.698 0.307 -17.646 -0.643 3668.425

Min Mz 42 202 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5ML 53 -75.032 263.936 -0.418 28.751 -2.205 -1409.342


Limit State of Collabsibility

Beam L/C Node Fx kN Fy kN Fz kN Mx kNm My kNm Mz kNm

Max Fx 55 202 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5ML 32 49.677 64.325 -0.693 -3.717 1.818 91.997

Min Fx 50 202 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5ML 7 -26.166 86.633 0.883 10.603 -2.392 -2.59

Max Fy 90 201 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5BL 58 -3.922 905.005 1.254 -68.871 -1.391 982.818

Min Fy 75 201 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5BL 4 -0.703 -886.48 -1.309 50.502 -1.356 969.341

Max Fz 75 202 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5ML 65 -4.385 -801.327 2.597 3.338 -1.685 -300.897

Min Fz 48 202 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5ML 60 -8.119 -309 -2.905 76.135 1.693 54.904

Max Mx 62 201 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5BL 63 5.29 -308.553 -0.568 138.963 0.162 71.553

Min Mx 74 201 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5BL 57 0.518 332.343 0.906 -159.686 -1.13 554.205

Max My 50 201 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5BL 7 48.636 46.286 -2.159 15.396 5.604 -127.023

Min My 50 201 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5BL 12 48.636 -35.143 -2.159 15.396 -4.758 -153.765

Max Mz 90 201 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5BL 58 -3.922 905.005 1.254 -68.871 -1.391 982.818

Min Mz 73 201 1.5DL+1.5LL+1.5BL 53 -14.048 -210.635 -0.054 -20.688 0.032 -359.516


