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Paint powerful need Coen oo] a ro ees - plus rca ei utd Pera) Beenie pe i Beet yi erie king be! sci-fi concepts Juan Pablo Roldan chats about the secrets behind his creative concepts Editor’s Letter Cea RODS a Welcome to 2dartist issue 106! Eh ea This issue blasts off with a stunning showcase of sci-fi oy concept art! Firstly from freelance concept artist, Juan Pablo Roldan, who impresses us with his futurist eeicocaaisieat llustrations and wealth of knowledge for creating facebook con/ayerpaint awesome concepts for videogames, and secondly ‘ we share a selection of stunning artwork created by go Atom Design forthe gergantuan space adventure, | ps yoecon Guardians of the Galaxy. toaoubishing JESS SERJENT-TIPPING. 0 com/tota Eseu es We also have a host of sketchy goodness, as Brun Croes eoeaereree shares his sketchbook and Justin Gerard walks us @D Persone! through the steps taken to sketch a charismatic fantasy Whether you're painting pin-ups, herds of creatures, or ee Using photos, there's a host of top images, tutorials, and resources to aid and inspire you, Enjoy: VUUUCULULULULULUL LULL LULU Contributors ) RON ASHTIAN! redaindusties Theyp anang concept a, JUAN PABLO ROLDAN Fry Rabie RAHOU Juan Pablo Rodan curently works 3s. freelonce Aer morethan 12 yearsin he computer opis el, ‘evelopinga series of concepts for an upcoming fordeogame , BRUNCROES, RENJU Ma fran Croes'safrelanceillustrator and conc Renju Visa concept artist and mate-penting artist. - se specalties include characte desig, He curently works a a background at ‘evelopment. Heopens his awesome setchbook, transform the moad of your photographs JUSTIN GERARD WOULD YOU LIKE To SUBMIT TO 2DARTIST? om the moment that Jutn Gerard steamed tha! We are alway lo total artist gallery ae pen rang He desks nspation om nature an more. For more information, pease senda nk human hist thoughts favor soure ty, four work to jess@aattal com, uly ess Serjent Tipping jesse@xxtotolcom Jenny Newell ‘yan Pishneshin Publishing Coordinator ‘Adam Smith George Lucas george@3dtotalcom Lynette cee pmette@dtotl com Tom Greenway support@ cota! com Distribution istibuted a i Disclaimer c P george@3ctotolcom Magazine. Get the most out of it! IFyou're having problems viewing the double-page spreads that we feature within this magazine, then follow this handy lttle guide on how to set up your PDF reader! Top tips for viewing jum viewing of the magazing tis recommended that you hve the tt version of d. You can download it for free here: [ETENTCLU) the many double-page spreads featured in 2dartist magazine, you can set there 0 display "two-up" which will show double-page spreads as one large landscape image 1, Open the magazine in Reader 2.Goto the View menu, then Page Display; 3. Select Two Page Scrolling, making sure that Show Cover Page in Two Page View isalso selected, Jump to articles Inthe Contents pages, we have direc links toall articles within the magazine. fa cera atticle catches your eye, simply click (or tap on handheld devices) on the page number within he Contents, and you will be taken straight to thatarticle Download resources Whenever you see this symbol, besuretoclickit to ‘fl FREERESOURCES ources to accompany thatatice! dowload fer For lots more tutorials and exclusive articles, visit ‘magazine into your Tunes library itwil automatically add the POF to your bookshelf in your Books app! Contents Issue 106 Breathtaking sci-fi concepts Atomhawk’s spacecraft concept art Fantastical character drawings The gallery Sketch a fantasy character Paint powerful pin-ups Create creature custom brushes Build a scene with photos Digital Art Master: Fenghua Zhong Renna, ie vee Th TL, aT YS Breathtaking sci-fi i concepts nniques for vide youtihe si, yout love the creative and realistic conceptsof Juan Pablo Roldan. This Colombian artists the creator ofimpresive futuristic ilustrations where spaceships giant ‘ies and solders feature heavily. He lefthis traphic design job behind in 2011 to fellow his ‘dream of workinginthe fim and videogame Industry and