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SONiVOX DVI Documentation & Users Guide Copyright 2008 Sonic Network, Inc. Page 1
License and Copyrights
Copyright 2008 Sonic Network, Inc.
Internationally Secure
All rights reserved

561 Windsor Street, Suite A402
Somerville, MA 02143

This SONiVOX DVI and all its individual components referred to from this point on as the
(DVI) are protected under United States and International copyright laws, with all rights
reserved. The DVI is provided as a license to you, the customer. Ownership of the DVI is
maintained solely by Sonic Network, Inc.

All terms of the DVI license are documented in detail in the DVI End-User License Agreement on
installer of the same DVI that came with this manual. If you have any questions regarding this
license please contact Sonic Network at


SONiVOX is a registered trademark of Sonic Network Inc. Other names used in this publication
may be trademarks and are acknowledged.


This publication, including all photographs and illustrations, is protected under international
copyright laws, with all rights reserved. Nothing herein can be copied or duplicated without
express written permission from Sonic Network, Inc. The information contained herein is
subject to change without notice. Sonic Network makes no direct or implied warranties or
representations with respect to the contents hereof. Sonic Network reserves the right to revise
this publication and make changes as necessary from time to time without any obligation of
Sonic Network to notify any persons of such changes.

SONiVOX DVI Documentation & Users Guide Copyright 2008 Sonic Network, Inc. Page 2
Thank you for your interest in this SONiVOX DVI product. This guide is intended to serve as a
users manual and reference resource that will guide you through the installation process as
well as show you around the features available to you in the program. Please note that the
information contained within is subject to change at anytime.

This DVI by SONiVOX may be used either as a standalone application or as a plug-in within a
host application. In this document we will describe the installation and registration processes,
and then go into detail about how to use SONiVOX DVI products in a variety of situations.

When you first install this DVI, it will be available for you to use immediately as part of the DVI
3-day Free Trial Mode. You must authorize the DVI within the first 3 days to continue using it.
We will discuss the authorization process below.

SONiVOX DVI Documentation & Users Guide Copyright 2008 Sonic Network, Inc. Page 3
System Requirements:

PC System Requirements
Windows XP or Vista
Pentium IV 2.0 GHz Processor or AMD 1500 XP

MME Compatible Audio Hardware ASIO Compatible Audio Hardware Recommended

Minimum 512mb RAM 2GB Recommended
A VST or RTAS compatible host application (not required for Stand-Alone Mode)

Macintosh System Requirements

OS X Version 10.4.1 or higher,
Intel Based Processor

Minimum 512mb RAM 2GB Recommended

A VST, AU or RTAS compatible host application (not required for Stand-Alone Mode)

SONiVOX DVI Documentation & Users Guide Copyright 2008 Sonic Network, Inc. Page 4
Installing DVI for MAC:
Begin by double clicking on the install file that you downloaded from SONiVOX. You will be
first asked to enter your systems password (Pictured Right).

Next you will be welcomed to begin the installation. To proceed

with installing the DVI select Continue or to cancel click Go

You will next be asked to review

the End User License Agreement.
Once you have read this agreement click Continue. You now
will be asked whether you agree or you disagree to the
agreement (Pictured Right). If you accept the agreement click
Agree to signify you do. If you do not accept the agreement
installation will be canceled.

Now you will be prompted to choose either Easy Install or

Custom Install (Pictured Left) choosing Easy Install will
install all the possible plug-in formats and components, while
Custom Install will allow you to choose what plug-in formats
you wish to install, (we recommend Easy Install for all non-
advanced users). If you have chosen Easy Install click the
Install button to proceed.

If you have chosen, Custom Install you will be allowed to

choose which plug-in formats you wish to install (Pictured
Right). Check the boxes of the formats you wish to install and
then click the Install button to continue.

At this point you will be asked where you want to install the
sample content of the DVI (left). Click Proceed to search and
select a location. If possible for optimal performance we recommend
installing sample content on a different drive than your system drive.
Please note that you may not change the location of your sample

SONiVOX DVI Documentation & Users Guide Copyright 2008 Sonic Network, Inc. Page 5
Installing DVI for Mac (continued):

content without reinstalling the DVI. After you have chosen the sample install path please click

At this time the installer will install all files needed for DVI
operation. This may take a few minutes. After the installer has

Installing DVI for PC:

The process of installing DVI on a PC is easy. Begin by double
clicking on the install file that you downloaded from SONiVOX.
You will be first welcomed to begin the installation. To proceed
with installing the DVI select next or to cancel click Cancel.