Limit State of Servicibility

Beam L/C Node Fx kN Fy kN Fz kN Mx kNm My kNm Mz kNm

Max Fx 6 101 1DL+1LL+1BL 7 91.647 239.212 0.284 -19.555 -0.518 383.481

Min Fx 6 103 1DL+1LL+1ML 7 -50.509 291.211 -0.675 -19.018 2.167 661.596

Max Fy 4 103 1DL+1LL+1ML 4 0.832 839.062 2.207 -10.97 -3.383 2409.78

Min Fy 45 101 1DL+1LL+1BL 61 5.037 -519.628 -5.276 1.459 -5.784 682.13

Max Fz 37 101 1DL+1LL+1BL 46 15.451 -266.388 11.597 -35.739 -6.825 137.525

Min Fz 1 103 1DL+1LL+1ML 1 -0.857 -469.891 -8.39 8.441 4.107 -74.778

Max Mx 44 101 1DL+1LL+1BL 54 -3.346 686.097 -1.411 106.331 2.256 2235.353

Min Mx 8 103 1DL+1LL+1ML 9 -1.62 686.785 1.892 -108.58 -2.761 2236.721

Max My 37 101 1DL+1LL+1BL 47 15.451 -294.662 11.597 -35.739 10.57 558.312

Min My 1 103 1DL+1LL+1ML 2 -0.857 -498.165 -8.39 8.441 -8.478 651.264

Max Mz 32 103 1DL+1LL+1ML 39 0.201 775.132 0.205 -11.764 -0.429 2445.617

Min Mz 42 103 1DL+1LL+1ML 53 -50.022 175.958 -0.279 19.167 -1.47 -939.561


Limit State of Servicibility

Beam L/C Node Fx kN Fy kN Fz kN Mx kNm My kNm Mz kNm

Max Fx 55 103 1DL+1LL+1ML 32 33.118 42.883 -0.462 -2.478 1.212 61.331

Min Fx 50 103 1DL+1LL+1ML 7 -17.444 57.755 0.589 7.069 -1.594 -1.727

Max Fy 90 101 1DL+1LL+1BL 58 -2.615 603.337 0.836 -45.914 -0.927 655.212

Min Fy 75 101 1DL+1LL+1BL 4 -0.469 -590.987 -0.873 33.668 -0.904 646.227

Max Fz 75 103 1DL+1LL+1ML 65 -2.924 -534.218 1.731 2.226 -1.123 -200.598

Min Fz 48 103 1DL+1LL+1ML 60 -5.412 -206 -1.937 50.756 1.129 36.603

Max Mx 62 101 1DL+1LL+1BL 63 3.527 -205.702 -0.379 92.642 0.108 47.702

Min Mx 74 101 1DL+1LL+1BL 57 0.345 221.562 0.604 -106.457 -0.753 369.47

Max My 50 101 1DL+1LL+1BL 7 32.424 30.857 -1.439 10.264 3.736 -84.682

Min My 50 101 1DL+1LL+1BL 12 32.424 -23.429 -1.439 10.264 -3.172 -102.51

Max Mz 90 101 1DL+1LL+1BL 58 -2.615 603.337 0.836 -45.914 -0.927 655.212

Min Mz 73 101 1DL+1LL+1BL 53 -9.365 -140.423 -0.036 -13.792 0.021 -239.677


Design of beam

Grade of concrete fck = 35 N/mm2

Grade of steel fy = 500 N/mm2

Dia of main bars = 32 mm

Dia of stirrups = 12 mm

Clear cover = 50 mm

Width of beam b = 1500 mm

Overall depth D = 2000 mm

Effective depth d = 1934 mm

Bending Moment Diagram for Envelope Condition

Max: 3669 kNm

Max: 2993 kNm

Max: 1366 kNm

Max: 872.459 kNm

Max: -1050.1 kNm

Design For Maximum Sagging Moment Max: -1496.8 kNm

Design Bending Moment Mu = 3668 kNm

Number of main bars = 18

Xu limit 0.46 d = 889.64 mm

Ast provided = 14476 mm2

Xu actual = 0. 87f y A st
0 .36f ck b
Xu = 333 mm

> Xu lim - doubly reinforced

A st f y
Moment of resistance =
0 . 87 f y A st d 1
bdf ck )
= 11311 kNm

> 3668 kNm OK

Check for Minimum Reinforcement

Minimum Reinforcement A st = 0.85

bd fy

Ast = 4932 mm2


Provide 18 numbers of Y-32mm dia bars at two layers

Design for Maximum Hogging Bending Moment

Design Bending Moment = -1409 kNm

Dia of main bars = 25 mm

Number of main bars = 9 mm

Effective depth d = 1934 mm

Xu limit = 0.46 d = 890 mm

Ast Provided = 4418 mm2

Xu actual = 0. 87f y A st
0 .36f ck b

Xu = 102 mm

< Xu lim - under reinforced

A st f y
Moment of resistance =
0 . 87 f y A st d 1
bdf ck )
= 3636 kNm

> 1409.34 kNm OK

Check for Minimum Reinforcement

Minimum Reinforcement A st = 0.85

bd fy

Ast = 4931.7 mm2


Provide 9 numbers of Y-25mm dia bars

Shear Design

Design Shear force Vu = 1259 kN

Effective Depth d = 1934 mm

Width of section b = 1500 mm

Nominal Shear Stress v = Vu/bd

v = 0.43 N/mm2

Area of Sagging Reinforcement = 14476 mm2

Percentage of reinforcement = 0.50 %

Design Shear stress c = 0.76 N/mm2

< v

Maximum Shear Stress cmax = 3.7 N/mm2

cmax > v > c

Net Shear Force V = Vu-cbd

V = -946 kN

Using 8 legged stirrups 12 mm dia bars

Permissible Stress for Fe 500 grade steel =

No. of legs = 6

Diameter of bars for stirrups = 12 mm

Area of Stirrups Asv = 678.24 mm2

Spacing of Stirrups Sv = (0.87 x fy x Asv x d)/V

Sv = -603 mm

Say = 300 mm

Provide 6 legged stirrups Y-12 mm dia bars @ 300 mm c/c

Side Face Reinforcement

Depth of Beam = 2000 mm

Ast required (0.001x1000x1000) = 3000 mm2

Dia of reinforcement provided = 12 mm

Number of bars required for both faces = 8

Number of bars provided for each face = 4

Ast provided = 905 mm2


Provide 4 nos of 12 mm dia bars on each face

Crack Width Calculations - Check for Servicibility

Crack Width Limit = 0.2 mm

Design surface crack (as per IS 456-2000, Annex F)

