This Type of Analysis (Characters That Undergo Change)

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Trait 1 of the character

Character Analysis 2. Trait 2 of the character
Steps: 3. Moral from the character
I. Introduction NOTE: Round characters are the best choice for
A. History this type of analysis (characters that undergo
B. Background change).
C. Genre
D. Thesis Statement
- Prove / what we want to show Cohesion & Coherence
our readers Cohesion is the way in which different
II. Body parts of a text refer to each other
- Discuss the traits of the while coherence is the way in which
characters that you have ideas in a text are linked logically.
written on the thesis statement.
To show contrast: To show reason or
- Cite evidences from the text.
III. Conclusion However result:
- Restate your first, second, and But Because
third thesis statement. Despite So
Marxist Analysis Even Though As a result
Human history has consisted of a power Therefore
struggle. To show addition: To introduce an
Karl Marx Also example:
Literature reflects social function, class
In Addition For example
struggle, and materialism; how often the
quest for wealthy traditionally defines
And Such as
characters. Furthermore
Context Clues
Hints that an author gives to help define a
difficult or unusual word.
1. Synonyms
- Words with the same meaning
2. Antonyms
- Words with the opposite
3. Explanation
- The unknown word is explained
within the sentence.
4. Example
- Specific examples are used to
The thesis statement contains: determine the definition.
1. Proletariat (working class)
2. Bourgeoisie (capitalist / high class) Subject-Verb Agreement
3. Struggle / contradiction RULES:
1. A singular subject (she, Bill, car) takes a
Example: singular verb (is, goes, shines), whereas
a plural subject takes a plural verb.
2. A subject will come before a phrase
beginning with of.
3. Two singular subjects connected by or,
either/or, or neither/nor require a
singular verb.
4. The verb in an or,
either/or, or neither/nor sentence agrees
with the noun or pronoun closest to it.
5. As a general rule, use a plural verb with
two or more subjects when they are
Moralist Analysis connected by and.
6. Sometimes the subject is separated
The thesis statement must contain:
from the verb by such words as along
with, as well as, besides, not, etc. These 13. When gerunds are used as the subject of
words and phrases are not part of the a sentence, they take the singular verb
subject. Ignore them and use a singular form of the verb; but, when they are
verb when the subject is singular. linked by and, they take the plural form.
7. In sentences beginning 14. Titles of books, movies, novels, etc. are
with here or there, the true subject treated as singular and take a singular
follows the verb. verb.
15. Even though there are nouns appearing
NOTE! The word there's, a contraction of there to be plural because they end in s, they
is, leads to bad habits in informal sentences actually refer to only one thing made up
like There's a lot of people here today, because of smaller, uncounted parts. Therefore,
it's easier to say "there's" than "there are." they are considered singular.
Take care never to use there's with a plural Avoiding Shifts of Tenses, Voice, and
1. Tenses
8. Use a singular verb with distances,
- Maintain the same tense with a
periods of time, sums of money, etc., sentence except for special
when considered as a unit. cases
9. With words that indicate portions 2. Voices
e.g., a lot, a majority, some, allRule 1 - Active voice: the subject is the
given earlier in this section is reversed, doer of the action
and we are guided by the noun after of. - Passive voice: the subject is the
If the noun after of is singular, use a receiver of the action & the
singular verb. If it is plural, use a plural doer of the action is found in
verb. the predicate and it is followed
10. With collective nouns such by the word by.
as group, jury, family, audience, populati 3. Person
on, the verb might be singular or plural, 1st Person I, Me, My, Mine, We,
depending on the writer's intent. Speaker Us, Our, Ours
11. The word were replaces was in
2nd Person You, your, yours
sentences that express a wish or are
contrary to fact: Person spoken to
12. Indefinite pronouns typically take 3rd Person He, she, his, her,
singular verbs. Except for Person / Thing him, hers, is, it, they,
the pronouns (few, many, several, both, Spoken About them, their
all, some) that always take the plural

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