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Traffic Planning and


Name-Rahul Maji
Roll No-10301314080
Civil Engineering
Haldia Institute Of Technology
Traffic Planning

Haldia Institute Of Technology

Name-Rahul Maji

Univ roll no-10301314080

Department- Civil Engineering

Acknowledgement :
I am indebted to supervision of Dr. Shreyashi Mitra for her invaluable guidance,
suggestion and encouragement . Without her sincere guidance it was not possible for me to
complete my report work successfully.

I would like to thanks our respected Head of the department (HOD) N. K. YADAV for
their good co operation and inspiration. I am greatly benefited from my college and from our
college library to prepare my report . I consulted the books of highway engineering for
making this report.I acknowledge by the author of all such books and report articles base on
industrial pollution.

Rahul Maji

Roll no:10301314080

Civil engineering

Haldia Institute of Technology

Introduction :
Road traffic control involves directing vehicular and pedestrian traffic around a construction
zone, accident or other road disruption, thus ensuring the safety of emergency response
teams, construction workers and the general public.

Traffic control also includes the use of CCTV and other means of monitoring traffic by local
or state roadways authorities to manage traffic flows and providing advice concerning traffic
congestion. This is not dealt with in this article. Traffic controllers (TC's) are often known as
"lollipop men" (usually this name only applies to TC's working near schools to aid pupils in
road crossing) from the appearance of their Stop/Slow signs, known as "Stop bats"

Traffic management is a key branch within logistics. It concerns the planning, control and
purchasing of transport services needed to physically move vehicles (for example aircraft
,road vehicles ,rolling stock and watercraft) and freight.

Traffic management is implemented by people working with different job titles in different
Within freight and cargo logistics: traffic manager, assessment of hazardous and
awkward materials, carrier choice and fees,demarrage, documentation exepediting freight
consolidation, insurance, reconsignment and tracking

Within air traffic management :air traffic controller

Within rail traffic management: rail traffic controller

Within road traffic management : road traffic controller

Abstract :
This report contains a brief idea about the traffic planning and management
techniques.Traffic planning is the process of defining future policies,goals,investments and
designs to prepare for future needs to move people and goods to destinations.

Traffic management is a key branch within logistics .It concerns the planning,control and
purchasing of transport etc.

This report gives a brief idea on the following topics :

Land use planning and road traffic.

Traffic forecast.
Access control on highway.
Road safety audit.
Traffic Management.

There are many ways to reduce the traffic within these some ways are discussed over here.

Land use planning and road traffic:

Long term development plans are to be prepared for a country as a whole or for a region of
the use planning,transportation needs and road net-work planning are closely
interlinked. It is desirable to decide the hierarchy of road system and develope the road-
network well in advance before the land development take place.In such situation several
problems of acquisition of developed and closely land ,displacement ,rehabilitation,
resettlement, etc. Could be minimised.
The need for long term land use planning,strict implementation of all development works as
per the plans and development of road system in advance are all the more important in urban
centres.The need to widen existing roads in developed areas should be avoided.

Traffic Forecast :
The roadway facilities are to be designed and developed not by taking into account just the
present traffic, but it is essential to consider the projected traffic for the desired design
period.The prediction of future traffic is of greater significance for planning the right of
way.Other roadway gemoterics like the vertical and horizontal alignments have also greater
significance as these design elements are to be decided at the stage of project preparation.It is
not easy or economical to modify the geometric design features at a later stage.Even for the
design of other road infrastructure like bridges,cross drainage structures and the pavement
thickness,it is necessary to estimate the projected number of classified vehicles during the
design life of these structures.

Access control on highways :

If effective access control is not effected along a highway facility,ribbon development and
encroachments follow,resulting in increase in the number of accidents and considerable
reduction in level of service for vrhicle operation. The control of access can either be full or
partial.Full control of access is exercised to give preference to through traffic by providing
access connections with selected public roads only and by prohibiting crossing at grade or
direct private drive-way connection.When there are some private drive- way connections and
some crossing at grade, this is called partial control access.

Expressway are divided arterial highway for motor traffic with full or partial control of
access and generally provided with grade separation at intersections.Arterial highways are
primarily meant for through traffic,usally on a continous route and have partial control of
access.Major corridors of inter-city traffic are increasing in importance by exercising limited
access control.

Road Safety Audit :

A Road Safety Audit (RSA) is defined as "the formal safety performance examination of an
existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. It
qualitatively estimates and reports on potential road safety issues and identifies opportunities
for improvements in safety for all road users.

Road safety audits differ from conventional traffic safety studies in two key ways: road safety
audits are often pro-active investigations, rather than reactive investigations of sites with
histories of complaints or poor safety performance, and the investigation team is independent
from the staff that is designing the project or maintains the road.

Road safety audits are commonly used in the United Kingdom and Australia, and are coming
into wider use in the United States. They are a mandatory requirement for all trunk road
Highway Improvement Schemes in the UK (including motorways).

The requirements of a Road Safety Audit are contained in the Design Manual for Roads and
Bridges Volume 5 Section 2 - 'HD19/03 Road Safety Audit' .
A key feature of a road safety audit is the use of a team of professionals with varied expertise.
The team should include highway safety engineers, highway design engineers, maintenance
personnel, and law enforcement. Additional specialties should be added to the team as
needed. The team members must not be involved in the design or maintenance of the facility
being examined, so that they can have an objective point of view.

Traffic Management :
To take appropiate low cost measures which could provide relief to the road users of
the area in a short time.

By restoring to appropiate traffic regulation and control measures.

In urban centres there should be one-way roads, restriction on certain turning

movements at intersections.
Conclusion :
A report of the traffic and pedestrian situation on the highway through we have shown that
generally mid-block capacity and safety are not a significant problem, nor is intersection
capacity. Furthermore, capacity is not expected to be a problem until after 2012, the design
horizon of the study.

The main existing problems are associated with crossing the highway by both
vehicles and pedestrians:

The crash history reveals significant problems at intersections, particularly

involving side road traffic crossing the highway and turning movements; and

Pedestrians, particularly primary aged school children, elderly and people with
disabilities experience difficulty crossing the highway due to the limited number of
pedestrian crossing facilities.

Accessibility by all modes is highly valued for mobility around Warwick and for
businesses fronting the highway. The importance placed on accessibility by the community
influenced the types of treatments proposed at the intersections and midblock. Options to
restrict turning movements and provide raised medians are used sparingly while still
achieving a strategy which will improve operations and safety along the highway.

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