3 acr m
Wcr =
2 ( a crCmin )
h x

Distance from the point considered to the surface
acr - of the nearest longitudinal bar
Cmin - Minimum cover to the longitudinal bar
m - Average Steel strain at the level considered

h - Overall depth of the member

x - Depth of neutral axis

Average steel strain can be calculated as follows:

m b(hx )(ax )
= 1
3 E s A s (d x )

As - Area of tension reinforcement
Width of the section at the centroid of the tension
b - steel
Strain at the level considered, calculated ignoring
1 - the stiffening of the concrete in the tension zone
Distance from the compression face to the point at
a - which the crack widht is being calculated

d - Effective depth
Es - Young's Modulus of steel

Details of Main Reinforcement in the beam

Number of bars = 18 Nos

Dia of bars = 32 mm

Total depth h = 2000 mm

Width of section b = 1500 mm

Dia of stirrups = 12 mm

Clear cover = 50 mm

Minimum cover to longitudinal bar Cmin = 62 mm

Effective depth d = 1934 mm

Effective cover d' = 22 mm

Young's Modulus Es = 2.00E+05 N/mm2

Bending Moment = 2446 kNm

Area of tension reinforcement As = 14476 mm2

Neutral Axis and Stress Calculations

Neutral Axis Depth x = jd


d - Effective depth

j - Lever arm factor

j = 1-k/3

k - Neutral axis factor

k = (2 m p )+(m p )2(m p)
p - Percentage of steel reinforcement

m - Modular Ratio
m = 280
3 cbc

cbc Permissible compressive stress due to bending in

= concrete (IS 456-2000, Table 21)
cbc = 11.5 N/mm2

Modular Ratio m = 8

Percentage of steel reinforcement p = 0.0017

Neutral Axis factor k = 0.15

Level arm factor j = 0.95

Neutral Axis depth x = 1835 mm

Stress in Reinforcement fs = M
A st jd

fs = 92 N/mm2

Distance from the compression face a = 1500 mm

Spacing of bars c/c = 100 mm

Distance to the surface acr = 86 mm

Strain Calculation:
1 fs

1 = 4.60E-04

Average Steel Strain m = b(hx )(ax )

3 E s A s (d x )

m = 0.0006
Wcr 3 acr m
Design Crack width =
2 ( a crCmin )
h x
Wcr = 0.111 mm

< 0.2 mm

Hence Safe

Main Reinforcement:

a. Sagging Reinforcement: 18 numbers of Y-32 mm dia bars

b. Hogging Reinforcement: 10 numbers of Y-25 mm dia bars

Shear Reinforcement:

8 legged Fe 500 grade steel Y-12 mm dia bars at 300 mm c/c

Side Face Reinforcement:

