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No 2664 _prdmo(admn)-iom, (2 Digecrorare Or puntic INsrauction “{S.E }” SS Punjagl anon e SS Dated 4p . To ‘ All the Chief Executive Officer, : District Education Authority, “ - In the Punjab. Subject VERIFICATION _OF _ EDUCATIONAL _ DEGREES _/ TESTIMONIALS AS A MANDATORY CONDITION FOR APPOINTMENT IN GOVERNMENT SERVICE. Your personal and immediate attention is invited to Government of the Punjab School Education Department letter No. SO (SE-IV)3-15/2017, dated 16.02.2017 addressed to this Directorate and a copy thereof endorsed to you along with a copy of S&GAD letter No. SO(LEC)5-104/2016, dated 09.02.2017 (Copies enclosed) on the subject cited above. ‘You are requested to please submit complete information according to , the scheduled issued by the SKGAD vide letter dated 09.02.2017 mentioned above on the prescribed three proformas (A,B,C,D,ESF) (copies enclosed) through E.mail on the address Dav Avatine DIRECTOR (ADMINISTRATI a FOR DIRECTOR PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (8) coer ie Endst. No, s fda (Male) - 1 r > Copy forwarded for information to:- on PS to Secretary School Education Department, Government of the Punjab, Lahore w/t to their letter No, mentioned above. 0 Al the Divisional Directors Secondary & Elementary Education in the Punjab with the remarks to ensure the completion of tasks with the prescribed scheduled date DIRECTOR (ADMINISTRATION) , FOR DIRECTOR PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (SE) PUNJAB, LAHORE 76 NO. $0 (SE-W)3-/5/3017 =?’ o x att GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB. bass rl SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ae ? Dated Lahore the, 16” February, 2017 To The Director Public instruction (SE/EE), iis Punjab, Lahore. Na VERIFICATION OF EDUCATIONAL DEGREES / TESTIMONIALS AS A MANDATORY CONDITION FOR APPOINTMENT IN GOVERNMENT SERVICE 4 I ne | am directea to enclose herewith # copy of letter No.SO(I&C)5-104/2016 dated 09.02.2017 received from S&GAD (Implementaticn & Coordination Wing), Govt. of tne Punjab, Lahore on the subject noted above. 2. am further directed to request you to coordinate with the Competent Aut for completion of verification of Testimonials / Education degrees of the reciit detailed in the above mentioned letter, = DopD- The OPI (SE) Punjab, Lahore is hereby allocated(Gargoaha) Rawale BP Gujanwaia, Faisalabad & Lahore Division and DPI (EE) Punjab, Luhore is Bahawalpur, D.G.Khan, Multan & Sahiwat Division afl xed by the S&GAD, Govt. uf the Penjab, Lane sth J) 8y Kindly be subraitted to this Depariment ior intormation / necessary actio @ 1 this regard, a comy SECTION OFFICER (SE-IV) ‘A copy is forwarded for information and necessary action to: . 1. The Section Officer (I&C) S&GAD. (Implementation & Coordination Wing) witit his ‘atter as mentionad above. 2. All the Depuiy Commissioners in the Pun) 3, Ali the Chief Executive Officers, District Education Authorities, in the Punjel 4, Ali the District Education Officers (M/ W-EE) in the Punjab. SECTION ©} ce: 4 PS to Secretary School Education. 2. PAto Additional Secretary (Schools) No, SO(I8.C)5-104/2016 f GOVERHNENT OF THE PUNAB ass SERVICES & GENERAI. ADMINISTRATIO! ———— DEPARTMENT REEF, (IMPLEMENTATION & COORDINATION WING) Dated Lahore the 9"" February, 2017 To All Administrative Secretaries to Government of the Punjab All Divisional Commissioners in the Punjab All Deputy Commissioners in the Punjab ena VERIFICATION OF EDUCATIONAL DEGREES / TESTIMONIALS AS A__ MANDATORY CONDITION FOR APPOINTMENT __IN GOVERNMENT SERVICE Subject’ VI tter of even In pursuance of instruction issued by this office vide fe dated 23” fated 24" December, 2016 and Chief Minister's Office lett er, 2016, on the subject ber nm | am further directed to request you: to complete the verification of ¢ testimonials / educational degrees of the e:nployees of your Department / Division / District including the employees of Attached Departments, Autonomous Bodies, ‘Companies, Boards, Agencies, etc recruited phase wise as under: ~~ Recruitment Period | ie ~ 01-01-2014 to 31-12-2016 | ~~~~—~«OS-08-2017. SS i (01-07-2011 to 31-12-2013 | 05-04-2017 | 07-07-2008 to 31-42-2010 05-08-2017 eee ee : | 3 This may kindly be assigned “Top Priority" as the compliance report is to be submitted to the Chief Minister, Punjab | O.¢ ab, x (AHMAD-SALECM CHISHT!) SECTION OFFICER (I&C) 1, Secretary to Chief Minister (Implementation), Chief Minister's Office, Lahore : Additional Secretary (Gen)/Staff Oificer to Chief Secretary, Punjab Mr, Farrukh Saleem Bhatti, Network System Engineer, S&GAD PS to Secretary (I&C), S&GAD BON

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