soon landed his fistrole asa concept artist producing designs for Space Empire Games Roldan chats with us about his Journey, where he drawshisinepration fom for his epic pieces, and experimenting with tots, ‘techniques and syle. 2darist Huan, thanks fos cating : today. Frat coud you tl ourreadesaitlebt Juan Pablo Roldan: snd graphic desien 3 eee et nee eee eee ee eed €Thisimage was fora deme class, where Juan was teaching how to integrate some Se net et eed Muse eis et Da ea ae) ~ 100000+ DIGITAL MAGAZINES ee —— TSS Ty Oe eee ne cet eect ts cet 2d: nat was about the digtal tools that mack JPR: Thee ality ofered tome sity to micand experiment with ferent rescur teu napes, photos, and cc sethe ea Stared wth cigar. ogame industries, andthese athe gt thatthe are cuenty working 2a: Yours pices are breathtaking Where do Ces JPR: ca vo PROTIP Don’t believe everything you see on ith natu the internet! option. Dortget stated when yousce wrkdonein 3 mioutes- skid faghtyreuies ime cnthiket ardhardwek-you shal isto wo aboutearngthe ss ndreciefeedhck om persanderioythelearing proces. Toveing mewth my end and *youdorthneanatschool nay. youcan find many altemaiesentheiternt fom which axandrenew nid ‘blean Youcan aso tybooks magne ond ee and padttoalsand oninecouses The pared much ie at the computer too ‘mportantthing sto undestnd thatthe basis ae neces fora. Danity tostara bung betoererimentwihinkandtertol anda atthe decortn because wht astong ruta planning e ald havea goad fonotsecrbo0s, > ‘eo hati happen aS ‘© Juan has always been impressed by the amazing Chinese culture, so he was realy exited to draw a representation of tle plece of thisbeautiful country OT eer et ture with a giant robot giving Back up toa special forces team 2d eit pas PR: m 2a: " JPR: 2a: tal eset eee utara © Artist Timeline Juan Pablo's careerso far 2011: Juan deidedto quthisjod a gaphic ‘desnerinan advertising femtofollowhis passion 2011: Juan gots reeancejob as concent att rom Teravision based in Canada, making somedesignsforSpace Empires Game 2012: This was Juan’ fistjobona movi production forthe besten Sparish writer uan Gomez sured 2013; Juan stated work as a concep atinstucte Inalecal school 2013 Juan's workwas featured in etoas Digitol at asters 9 201 Juanbeganworkasa concept at for “STORMEDGE: seo te Darness or JC Cute sudioin Singapore 2014 Juan wasievtedt te Souther Taiwan University of Science and Technology ove an intensive course andcollaborateon alm project. 204: an wasinated to theFilmnausCamp 9 Singapore to gue aworlshopandeallaborateina short fim project 2014: uan stated werkasa concept att forthe New York based tuto HOSTAGE FILMS to workina Fim Fomthe dietorRuben Late 204: Juan statedhis nm stu and a academy (ania, sual Studio) wih another woartstin, Colombia ¢ Inthisarwork, Juan wanted toshow two krightscrossingadeep forest with giant magic tree 1 Thisconcopt wasfora demo cass where Juan showedhis students how to integrate bushes, textures, shapes andrice colorsinto ample composition > eee ee ee een eed imaginaryjelyish to give asc f context tothe image ‘ada What has baen yourtavrte RFK asbeen 4 PROTIPS Be self-critical One ofthe tings that adviseistonotsette Whenyou stopto analyze animage, make sure ‘thatthe bases are wel apple, heidea is wel epreserted,thecomposionisstrongare really showste besoin that}b, When you are sure tat your workis well done shareltwith ‘pets andcomectnhatsntrigh, then you shoud have pice your portal, Discipline Semetingryimporant you want achieve aptionintheindusty you ned undestandthatyou mute ceetantyouhaveto lm and generate cermptvelmages ou haveto practi alr, and to dower dao move yar sh, Mary peoplaskine what the sects tothe images that do. There realyio asecet-I’scommient and pasion ‘what Stay acthe in both the digtal and adiona practices Be objective and set shot term gas ke *Forthenexttree months wil pacice anatomy, everyday, s many houtsas possible, then begin tovary the envronment, thn coo ihn, and so. Intimeyourealy willhve greater ably tintepretyouridensandyou wilson to generate moreinterestingcompestons ‘Theotherthingisto readalet are then ty tointerpret hay scenesofthestny Thieme serves straningfr your brain when you ae developing abi, and overtime youcan realy conquer te highest chalngesandachiewe your goa! Fally something mpartant-beeveinwhat youd Visualize your goasand enjoy the path thats ahead. No matter what they tl you it’s something you wantto do, doit without huryngand wth common sense 7 te a 2a: eee Ce rie Oe ee Rn Cee place. Inthistime, the humans dreamisto achieve the exape to a new clean world i Halian digital artist Lorenzo Zitta knows how to create thought provoking still images with LightWave 11.6 Whether the stil is computer-generated with UghtWave, on artful arrangement of digital photos. of a combination of the two, the composition of the scene - with its attention to detail and unusual merging of objects - demands a closer look “Thanks to LightWave, Ican quickly test many different approaches for my projects. ove bringing models into Layout and switching on Radiosity, then stort working fon shading and lighting. bringing in more elements, and testing and improvising to get the look | want. - Lorenzo Zit. 3@ LightWave 11.6 By arists for artists. AVC a UN] SLATS TSE Te ana UOT eT STS 3DTOTALPUBLISHING Uy Atomhawk’s spacecraft concept art Pree OPAL LSP ==) UM No ecia RMT oR Ue moO CON UI latest blockbuster, Guardians of the Galaxy. Check out this mouth-watering gallery of stunning spaceship concept images, form-study illustrations and key-frame art © “Guardians has been an awesome and truly inspiring project to work on. As our second Marvel project, Guardians presented a fresh set of challenges” ‘great aspect (one ofmany! ofthe gigantic cuter space vision, uardions ofthe Golan, asthe extraordinary attention to detail and design. Past the opening cenes ofthe fim, Guardians ofthe Goaxy is set excusvelyin otherworldly places, Theldea of rendering these many words, settings, creatures, nd vehicles altogether daunting, yet tiling. Asa result ofthis otherwortdinss, teams of artists worked excitedly toring these paces and sets to Ue, andbecause of that, we've seen aweath of incredible concept artemergs “This time we were tasked with relmagining 9 Marvel omic from srate, rather than working ith an exiting film franchise. The team: the creative Ucense this gave us and think this feelings evdentinthe work we produce.” > ‘Atomhawk Design focused primarily onthe ships and crafts you seein the movi, showcasing their soaring ideas for the Milano, Dark Aster, Kee Necrocraft, Yondu’s fighter and such notable Gvardons destinations asthe Kyn, Knowhere and the Collector's Room, Fourmembersofthe Atomhawk team Were involved the project, spending vera year ‘working closely with the Marvel team onthe action-packed space adventure to createsome ‘ofthe nshed fl’ signature visuals especialy seenin the Milano, Kyla Prison and the era, ‘celestial headspace station, Knowhere. ‘Aomhawhare delighted to see how those ‘concepts have comet fein sucha sucessful fim Guordfans of the Golaxyhas now grossed se1amwordwide, “The highlights of working on the film were the creation ofthe Milano spacecraft, which demanded a huge amount of detail and complexity, the Kiln Prison and the severed head of a giant floating celestial being, known as Knowhere” Mena ico an ode nt We look forwardto seing Atormhawk's work on a third Marvel movie soon! @ ‘Atormhawk’ recent projets include: ft _ ode eng ‘wards include: The independent Ga n (TIGA) Awards Best et ole 2013 North as Busine Commerce Awards inated for 2014 Develop Awards, Catv rkon Proje ae “Tata ORE ALLEL SSaeF F SEE THE COMPLETE CHARACTERS HD SERIES rae Ey Rocketbox 3D Model and Ani 3DTOTALPUBLISHING AVAILABLE NOW! ORKSHop An innovative and fun way for people of all ages to find the inspiration to pick up a pencil - and draw! The Sketch Workshop incorporates a luxury leather-style folder that can securely hold a workbook and up to 20 quality drawing tools. We've created a number of workbooks that cover popular topics including: Designed to be easy to carry and use on the move, this beautiful art resource offers a complete sketching solution for beginners, hobbyists, and artists looking to brush up on drawing skills, with tuition by pro artists. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE FOLDER, WORKBOOKS, AND DRAWING TOOLS AVAILABLE, PLEASE VISIT: SHOP.3DTOTAL.COM Brun Croes bruncroescom iustrator and Con whose speci aracte de fantasy si desig and vata development OLETLNPOOL OF TRIN NUDE Take a look inside Brun Croes’ sketchbook of charming cartoony characters... ‘Sketching is one of my most beloved things about being an illustrator and concept artist But being anillustratoris all about working, {or clients, which fun but ean alo be quite limiting sometimes - which is where my sketchbooks coment ‘A sketchbook is the perfect place todo what Iwantand to draw without ay constraints, without someone looking over my shoulder, telling me to change this and that. t's the perfect laboratory in which to comeup with new ideas, explore my style and develop my ‘own skills, ‘Sketching is where it all begins forme. Before {doing any ilustration, traditionally or digitally, Iretreat to my sketchbook It's the magic place where! can focus on enhancing my erat ‘without the fear of fallure. The more! sketch, ‘whether from my imagination or real life, the better become at my craft~it is a crucial and fundamental part of creating anything visual, encourage everyone reading this to doodle every day. Don't be afraid of fallure hile sketching: if you're not making the progress you're looking forthen try to fall better. Failures the greatest leaning tot {for sltimprovement. When Isketch in my sketchbook, not every page filed with ‘good drawings-mostofthem aren't But these sketches exist purely as away of ‘experimentation and exercise. ‘Sketching, forme, ispure magic. t's where my passion for drawing began and where | discovered that could put down the images. ‘that saw in my head. Bestof al itis my personal hiding lace. | look at my sketchbook ‘as another world; a place where ican goto do ‘what want and no one cantake that away from me. © Some ery simple line work that ended up being usedin one ofmy ilustations. love tostan with asimple sketch and painton top oft, beitdigtalortraitional +0 DAREMA Ct PRTC M\cAciNe icone 1% *e OLETLNPOOL OF TRIN NUD EN © ree strc erly eve stan cette ae area leat yryng out wheter telah gpd Thiswasashatch did forastory was workingonitwasthe catalyst for alot ofmy traditional sketches and inspred me to doa lat more. Belorethis sketch was mainly doing gal work, butafend ‘encouraged meto returto traditional sketching hen the digital was ‘not working out. m very gad | di this one © srt conerion mostra sng an enn nye stl tng dsp toe | a ra (Hs, For more inspiring concept designs and sketches from some of the world's most talented artists, be sure to check out Sketching from the Imagination: ‘An nsight into Creative Drawing. § Vt www adtotaLcom/shop fr mor information 4 2dartist Would you like to see your sketches featured in 2dartist magazine? We're always on the lookout for talented artists and their artwork to adorn the pages of our magazine. Ifyou think you have what it takes, get in touch! To submit, simply email Jess at with a selection of your images or a link to your portfolio online, plus a little information about you. We look forward to hearing from you! NEW 3DTOTAL Na sau RTP ENS der Seas Tips, Techniques, and Inspiration for 3D Designs TO LOOK AT THE BOOK IN MORE DETAIL AND TO SEE THE PLEDGING OPTIONS PLEASE CLICK HERE KICKSTARTER FUNDING GOAL: | PROJECT END DATE: Art Gallery ROE ec Re Peet i Bruny Pen emy nets eed Sad Reece) Cee ey ere ey The Artist Sketch a fantasy character Learn how to compose a complex fantasy scene from your imagination, starting with the design of your character. Justin Gerard shares useful techniques and top tips to sketch outa fantasy character ready to place into a scene @ hishelps me keepth Discover the steps and techniques to design and sketch a fantasy character... Drawing a complex scene with multiple figures ‘and background elements can seem daunting atfirst,even when you are very