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5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline.

e. I need help.

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this post was submitted on 07 Feb 2014

I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more 935 points (96% upvoted)
935 lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I
need help. (self.getdisciplined)
submitted 3 years ago * by Ariodude
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Before You Post
rest of the 1. Read the Get Disciplined Wiki
comments 2. Read the Get Disciplined FAQ
[] Bombjoke 2309 points 3 years ago* x6 3. Be sure to do a search to see if your question
has already been answered.
Do this for real, today: 4. If You are a Blogger please read this
Start this background music.
Get (buy is even better) a pack of 4x6 index
cards, a pencil, and a big fresh fatass red Everyone needs help in becoming who they want to be.
Help others attain self-discipline, by sharing what helps
With a pencil, draw 6 vertical lines intersecting 6
horizontal lines. This will create a 7x7 grid of 49 Bulletin
squares. GetDisciplined Greatest Hits
On the way home, stop at a cafe you like, get a Plan your days in our daily/weekly planning
coffee and sit down. Don't even take that phone threads!
Join the Betterment Book Club!
out of your pocket.
Now choose one daily habit that you want to Rules for Submitting
imprint on yourself. (meditate each day for 9min,
Do include a few sentences about where you
exercise 7min, no sugar, no fap, no smoke, etc.) want the discussion to go, no matter what you
Do NOT make it too hard. Succeeding at 2min are posting. That includes links/images!
exercise/day is far far better than failing 50% of Do care about quality.
attempted daily 5mile runs. You can always turn Do not post blog spam or any websites that
want to take one's money.
it up a notch (later when you get cocky!). You
Do not post memes. There are other subreddits
are going for FREQUENCY/repetition, not trying
for that.
to impress anyone. This is a digital achievement
for the day- you get a one or a zero. Tag your Post
On the back of the card, write one or a few [Meta] for any thoughts or discussion regarding
reasons why you are creating/breaking this the getdisciplined subreddit.
habit. Obviously, if you succeed, the resulting [Question] for questions regarding getting
change in your life is going to be sweet. I mean, disciplined and improving your life.
the reward if you do this, is seriously a big [Discussion] for discussion of concepts relating
to getting disciplined and improving your life.
reward. It's not a game. This a non-so-small
[NeedAdvice] for posts asking for help with
step on the road to improving your life. You regards to getting disciplined and improving your
know it. This is important. You will need it. There life. 1/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

are times you will need to turn that card over [Method] for posts discussing a particular
method of getting disciplined.
and read it, and remember. You really have to
[Advice] for posts where users want to share
find the truth why you are doing this, and boil it key information about what worked for them
down into something short and true. So, get an when getting disciplined.
extra coffee at this point if necessary and take [Plan] for posts asking for advice regarding a
your time. certain plan of action towards achieving a goal.

And start: Today. Do it! Obviously those 49 Other Subreddits

squares are days and that card represents 7
weeks. 49 days. Then uncap that fresh red
smelly sucker and swath a fat 'ol X in the first
square. (Or refrain! And put the X in there
before bed.) It feels good making the X (let me Health
tell you!) so enjoy it.
You can make several cards of course, but don't
overdo it, that's for later, when you get cocky. Bad Habits
Label each card with the habit it's for. You might
want to use a code in case others see it laying
around. Improvement
After 7 days, post a pic of your card right here.
seriously, i want to see it. (want to see mine?) created by [deleted] a community for 4 years

If you have time, I also want to see it after each

row. 7 pics. message the moderators
After it's full, the next day will be day 50. On day
FelEdorath Mod
50 here's what happens:
arthurf Mod
1. You have that habit. (If you google around TheCourageWolf Mod
you find that a better estimate of days AutoModerator
required to create/break a habit is 66 imworkiniswear
days (21 is a myth), but it varies by PeaceH Mod
person and habit. So after you have a TheZenMasterReturns TheGreatestZenMaster
blazing card full of red X , are you going Walls
about moderation team
to quit? Fuck no. You'll make it to 66. Im
not worried about that. We are going for RECENTLY VIEWED LINKS
50 here. 50 and you're golden.) I fully finished the Italian course of Duolingo I
2. You show off the card here. I seriously began there's one yea and a half. I would
want to see. It would mean a lot to me. never have made it without the X effect.
40 points | 8 comments
3. You can invent whatever ritual you want
[Race] Ready to Ditch White Feminism? 6
with the card. Burn it, mail it so someone,
Black Feminist Concepts You Need to Know
put it on your wall, use it as a coupon you 45 points | 19 comments
present to yourself in exchange for some
The Arab Muslim Slave Trade Of Africans, The
preassigned self-reward, whatever. Untold Story (2014) - "The Muslim slave trade
4. But the best thing is: it's concrete proof was much larger, lasted much longer, and was
(even if it has a hole) that your willpower more brutal than the transatlantic slave trade
and yet few people have heard about it RE
has increased. It's been discovered by POST
research that willpower is like a muscle: 26.5k points | 5118 comments
exercising it makes it stronger. Shit, look My testosterone levels are dropping and I am
at that card! Have you been working out? becoming infertile.
Yes you have. It's not simply an 10 points | 8 comments

accomplishment or a stunt. It is very real humor This startup-themed game seems to be

progress. And that willpower buffness you taking a jab at Soylent
54 points | 6 comments
picked up can be applied to other things
now. You will notice it.
account activity 2/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

