The Development of Instabilities in Laminar Explosion Flames

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562 COMBUSTION A N D FLAME 99:562-572 (1994)

The Development of Instabilities in Laminar Explosion Flames

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, England

Theoretical and experimental studies are presented of the growth of flame instabilities arising from
perturbations of spherically propagating laminar flames in an explosion bomb. High-speed cin6 schlieren
photographs show flame instability to be associated with the propagation of cracks, originating from
disturbances due to flame movement over the spark electrodes, along the flame surface. Such cracks are the
precursors of a cellular flame structure and they propagate at a rate that corresponds qualitatively with the
theoretically predicted growth rate of the amplitude of a perturbation. The theoretical critical Peclet number
for the growth of instabilities is associated with the onset of crack propagation, not with the completion of
cell development. The theoretical approach follows that of Bechtold and Matalon and a flame stability
diagram is derived in terms of dimensionless groups, including Peclet and Markstein numbers. Further
experiments on vented explosions, in which stronger pressure pulses are created, are described. Taylor
instabilities, arising from the baroclinic, vorticity generation term, Vp x Vp/p 2, create macro and micro
vorticity at the flame front that enhance the burn rate and create a turbulent flame. Based upon this term, a
flame vorticity number is proposed for the prediction of the onset of turbulent flame propagation.

INTRODUCTION = (2/r)(dr/dt)), can be stabilizing and suffi-

cient to reduce the amplitude of the perturba-
If a wavelike deformation of a flame occurs, tion and counter any thermodiffusive instabil-
then at the crest of the wave there is a diverg- ity.
ing conductive heat flux away from the flame The planar numerical solutions of Michelson
surface into the cold reactants ahead of it and and Sivashinsky [1] show an unstable perturba-
a converging diffusive flux of the deficient re- tion of the flame to evolve to a cellular flame
actant into the surface. If the diffusion coeffi- structure in which the cells are in continuous,
cient in the Lewis number expression is that but irregular, motion. Hertzberg [2] has char-
for this reactant, then for values of the number acterized a cellular flame structure as a stabi-
less than unity there is a resulting increase in lized steady state condition. Deformation of a
enthalpy by the flame and the local burning flame surface can arise from its movement
velocity increases. The converse situation arises over a solid body, from pressure pulses, and
at the trough of the wave, where there is a loss from acoustic oscillations.
of enthalpy and the burning velocity decreases. Theoretical and experimental studies are re-
The crest then propagates faster than the ported of the development of flame instabili-
trough and the amplitude of the wave-like dis- ties arising in spherically propagating laminar
turbance of the front increases. If the Lewis flames. The instabilities are associated with
number, Le, is greater than unity, similar rea- the propagation of cracks arising from distur-
soning shows the burning velocity to decrease bances, along the flame surface. Such cracks
at the crest and to increase at the trough, with are the precursors of a cellular structure and
consequent decrease in the amplitude of the they grow in length at a rate which is related to
perturbation. On the other hand, at small radii the theoretically predicted growth rate of the
of a spherically propagating flame of surface amplitude of the perturbation. The critical
area, A, the flame stretch, (= ( 1 / A ) ( d A / d t ) Peclet number for the growth of instabilities is
associated with the onset of crack propagation,
not with the completion of cell development.
* Corresponding author.
Also presented are the consequences of
Presented at the Twenty-Fifth Symposium (International) the stronger perturbations that arise from the
on Combustion, Irvine, California, 31 July-5 August 1994. pulses of pressure, p, created in vented explo-
Copyright 1994 by The Combustion Institute
0010-2180/94/$7.00 Published by Elsevier Science Inc.