experienced. Inthis series will show you how to break your ‘composition down inte manageable chunks so that they can be tackled one at atime. {il begin withthe thumbnail stages and show how I work on rough drawings, collect ‘and utilize references, and finally take those rough sketches and turn them into finished 5 ° > oe ; Beginning, middle and end ofthe itustration process BARTS GAZI | Pi power ps rts thant eth 03 Eee (coer ey care No damsels in lstres for this army badass! Here, aim or my pin-upsto be strong women with boots tank appropriate gear and to resemble the same power of theitank artillery However, lee’snot forget this isa pin-up, a celebration of the figure andits freedom. O04 eee we add up our wins and count out ‘ur losses. Some of those thumbs just dda't ful the goal fa forward marching prowess (ie. thumb 1}. Ormaybe the idea is thee, but the composition didn't match the concept thumb 2). Atersome feaback, | settle onthe ‘most dynamic ofthe thumbs thumb 3},andhead ‘ut tonal dow athe intricacies feel willbe importanttothe inal image seu edit pining Fst swieseunyee count peri fase Theony sre tage rcormed wears inthe sive toyota se, cosy img tomeptoon N62 mene, references, craw outa certain degree of deta Aa RL Eu Ca ud @ Fou sitet numba secon © crores vewterosn unin © Arceesttotteten nag window Adetaitedsketchin black-and-white to be used during the painting process @ Aten tp deacition tonto Len eins yout finshed with th Asimpleimage used to show the range ‘ofa working color palette and how some ofthe colors work together © retrssenn east piing proves bckeund pt Making slight changes to show solidification oflight sources and effects @ stewing tne ndtonesanfatsarn thescene Here the lineworks colored, so we can move away from relying on tinework Competition 2014 Win Over Tendo B-2G A VUE PlantFactory CloudFactory Carbon Scatter LumenRT JUDGES SPONSORS Paul Huston e-on software Scott Brisbane Cornucopia3D Dark Hoffman 3D Magazine Max Dennison 3D Connexion Eran Dinur Ballistic Peter Baustaedter GEEKATPLAY Studio Stephane Belin QuadSpinner Tom Greenway CG Society lan Dean Pixologic Jim Thacker 3D Total Mike Hepburn DreamWorks S9R822RTY W@ Comucopis30” @-On 9 Pixologic 3D, eo. a BRAINS RM Gp 30connexion & 5,2 a i meee tyoveral (ed Gorerz 3DTOTALPUBLISHING beginner's guide ails ee atts ‘The Beginner's Guide series is back with a clear and comprehensive look at working in Adobe Photoshop Elements. Dee LC eet ed Serene rey break down the best and simplest techniques for creating Noe eu Cec Buide offers easy-to-follow steps that guide you through See Cen ee one Cen eta eas en ee With a simplified interface and fewer variable parameters to learn than eau oes pene Sct tee eee eter Peet See eer Pons ee ae er ent eee re tae eos See Sete Available from Ps Create creature Rabie Rahou solves the problem: creatures. He guides us th how to create a custom bru Rabie Rahou Software Used: Photoshop ‘videogame cinematics. Depicting herd of creatures ina scene isa really challenging task - even for professionals. Youwill face a multitude of problemsin painting herds, both technical and artistic, and have to ask yourself a number of ‘questions to create a realistic scene, such as: How do compose aherd? should! paint them Individually or as a group? Whats the best and fastest technique to paint a believable herd? How do! paint the environment around theherd? Wel i's shard puzzle that try to simply and resolve inthis step-by-step tutorial 02" “It’s a very competitive world for concept artists, and you need to be fast. You must know all the shortcuts and techniques to deliver good work ina short time” oss eee need alot of deal, sto gain tine, creat dali que Dynamic and put ith alight pen pressure forthe Painting the main group than adding Individualsin places to make the ‘composition stronger [Adding some ess detailed herds around ‘the main group to bulld up the perspective Splitting the imageinto parts and giving the herd the biggest area. Don'tleave the other parts empty though ast will ‘make the herd look small Create your own brushes to