You will next be asked to review the End User License

Agreement. Once you have read this agreement you will be
asked whether you accept the agreement or you do not
accept the agreement. If you accept the agreement click to
signify you do, and then click Next (Pictured left). If you do
not accept the agreement installation will be canceled.

At this point you will be asked where you want to install the
sample content of the DVI (Pictured Right). You may install
into the default directory as specified by the installer or click
Browse to search and select a location elsewhere. If possible

SONiVOX DVI Documentation & Users Guide Copyright 2008 Sonic Network, Inc. Page 6
Installing DVI for PC (continued):

for optimal performance we recommend installing sample content on a different drive than your system
drive. Please note that you may not change the location of your sample content without reinstalling the
DVI. After you have chosen the sample install path please click Next.

Next the installer asks where you have your VSTs

installed on your system (Pictured Left). It is recommended
to locate the correct folder where you have other VSTis
installed, however you may choose to allow the DVI to be
installed to the default location listed. (Users not planning
on using VST mode select the default path.) After you have
chosen the VST install path please proceed by clicking

Now you can choose to install some or all of the

possible DVI plug-in formats. If you wish to install all
of the formats just select, Complete Installation and
click Next. If you wish to install only some of the
plug-ins select, Custom Installation from the
dropdown menu and check the components you wish
to install and then click Next.

At this point youll be shown a confirmation page that lists

all of the components you wish to install. If the
information listed here is correct click Next to proceed
with the installation or Back to go back and change
installation preferences.

SONiVOX DVI Documentation & Users Guide Copyright 2008 Sonic Network, Inc. Page 7
Installing DVI for PC (continued):

The installer will install all files needed for DVI

operation. This may take a few minutes depending on
the size of the instrument content. After the installer
has finished, the wizard will display a Installation
Successful message to let you know that installation
has successfully completed. Youll also see a message
that states Please restart your system if this is your
first time installing a SONiVOX DVI instrument. It is
only necessary to restart your system after installing
your first DVI product as installation of the Pace
InterLok driver requires it.

For all subsequent DVI installations this system restart is not necessary as the InterLok driver
should already be on your machine. Please note that, upon completing installation of your first
DVI product, should you elect to launch the DVI without restarting your system, youll be
presented with a Pace error message that states Tpkd driver ddjustment. Reboot your system
or reinstall the software. This message is in no way indicative of a faulty installation. Upon
restarting your system this message will be gone when you launch the DVI.

Purchasing Licenses,Trial Mode,& Activating DVI:

The DVI activation/authorization process is identical for Mac and PC. There are different
methods and scenarios for purchasing and authorizing DVIs, which will vary depending on
whether you purchase directly through the SONiVOX website or purchase a DVI which you
are already running in Trial Mode. In either situation, the authorization procedure is a simple,
painless procedure but please read this section carefully to determine which of the scenarios
described below best fits your situation.

Trial Mode Activation

The first time you open a DVI the Activation Wizard
(pictured right) will give you the option of trying (Try) or
authorizing (Authorize) the product.

-Select Try to activate the 3 day trial period and try the
DVI for free.

-Select Authorize if youve already purchased the DVI

and have a license (receipt) number to authorize it with.

SONiVOX DVI Documentation & Users Guide Copyright 2008 Sonic Network, Inc. Page 8
Trial Mode Activation (continued)

-Also select Authorize if you wish to purchase the product after having used it as part of the
free trial period.

Selecting Try will allow you to use the DVI for free for 3 days, at the end of which time you
can choose to purchase a license and continue using the product or discontinue its use and
allow it to become de-activated. You can always purchase a license after the trial period has
lapsed (see Purchase & Authorization below) but the trial period itself cannot be extended
once the 3 days have expired.

The trial period does not begin when you download or install the product. Instead, the trial
period begins when you first launch the DVI and select Try from the Activation Wizard.

The Activation Wizard will keep you updated as to the status of your trial (This trial will
expire in 2 days This trial will expire in less than 1 day Etc.) until your time period lapses,
at which point the Try button will disappear and you must authorize the DVI to continue
using it.