sions in another vessel. These interact with the Shown in Fig. 1 are the variations of E with
steep gradient of density, p, at the flame front wavelength, A, given by Eq. A7, for a spherical
and Taylor instabilities arises from the baro- explosion flame with u t = 0.4 m s- I, Ma = 3.5,
clinic, vorticity generation, term Vp V p / p 2. or = 5.9, and 8l = 0.05 mm. At small flame
Flame instabilities can grow at each pressure radii, E is negative at all wavelengths, any
wave interaction and eventually make the flame perturbations are removed, and the flame is
turbulent. stable. Up to a flame radius of 15 mm the
flame is stable for all wavelengths, but at
THEORY OF SPHERICAL greater radii E becomes positive and the flame
FLAME PERTURBATION unstable. This occurs first at a wavelength of
about 7 mm, but thereafter over a wider range.
Clavin and Williams [3] and Matalon and The wavelength associated with the maximum
Matkowsky [4] have analyzed asymptotically for growth rate decreases. Instability first arises
large Zeldovich numbers, /3 ( = T,(T b - T , ) / when Pe ( = r / 8 l) becomes equal to ~. Above
Tb2), the propagation of a perturbation of a this critical Peclet number, Pe c, a perturbation
planar flame over a spectrum of wavelengths. can overcome the stabilizing influences of a
Suffices u and b indicate unburned and burned diminished flame stretch and thermodiffusion.
gas and T, the activation temperature. Linear Greater generality is demonstrated by the
perturbation analysis leads to a dispersion re- dimensionless plots for o" = 6. 7 in Fig. 2 of the
lationship that expresses the growth of the maximum growth rate of a perturbation, ~m, at
perturbation in terms of wavenumber. The the most unstable wavelength, Am. This is a
wavelength associated with the maximum rate function of Pe and Ma, as given by Eq. A8.
of growth of the perturbation predominates in The near-vertical full line curves are the values
any ensuing cellular structure. Bechtold and of Am, the most unstable wavelength normal-
Matalon [5] analyzed the perturbation of a ized by 6t. The broken lines show where the
spherical flame incorporating the global flame Peclet number has the critical value, Pec, and
stretch, and this provides the present theoreti- are the demarcation between stable and unsta-
cal framework. The hydrodynamic instability ble r6gimes. The value of A m increases with
arises from an initial perturbation of the flame Ma. The analytical technique is invalid for
front and the thermal expansion and irrota- A < 30, but it is clear that the lower the value
tional disturbances ahead of it. Perturbed vari- of Ma, the earlier do instabilities develop in
ables are expanded in a spherical harmonic the explosion. When Ma _< 1.5, the flame is
series. After the flame of radius, r, has propa- always unstable.
gated beyond the initial value, r 0, significantly
greater than the flame thickness, 3t, the ampli- 300
tude, a, of the perturbation relative to r, devel-
ops according to

a = a o R '(l+ex~/In R) (I)
Here a 0 is the initial dimensionless amplitude, ,.ha

R is r / r o, = 6t/r and ~o is a growth rate ~" '~,~ RADIUS

parameter, dependent upon the density ratio STABLE REGIME

o-, while 1-/ depends upon or, Le, and /3. The ,u~ RADIUS_____-
ratio 6t/r o is taken to be 1/50, while ~t = 11mm
v / u n is the kinematic viscosity divided by the /
laminar burning velocity. Solutions for oJ and -200 0' 4.O 8i 0
' '
f~, and the growth rate of a perturbation, WAVELENGTH ~, I rnm)
(= (1/a)(da/dt)), at different flame radii, are Fig, 1. G r o w t h rate of instability, ]2, with increasing flame
given in terms of the spherical harmonics, or, radius. L a m i n a r burning velocity = 0.4, m s - 1 Ma = 3.5,
and Markstein number, Ma, in the Appendix. = 5.9, and 61 = 0.05 mm.
564 D. B R A D L E Y AND C. M. H A R P E R

.t ,,

,, - - </

2ooo . "5.g


d ~t 222

__ _ I _ I I I

Fig. 2. Variation of m a x i m u m growth rate of perturbation, ~m, at most unstable wavelength
A m, with Markstein and Peclet numbers; ~r = 6.7. Lettered experimental points and associated
values of C,, are from Fig. 5.

