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Clock frequency required for proper operation of ripple counter - GA...

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An 8 stage ripple counter uses a flip flop with propagation delay of 75 ns. The pulse
width of strobe is 50ns. The frequency of input signal which can be used for proper
operation of counter is?
(A) 1 MHz
(B) 500 MHz
(C) 1.5 MHz
(D) 2 MHz

We know that ripple counter is an asynchronous counter and hence the state
waveform of Q1 is dependent on its previous flip flop i.e. corresponding to Q0 as
the clock frequency of Q1 is provided by Q0 flip flop output.Hence the
propogation delay of each of the 8 flips is going to be considered for calculating
clock frequency.

Also the strobe signal is required to remove the problem of glitch or we can
say decoding error.This occurs when counter has reached last value in this
case 255(1111 1111 in binary) to 0 , so in between that intermediate transition
occurs and hence decoder gives wrong values.To remove this ambiguity strobe
signal is provided additionally , so this is also going to be added in overall
propogation time of counter's operation.

So overall propogation delay = Delay of 8 flip flops + Strobe pulse time

= 75 * 8 + 50

= 650 ns

Therefore , clock frequency required for proper operation = 1/650 ns

= 1.5 MHz(approx)

Hence C) is the correct answer.

Nice explaination :)

Frequency of output signal?

I got the ans as 1/(5*25) = 1/125. None of the, match (../94119

1 of 3 20/05/17, 10:53 PM
Clock frequency required for proper operation of ripple counter - GA...

Counters+Frequency First time here? Checkout the FAQ (../faq)! x


Maximum clock frequency for the circuit (../36329/maximum-



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Clock frequency required for proper operation of ripple counter - GA...

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