4 numbers of Y-12 mm dia bars on each face


Design of beam

Grade of concrete fck = 35 N/mm2

Grade of steel fy = 500 N/mm2

Dia of main bars = 25 mm

Dia of stirrups = 12 mm

Clear cover = 50 mm

Width of beam b = 600 mm

Overall depth D = 800 mm

Effective depth d = 738 mm

Bending Moment Diagram for Envelope Condition

Max: 4211 kNm

Max: 2884 kNm

Max: 1001 kNm

726.330 kNm
370.591 kNm
170.099 kNm

-574.724 kNm
Max: -1045.1 kNm

Design For Maximum Sagging Moment

Design Bending Moment Mu = 983 kNm

Number of main bars = 10

Xu limit 0.46 d = 339.25 mm

Ast provided = 4909 mm2

Xu actual = 0. 87f y A st
0 .36f ck b
Xu = 282 mm

< 339.25 under reinforced

A st f y
Moment of resistance =
0 . 87 f y A st d 1
bdf ck )
= 1325 kNm

> 983 kNm OK

Check for Minimum Reinforcement

Minimum Reinforcement A st = 0.85

bd fy

Ast = 752 mm2


Provide 10 numbers of Y-25mm dia bars

Design for Maximum Hogging Bending Moment

Design Bending Moment = -360 kNm

Dia of main bars = 20 mm

Number of main bars = 4 mm

Effective depth d = 738 mm

Xu limit = 0.46 d = 339 mm

Ast Provided = 1257 mm2

Xu actual = 0. 87f y A st
0 .36f ck b

Xu = 72 mm

< Xu lim - under reinforced

A st f y
Moment of resistance =
0 . 87 f y A st d 1
bdf ck )
= 387 kNm

> -360 kNm OK

Check for Minimum Reinforcement

Minimum Reinforcement A st = 0.85

bd fy

Ast = 752.25 mm2


Provide 4 numbers of Y-20mm dia bars

Shear Design

Design Shear force Vu = 905 kN

Effective Depth d = 738 mm

Width of section b = 600 mm

Nominal Shear Stress v = Vu/bd

v = 2.05 N/mm2

Area of Sagging Reinforcement = 4909 mm2

Percentage of reinforcement = 1.11 %

Design Shear stress c = 0.64 N/mm2

< v

Maximum Shear Stress cmax = 3.7 N/mm2

cmax > v > c

Net Shear Force V = Vu-cbd

V = 622 kN

Using 2 legged stirrups 12 mm dia bars

Permissible Stress for Fe 500 grade steel =

No. of legs = 2

Diameter of bars for stirrups = 12 mm

Area of Stirrups Asv = 226.08 mm2

Spacing of Stirrups Sv = (0.87 x fy x Asv x d)/V

Sv = 117 mm

Say = 100 mm

Provide 2 legged stirrups Y-12 mm dia bars @ 100 mm c/c

Side Face Reinforcement

Depth of Beam = 800 mm

Ast required (0.001x1000x1000) = 480 mm2

Dia of reinforcement provided = 12 mm

Number of bars required for both faces = 6

Number of bars provided for each face = 3

Ast provided = 679 mm2


Provide 3 nos of 12 mm dia bars on each face

Crack Width Calculations - Check for Servicibility

Crack Width Limit = 0.2 mm

Design surface crack (as per IS 456-2000, Annex F)

3 acr m
Wcr =
2 ( a crCmin )
h x

Distance from the point considered to the surface
acr - of the nearest longitudinal bar
Cmin - Minimum cover to the longitudinal bar
m - Average Steel strain at the level considered

h - Overall depth of the member

x - Depth of neutral axis

Average steel strain can be calculated as follows:

m b(hx )(ax )
= 1
3 E s A s (d x )

As - Area of tension reinforcement
Width of the section at the centroid of the tension
b - steel
Strain at the level considered, calculated ignoring
1 - the stiffening of the concrete in the tension zone
Distance from the compression face to the point at
a - which the crack widht is being calculated

d - Effective depth
Es - Young's Modulus of steel

Details of Main Reinforcement in the beam

Number of bars = 10 Nos

Dia of bars = 25 mm

Total depth h = 800 mm

Width of section b = 600 mm

Dia of stirrups = 12 mm

Clear cover = 50 mm

Minimum cover to longitudinal bar Cmin = 62 mm

Effective depth d = 738 mm

Effective cover d' = 26 mm

Young's Modulus Es = 2.00E+05 N/mm2

Bending Moment = 655 kNm

Area of tension reinforcement As = 4909 mm2

Neutral Axis and Stress Calculations

Neutral Axis Depth x = jd


d - Effective depth

j - Lever arm factor

j = 1-k/3

k - Neutral axis factor

k = (2 m p )+(m p )2(m p)
p - Percentage of steel reinforcement

m - Modular Ratio
m = 280
3 cbc

cbc Permissible compressive stress due to bending in

= concrete (IS 456-2000, Table 21)
cbc = 11.5 N/mm2

Modular Ratio m = 8

Percentage of steel reinforcement p = 0.0017

Neutral Axis factor k = 0.15

Level arm factor j = 0.95

Neutral Axis depth x = 700 mm

Stress in Reinforcement fs = M
A st jd

fs = 191 N/mm2

Distance from the compression face a = 600 mm

Spacing of bars c/c = 125 mm

Distance to the surface acr = 115 mm

Strain Calculation:
1 fs

1 = 9.54E-04

Average Steel Strain m = b(hx )(ax )