5. And then, yes, you make a new card to

keep that streak going. When do you stop
with the cards? You don't need me to tell
you. You'll know. In the meantime you can
show us your flair, "4R" (complete Rows)
or "2C" (cards) or "1MY" (Man-Year=7
cards. Yes!). You can reach a man-year
of self-control in only fifty days if you start
with 7 (different) cards today.
In moments of peril, besides bringing to mind the
reason(s) on the back of the card, you can also take
deep breaths for a minute. It's been shown to help.
Another tool that helps is the app called Lift. It's very
similar. So what- do both if that appeals to you. But not
by itself. Start with the physical cards.
What if you screw up? Fall off? miss an X? Well, then
my friend, you're going to a have gaping SINGLE
white hole in your card. Unsightly. Do two things:
1. The very next day will have an X. That is a very
important promise and rule of my little program.
I'll spare you the reasoning. You know. You
might want to write this important rule on the
back of the card. If you fall in a white hole,
you hop RIGHT back out of that shit and shut
up about it.
2. Write down what led to the slip. It's very often
embarrassingly simple and therefor easy to
avoid next time. A lot of this whole adventure is
practical. "I smoked because i drank that 4th
beer!" "I drank more than 2 drinks because I
had that second drink!" "I didn't go to bed when
my bedtime alarm went off because its too easy
to ignore three cricket chirps, so I'm changing it
to Bolero." Write it down (maybe in the hole?).
Thats your whole punishment. Now go back and
read #1.
You are starting small. But you are starting serious.
And concretely. Youre going to put some points on the
board, get a little confidence, prove to yourself you
have game in you, pump up your (very real) willpower
muscle, and then up your game later. If you have to
start with the pink 2kg hand weights in front of
everyone, so be it. Don't risk overdoing it. After you get
better at your failure reflex, hopping back up there,
then you can test your limits. But this round, just get
some momentum first and shed some of that drama.
This is going to change your outlook as much as it
changes your strength. Things are going to get a little
more real and a little more sunny and noticeably less
whiney and there's nothing you can do about it. It's a
side effect. Clears your head for some thoughtful 3/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

quality self-critique rather than listening to the fuxking

paranoid lying scumbag brain. This will tone him down.
Yes it's just the "chains" trick I gamified a bit, but it
works. (aka "Seinfeld trick." Although according to his
AMA, he didn't confirm that when asked.)). And it's
especially helpful for someone in the position you
describe yourself in. You could use a calendar instead,
but honestly i think the card is more of a brute-force
attack on summiting the 50-day mountain. The left
column needn't be Sunday, the left column is Today.
Put your stake in the ground. Your reason for doing
this (written on the back of the card) has nothing to do
with which day of the week it is. It's a longass
adventure, but it's an interesting and exciting
adventure. What you need is to get launched into the
adventure. Push off. This should do it. Once you're on
the adventure the world is a better place. Even if your
circumstances don't change materially, your outlook
does, and life does not suck the same way. It's way
more entertaining once it finds out you're engaged and
want to play ball.
Much of this I learned from the Kelly McGonigal's The
Willpower Instinct. She recommends, right from
chapter 1, to pick up meditation specifically for its
effectiveness in increasing willpower. From my
experience last year, I highly recommend including a
meditation card, even if it's as little as six minutes
(which is where i started). This is a habit which pays
dividends in the willpower dept. (I wrote a quick intro to
meditation in another post).
That's it. See your row next week. (I seriously want to
see it.)
EDIT- i got gold! my firs time! thank you! i hope it does
something... but does look nice either way.
EDIT- i'm whelmed! when i submit i was seriously
expecting it would be judged too long and skipped. but
now I'm sitting on double guilding, my first gold ever,
listed in /bestof, and invited to custom subreddit. what
a nice saturday :) I'm thrilled my experience can be
helpful to someone else.
it aint pretty, but as requested, here's my first card
ever. when i first saw it again i was reminded of how
desperate i was. can you see the desperation on this
paper? i was like, "fuck it! ill EVEN try the stupid chain
trick! anything!" but something happened, apparently,
when i got to four X, because i took a picture didn't i...
why did i do that?
you'll also notice that the goal i set was lower than
what i suggest above- only four weeks. FOUR weeks
was going to be tough enough. i didn't even know if i 4/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

could even reach two weeks much less a month. it

never occurred to me to attempt 50 until i finished the
card. but you get stronger as you go. so you go.
soon i was in the mood to brag. and when 28 days
came around i just blew right through to a new card for
the sheer hell of it. like a punch in nose. i was addicted
to the chain. "this chain is my baby. i made it. I'm
certainly not going to cast it away voluntarily without a
specific reason." so one carries on. you'll notice it's a
bit worn, complete with salad oil, because i carried it
with me. this particular chain i no longer keep cards
for. i just reached a point where i know I'm not going to
fall (on this one). as a matter of fact, on march 6th, it
will be one man-year. a perfect year. even by the time i
reached a month, this was unfathomable to me. that
thought did not even enter my head.
but time went by. strength was gained. and now i have
too much reverence for my accomplishment of 11
months. no question I'm making it. i simply have the
habit so i don't even think about it. I'm not even
tempted. what a fucking relief! can you imagine it's
easy and you don't even think about it? well imagine it!
so an important message to you: 50 is hard. it's all
relative, but we both know its not easy. so if 50 is
overwhelming to you then it's a bad idea. and the
better idea would be to just focus on the near term
goal: go FOUR DAYS. at that point, one full week is
within reach. After 7 days, you're in, and we are all
here. So then we all go for one whole month, which is
huge. I DO remember a month sounding very hard
indeed. And it was. But you need to focus on the next
horizon only. You get stronger.
i have some more stuff to share, including (The Four
Foundation Cards and their reasons), but ill take it
over to the subreddit you made /r/theXeffect.
EDIT - removed that bit about Sting. found a reference
to an article that says he's splitting some royalties.
also he doesnt run 5mi/day anymore.
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[] exitmachina 286 points 3 years ago

I'm not even the OP, but in seven days I'll be back
with a row of x's. I love you.
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[] TheDiabolicalFerret 77 points 3 years ago

I would also like to share my x's. I am motivated

as fuck.BRB, acquiring fat red marker and card.
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[] captinhowdy0510 221 points 3 years ago

its a trick, he works for an index card

company.!!!!!! 5/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.
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[] OrphanBach 21 points 3 years ago

...then he wouldn't dare show his face,

since they started making them as thin
as paper.
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[] einstienbc 12 points 3 years ago

I just bought a pack this morning,

and the first thing I thought when I
opened it up was "more like index
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[] ixijimixi 12 points 3 years ago

or Chewlies Gum
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[] 1_upvote_please 30 points 3 years ago

I just flat out laughed at this .