APPARATUS to the parallel plates. To study the develop-

ment of instabilities, it was necessary to max-
The cylindrical bomb was of cast steel of 305 imise the time the flame was exposed to the
mm diameter and 305 mm length, with win- pressure pulses created by the venting, and yet
dows in each of the two end plates. Centrally retain it within the field of view of the camera.
spark-ignited flames were observed by He-Ne This was achieved by igniting the mixture si-
laser, high speed, schlieren photography. The multaneously at the two pairs of electrodes at
fuels--hydrogen, methane, propane, and iso- each end of the vessel. The sole purpose of the
octane--were fan-mixed with air in the bomb. flame at the venting end was to reduce the
The pressure was one atmosphere and initial flame speed of the flame under observation
temperature 328 K. and hold it in the view of the camera as long as
Vented explosions were observed in another possible.
vessel. This comprised two parallel plates of
perspex, 20 mm thick and 280 mm square,
maintained at a distance of 20 mm apart by EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
space bars along three sides. At the center of Growth of Instabilities in Spherical Explosions
the middle space bar, along the end of the
vessel, was access for one pair of spark elec- The schlieren photographs in Fig. 3, taken by
trodes. Another pair was provided at the vented Hamid [6], show the rapid development of cel-
end. The fourth side comprised a membrane of lular flame structure in a hydrogen-air mixture
either a single or double sheet of paper, se- explosion, equivalence ratio, ~b, of 0.26, in the
cured by adhesive tape. The thickness con- cylindrical bomb. Cell development is rapid, as
trolled the strength of the venting pressure it was also with a rich, ~b = 1.4, iso-octane
pulses. Into one of the two parallel space bars flame. Cell evolution on this flame surface is
was fitted a Kistler 410 B pressure transducer traced in Fig. 4 from the schlieren cin~ film.
at the closed, with another at the vented end. The spark creates some initial disturbance, (i),
Again, high speed laser schlieren photography which soon decays. Localized deformations
was employed, with the expanded beam normal arise from the flame movement over the elec-

(a) 0.67 ms (d) 20.04 ms

(b) 2.51 ms (e) 40.92 ms

(c) 11.69 ms ff) 59.29 ms

Fig. 3. Schlieren cin6 photographs of cellular flame development during explosion of H 2 air mixture,
= 0.26. Read downwards from top left.

trodes. These persist and create cracks that sum of arcs of great circles. For an arc of
propagate along the s u r f a c e - - t h e precursors length c that subtends an angle 0 at the cen-
of a more stable cellular structure. The circled ter of the flame sphere c = rO and d c / d t =
regions show such propagation to be followed r d O / d t + 0 dr/dt. The first term arises from
by cross-cracking at the waist (v) of two neigh- crack propagation, the second from flame sur-
boring, near-parallel, cracks. face growth. Shown in Fig. 5 are measured
The crack propagation velocity along the crack propagation velocities, C,., along the
spherical surface is a measure of instability flame surface, obtained solely from the sum-
growth. The length of a continuous crack is the ming of the first crack propagation term at

in dimensionless form in Fig. 2. The numerical

- (i) @ (ii) ~ (iii) values alongside are normalized crack propa-
gation velocities, ~,, ( = C~,/ut). In general, for
a given mixture, C,, increases with Pe, as does
~m" A negative value of C,, corresponds to the
stable r6gime (Pe _< Pec), where perturbations
are removed. Low values of Ma are associated
with high values of C,, and, as a consequence,
the mixture with Ma = 0.23 most rapidly ap-
proached a full cellular structure.

Fig. 4. Flame crackingand evolutionof cellular structure Growth of Instabilities in Vented Explosions
on iso-octane-air explosion flame surface, 4~= 1.4. (iii)
shows crack initiation, (iv) crack propagation, and (v) Strong pressure pulses were generated by vent-
cross-cracking. ing the parallel plate vessel. Shown in Fig. 6
are methane-air (~b = 1, Ma = 3.6) schlieren
flame photographs. Time is measured from the
different radii for the full range of mixtures. instant of membrane rupture, between (a) and
An increase in C~ with r indicates perturba- (b). The flame propagates from left to right
tion growth, and suggests the flame is unstable and the second flame can be seen on the right
to the electrode-created disturbance, while a in (a). When the membrane, at the right, rup-
decrease in C o indicates a stable flame. Values tures the flame accelerates to the right and
of Ma and ut for the mixtures are given in the hot, less dense gas accelerates the more rapidly,
figure. Measured values of Ma have large un- (b). A rarefaction wave enters the vessel and
certainties. The present values derive from pressure gradients are reversed, now with pref-
those reported in Ref. 7 and Eq. A6. Values at erential acceleration of hot gas towards the
the lettered points in Fig. 5 are plotted by closed end (d). The Vp Vp interactions gen-
crosses, with the same lettered identification, erate flame folding on a large scale, with cusp