3 E s A s (d x )

m = 0.0010
Wcr 3 acr m
Design Crack width =
2 ( a crCmin )
h x
Wcr = 0.169 mm

< 0.2 mm

Hence Safe

Main Reinforcement:

a. Sagging Reinforcement: 10 numbers of Y-25 mm dia bars

b. Hogging Reinforcement: 4 numbers of Y-20 mm dia bars

Shear Reinforcement:

2 legged Fe 500 grade steel Y-12 mm dia bars at 100 mm c/c

Side Face Reinforcement:

3 numbers of Y-12 mm dia bars on each face


Design Data

Grade of concrete fck = 35 N/mm2

Grade of steel fy = 500 N/mm2

Density of concrete = 25 kN/m3

C/C distanece between shorter span Lx = 4.8 m

C/C distance between longer span Ly = 7m

Width of the main beam b1 = 0.8 m

Width of the longitudinal beam b2 = 0.6 m

Clear span along shorter span L = 4m

Clear span along longer span B = 6.4 m

Overall depth of the slab D = 0.5 m

Thickness of the wearing coat = 0.075 m

Width of the section b = 1000 m

Clear cover = 40 mm

Diameter of main bars = 16 mm

Diameter of stirupps = 12 mm

Effective cover d' = 60 m

Effective depth of the slab d = 440 m

Effective Span = Clear span + Effective depth

L' = 4.44 m

Longitudinal Beam

6.4 m

Main beam

4.8 m
4.8 m

From IS 456:2000,
Ly = 1.46 < 2

The slab is designed as two way slab


Dead Load:

Self weight of slab = 0.5 x 25

= 12.5 kN/m2

Weight of wearing coat = 0.075 x 25

= 1.875 kN/m2

Total Dead Load = 14.375 kN/m2

Live Load = 200 kN/m2

Total Load = 214.375 kN/m2

Load Factor = 1.5

Factored Load = 321.5625 kN/m2

Ultimate Design Moments and Shear Forces

From IS 456:2000, Table 26

The moment co-efficients for Ly/Lx = 1.46

Interior Panels:

Negative moments at continuous edge x = 0.052

y = 0.032

Moment at 'X' direction Mux = x wu L


Mux = 330 kNm

Moment at 'Y' direction Muy = y wu L


Muy = 203 kNm

Positive moment at mid span x = 0.04

y = 0.024

Moment at 'X' direction Mux = x wu L


Mux = 254 kNm

Moment at 'Y' direction Muy = y wu L

Muy = 152 kNm

Maximum Shear Force Vux = 0.5 wu L


Vux = 714 kN

Check for Depth

Mmax = 0.138 fck b d


d =
M max
0 . 138 f ck b

d = 261 mm

< 440 mm

Hence, the effective depth selected is sufficient to resist the design ultimate moment.

Reinforcements (short and long span)

Negative moments at continuous edge

Mux (-ve) A st f y
0 . 87 f y A st d 1
( bdf ck )
A st 500
330 x 106 =
0 . 87500 A st 440 1 ( 100044035 )
Ast = 1833 mm2

Area of 1 Y-16 bar ast = 201 mm2

No. of bars provided = 9

Provide 16 mm dia bars at 100 mm centers in short span direction.

Muy (-ve) A st f y
0 . 87 f y A st d 1
( bdf ck )
A st 500
203 x 106 =
0 . 87500 A st 440 1 ( 100044035 )
Ast = 1100 mm2

Area of 1 Y-16 bar ast = 201 mm2

No. of bars provided = 5

Provide 16 mm dia bars at 150 mm centers in long span direction.