Purchase & Activation/Authorization

Purchasing a DVI directly from the SONiVOX website:

In this scenario, you browse our website and add DVIs to your shopping cart. When youre
ready to buy, you proceed to check out and complete the payment procedure at which time
you then download the DVI product to your Mac or PC and install it on your system. Your
receipt number from this transaction doubles as your serial number for
activation/authorization. You will need it to complete the authorization procedure as
described below:

Internet Activation Method

1. After installing the DVI, launch it in Standalone Mode or from within a host application,
select Authorize from the Activation Wizard and then Internet Activation. This will
connect you to the corresponding Product Authorization page for your DVI product.

2. In the Receipt field of the Product Authorization page,

enter your receipt number. Once this receipt number is
entered, your DVI will authorize automatically.

SONiVOX DVI Documentation & Users Guide Copyright 2008 Sonic Network, Inc. Page 9
Manual Activation Method

If your music computer is NOT connected to the internet follow these instructions for Manual
Activation. This procedure will allow you to request a license from our server and receive a
license response back from us that can then be transferred to the machine on which your DVI
is installed.

1. After installing the DVI, launch it in Standalone Mode or from within a host application,
select Authorize from the Activation Wizard Manual Activation. On the next screen
you will see the Save License Request button (right). Click the Save License Request
button and save the License Request File (Your DVI Product.ilr) to your desktop.

2. Copy and move the License Request File (.ilr) to a machine that is connected to the internet.

3. Create an email using the same email address you entered when purchasing the DVI
from the SONiVOX website. Include the license request file (Your DVI Product.ilr) as
an attachment. Attach the license request file that you transferred in the previous step to
this email and send it to You must send this email from the same
email address you entered on our website, otherwise authorization will not work.

4. After sending the email as outlined in the previous step, in a few minutes you will receive a
return email from SONiVOX with a license response file (Your DVI Product.ilf). Save this
file and transfer it back to the machine on which your DVI product is installed.

5. On your DVI Machine, open the DVI. Open the

Activation Wizard, hit Authorize, and then Manual
Activation. Now, hit the Read License button (in red-
right) and navigate to the license response file you
transferred to this machine in the previous step. Select this
file and hit Open. This will complete

Purchasing a DVI product running in Trial Mode through the Activation


Internet Activation Method

In this scenario you will connect to the SONiVOX website directly from the DVI Activation
Wizard and add the product to your shopping cart. Once payment is complete, your DVI will
authorize automatically.

SONiVOX DVI Documentation & Users Guide Copyright 2008 Sonic Network, Inc. Page 10
Internet Activation Method Through Trial Mode Purchase (continued)

1. First, launch the DVI in Standalone Mode or from within a host application, select
Authorize from the Activation Wizard and then Internet Activation. This will connect
you to the corresponding Product Authorization page for your DVI product.

2. Click on the Purchase button to add the DVI to your shopping cart and proceed through
the menu to complete your purchase. Once purchase is complete, your DVI will authorize
automatically. (Please note the machine you have the DVI installed on must be connected to the
internet to use this method of license purchase & authorization.)

Manual Activation Method

This method is identical to the one described above in the Purchasing a DVI Directly from the
SONiVOX Website scenario. As it isnt possible to purchase through the Activation Wizard on
a machine not connected to the internet, you will need to first purchase the DVI on another
machine and then follow the steps described above for generating a license request/license
response transaction.

As mentioned above, be sure to send your license request file (.ilr) from the same email
address you entered when you purchased the DVI you are attempting to authorize. This
ensures that youll receive a license response file (.ilf) back from our server.

Basic Configuration & Audio/MIDI Setup:

Selecting Your Audio Device: To the

right audio device selection is pictured. It
is an imperative for standalone usage that
you select your preferred audio output
device. In this example the built-in option is

Selecting Your Audio Output:

Pictured to the right is audio output
selection. Make sure to choose the
outputs on your audio device that you
intend to listen to your DVI through.
In this example we have chosen audio
outputs 1 and 2 of our audio device.

SONiVOX DVI Documentation & Users Guide Copyright 2008 Sonic Network, Inc. Page 11
Setting the Audio Buffer Size: Audio Buffer Size
(pictured to the right) determines the amount of latency
in your DVIs performance. A lower buffer setting
will result in a lower latency and better real-time
performance. It is important to keep in mind that the
lower the buffer, the more cpu usage and higher
possibility of audio crackling, popping or
performance malfunction. It may take some
experimentation to find the optimal setting for your

Setting the Sample Rate: Sample Rate Selection (pictured to the

right) allows you to select the DVIs output sample rate in
standalone mode. When the DVI is active in a DAW this
function is disabled and the DAW will automatically dither
the DVIs output to that of the DAW/Host application. In
standalone mode feel free to set the sample rate to what ever
you like.