I'm obviously still very motivated right
now but this just caught me off guard.
Thank you for the laugh, please take
this upvote.
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[] Bombjoke 13 points 3 years ago

a bunch of us got started at
join in now and we'll all hit 50 days
in one massive crescendo! im
alerting everyone who expressed
interest- grab a card. we are rolling.
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[] redlotuszen 4 points 3 years ago

Mighty Irony, yesterday I

decided to make some changes
- started right then but today is
my first "official" day - found
this, I'll be back with full cards
galore. Let's do this.
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[] Nethal 3 points 3 years ago

I think ill just get an a4 paper and make

it with a scissor. Since teddy is in the
upper right corner and all, i get that DIY-
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[] Bombjoke 10 points 3 years ago

a bunch of us got started at join in 6/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

now and we'll all hit 50 days in one massive

crescendo! im alerting everyone who
expressed interest- grab a card. we are
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[] TheDiabolicalFerret 2 points 3 years ago

On dat shit like white on rice.

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[] Neipsy 8 points 3 years ago

I recently adopted this method in a slightly

different way. I have a check list in my phone
with all the things I'm interested in/should do
daily. My daily goal is to have a certain number
of things checked off. I found I have to many
hobbies and interests and when I missed
something one day I felt bad about it. After the
list its more gratifying to see what actually
happened each day and be able to recognise
stuff like I went long boarding today but didn't
have the time to play drums. As much as I like
playing drums every day sometimes that's not
possible. I've been feeling so much more
accomplished because of it.
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[] matdickersons 23 points 3 years ago

I started doing something like this pretty

much by accident recently. A while ago, I
read this comment about no more zero
days. There were four steps altogether, but
the main think I took from it, personally, was
just that - no more zero days. One push up
is better than nothing. Practising one song is
better than not practising at all.
Something changed with the new year, for
me - or rather, a week after the new year - I
was just frustrated at my lack of movement,
so I started taking on this rule of No More
Zero Days. I used a calendar I had printed
out for other things to track which of my
hobbies, or skills - of which there are many,
like you - I was practising. I had no goal in
mind, and I still don't. There's no "try and
practise for one hour a day", just "don't do
nothing". Here is the calendar I use. It's
stuck on my wardrobe door, which I walk
past all the time. As you can see it's got
what I did that day (go for a walk, a
programming language, an instrument, etc) - 7/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

I like to put a tick after it for a little bit of

"yeah, I did it!"
After a while I was curious and started
tracking how much of what I was doing - this
didn't change my goal, but now I can see
where I'm over focussing on one hobby.
Some of them aren't going so well, as you
can see in this screenshot. I feel good about
my little spreadsheet...I don't know how
clear it is for someone who isn't me, but its
tracks what exactly I'm doing in each hobby
(i.e. which programming language I'm
working on), but it also summarises which
days I did that hobby in. It's nice to see -
even though I dont have enough time to
practise EVERY programming language and
EVERY musical instrument and do EVERY
kind of exercise - that I have been far more
consistent with filling my head with
knowledge and DOING things than I ever
have before. It's nice to look at every day
and say "hey, I have been productive every
day". Even hangover days, weekends, after
long days at work...I'm always getting
something done.
I should really get stuck into writing and art
though, haha...
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[] Bombjoke 3 points 3 years ago

cool. i use a spreadsheet too, with

columns for supplements (piracetam,
vitamins, etc) and food, weight, and
minor habits. sometimes when i feel like
crap i refer to it and can sometimes see
why. ive been looking out for a lighter-
weight tool than excel with simple
interface. measuring/monitoring yourself
can get so powerful.
ive also been keeping a daily journal of
just a few words to remind me what i
did. but often i look at it and discover 3
days just went by without an entry, and i
cant even recall what i did wednesday,
so it ends up as a zero. having the
printed calendar there in front of you is
WAY better so you see gaps right away.
i would want to use software for that
though. i wonder if osx calendar is
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[] matdickersons 2 points 3 years ago 8/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

It's nice to have something

physically right there. Makes it
much harder to avoid your goals. I
know that if I don't do something
today, I'm going to have to look at a
blank square tomorrow. I dont really
want that. Comparing my desire to
not have to look at a blank square
to my desire to not do one
pushup/one programming
lesson/one song on piano...its very
motivating for me.
Also, I need a project to work on to
sharpen my programming skills, so I
might have a look at computerising
what I do day-to-day. If I succeed I'll
let you know, haha. (Although I still
think having a physical piece of
paper is good... you can choose to
not open an app on your phone, but
if you place your calendar right, you
can't not walk past it!)
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[] dirtieottie 2 points 2 years ago

It has to be a lockscreen app,

so it's in-your-face every day.
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[] khufumen 3 points 3 years ago

I found your comment very inspiring.

95% of the items on your list are
hobbies that I would also like to pursue.
I'm going to start today!
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[] [deleted] 3 years ago


[] matdickersons 2 points 3 years ago

No problem! And thanks for the link,

that looks like exactly what I need.
I'm not a bad artist...for the three
poses I can draw, haha.
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[] Ektophyl 21 points 3 years ago

What I do is buy dried white beans ( just

anything about that size will do ) and put
them in my pocket first thing in the morning.
And whenever I feel like I've just
experienced something remarkable ( maybe
just had a very good laugh ) I put one bean 9/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

from the original pocket into another one.

When I'm ready to go to bed I take out all
the beans in the "good" pocket, count them,
and reflect on the good things I've
experienced that day. That also helps with
losing habits. Whenever you resist the urge
to do whatever, just shift one bean to
another pocket. That way you'll be proud as
hell in the evening
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[] Mrwhitepantz 3 points 3 years ago

That's actually pretty clever. I might steal

that because I also have way more interests
than any person should have.
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[] sixohtew 2 points 3 years ago

My problem is it is too easy to dismiss the

reminder/alarm. I'm going with the card
route since making a check list always
seemed to work for me
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[] Bombjoke 2 points 3 years ago

a bunch of us got started at join in now
and we'll all hit 50 days in one massive
crescendo! im alerting everyone who expressed
interest- grab a card. we are rolling.
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[] scrovak 1 point 3 years ago

As will I
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[] Ariodude [S] 50 points 3 years ago

This was very interesting. Thank you for your input :)

I'm going out and buying index cards today.
May I see your cards?
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[] sliggzy13 10 points 3 years ago

This is a technique I first learned of from

Seinfeld. There's even a Seinfeld calendar app.
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[] bipin2011 7 points 3 years ago

Seinfeld mentioned in his AMA that he is not

the creator of Seinfeld technique. That said,
the hack is still pretty awesome.
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[] BigDicksFoot 5 points 3 years ago

that's not a nice thing to call Seinfield 10/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.
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[] Bombjoke 2 points 3 years ago

a bunch of us got started at join in now
and we'll all hit 50 days in one massive
crescendo! im alerting everyone who expressed
interest- grab a card. we are rolling.
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[] [deleted] 3 years ago