120 ' ' Me utIms-1) ' I

m HYDROGEN-AIR 1.59 5./+ t+. 2
a HYDROGEN-AIR 0.26 0.23 0.5 /
e,f,g METHANE-AIR 1.0 3.6 0.51 /Ha =5.4
c,d PROPANE-AIR 1.4 1.1 0.36 /
B0 h,i PROPANE-AIR 0.9 t,.0 0.k7 / t d
j,k,[ IS0-OCTANE - AIR 0.9 4..3 0.4.2 / /
(E b ISO-0ETANE - AIR 1.4 1.0 0.36 J //
//Ha = 1.1

>- k.0
Ma : 1.1 a Ha: 0.2 / / o b /'
._J , , t //"
', ',/ m ,,".i"'Ma : 1.o

=__5 ~Ma=3.6i~x "'j/ f Ma =3.6 g _ Ha = 4..0


OC Ma = 1.0 \Ha =4..3 ~

\ \~ ~o Ha = 4..0
J - 40 '\ \ \

I I I ! I

20 ~0 60
Fig. 5. Measuredflamecrackpropagationvelocitiesfor differentmixtures.

(a) -0.69 ms (b) 0.73 ms

(c) 1.46 ms (d) 2.8 ms

(e) 4.02 ms (f) 6.52 ms

Fig. 6. Schlieren cin~ photographs of the influence of venting pressure pulses on the structure of a
stoichiometric m e t h a n e - a i r explosion flame. Read across and downwards from top left. Venting occurs
between (a) and (b).

formation (f) and vorticity at the flame inter- trodes. This generated surface perturbations
face, in directions that alternate with the pres- and flame wrinkling to enhance these interac-
sure wave gradients. Photographs also were tions. The greater the venting pressure, the
obtained of stoichiometric methane-air explo- more pronounced the cusp formation, flame
sions, but with a wire grid around the elec- folding, and vorticity generation.

DISCUSSION to Pe c. However, his experimental values are

between 10 and 20 times greater than the
Although the detailed structure of a crack is corresponding present theoretical values of
not fully understood, some clues are provided Pe, as also are those of McCann et al. [10].
by the direct numerical simulations of Patnaik Groff's values are higher than those suggested
et al. [8]. Perturbation of a lean, premixed, by the earlier stability analysis of Istratov and
hydrogen flame induces a growing instability Librovich [11]. The theoretical values of Pe c in
that evolves toward a cellular structure, where- Ref. 5 are much lower than those suggested by
as no such evolution is observed for a rich Groff. Figure 2 shows that experimental values
mixture of large Markstein number, and the of Pe t , based upon the radius at which cracks
perturbation decays. Additional results of the just begin to propagate, are much closer to the
computations, kindly made available by the theoretical values. Close agreement between
authors, show clear discontinuities in the con- theory and practice cannot be expected, in
centration profiles for H and OH, at the trough view of the inevitable simplifications of the
of the reaction zone, suggestive of a crack. asymptotic theory and the uncertainty of the
As the amplitude of a flame perturbation factors controlling crack propagation velocity.
increases, a crack might be expected to form at The predominant size of the developed cells
the trough of the wave and propagate along will be that of the wavelength associated with
the surface with a velocity proportional to that the maximum growth rate of the instability,
of the growth of the amplitude. General sup- as indicated by A m, for a given value of Ma.
port for this is provided on Fig. 2, which shows Figure 2 shows that, once the unstable region
an approximate correlation of measured values has been entered, there is little change in A m
of C,, with the theoretical values of ~m, with with Pe. There are difficulties in comparing
negative values of C,, in regions where the experimental cell sizes with theoretical predic-
flame is theoretically stable. For the low Mark- tions. First, only with the lean hydrogen mix-
stein number values of 0.23 and 1.1, the val- ture did cellularity develop over the whole
ues of t~L, are particularly high, as might be surface and it is doubtful if it could be classed
expected from the analysis. Only in the case as fully developed, in that the cells were con-
of the lean hydrogen mixture did the flame tinuing to decrease in size as the flame propa-
surface appear completely cellular. The rich gated. A larger vessel would have been re-
iso-octane mixture exhibited the next most de- quired to observe fully developed cells. Second,
veloped cellularity, but cross-cracking was in- both this mixture and the other with a limited
complete. The rate at which cells develop de- degree of cellularity were in the theoretically
pends not only upon the rate of growth of the invalid regime of A _< 30. Within the valid
perturbation amplitude, but also upon the ex- regime of Fig. 2, with o- = 6.7, the value of A
tent of the initiating perturbations. This was for maximum growth rate is given by A m =
well illustrated by the extra cracking and wrin- 62(Ma - 1.5). A value of A = 30 leads to a
kling resulting from the introduction of a wire theoretical maximum growth rate wavelength
grid. for the lean hydrogen mixture of 1.2 mm,
For a given value of Ma, and hence of Pe c, it whereas the measured cell size was 5 mm.
can be inferred from Fig. 2 that an increase in The magnitude of the Vp x V p / p 2 term in
the explosion pressure, because of the associ- the vorticity equation influences the flame front
ated decrease in 61, would initiate instability at perturbation due to vorticity generation. For
a lower value of r. This is borne out by the the venting conditions of Fig. 6 the size of the
explosions of Groff [9] at between 2 and 5 flame and the value of Ma are sufficient to
atm., in which a cellular structure was devel- render it unstable, while the flow field after
oped earlier than with comparable mixtures vent opening enhances orthogonality of pres-
in the present study. Critical flame Reynolds sure and density gradients. This is sufficient to
numbers were measured at the onset of cellu- generate the macro-vorticity after vent opening
lar flames in lean propane-air explosions. With that creates the cusps and the micro-vorticity
~t = u / u t , such Reynolds numbers are equal that breaks up the flame front, eventually lead-

