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a)cantilever beam is to be made with a length (l) and circular cross /1

section radius (r) to support a concentrated load (p) at the free end derive
the performance index in terms of ( .) and ()

b) name the factors to be considered in materials selection /1

c/1) solve the following and show your working on the charts given on /1
figure (1-3)

c/1/A) find the materials for a plate with strength (#>500) mpa and /!
density (@>3) mg m^-3

c/2) A component is made from cost iron suggest two other non-metallic /1
material in which the same shape would be stronger for a panel

c/3) the bubble lobbed as wood products in figure (1) refers to plywood , /1
fiberboard and chipboard , do these material have a higher or a lower
specific strength ( /) them nylons ... explain

?a) why are ceramics bitter/2

? b) what does a lower / higher weibull modulus mean /2

suppose materials property data available show that ceramic (A). with
nominal strength of ( 800 mpa) and weibull modulus of (18) and ceramic
(B) with nominal strength of 850 mpa and weibull modulus of 10 which
? likely to be referred for your application

c ) see the class example i.f weibull modulus restitution of glass /2

See table 15.3 handout A set of identical B glass samples are tested in
bending test and the stress required for fracture are measured as 62 MPA ,
69 MPA , 73 MPA ..126 MPA

a) Calculate the weibull modulus for this glass

b) Discuss whether this of glass would be a good choice if we wish
to design a reasonably reliable part?

?a) classify the ceramics on the basis of application /3

b) what is the difference between a glass and ceramic /3

c) describe the production / heat treatment of a typical glass- ceramic /

.using the T .vs. t and T T T areas

HW2 AND HW 3 (4

see HW questions (5

.MT tropics (6

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