[] czakalakabum 13 points 3 years ago

I'm with you guys, the subreddit is a brilliant

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[] [deleted] 21 points 3 years ago

If this does not result in a subreddit known

as "x marks the spot" then I will hurt
Edit: I will hurt somebody everyday for 50
days and keep track.
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[] FelEdorath Mod 16 points 3 years ago

Someone further down the thread has

already done it! /r/theXeffect
Not that /r/GetDisciplined has any problems
against you guys doing that here as well, but
the choice is yours :D
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[] Bombjoke 2 points 3 years ago

a bunch of us got started at join in
now and we'll all hit 50 days in one massive
crescendo! im alerting everyone who
expressed interest- grab a card. we are
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[] Bombjoke 2 points 3 years ago

a bunch of us got started at join in now
and we'll all hit 50 days in one massive
crescendo! im alerting everyone who expressed
interest- grab a card. we are rolling.
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[] I_Validate_You 69 points 3 years ago

Hey there, /u/Bombjoke - you are pretty amazing,

you know that? I mean, not just because you've
given a simple, fun and utterly doable way to
increase anyone's personal willpower - and that's 11/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

big, man, really big! But also because you've done it

yourself. There's nothing wrong with being the kind
of person who gives good advice...but it's even
better to be the kind of person who LIVES good
You know what you just did? You just made the world
a better place! You just gave a lot of people ammo
for being a little more real, a little more sunny, and
noticeably less whiney. That's a triumph! That's
YOUR triumph for today, anyway (unless you did
something even more amazing, which, let's face it, is
totally possible with a superstar like you!) - and you
deserve a little recognition for your contribution.
You're amazing!
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[] stackedsheep 17 points 3 years ago

Your comment just got me excited on top of his

comment. Like I was sitting upright cheering him
on getting all tingly inside just from that. Thank
you, have an up vote as well sir.
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[] Bombjoke 3 points 3 years ago

thanks. i like your roving mystery validator idea.

and i validate YOU because youve been doing
this for over a year. very cool habit you thought
up and constructed. (everyone back off- this is
circular validation over here.)
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[] I_Validate_You 2 points 3 years ago

That's the thing about just

makes for more kindness. Get out there and
spread the love!
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[] cupstothestars 1 point 3 years ago

My alarm every morning will have a note

attached reminding me of this thread... Yes, the
world is now better place (: Thank you kindly!
(First note will tell me to purchase necessary
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[] elleGeneralisimo 14 points 3 years ago

This is what I needed to hear as well. Everyone post

pics of yourself with cards over at /r/theXeffect and
lets get some Man Years knocked out!
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[] elleGeneralisimo 6 points 3 years ago 12/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

Also /u/Bombjoke would you do me the honor of

being the main mod?
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[] Bombjoke 5 points 3 years ago

answering without knowing what it entails-

for the sake of everyone's momentum, ill
give it a shot for a month and see if i can
handle it. honored :)
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[] Wheels16 11 points 3 years ago

Awesome, awesome post

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[] [deleted] 34 points 3 years ago

But what if i am trying to give up coffee?

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[] AngryEvilAndrewRyan 7 points 3 years ago

Mark everyday you went without taking a sip.

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[] [deleted] 36 points 3 years ago

Just trying to be funny with how he kept

saying grab coffee.
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[] TheWhitestGandhi 9 points 3 years ago

This was incredible; I'm gonna start my own cards

For those that want the same idea on their phone: is an app that does generally the
same thing.
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[] [deleted] 21 points 3 years ago

Great post, I love how you worded it. This is sidebar

material right here.
Seriously man, thanks. I'll do this. See you in 50
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[] totes_meta_bot 18 points 3 years ago*

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on

[/r/bestof] /u/Bombjoke explains a simple
method to create/ kick habits
[/r/DecidingToBeBetter] Simple method to
create any habit in your life - "choose one
daily habit that you want to imprint on yourself.
(meditate each day for 9min, exercise 7min,
no sugar, no fap, no smoke, etc.)..." 13/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

[/r/DecidingToBeBetter] Simple method to

create any habit in your life using an index
card - "choose one daily habit that you want to
imprint on yourself. (meditate each day for
9min, exercise 7min, no sugar, no fap, no
smoke, etc.)..."
[/r/theXeffect] Original comment by
/u/Bonbjoke for reference. My cards are
coming soon, and I thought this would be
helpful to have around.
[/r/selfchange] Do this plz
[/r/SuccessTips] The "X" effect - How to Start
A New Habit
[/r/AbuseInterrupted] How to Get Disciplined
by u/Bombjoke
I am a bot. Comments? Complaints? Send them to my

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[] yatpay 16 points 3 years ago

See you in seven days!
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[] Bombjoke 5 points 3 years ago

love the stealth keyboard. whats the deal wth

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[] yatpay 4 points 3 years ago

It's a Das Keyboard. Mechanical switches so

it feels really nice to type on. The unlabeled
keys are just cause it looks cool and I know
where the keys are already, haha.
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[] Jiveturtle 7 points 3 years ago

Beware. If you have a spouse, and you

go to sleep later than your spouse, don't
get a mechanical keyboard for your
Just trust me on this.
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[] emotionSDK 3 points 3 years ago

It's to help you type faster / more accurately.

The intended purpose it to force you to learn
all of the key positions so you can touch
type 100%.
And it makes you look cool IMO.
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5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.
[] incertEntude 3 points 3 years ago

good luck with Python! Once you get good at it

you'll find yourself using it all the time, it's great
to create small, one-off tools for odd jobs.
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[] sleeepykitten 6 points 3 years ago

This is great. I knew about the "don't break the

chain" idea, but in my head, I was over-complicating
it. (Like, "I need the prettiest calendar app." Or, "I
need to do 100 changes at once.") I love the index
card and the reasons on the back. Not OP, but I
need to do this.
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[] atseaingrass 6 points 3 years ago

Can we see your card(s)? This is crazy awesome.

Thanks man.
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[] DR1665 5 points 3 years ago

I freaking love Bolero. Epic choice.