Positive moment at mid span

A st f y
Mux (+ve) =
0 . 87 f y A st d 1
bdf ck )
254 x 106 =
0 . 87500 A st 440 1 ( A st 500
100044035 )
Ast = 1400 mm2

Area of 1 Y-16 bar ast = 201 mm2

No. of bars provided = 7

Provide 16 mm dia bars at 130 mm centers in short span direction.

Muy (+ve) A st f y
0 . 87 f y A st d 1
bdf ck )
A st 500
152 x 106 =
0 . 87500 A st 440 1 ( 100044035 )
Ast = 816 mm2

Area of 1 Y-16 bar ast = 201 mm2

No. of bars provided = 4

Provide 16 mm dia bars at 240 mm centers in long span direction.


Design Data

Span of the jetty (one panel) = 55.8 m

Cantilever in longitudinal direction = 1.5 m

Cantilever in transverse direction = 1.5 and 3 m

Width of the jetty (one panel) = 20.5 m

Thickness of slab = 0.5 m

Thickness of wearing coat = 0.075 m

Width of the section b = 1000 m

No. of longitudinal beams = 4

C/C distance between beams = 9 and 7 m

Grade of concrete fck = 35 N/mm2

Grade of steel fy = 500 N/mm2

Density of concrete = 25 kN/m3

Clear cover = 40 mm

Diameter of main bars = 16 mm

Diameter of stirupps = 12 mm

Effective cover d' = 60 m

Effective depth of the slab d = 440 mm

From IS 456:2000,
Ly = 2.72 > 2

The slab is designed as one way slab

Design of Slab

Centre line dimensions of bridge deck




3 9 7 1.5


Dead Load:

Self weight of slab = 0.5 x 25

= 12.5 kN/m2

Weight of wearing coat = 0.075 x 25

= 1.875 kN/m2

Total Dead Load = 14.38 kN/m2

Design dead load = 21.56 kN/m2

Live Load = 200 kN/m2

Design live load = 300.00 kN/m2

21.56 kN/m

Loading Diagram - Dead Load

200 kN/m

Loading Diagram - Live Load

Staad Analysis Output

The momnet at the face of support and mid span are shown below

Bending Moment Envelope

Max: 1219 kNm

304.788 kN

Max: 1856 kNm

Max: -1205.4 kNm

Max: 304.788 kNm

-578.871 kNm
Shear Diagram Envelope
76.197 kNm Max: -662.067 kNm

Y Max: 812.769 kN
X Load 0 : Bending Z 406.384
: Displacement
Z MomentMax: 0k
- kNm

Max: 1290 kN
Max: 812.769 kN
406.384 kN
Max: 0 k

Max: 1290 kN

70.791 kN

Max: -1148.4 kN

Max: 726.589 kN
-221.641 kN
Max: -1169.9 kN

Max: 0 kN
-203.192 kN-406.384 kN

Output Summary

Maximum sagging moment = 1205.4 kNm

Hogging Moment = 1856 kNm Load 0 : Shear Y : Displacement
Z Force - kNm
Maximum shear at face of support = 1290 kN

Design for Hogging Moment

Mu = 1856106
bd 2 10004402

= 9.6

Percentage of steel required Pt

= f ck
2f y[
1 1
4 .598 R
f ck ]
= 35
2415 [
1 1
4 . 5989 .6
35 ]


The precast deck planks are placed over the Transverse beams. Then the screed concrete is placed
over the precast deck planks. The deck slab span in the shorter direction (in between the beams) and
the deck slab is designed for a unit width.