ing to a turbulent flame. Similar cusps are Figure 2 shows that most flames soon enter
reported in Ref. 10, while Tsuruda and Hirano an unstable regime. It then can take some time
[12] have observed the growth of spikes within for them to attain the metastable cellular flame
the flame during the passage through it of a condition. However, with the strong pressure
pressure wave formed by venting and have gradients after venting, the macro and micro
simulated numerically the growth of vorticity vorticity generation associated with the high
inside the flame [13]. Liu et al. [14] have shown flame vorticity number, V, of 70 10 -6 create
numerically that when burned gas is acceler- a flame structure more akin to turbulence than
ated towards unburned gas the disturbance is to cellular stability. In experiments on acoustic
unstable, but when the acceleration is reversed instability in premixed propane flames propa-
the disturbance is stable. gating along a tube, Searby [15] showed that
The effectiveness of vorticity generation de- when pressure oscillations attained a high am-
pends not only upon the orthogonality of the plitude, the organized cellular structures de-
two gradients, but also upon the duration of stabilized into incoherent highly turbulent
their interaction. An acoustic wave, with a ve- motion, and the flame accelerated with a tur-
locity of a C, will interact with the flame during bulent burning velocity. Accurate measure-
its transit time through the flame, ~ l / a c = v ~ ment of rapid rates of pressure rise is difficult,
u l a C. In cartesian coordinates, this suggests a but it is estimated that the value of V at this
dimensionless flame vorticit~ number, V = transformation was 6.5 10 -6, slightly higher
"~ 2 2 ~
(c?p/c)x)((Op/Oy)(v-/u t acp,, )). W~th O p / c ) y than for the rapidly burning mixture in the
= ( P u - P b ) / ~ t = puUl( 1 - 1 / o - ) / v the bomb, which did not create a turbulent flame,
group becomes ( 8 p / O x ) ( v(o- - 1 ) / a f p u o" u ) . but less than the value for the flame in the
Comparison is instructive between the val- vented vessel, which did. For the vented exper-
ues of V that arise from the most rapidly iments of Ref. 12 that generated a turbulent
burning mixture in the bomb, namely H2-air, flame, the value of V is estimated to be 2.5
05 = 1.59, and from the vent opening, indicated 10 6. It is, however, unlikely that V alone is a
in Fig. 6. The former mixture exhibits a high sufficient parameter to describe turbulent
value of Ma (5.4) with lower values of "Z,,, and flame generation and that, additionally, the
the measured values of C,. are relatively small. number of pressure pulse transits through the
Despite these low values, cell development, flame, its stretch rate and the Markstein num-
though incomplete, was more rapid than for ber are relevant.
some mixtures of lower Markstein number.
This is because the high value of ut created a
strong pressure pulse at the flame and a rela- CONCLUSIONS
tively high rate of pressure rise and amplitude,
60 M P a / s and 0.01 MPa. This produced a 1. The onset of instability in a spherically
zig-zag cracking pattern with crosscracking at propagating flame is associated with the sur-
regions of high curvature, which accelerated face propagation of discontinuities in the
cell development in what was still a laminar flame structure that have the appearance of
flame, with no evidence of micro-vorticity. cracks.
Based upon measured pressure pulses, the re- 2. Measured crack propagation velocities cor-
lationship c ) p / O x = a C i O p / O t , and the relate qualitatively with the predictions, by
acoustic velocity for the unburned mixture, the asymptotic analysis, of the growth rate of
value of V is 6 10 -6. Vent opening for the the amplitude of a perturbation.
conditions of Fig. 6 created an even higher rate 3. A flame stability diagram is presented in
of pressure rise and amplitude, 100 M P a / s , terms of dimensionless groups, including the
and 0.02 MPa, with a value of V of 70 10 6. Markstein number.
Here, the orthogonality of the two gradients 4. Flame cracking eventually leads to a meta-
was more assured and the higher value of V is stable cellular flame.
associated with visible vorticity generation at 5. Taylor instabilities can hasten the develop-
the flame. ment of a cellular structure.
570 D. B R A D L E Y A N D C. M. H A R P E R

