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Time management is an attitude

• Time management should be imbibed in us as a good habit, or else it will not give good
• Better time management becomes possible when
a person assesses his work and the time consumed by various tasks
Analyze your time usage
i. Do you say ‘yes’ to too many things and difficult to say ‘no’
ii. Estimation of time taken for each task
iii. Do you have freedom to ‘choose’

Analyze your time usage : Test of time

► Test of necessity
► Test of appropriateness : Do I need to do that myself or can I delegate
► Test of efficiency : How can I do it better

Four Basics of Time Management

A. Look ahead, focus on goal and plan
B. Establish priorities
C. Delegate work
D. Use techniques that help you personally

Grid for Prioritizing: Urgent and important (Priority A)

 Crises
 Fire fighting
 Specific deadlines

How should time be spent

1. Based on customer analysis i.e. A, B, C analysis
2. For business to meet targets i.e. current account 70% of the time
3. For developing potential business i.e. for growth say 30% of the time

Effective Time Management

2. Make your time more productive
3. Spend your time where it counts most
4. Develop a cream separating device
5. Go well prepared
6. Talk to the right man
7. Prepare a time budget
8. Pave the way in advance
9. Keep a time record
10.Make plan and carry it through
11.Building the habit

Time Management Tips

A proven system for getting more done in less time than you ever thought possible:
1. Use a time planner: plan activities for a year, month week and a day. Also maintain master
copy of every task /action
2. List every small activity that needs to be performed in a day. It gives control over time and
increases confidence
3. Prioritize the task list: the order of importance
4. Make this practice becomes a daily habit
5. Finally, set-up a 45-file system, which helps in managing time and various activities
31 files for the days of the month
12 files for the number of months
2 files for the next two years
Each days plans to be written down

 Benefits of Time Management

• Higher productivity and satisfaction, both on job and in personal life
• More creative way of working as the mind is more focused
• Improved delegation helps to free time, besides being powerful developer and motivator of
• Devotion of more time to important things like: planning, quality improvement, self-renewal
• These in turn free time from crises, mistakes, fire-fighting etc.
• Greater productivity : Proper time management allows you to be more productive. When you
don’t properly manage your time, you often have too many activities and not enough day. To
tackle this, write down what you need to get done and allocate a definite and realistic period
of time to achieve it.
• Confidence : Proper time management gives you confidence.
• Ability to meet goals : Another one of the benefits of time management is the ability to meet
your goals. You fail to reach your goal iff time is not used properly.
• Helps to prioritize : Time management is important because it helps you prioritize your work.
• Keeps you on track
• Helps discipline ourselves
• Time is limited.
• More quality work.
• More work done in less time.
Spending Scrap Time effectively
Scrap time is the time wasted in unproductive and unavoidable activities over which a person has very
limited control such as:
• Time spent on waiting for a client or colleague
• For a meeting to begin
• When caught in a traffic jam/ signal
• Time spent in getting fuel filled
• Time consumed by various miscellaneous activities

Territory Management
 A sales territory comprises a number of present and potential customers within a given
geographical area.
 It is assigned to a salesperson, branch, or intermediary
 By assigning specific territories to salesmen, the management can significantly bring down the
cost of making sales calls


 better coverage - salespeople cannot cherry pick; territory assignments constrain salespeople to
work with less profitable customers or prospects as well as the most desireable accounts
 reduced selling costs - assigning responsibility to a single salesperson ensures that there is no
overlap in coverage; customers and prospects are called upon by only one salesperson
 improved customer service - assigning responsibility to a single salesperson helps to ensure that
all customers and prospects receive adequate servicing
 more accurate evaluation of performance - if territories are relatively equal with regard to
workload and potential, then salesperson performance can be compared on an equal basis; if
territories are unequal in a known way, then adjustments can be made in evaluation of unequal

Sales Territories
 Find out your territory
 Find out potential customers
 The loyal customers
 The loyal and potential customers
 Redraw the time
 Re-align the territory to be most effective
 Show the scope and invest time on them
 Potential clients and their saturation
 When will they saturate
 What’s the solution

“Nothing can be more discouraging to a sales person than to see an associate milking a
highly profitable territory”
Benefits of Territory Management
 Designing and managing territories in a efficient and effective manner has the following benefits:
1. Can budget appropriate amount of attention, time and selling effort for each customers
2. Better customer relation/ goodwill and increased sale
3. Clear responsibility of field executive
4. Reduce friction among field employees
5. Better customer care
6. Planning and control can be more effective
7. Budgeting can be more precise
8. Profitable and unprofitable markets can be identified
9. Selling costs and time can be reduced through reductions in miles travelled
10.Morale of the employee will be favourable when it is his own territory, because he can work
efficiently and effectively, his productivity will be greater

While designing sales territories, the following criteria should be taken into consideration:
1. Sufficient Potential
2. Reasonable Size
3. Adequate Coverage
4. Minimum Impediments

The other considerations to be looked in the territory are:

5. Prospects and customer groups
6. Transport facilities
7. Determine number, location and size of customers and prospects in each tentative territory
8. Estimate time required for each sales call.
9. Determine length of time between calls, that is amount of time required to travel from one
customer to the next
10.Decide call frequencies
11.Calculate the number of calls possible within a given period
12.Adjust the number of calls possible during a given period by the desired call frequencies for
the different classes of customers and prospects
13.Check out those adjusted territory need any further adjustments as required.
14.Finally the skills of the salesperson.

 Routing and scheduling plan aims to:

• Maintains lines of communication
• To optimize and improve territory coverage
• Minimize wastage of time/ no backtracking non-selling time / travel time
• Minimize travel expenses and distance covered
• Organize appointments
• Set desired call frequency rates
• Bring closer control (over sales personnel’s movement/time/expenditure)
 There are basically three patterns which form the basis for effective sales call planning. These are:
• Straight-line pattern
• Cloverleaf Pattern and
• Hopscotch Method

 Scheduling refers to the allocation of appropriate time to call the activities that salespersons
carryout during a day, week and a month.
 Schedule is a by-product of setting-up the route
 Effective routing and scheduling automatically builds up the size of average order (improve
effectively and efficiency)
 However, plan should be flexible for one to make changes if necessary rather than restricting
one’s selling efforts
 Call schedule required more planning than the route such as:
• Customers & prospects are segregated as per the call frequency required
• Use detailed map, identifying locations/ customer’s trading area etc.
• Call frequency fit to customer needs
• Advance appointments

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