The deck slab will be designed for the following loads

a. Self weight

b. Live loads (Maximum of Moving loads/Stacking of 200 kN/m2

Effective Width Calculation

Longitudinal Beam

B = 6.4 m

B'=7 m

Main beam

L' =4.8 m

C/C distance between shorter span L' = 4.8 m

C/C distance between longer span B' = 7m

Width of the Main beam = 0.8 m

Width of the Longitudinal Beam = 0.6 m

Clear span along shorter span L = 4m

Clear span along longer span B = 6.4 m

Overall depth of the slab = 0.5 m

Clear cover = 40 mm

Assumed dia of main reinforcement = 16 mm

Dia of distribution reinforcement = 10 mm

Effective cover d' = 58 mm

Effective depth of the slab d = 0.442 m

Effective span along shorter span Lef = 4.8 m

Calculation of Effective width of loads on slab

beff = kx(1-x/Lef)+a


beff = Effective width of slab

constant having the values given in Table
14 depending upon the ratio of the width
k = of the slab (l') to the effective span (lef')
distance of the centroid of the
x = concentrated load from nearer support

lef = Effective span and

width of the contact area of the
concentrated load from nearer support
a = measured parallel to the supported edge.

k = 2.24

x = 2.4 m

a = 0.5 m

Effective width of the slab bef = 3.188 m

Load Calculation for Deck Slab

Dead Load:

Self weight of slab = 0.5 x 25 x 1

= 46.4 kN/m

Weight of wearing coat = 0.075 x 25 x 1

= 0.3536 kN/m

Total Dead Load = 46.7536 kN/m

46.75 kN/m

Longitudinal Beams

Live Load:
Live load considered for analysis

Intensity of live load on the deck = 200 kN/m2

Width of the slab = 1m

Load intensity on the slab = 200 kN/m

200 kN/m

Ultimate Design Moments and Shear Forces

From IS 456:2000, Table 26

The moment co-efficients for Ly/Lx = 1.46

Interior Panels:

Negative moments at continuous edge x = 0.052

y = 0.032

Moment at 'X' direction Mux = x wu L


Mux = #VALUE! kNm

Moment at 'Y' direction Muy = y wu L


Muy = #VALUE! kNm

Positive moment at mid span x = 0.04

y = 0.024
Moment at 'X' direction Mux = x wu L

Mux = #VALUE! kNm

Moment at 'Y' direction Muy = y wu L


Muy = #VALUE! kNm

Maximum Shear Force Vux = 0.5 wu L


Vux = #VALUE! kN

Check for Depth

Mmax = 0.138 fck b d


d =
M max
0 . 138 f ck b

d = #VALUE! mm

< 440 mm

Hence, the effective depth selected is sufficient to resist the design ultimate moment.

Reinforcements (short and long span)

Negative moments at continuous edge

Mux (-ve) A st f y
0 . 87 f y A st d 1
( bdf ck )
A st 500
330 x 106 =
0 . 87500 A st 440 1 ( 100044035 )
Ast = 1833 mm2

Area of 1 Y-16 bar ast = #VALUE! mm2

No. of bars provided = #VALUE!

Provide 16 mm dia bars at 100 mm centers in short span direction.

Muy (-ve) A st f y
0 . 87 f y A st d 1
( bdf ck )
A st 500
203 x 106 =
0 . 87500 A st 440 1 ( 100044035 )
Ast = 1100 mm2

Area of 1 Y-16 bar ast = #VALUE! mm2

No. of bars provided = #VALUE!

Provide 16 mm dia bars at 150 mm centers in long span direction.

Positive moment at mid span

A st f y
Mux (+ve) =
0 . 87 f y A st d 1
bdf ck )
A st 500
254 x 106 =
0 . 87500 A st 440 1 ( 100044035 )
Ast = 1400 mm2

Area of 1 Y-16 bar ast = #VALUE! mm2

No. of bars provided = #VALUE!

Provide 16 mm dia bars at 130 mm centers in short span direction.

Muy (+ve) A st f y
0 . 87 f y A st d 1
bdf ck )
A st 500
152 x 106 =
0 . 87500 A st 440 1 ( 100044035 )
Ast = 816 mm2

Area of 1 Y-16 bar ast = #VALUE! mm2

No. of bars provided = #VALUE!

Provide 16 mm dia bars at 240 mm centers in long span direction.

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