6. S t r o n g e r p r e s s u r e pulses can c r e a t e m a c r o spherical h a r m o n i c a n d o- is the density ratio.

a n d micro vorticity at the flame front that Pu/Pb, a r e
e n h a n c e the b u r n r a t e a n d p r o d u c e local
t u r b u l e n t flames.
-(b - a) + ~/((b - a) 2 - 4ac)
7. A flame vorticity n u m b e r is p r o p o s e d for 09
the p r e d i c t i o n o f w h e t h e r flame vorticity 2a
g e n e r a t i o n might initiate t u r b u l e n t flame
Q1 + IQz
propagation. 1] = , (A1)
The authors express their indebtedness to en-
lightening discussions with Drs. V. Babkin, M. N. where
Hamid, N. Kidin, F. K-I~ Lung, G. Makhviladze,
A. C. Mclntosh, a n d E. Oran. Brian Spalding /3(t~ - 1)
generously provided the parallel plate vessel. l=
(0-- 1)

REFERENCES r e p r e s e n t s the d e v i a t i o n o f Le f r o m unity,

1. Michelson, D. M., and Sivashinsky, G. I., Acta Astro-
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2. Hertzberg, M., Pro& Ener. Combust. Sci. 15:203-239
(1989). b=2n 2+(4+50-)+4,
3. Clavin, P., and Williams, F. A., J. Fluid Mech. 116:251
(1982). (o-- l)n 3
4. Matalon, M., and Matkowsky, B. J., J. Fluid Mech. c + 2n 2
124:239-259 (1982).
5. Bechtold, J. K., and Matalon, M., Combust. Flame
67:77-90 (1987). + 3 ( ~ + 1) - n + 2, (A2)
6. Hamid, M. N., Ph.D., thesis, University of Leeds,
7. Searby, G., and Quinard, J., Combust. Flame 8:2: 1
298-311 (1990). Q1 = (2a09 + b - 2 a )
8. Patnaik, G., Kailasanath, K., Oran, E. S. T., and
Laskey, K. J., Twemy-Second Symposium (Interna- [ln0-
tional) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, [ ~ - - ~ _1 {(0- + 1)n 4 + (209 + 5)0-n 3
Pittsburgh, 1989, pp. 1517-1526.
9. Groff, E. G., Combust. Flame 48:51-62 (1982).
10. McCann, D. P. J., Thomas, (3. O., and Edwards, + ( 0 9 0 - - 20- 2 + o r - l)n 2
D. H., Combust. Flame 59:233-250 (1985).
11. Istratov, A. G., and Librovich, V. B., Astronautica +(0-- 7 - 309 - 0-09)no"- 20-(1 + 09)}
Acta 14:453-467 (1969).
12. Tsuruda, T., and Hirano, T., Combust. Flame 84:66-72 ( 0 - - 1)
(1991). +n(n 2 - 1)(n + 2 ) - - (A3)
13. Fines, A., Tsuruda, T., and Hirano, T., Combust.
Flame 95:76-86 (1993).
14. Liu, F., McIntosh, A. C., and Brindley, J., Combust. 1
Sci, Technol. 91:373-386 (1993). Q2 = (20-(2a09 + b - 2 a ) ) a
15. Searby, G., Combust. Sci. Technol. 81,221-231 (1992).
16. Harper, C. M., Ph.D. thesis, University of Leeds, [ 2 n 4 + (2090-+ 2 0 9 + 1 0 0 - - 3)n 3
17. Clavin, P., Pro& Ener. Combust, Sci. 1l:1-59 (1985). +(20"09 2 + ( 5 0 " - 1)09
Received 29 November 1993; revised 9 May 1994 +30"- 2 0 -2 -- 2 ) n 2