Feeling inspired as I roll out of work on a Friday
afternoon. Thank you.
Imagine if everyone tried to make at least one other
person feel like this every day.
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[] socialisthippie 7 points 3 years ago

Great piece... but what the hell was with the

chick in the bathing suit.
Hope no one's prospective habit was to stop
jerking off. It'll be tough to start that song every
time you go to start your cards.
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[] [deleted] 7 points 3 years ago*

If you feel like your life is too much of a mess, and

you don't know what habit to pick or where to even
begin, I recommend picking up a planning habit.
Every evening you plan the next day. Have a
calender and a to do list like habitrpg or whatever,
and from those two items make a daily plan for the
next day. You can just write your plan on a scrap of
paper. Here you have your to dos and events for that
day, and you have a section for new to dos and
events that you can write down in order to remember
them. Then you return the next evening and check
off your completed items on your to do list and refer
new todos and events from your scrap to your to do 15/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

list and calender etc, and then make a new plan for
the next day. Do that for 50 days and see the results.
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[] idwthis 3 points 3 years ago*

I was thinking that at first. But I want to quit

smoking, drink more water, and start exercising.
Those three things, to me, kind of go hand in
hand. But I'm going to do exercise or not smoke
first, because one of those will lead to the
others. Itching to smoke? Go walk around the
block. Hey! Now I'm thirsty! Drink some water. It
makes sense to me. Tomorrow I'm going to the
store for index cards. I kind of can't wait now
thinking about it.
Edit: I had an extra word where it didn't belong
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[] Bombjoke 2 points 3 years ago

a bunch of us got started at join in
now and we'll all hit 50 days in one massive
crescendo! im alerting everyone who
expressed interest- grab a card. we are
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[] [deleted] 7 points 3 years ago

Never posted before, but I had to for this. (first post

is scary!) I really needed this. I'm struggling with a
bitch of a habit that has its clutches in me. I've tried
meditation, read books, listened to TED talks and old
Alan Watts recordings (love those). God, I even
dusted off an old Wayne Dyer book. Anything I could
get my hands on to cobble together some sort of
program to get this spider monkey off my back. This
truly helps me. Thank you. I will try this.
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[] Ariadnepyanfar 1 point 3 years ago

Oh dear, I may finally break my terrible bed time

non-habit. Nooo!
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[] [deleted] 1 point 3 years ago

How will you break it?

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[] Ariadnepyanfar 7 points 3 years ago

On a bed of red crosses.

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[] FuzzyTheDuck 7 points 3 years ago 16/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

I'll tell you what. I didn't come here looking for help. I
didn't even know this subreddit existed and actually
starting a life change wasn't on my radar today. But
I've sort of wanted to for a while now. Since I found
your post in bestof and guess what, Bombjoke, today
is the day!.
OK, well, I didn't get my X today, It's late. But
tomorrow. Tomorrow I hit the first box and tomorrow I
get my first X.
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[] [deleted] 4 points 3 years ago

If you use chrome there's an extremely useful

extension called StayFocusd. You type in the
blacklisted sites into the settings and it will only
allow you to use those sites for a set amount of
time. It works great for me!
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[] FreestyleKneepad 6 points 3 years ago

Holy shit, this is awesome.

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[] rampant_juju 10 points 3 years ago

Dear Mr. Bombjoke

I'm going to come back here in 50 days and post the
link to the Android app I shall make to help people
use your method. That's right. I'm going to use your
method to make an app to use your method.
Mr. Juju.
9th Feb, 2014.
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[] Bombjoke 2 points 3 years ago*

Wow I'm honored and impressed and LOVE the

meta. I'd be happy to give u feedback on alphas.
Can it generate a pdf to print and mark on?
There's no shame in paper...
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[] rampant_juju 2 points 3 years ago

Well no, I'd suppose that would be a bit

lengthy (?). But I think a good way to go
about it would be just to have a selection of
7x7 tables (representing index cards) that
you could swipe and flip through. Every day,
at the end of the day, just before you go to
sleep, you get a notification that asks you if
you've completed the task. If not, then you're
asked why and reminded the next day to 17/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

complete the task, at your own predefined

times. You can also check the box by
yourself as soon as you complete your task
for the day. You can't touch the boxes on the
other days before or after the day you're on.
I don't think this should be too hard, actually.
I can already see the code working.
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[] toonboon 3 points 3 years ago

I think a big part of is the positive

feedback of marking the huge-ass red X
in the box. Maybe add a feature where
you draw a full-screen X yourself in
order to complete the box?
This may be a little vague, if you want
me to I can likely explain myself with a
bit more clarity tomorrow.
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[] rampant_juju 2 points 3 years ago

No no I get it. When you finish 48

squares the 49th becomes a whole-
screen thing. Then you draw lines
and cross it out. It'll give you a real
sense of accomplishment. I'm
definitely putting that in, thanks :D
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[] Sugarcomet 6 points 3 years ago

Thank you for this! I'm going to have to go out and

buy cards tomorrow!
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[] Bombjoke 2 points 3 years ago

a bunch of us got started at join in now
and we'll all hit 50 days in one massive
crescendo! im alerting everyone who expressed
interest- grab a card. we are rolling.
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[] Sugarcomet 2 points 3 years ago

Love this!!!!
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[] aflex 21 points 3 years ago

You'll also need...

One room which you will not leave
Soothing music
Tomato soup, ten tins of 18/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

Mushroom soup, eight tins of. For

consumption, cold.
Ice cream, vanilla, one large tub of.
Magnesia, milk of. One bottle.
Mineral water
One mattress
One bucket for urine, one for feces, and one
for vomitus
One television
And one bottle of Valium, which I've already
procured from my mother, who is, in her own
domestic and socially acceptable way, also a
drug addict.
And now I'm ready. All I need is one final hit to
soothe the pain while the Valium takes effect.
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[] number1dork 9 points 3 years ago

Trainspotting. Apparently none of these

young'uns remember it.
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[] Jiveturtle 4 points 3 years ago

Choose life.
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[] pilefile 5 points 3 years ago

Choose a big fucking TV.

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[] dillpiccolol 4 points 3 years ago

Best thing I've read in a while on here. Thank you sir!

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[] [deleted] 5 points 3 years ago

great post, thank you for this.

