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Title of Subject : Control Systems

Discipline : B.E. Electrical Engineering

Term : 6th Term
Code EL-306
Effective : 11-batch and onwards
Marks : Theory (100) Practical (50)
Aims : To give adequate knowledge & understanding about the concept of Control System.
Objectives : On completion of this course the students will be able to:
Discuss various types of control systems.
Mathematically formulate electromechanical devices and systems.
Discuss Transfer functions, Block diagram, signal flow graph representation of basic
electrical, mechanical and electromechanical devices and systems.
Understand the concepts of polar and Bode Plots of transfer function.
Learn the application and methods for the analysis of control system.
Use Analogue computers for the simulation of the control systems.
Learn the control systems for industry
Contents :
Basic concept of open loop and closed loop (feedback) control systems. Control system
terminology and characteristics.

Review of complex variable and plane, singularities of function, Pole-Zero of functions,

Laplace Transform

Equation of physical systems. Control system components. The dynamics of simple

servomechanism for angular position control. Second order systems. Transfer matrix.

Transfer functions of some basic electrical, mechanical, electro mechanical devices and
system. Block diagram representation, single flow graphs.

Polar plot o transfer function, Bode plot of Transfer function, stability criteria.

Introduction to state variable concept. State equation of some basic linear systems.
Matrix representation of state equations.
Analog computer Simulations.
Process Control
History of process control systems, types of process control system, Benefits & Applications
of process control systems. PID Controller & Digital Controllers

Note: Practical work is based on the above theoretical course.

Books Recommended : Text Books
Feedback & control systems, Stefano, Stubberud and Williams Schaumsout line
series. (Latest edition)
Modern Control Engineering by KATSUHITO OGATA Prentice Hall (latest
Industrial Instrumentation & Control , S K Singh
Reference Books
Feedback control system Analysis and Synthesis by J.J.D. Azzo (C.H.Houpis),
McGraw Hill. (Latest edition)
Feedback control System, by BC. Kuo
Fundamentals of Industrial Instrumentation and Process Control by William C.
Dunn, McGraw-Hill, 2005
A system is a combination of components that act together and
perform acertain
certain objective.
Types of Control System

1) Manmade or manufactured
2) Biological
3) Both man made & Biological

EXAMPLE: Fan Regulator System, controlled by dimmer/ regulator. Traffic

lightcontrol& Automatic Washing Machine control etc.

A closed loop control System is one in which the control action is somehow
dependent on the output.
An advantage of the closed-loop (Feedback) control system is the fact that the use of
feedback makes the system response relatively insensitive to external disturbances
(e.g. temperature and pressure) and internal variations in system parameters (e.g.
component tolerances) which are not known or predicted. Also tendency to keep
stable from unstable condition.
The disadvantages:
Risk of instability
Complexity in analysis and implementation, and expensive

Other examples: Refrigerator, Air Conditioner, fully automatic washing machine, etc.

Feedback can be divided into positive feedback and negative feedback. Positive feedback causes the
new output to deviate or depart from the present command status. For example, an amplifier is
put next to a microphone, so the input volume will keep increasing, resulting in a very high output
Negative feedback directs the new output towards the present command status, so as to allow
more sophisticated control. For example, a driver has to steer continuously to keep his car on the
right track.
Negative Feedback produces stable circuit responses, improves stability and increases the operating
bandwidth of a given system; the majority of all control and feedback systems are degenerative
reducing the effects of the gain i.e. negative feedback.

A range of frequencies within a given band, in particular that used for transmitting
a signal.Simply:
Simply: Data transfer rate


Example: Fan Regulator System

Washing Machine Control system

Fig. 2

Closed loop Automatic Oven (Without timer)

Refrigerator Control System

Air-conditioner system

Biological Control
Example: Draw a schematic & a block diagram of a position servomechanism whose
function is to open & close a water valve.
A servomotor is a rotary actuator that allows for precise control of angular
position, velocity and acceleration. It consists of a suitable motor coupled to a
sensor for position feedback.
Servomotors are not a specific class of motor although the term servomotor is
often used to refer to a motor suitable for use in a closed-loop control system.
A servomotor is a F.B servomechanism that uses position feedback to control its
motion and final position.

Home Assignment No.1

Q1: Identify input and output for the following:

1) Pivoted adjustable mirror.
2) Rotational generator of electricity
3) Automatic washing machine
4) Automatic toaster

Q2: Identify control action for the following:

1. Pivoted adjustable mirror.
2. Rotational generator of electricity

Q3: Draw the schematic &block diagram for elementary speed control system (velocity
servo mechanism).

Refer Book: Feedback & Control system SCHAUMS SERIES

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