DTMF Phone Dialer

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DTMF Phone Dialer http://avtanski.


DTMF Phone Dialer

Ads by Google DTMF IP Phone Pic Schematic Free Phone Call Telephone Dialer

[Schematics and source] [Other PIC projects]

The company I work for recently upgraded their phone system. They
got a new IP phone system that can supposedly do everything - the new
phones have big LCD screens with fancy menus, lots of different
modes, PC connection for remote control of the phone, e-mailing voice
messages, and tons of other features. All that said, there was a critical
piece missing from the picture - a way to dial a stored number while
already in a call. This is a feature I use often - I'm using a calling card to
call home and I need to first dial the 800 number and then send my
calling card pin number. Well, believe it or not, the cool new phones
with all the fancy software couldn't do this and I had to switch back to
pencil and paper! "We will include this feature in release 8.0 or
possibly 8.5" was the response from the phone company. Yeah right,
like I'm going to wait for 8.5!

So, here is the obvious solution - a dialer box that connects to the
phone and can be used to store and dial phone numbers, pins, credit
card numbers and what not. The circuit uses a NTE1690 DTMF dialer
chip and a PIC16F690 microcontroller.

Because this is an IP phone and I cannot just send the DTMF tones
over the line, the easiest place to plug in the box is between the phone
and the handset. The box has two RJ9 ports at the back - one gets
connected to the headset's port on the phone, the other to the headset
itself. The dial tones are sent over the microphone line. This way, it
works both on IP-phones, and on standard (old fashioned, non-IP)

Here is the thing, assembled and put in an old network transceiver box:

1 of 4 8/10/2010 9:21 PM
DTMF Phone Dialer http://avtanski.net/projects/phone_dialer/

Pulse to Tone
Use old rotary dial
phones on modern
phone systems

Free PC Calls from

download. Start to
call online for free

Sure looks ugly, :-) A friend of mine likened it to something from Dr. Remote Relay
Evil's hideout. All the better - this is the way I like it! Ugly or not, the Control from $49.95,
Dtmf Display, Dtmf
dialer works perfectly and can dial at blazing speed - so fast that it to Ascii, Logger
sounds more like R2-D2 than a phone. motron.com

The headset from the phone is connected to one of the RJ9 ports under Phone Number
the "AUI PORT" label; the other port is connected with an extra Search for Free by
Name, Business,
headset cable to the phone body. The pins sticking out on the other side
Address or Phone
from the port formerly known as "10BASE-T" can be connected to Number. Accurate!
Microchip's PICkit 2 programmer for updating the firmware without www.WhitePages.com
taking the box apart.

The dialer is operated this way:

Storing a number. The device can store up to 12 numbers,

identified by a bank ID. The ID is one of the buttons 0-9, SEQ, or
RST. To store a number, press ENT, followed by the bank ID
button. After pressing the bank ID, the green LED will light up,
showing you that the device is expecting the number. Enter the
number sequence (up to 15 digits); the SEQ button corresponds
to the *-key on a phone; the RST number is #. You can use the
DEL or TKO buttons to insert a pause. When you finish press
ENT to store the number, or ABT to discard the changes and
leave the old number stored in this bank unchanged. The green
LED will turn off at this point. Example: To store the number
555-1234 in bank 0, press ENT-0-5-5-5-1-2-3-4-ENT.
Dialing a stored number. Just press one of the 12 bank ID keys
(0-9, SEQ, or RST). If there is a number stored in that bank the
device will dial the number, otherwise nothing will happen.
Example: To dial the 555-1234 stored number (see "Storing
number" above) simply press the 0 button.
Copying a stored number from one bank to another. Moving
stored numbers around is a useful feature that I have not seen in
any off-the-shelf dialer. To copy a number, first press ABT. The
LED will light prompting you for source bank ID. Press the
source bank button. The LED will remain on, waiting for a target

2 of 4 8/10/2010 9:21 PM
DTMF Phone Dialer http://avtanski.net/projects/phone_dialer/

bank ID. Press the target bank button. The number stored in the
source bank will be copied to the target bank. You could cancel
the operation at any time by pressing ABT. Example: To copy
the 555-1234 number stored in bank 0 to bank 3, press ABT-0-3.
After this, pressing the 3 button will dial 555-1234.
Manually dialing a number. Press the DEL button. The LED will
turn on. Now you can use the keypad to dial any number. The
SEQ button corresponds to the *-key on a phone; the RST
number is #. To exit manual dial mode, press the DEL button
again (pressing ENT, TKO, or ABT button will exit manual dial
mode too). The LED will turn off at this point. Example: To
manually dial 555-9999 press DEL-5-5-5-9-9-9-9-DEL.
Changing the dial speed. The maximum reliable dial speed
depends on the system that you are dialing into and the noise on
the line. To change the dial speed press TKO. The green LED
will light up, indicating that the dialer is waiting for you to select
dial speed. Press a number button between 0 and 7. The new dial
speed will be set, 0 being the lowest speed, and 7 - the highest.
The green LED will turn off after the speed is selected. Example:
To switch to the highest dialing speed press TKO-7.

Here are some notes, in case you want to build such a dialer:

It's not very likely you'll find exactly the same keyboard that I
have (this one I got for $0.33 apiece from a great electronics
store in Santa Clara, CA; check also my list of SF Bay Area
electronic shops). In case your keyboard have different layout,
the change is easy to make - simply adjust the K_something
constants defined in the beginning of HandheldDialer.asm.
Define your layout by changing the hex digits to match the
corresponding button on your keyboard (compare the source and
the images of the keyboard to figure out the numbering of the
The schematics doesn't show the power supply. I'm using internal
supply with a 9V battery and a 7805 voltage stabilizer. A sample
design can be find here. Or maybe you will chose to construct
something with external power supply?
Handsets may use different microphones, and can be wired in a
different way. The schematics diagram shows two ways to
connect to the handset cable - use whichever works for you.
Special thanks to the friendly guys from the sci.electronics.design
newsgroup for the help with the alternative design.

Schematics, source, and additional

Schematics: [ PNG file | EMF file | SCH file
Source code: [ HandheldDialer.asm ]
Additional info: [ Other images ]
Getting the parts: [ List of my favorite

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DTMF Phone Dialer http://avtanski.net/projects/phone_dialer/

surplus/cheap electronics stores in the San

Francisco Bay Area ]

Ads by Google VoIP Voice Phone Free Dialer Germany Phone Headset for Phone Phone Calling

[Other PIC projects]

4 of 4 8/10/2010 9:21 PM

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