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[] NotSoBuffGuy 3 points 3 years ago

Can I see your cards? O.o

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[] ballaboy 4 points 3 years ago

good habit forming technique 19/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.
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[] essitam 4 points 3 years ago

This is brilliant.
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[] [deleted] 5 points 3 years ago

Dude/gurl, you gonna have a looooooooooooooooot

of X-Cards in ya inbox in 2 months.
I'll be one of those :)
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[] maximumfrosting 4 points 3 years ago

Hey, this is probably too late to be seen now, but I

just created r/RowOfXs for everyone to share their
cards! See you in a week!
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[] [deleted] 6 points 3 years ago

Incredible advice, but as a person who has spent a

large amount of time directing a middle school
concert band FUCK BOLERO.
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[] Blueb1rd 3 points 3 years ago

I would like to see your card. I want an example so I

can make one myself. Good stuff Bombjoke
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[] idwthis 3 points 3 years ago

I want to do this. I just don't know which item I want

to quit and which I want to start. I think they'd end up
meeting in the middle though. Start one and the rest
follows, right?
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[] BaffledPlato 3 points 3 years ago

If you google around you find that a better

estimate of days required to create/break a habit
is 66 days
I find that interesting. Whenever I'm working on a
really big project, I always use what I can accomplish
in 66 days as a goal. I'm a fan of history, and Julius
Caesar conquered Italy in 66 days during the civil
war with Pompey. I always thought that inspiring.
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[] SeleneVomerSV 7 points 3 years ago

BRB - Buying stock in an index card company....and

of course making my own card(s) for this.
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5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.
[] [deleted] 3 years ago


[] ComboCosmo 1 point 3 years ago

Me too
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[] me_is_me 2 points 3 years ago

Love it. Just made a card 2 minutes after reading

your post. Made my first X for washing my face and
brushing my teeth before bed.
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[] FugitiveCalculators 2 points 3 years ago

Something so simple, how did I not think of it? I need

this! Thank you!
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[] Scamwau 2 points 3 years ago

Maybe this is the kinda awesome stuff I would get to

read if I uninstalled Adblock and clicked on those
"one simple trick..." adverts.
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[] medrov 2 points 3 years ago

Listen you awesome motherfucker, I was a simple

lurker never interested in this voting thing, but cause
of your comment i made this account just so i could
upvote you!
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[] Bombjoke 1 point 3 years ago

thanks! (but lurkers are never simple.)

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[] medrov 1 point 3 years ago

My System is a bit different though, I always

try to beat my highscore. ;) But I will
give yours a try!
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[] Dominirey 2 points 3 years ago

What do you do if the thing you need to do is only

every 2 days though? (E.g. Working out 3x/week)
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[] Bombjoke 2 points 3 years ago

a couple others asked the same. we'll figure

something out. a bunch of us got started at join in now
and we'll all hit 50 days in one massive 21/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

crescendo! im alerting everyone who expressed

interest- grab a card. we are rolling.
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[] MattsyKun 2 points 3 years ago

I have a feeling if you did those motivational panels

for people you'd be rich. Imma give a go at this!
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[] Lionstriker2 2 points 3 years ago

I will be putting this in to practice, and

recommending this to people I know. I'd like you to
know that, while the idea itself is wonderful, the way
you expressed it is the main reason why I'm putting it
in to practice - thank you for the motivation to use
this great tool.
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[] Scouter13131 2 points 3 years ago

2 cards made. Day 1

I actually started something similar about a month
ago, I wanted to increase my water intake. I buy 1.5L
bottles of water and force myself to drink at least 1
entire bottle throughout the day. Last night I came
home pretty non-sober, and saw my bottle sitting
there about 1/4 full. Ill be damned if I was going to
let last night be the break in my streak.. I chugged
the rest of that bottle right then and there.
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[] LoxStocksAndBagels 2 points 3 years ago

I need to try this. I'm so tired of wasting time health

and money on cigarettes.
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[] CitizensDivided 2 points 3 years ago

Well written love the idea. I see a lot of different

ways to build a habit on reddit but this is the first one
that speaks to me.
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[] BronzeVayneMain 2 points 3 years ago*

Just here dropping off my progress so far, first off

though, thanks a tonne for posting this, I made this
card when I first saw the post and I just made
another then. So basically I am doing an accelerated
maths subject that my school offers and for the past
year I haven't really tried at all and was just getting
high enough grades to stay in it, anyway I decided to
do one exercise a night (anywhere from 5-15
questions) of my maths book. I have started to 22/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

struggle a bit but I find that if I get it over and done

with earlier it is easier!
So yeah, thanks a tonne for posting this man, this is
the sort of stuff that is life changing. My progress: (and yes, I know I am
missing a column)
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[] SofaOnFire 2 points 3 years ago

Here are my cards:,QWdMShV#0,QWdMShV#1
It starts.
Fucking gonna do that shit up real good son.
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[] goorpy 2 points 2 years ago

Comment for bookmark.

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[] the_panth 3 points 3 years ago

For anyone that is a stationary lover and wants pre-

made habit checklists, kikki.k sells nice ones with
weekly check offs, "reward sections" and space for
10 goals
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[] Anacanthros 4 points 3 years ago

As a self-identified piece of shit (like OP) I seriously

thank you so much. Just seeing this is good for
something, even if I don't know whether I'll ever
actually fill out a card.
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[] MischiefManaged_ 3 points 3 years ago

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[] Bombjoke 3 points 3 years ago

a bunch of us got started at join in now
and we'll all hit 50 days in one massive
crescendo! im alerting everyone who expressed
interest- grab a card. we are rolling.
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[] yeswhatyes 1 point 3 years ago

Welp. Heading to the dollar store now. Thank you a

million times for taking the time to write this out.
Also, that music is perfect.
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[] Josher1959 1 point 3 years ago

Posting here so I can find it later

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[] llumpire 1 point 3 years ago

Saving this
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[] TheLifeEnigma 1 point 3 years ago

Damn dude...I started T25 a couple weeks ago and I

KNOW there are weeks when I cheat, but I'm a
consistent 3 out of the 5 days for workouts. But
seeing those red x's would really get my goat. Doing
this now. Thank you!
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[] Mexipad 1 point 3 years ago

Replying for science

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[] BassStriker 1 point 3 years ago

For science!
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[] headnodic 1 point 3 years ago

this seems pretty awesome

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[] GypsyQueenBee 1 point 3 years ago

Great suggestions! I'm gonna try this out!