+{0-o92(1 -- 40-) -- (140- 2 + 1)09

+ 3 - 9 0 - - 8 0 -2}
F o l l o w i n g B e c h t o l d a n d M a t a l o n [5], solutions
for 09 a n d 1~ in Eq. 1, in which n is an i n t e g e r X n -- 20-(092 + 409 + 3)]. (A4)

In Eq. A4 a = o-f~(ln s / s - 1) ds. The expres- Clavin gives

sions for Q1 and Q2 are different from those
o. /3(Le - 1) 1
in Ref. 5 and reduce to the planar flame solu- Ma = In o. +
tions as R ~ ~. Further details are given in o.-1 2 or-1
Ref. 16. Bechtold and Matalon express the ,T l l n ( l + x ) d x
flame radius as a function of dimensionless x f~ x (A6)
time T (real time, t) by
Differentiation of Eq. 1 with respect to T leads
& eventually to
R = T--2'a(l - lo)ln T, where
ro 1 da [ 2o.6 I 1
E o.~ouI [ 1 - --{Ma - In o . } ]
a dt r
ul 2o- In o-
T= 1 + o-t--, and l0 -
ro a(o-- 1) (A7)
The wavelength of the disturbance is A =
From the relationships given by Clavin [17] it
Equation A7 is made dimensionless by intro-
can be shown that a(l - l o) = 2Lb/61, where
ducing Y, = (1/aXda/dt)(27rr/nu~) and A =
L b is the burned gas Markstein length and Ma b
2~rr/n6 t and the Peclet number, Pe = r/at:
( = Lb/6l) is the corresponding Markstein
number. This is related to the unburned gas
Markstein number, Ma ( = L / 6 t) by Ma b = - 1 - {Ma-lnor} 1-
o.(Ma - In o-).

T. Tsuruda, The University of Tokyo, Japan. Is Author's Reply. The mean distance across one
there some critical intensity of the pressure of the two hot 'penisulars' in Fig. 6(f) is ap-
wave which causes the global flame front de- proximately 40 ram.

Author's Reply. A more appropriate critical H. S. Mukunda, Indian Institute of Science,

parameter for flame turbulerisation than one India. 1. The governing instability in the exper-
derived solely from the pressure wave is the iments appears to be of Landau-Darrieus type.
vorticity number, V. Some values of pressure Linear stability results are available. Also some
gradient are given in the paper. recent computations of linear stability with
variable properties seem to indicate a most
unstable wave length to flame thickness ratio
R. Dobashi, The University of Tokyo, Japan. (for H z - a i r systems) of 13 for constant proper-
You showed the picture of the flame front ties and 30 for variable properties [1]. These
disturbance induced by the Rayleigh-Taylor in- seem to be in a range similar to the values you
stability effect. How large is the observed scale are reporting from your experiments. 2. In the
(or characteristic wave-length) of such distur- comparison of your data with the theory of
bance? Matalon, it appears most data belong to the

unstable category: could you not find any sta- vant stability tests are a large Markstein num-
ble points in the extreme right region to verify ber but not such a high value of laminar burn-
the theory better? ing velocity as to generate hydrodynamic insta-
bilities. Examination of Fig. 5 for the curve
REFERENCE with the highest Markstein number of 5.4 sug-
1. Mukunda, H. S., and Drummond, J. P., Applied Scien- gests that the crack propagation velocity might
tific Research, 51:687-711 (1993), or NASA TP3131. become negative at a value of Peclet number
of about 1000, not too far from the theoretical
Author's Reply The requirements for the rele- curve.

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