paint herds ‘based on the main character 06.;.::: raring solid value Nowbecausewe arefacingthe sun ita itl (osimulatean atmosphere the ays for 1, paint four ur separate la nil react on the lens darange them a follows: background herd nerate a brightness thats not base \ddle ground herd 3, middle ground her 2, 1 foegroundherd. Everytime you paintcloser But stillhaveto paint cold shadow, respecting OTe me : ee Ss wrong with this beast Ogsisegeerast Ireplace the shepherds beast nth another, Create multiple brushes with different poses and perspectivesto achieve a believable herd Paintinga herd in dliferent layers is a good technique to achieve better ‘composition, depth and shading The atmosphere of our scene is mainly based on sunlight, by simulating the rays refraction we can achieve avery nice atmosphere Try tofilall the spacein your image and adda value to your story DIGITAL ae AS DIT TCe a om on VOLUME 6 Peary Pen ttmetet tty ered Se a eg eee eek eo Vv ord PAINTING VOLUME 6 TO RUC ee icles Rae MURR m eee RUT) eRe ALCL la ae “The latest edition of Digital Painting Techniques is a wonderful collection of tutorials, giving unique insight into the creative processes of many industry-leading artists. it will be a great ‘addition to any creative's reference library, professional and novice eo etre Ce nn tee Cee ee i Now in ts sixth year, Digital Painting Techniques: Volume 6 continues the tradition of showcasing the latest digital painting trends and techniques, from industry experts including Carlos Cabrera (Applibot) eee Cee neha es artists will earn about the development of character moods, creating. ee eet Lecce as fundamental aspects of lighting and atmosphere, forming another Pee esr MO oa + Matte painters and concept artists for the Ty film, and game ier Fee eo i Mme ua they are starting to embrace digital painting asa valuable medium Se eee nec) paintings + Photographers who want to branch out and use Photoshop for more Pete ect + Hobbyists who want to learn useful tips and tricks from the best poesia 2dartist Subscribe today and receive 4 free issues! “A great source of inspiration and tips on how to improve your skills and speed up your painting process. Besides very detailed step-by-step tutorials, 2dartist magazine will also ensure there are a large variety of topics covered as well.” -Blaz Porenta, illustrator 12 ISSUES PER YEAR! Click here for more information and to read the Terms and Conditions Build a scene with photos Renju MY. divulges the steps he took to transform the mood and atmosphere of a photo using digital painting Pel ameu Meehan) a —_— Discover how Renju MV. created his realistic image Hide and Seek... In this tutorial will be describing my approach to creating a different atmosphere, ‘mood and lighting setup using a stock photo Orin Ozer Cn painting late war rom around) Ones Oarenssberene 1 Perspective Preparing the image by convertingitto ‘ landseape format. Image © Shannon Hager Photography @ Refining te composition by adding and subtracting elements from the scene © vere nso tote select and dle 2. Subject a ceca Changing the tone of the image using a blue blending mode ayer © porerng tne scne ato yo renste sithouettes better ei ltg-y Lele 3dtotal presents the new issue of 3dcreative magazine, a downloadable monthly magazine for digital artists for only £2.99 (approx. $4.79/€3.69) eT eee cake ssue, subscription offers, and to purc Plus! We talk to Jonathan Payne about his terrific sculpture series... beautiful dancer Cue ur eee ter ae ag re available hed THE DIGITAL PAINTING RESOURCE se the gallery interviews, news Bee eee OE ee teed included a free ee etn eee ode Pe ee oe Steerer LAYERPAINT.C ONAL Se tems DIGITAL ART MASTER: Juezhan O\aRcia1al0t- PP Anle) aaa wi a Discover the amazing composition and attention to detail that went into Rea uterneneeonecst ieee ee rem ukuieence teed oan Rae eeP elena enced es) +E w 4 ~ DIGITAL ART MASTERS: V8 omens Pe 3 Sc UNCON Tana Ly 4 THIS TUTORIAL! —=4\ | y SS a. a. we 5 Starting anew image Color and composition “

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