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[] americonium 1 point 3 years ago

Thank you.
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[] CaringHeart 1 point 3 years ago

saving for later

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[] bigjerjer 1 point 3 years ago

you are amazing. you'll see my card soon

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[] ItsNotJared 1 point 3 years ago

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[] Iamactuallybaines 2 points 3 years ago 24/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

Maybe pick up a dictionary with those index

cards and marker, buddy!
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[] jmil1080 1 point 3 years ago

And make learning a new word each day

your next card.
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[] 9jjrf8 1 point 3 years ago

I think I will try this.. tomorrow.

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[] elektrakon 1 point 3 years ago

Saving for later

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[] Madam_De_Pompadour 1 point 3 years ago

Thanks for writing this man. I'm going start with mine
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[] KayJaded 1 point 3 years ago

Thx dude. I'll be back.

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[] ohioeh 1 point 3 years ago

I love you
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[] heebs387 1 point 3 years ago

Thanks for this man. I will definitely use this to start

making some strides.
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[] cows_opinion 1 point 3 years ago

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[] jackets19 1 point 3 years ago

It's so hard to kick a habit that I've been doing my

entire life though.. it's basically wired into my brain
and subconscious and I find myself habitually just
doing it without noticing. For me it's biting my
fingernails.. I've tried keeping a journal and making
checks for succeeding for the day but then I mess up
and just do it without really noticing and spiral back
down and get discouraged :( 25/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.
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[] NaturalCon 4 points 3 years ago

I stopped biting mine when I realised I bit them

most when they were rough, like I'd chip the
edge then absent mindedly bite them a bit to
even them up and then just keep going until I
had no nails. I found it helped to carry round a
really small nail file that I still use as soon as
there's a bit that would start me off biting.
Maybe make your row of xs a check on the
condition of your nails instead, and just take a
look at them, clean them and tidy them up each
Might work for you.
If not, then if you can identify your own personal
trigger you might be able to come up with a way
of interrupting the biting before you start, or
divert yourself to another, less harmful, habit.
E.g. You bite the nails on your left hand while
working on the computer, your mouse is in the
right hand so it is left alone. You could squeeze
a stressball with your left hand.
E.g. You bite your nails most when watching tv
because both your hands are free - so start
watching tv with a Rubik's cube.
You'll probably still have the urge for a while to
put down the new item and bite your nails again
but it will interrupt you for just long enough to be
conscious that you're doing it and make the
decision not to.
I hope all this helps, good luck :-)
If you feel like you need/want someone to share
your progress with, I'd be happy to see it.
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[] Bombjoke 3 points 3 years ago

I stopped biting mine when I realised I bit

them most when they were rough, like I'd
chip the edge then absent mindedly bite
them a bit to even them up and then just
keep going until I had no nails. I found it
helped to carry round a really small nail
file that I still use as soon as there's a bit
that would start me off biting.
Maybe make your row of xs a check on
the condition of your nails instead, and
just take a look at them, clean them and
tidy them up each day.
excellent observation. excellent suggestion.
this is actually one of mine. a trick that 26/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

worked on myself was, i get a manicure

once in a while and request transparent nail
polish. turns my nails into something i dont
want to bite. but then, yeah, keeping them
filed and smooth so there is no
inconsistency to pick at is what is really
another thing that works is that i keep this
picture in my head of a full grown man biting
his nails while im talking to him. i do NOT
want to look like that picture, so i look at the
picture sometimes.
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[] BlossomOnce 1 point 3 years ago

Awesome advice. Really inspiring to see so many

felling decided and able to accomplish all they want.
Men, that is all due to your comment, thanks for
taking the time for writing that.
I have also been dealing with lack of perseverance
on my own. The hardest thing is that once you have
failed, you really feel like avoiding the issue and
that's when you get frustrated. This method is a
really great way to focus on your goal and what you
have accomplished so far and not letting you drawn
yourself with self-hatred.
Going to start this tomorrow just with 3 cards for
now. Lets see how it goes.
Thank you
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[] byronsadik 1 point 3 years ago

Saving this. Thank you!

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[] Masaioh 1 point 3 years ago

Saving this. Thank you.

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[] Recolumn 1 point 3 years ago

Great advice! I'll be back soon with a card!

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[] Lamisil 1 point 3 years ago

You sir are the man. I have been playing with habit
trackers lately, but I think the satisfaction of marking
that X down yourself adds a bit of motivation to do it.
I've been having troubles similar to OP, gaming too 27/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

much, not focusing on things I should be, etc. So I

decided to make a 7x8 grid on a piece construction
paper for both my goals. I wrote in sutterlin script so
the average person will not be able to make sense of
what I've written on them :) I'l report back in 50 days,
I got this thread bookmarked.
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[] boomrobot 1 point 3 years ago

Commenting to save this on mobile

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[] JooksKIDD 1 point 3 years ago

Definitely going to do this! But what if I am trying to

do something like change my budget? Something
that necessarily isn't daily?
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[] [deleted] 1 point 3 years ago

Cool, marked.
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[] iratherbesleeping 1 point 3 years ago

Replying so I could find later. Great advice.

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[] [deleted] 1 point 3 years ago

I'm admittedly hormonal, but Bombjoke, I think I love

you. This is just...this is awesome. The responses
are part of the awesome. The habits I'm looking to
make/break are not physical - they're more
mental/emotional - but damn, you just broke this
down and now it looks like small, handleable pieces
rather than one giant unhandleable object. Thank
you, stranger, you have done a good thing today.
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[] acebossrhino 1 point 3 years ago

You, sir, have struck a major cord with me. I'm game
bombjoke, and I'll see you in 7 days.
(For me personally -->) I won't loose!
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[] EAB04 1 point 3 years ago

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5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.
[] WeAreStars 1 point 3 years ago

Love this.
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[] TheBlueAdept707 1 point 3 years ago

And here's a second time for gold for you -- your

post really moved me, I am printing this out and
tomorrow buying some 4x6 cards. I already have a
big fat-ass marker, but it's blue and that works for
me. Thanks /u/Bombjoke.
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[] Bombjoke 2 points 3 years ago

im moved too. thanks so much for saying so. i

didnt expect this. thought it was TL! im playing
with the gold to see what it does. what a great
saturday :)
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[] Bombjoke 2 points 3 years ago

a bunch of us got started at join in now
and we'll all hit 50 days in one massive
crescendo! im alerting everyone who expressed
interest- grab a card. we are rolling.
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[] Orphancurber 1 point 3 years ago

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[] trashboy 1 point 3 years ago

Can I get a picture of a sample card?

