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I'm Khalim, and I'm 15
years old! I would like to
invite you in the shade
under my tree. It is also, in
some ways my dining

Come lets sit ... as I want

to tell you my story
I live in Sortoni IDP Camp, North
Darfur, with my family. We have
lived there since the armed
clashes in the Jebel Mara region
in 2016. But for now, I'm
temporarily based in the locality
of Kabkabiya, where I am taking
my G8 exams.

The process will last a whole

week: this means a whole week
away from my home and from my
family. We took a half day road
trip to get to Kabkabiya ...
I am staying in the Al Hamiya School
for Boys and Girls, at the southern
end of the city. We are a total of
297 students that came from
Sortoni IDP camp. The examination
and accommodation facilities were
provided by the State Ministry of
Education. Working jointly with
various partners, UNICEF facilitated
our participation in the
examination, especially through our
transportation and
I heard that there are currently
some 2,941 children who are being
provided with the same support
throughout the whole Northern
Darfur State. We all have to be
relocated far from our homes to
various examination centres,
because we of conflict and
insecurity. It is virtually impossible
to effectively study for this critical
exam to continue our education
where we live. I already knew
Sortoni IDPs camp is so poor in
education infrastructures that it
was impossible to pass the
examination there.
Our day is rather routine. When
we wake up in the morning, we
fold away our beds, which
consists of a simple handcrafted
plastic mat that I share with two
of my buddies.

It is difficult to sleep well, firstly

because of the stress of the
exams of the day, and secondly
because when you sleep in a
group, some guys get up very
early, and begin talking amongst
themselves with little
consideration for others.
Once awake and my is folded
away, I make my morning
hygiene in this space. As you can
see, our bathroom is very
rudimentary; It was arranged right
next to the toilet specifically for
the exam week, and allows us to
have some privacy!

Remember; We are here

temporarily and the space at the
beginning has not been adapted
for young people in boarding
But I think it's okay for young
men that we are. I do not know
about girls: our respective
accommodation facilities are
completely separated.
I later revise the subject of the
day. This morning, I had a science
test. I try to enjoy the moment
when the others wash or leave for
their breakfast, and I revisit the
subject for at least 45 minutes.

I take this G8 examination very

seriously, and I wish to take
advantage of the opportunity
which has been given to me. I
want to be a doctor!
After quickly having breakfast, it's
time to join my classmates for the
day's exam. We do the exam from
8.30am to 1pm.

Some like my buddy Ahmed, take

the exam too seriously; Well even
before the papers are distributed
to us. I try to relax ...
After the exams, we go back to the
foot of "my dining room"! You now
understand why I have lunch under
a tree?!
Do not be angry with me, it's a little
late, we've already had our lunch.
Check in the background, right
behind me on the brick wall where
you see the black spots; well this is
where the volunteer moms from
the neighboring Kabkabiya
community prepare our food. The
meals are provided free of charge
by UNICEF partners; they are not a
feast, but it keeps us going!
The afternoons are generally
reserved for house chores such as
laundry. It is also a moment of
socialisation with the buddies; We
take the opportunity to discuss the
previous morning exams, or discuss
other subjects...

Personally, the moment allows me

to drive away the anguish of
nostalgia due to the distance from
my family.
UNICEF local partner, the Kabkabiya
Small Holders Charitable Society, as
well as the neighboring community,
provide us with clean water for our
consumption, sanitation and
laundry needs. It is a tank truck
that comes every day to fill the
bladder tank placed at our disposal.

Although separated from the girls'

dwellings facilities, we share the
same bladder tank but the use is
strictly regulated.
But again, as the G8 exams are the
reason for our presence in
Kabkabiya, the afternoons are also
especially dedicated to course
revision, especially late in the day,
when it gets cooler.

We have really dedicated teachers.

They accompanied us in this trip to
Kabkabiya, and they invest
themselves to be sure that we will
be at our best for any upcoming
exam. This afternoon I chose to
review math.
Anyway, I have always considered
that these revisions are done in an
odd and funny way: in the
classrooms or even outside where
we sometimes sit on the ground!
Each one follows the course of his
choice, takes notes in his own
way But we like it!
As we approach sunset my day
also comes to an end as I waitfor
my evening meal and return to
the room that serves as a
dormitory, I always find myself
dreaming pleasantly.

I dream of the day when we will

return home; not to our Sortoni
home, but to our village of origin
But above all, I dream of the day
when I am announced that I have
successfully passed my G8
examinations, and when I will join a
normal school, with beautiful and
sustainable classrooms like these
ones; a school where I will not have to
travel hundreds of miles to just write
a test or an exam!

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