Setting the MIDI Input Port: For

Standalone use it is imperative that
you select the correct MIDI input
port. This is found in the I/O
Settings menu (pictured right)
Please select your MIDI input
device here. USB Keyboard or
MIDI Interface port etc.

SONiVOX DVI Documentation & Users Guide Copyright 2008 Sonic Network, Inc. Page 12




SONiVOX DVI Documentation & Users Guide Copyright 2008 Sonic Network, Inc. Page 13
Using DVI as a Plugin:
SONiVOX DVI products function as standard instrument plug-ins. For general patch loading
and basic functionality information please refer to the standalone usage guide (above on this
page). For information regarding using plug-ins with your host, please refer to your chosen
hosts users guide.

Graphical User Interface & Controls:

Pictured above is the typical DVI interface. (Please note aesthetic appearance may vary from DVI to
DVI) Below all controls and elements are explained. Numbers correspond to picture.

1. Menu Bar & Neighboring Controls

1A. DVI Title: The title of the specific DVI is found here.
1B. Main Output Level Meter: This graphically displays the DVIs output level.
1C. Save Button: This button allows the user to save custom preset settings.
1D. Active Patch Window: This pane and is where active patches are displayed.
1E. Load Button: This button when clicked displays available patches and is also
where the user selects patches.

2. Master Section This is the section of the DVI where all Master controls are located

2A. - Master Volume: This knob controls the master output gain of the DVI
2B. - Master Pan Control: This knob controls the output L/R balance of the DVI

SONiVOX DVI Documentation & Users Guide Copyright 2008 Sonic Network, Inc. Page 14
Graphical User Interface & Controls (Continued)

3. Filter Section This is the section of the DVI where all controls for the main Filter are

3A. - Q: This knob controls the filter resonance.

3B. Frequency: This knob controls the frequency of the filter.

4. Envelope Section This is the section of the DVI where all controls for the Amplitude &
Filer Envelopes are located

4A. Graphical Envelope Window: This window graphically displays the Amplitude
or Filter envelope setting
4B. Amplitude Envelope Button: This button toggles the control of envelope knobs to
the amplitude envelope. This also activates the Graphical Envelope Window to display
the Amplitude Envelope
4C. Filter Envelope Button: This button toggles the control of envelope knobs to the
Filter envelope. This also activates the Graphical Envelope Window to display the Filter
4D. Attack Time Control: This knob controls the attack time on the envelope
4E. Hold Time Control: This knob controls the hold time on the envelope
4F. Decay Time Control: This knob controls the time of decay on the envelope
4G. Sustain Level Control: This knob controls the amount of sustain on the envelope
4H. Release Time Control: This knob controls the time of release on the envelope

SONiVOX DVI Documentation & Users Guide Copyright 2008 Sonic Network, Inc. Page 15
5. Effects Section This is the section of the DVI where all controls for the Effects are located.
(Please note that included effects may differ from DVI to DVI)

5A. Amplifier Simulator Drive Knob: This knob controls the amount of drive from the
amplifier simulator
5B. Amplifier Simulator Activation Button: This button enables the Amplifier
Simulator effect
5C. Chorus Mix Knob: This knob controls the wet/dry mix of the chorus effect
5D. Chorus Activation Button: This button enables the Chorus effect
5E. Delay Time Knob: This knob controls the delay time of the delay effect
5F. Delay Activation Button: This button enables the Delay effect
5G. Convolution Reverb Return Knob: This knob controls the wet/dry mix of the
Reverb effect
5F. Convolution Reverb Activation Button: This button enables the Convolution
Reverb effect

6. LFO Section This is the section of the DVI where all controls for the Low Frequency
Oscillator (LFO) are located

6A. LFO Speed Control: This knob controls the speed of the LFO
6B. LFO Depth Default Control: This knob controls the default depth of the LFO
6C. Amplitude LFO Button: This button when illuminated activates the LFO Section
Controls to affect the Amplitude LFO
6D. Filter LFO Button: This button when illuminated activates the LFO Section
Controls to affect the Filter LFO

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SONiVOX DVI Documentation & Users Guide Copyright 2008 Sonic Network, Inc. Page 20


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SONiVOX DVI Documentation & Users Guide Copyright 2008 Sonic Network, Inc. Page 21


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SONiVOX DVI Documentation & Users Guide Copyright 2008 Sonic Network, Inc. Page 22

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