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[] Urcomp 1 point 3 years ago

John Tesh, represent!

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[] concertogrosso 1 point 3 years ago

Wonderful idea. I'm doing this. Thanks!

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[] Reubenenski 1 point 3 years ago

This is exactly what I needed to read. Thank you!

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[] naiobesdragon 1 point 3 years ago

Been eating very healthy lately went to the doc and

got warned to watch my blood pressure & pulse. he
wants me to keep a journal and ive been writing
down my activity, or if i wasnt as active that day i 29/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

wrote down why, like if i had another

migraine(chronic). i realised its helped alot and
reading this has given me a confidence booster. i will
definitely save this so if i start to slack for any reason
besides being sick, this will give me the boost i need!
thanks so much OP! <3
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[] Bombjoke 2 points 3 years ago

wrting every day is one of the best habits! a

bunch of us got started at join in now
and we'll all hit 50 days in one massive
crescendo! im alerting everyone who expressed
interest- grab a card. we are rolling.
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[] u-void 1 point 3 years ago

Where is this from? Did you create the system?

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[] Bombjoke 1 point 3 years ago

im merging together many things ive read and

tried so it looks simple on the outside. i actually
have a much more clever and comprehensive
"system" i was fiddling with (card based).
you've'll just encouraged me to open up that
folder and move that project along a little.
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[] gotoAndPlay 5 points 3 years ago

That is some ground breaking contraction
right there. Bleeding edge. You sir, are a
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[] u-void 1 point 3 years ago

Great post
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[] pszy 1 point 3 years ago

Thank you! I will buy cards for myself and start today.
You just gave me hope that I can change! I will come
back in a week to show my cards!
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[] Bombjoke 2 points 3 years ago

a bunch of us got started at join in now
and we'll all hit 50 days in one massive
crescendo! im alerting everyone who expressed
interest- grab a card. we are rolling.
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5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.
[] jmil1080 1 point 3 years ago

Just made 3 cards. I look forward to completing

them. This is a great idea, thank you.
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[] cookiemonstah87 1 point 3 years ago

As someone with ADHD and in my last semester of

grad school, you are my new hero.
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[] bbtech 1 point 3 years ago

om soup, eight tins of. For consumption, cold.

Ice cream, vanilla, one large tub of.
Magnesia, milk of. One bottle.
Mineral water
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[] vigilantisizer 1 point 3 years ago

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[] pangalacticcourier 1 point 3 years ago

Thank you. I hope I stick with it.

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[] ArsenalZT 1 point 3 years ago

Thank you for this.

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[] Malrig 1 point 3 years ago

Motivation thingy, just commenting to save it

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[] Bombjoke 2 points 3 years ago

a bunch of us got started at join in now
and we'll all hit 50 days in one massive
crescendo! im alerting everyone who expressed
interest- grab a card. we are rolling.
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[] sirjash 1 point 3 years ago

You should make an andoid app or something that

does this
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5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.
[] anonymousxchaos 1 point 3 years ago

I'll be back. Maybe not in a week, but someday.

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[] for_the_reddit 1 point 3 years ago

I started doing this with post-it notes. I decided to

quit pop to encourage weight loss, and this was the
on,y way that encouraged me to keep on my path.
Day 17! It's so satisfying to be able to rip one off at
the end of the day. I am the type of person that
would lose a notecard and just wanted to offer up
another suggestion that might work better for anyone
who is like me...
post-its on door
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[] LiesF0rKarma 1 point 3 years ago

Commenting to save for motivation and tips, thanks

man you're awesome
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[] [deleted] 1 point 3 years ago

That background music made it. Thank you.

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[] mtandy 1 point 3 years ago

Seriously, thank you, just what I needed right now.

I'm a poor bastard, but know I would gild you if I
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[] StarTangledAstronaut 1 point 3 years ago

This is awesome
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[] Vupecula 1 point 3 years ago

I shall be back in a week, you've done us a favor.

Thank you.
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[] khufumen 1 point 3 years ago

I agree that 21 days is not correct for the time it

takes to instill a habit. My dad always said it takes
1000 hours which is about 42 days. The OP's
comment of 66 days is probably more correct. Last
year I applied this habit building technique to
flossing. After about 2 months I found that I could not
leave my morning shower without flossing. A year 32/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

later and I still continue to floss; definitely a habit

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[] platypocalypse 1 point 3 years ago

Hey, I just bought a set of index cards! I am going to

try this. Thank you! This should be a sidebar post.
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[] Anti-Iridium 1 point 3 years ago

Going to the store before work

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[] Bombjoke 2 points 3 years ago

a bunch of us got started at join in now
and we'll all hit 50 days in one massive
crescendo! im alerting everyone who expressed
interest- grab a card. we are rolling.
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[] dodiengdaga 1 point 3 years ago

Show me yours, I'll show you mine.

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[] Qichin 1 point 3 years ago

You may have just saved my life. I'm definitely going

to start this (already did yesterday, in fact), and will
also share.
I kept trying to make daily to-do lists and plans, but
never stuck to those, because I think the effect so
many people praise (tear up the list after you are
done) gets rid of some piece of evidence that you
have actually finished the list. The X changes that. It
gives you a simple but prominent reminder that, yes,
you did indeed finish that task those days.
So now I still have my daily to-do lists, but I also
have the X-chart to tick off whenever I actually do
finish a list.
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[] CustosMentis 1 point 3 years ago

Really good system.

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[] [deleted] 1 point 3 years ago

I'm commenting because I too am hopping on this

train to self improvement!
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[] hotvision 1 point 3 years ago 33/34
5/20/2017 Bombjoke comments on I'm a piece of shit. No more games, No more lies, No more excuses. I need discipline. I need help.

I love the fact that you were able say " it was called
the Seinfeld trick, but remember Jerry himself denied
taking credit for this on reddit"
That said, excellent post. Looking for index cards as
we speak.
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