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Rosemary Salgado


AP English 11 P.2

February 23, 2017

Feminism Argumentative Essay

In the assemblage of the essays of the Feminism The Essential Historical Writing , by

Miriam Schneir. One of the essays Ain't I Woman by Sojourner Truth, It talked about how

women were poorly mistreated which then later on in the future affected society. As stated in

many feminist essays, women havent been treated equally by their husbands and society.Which

sadly in the end it has cause an impact in society. However not everyone has thought the same,

on the impact it had society.

To begin with, many men did not let women get a higher education. He had prohibited

her from gaining further knowledge. As stated in the Seneca Falls Declaration, He has denied

her the facilities for obtaining a thorough education, all colleges being closed against her (79).

Meaning that women weren't able to get a college education for simply being a woman. Men

closed the door on many woman trying to get into college. Not just only been there father but it

could've also been there husband and nonetheless a college admissions officers. College

admissions officers had the ability to deny a woman's application just because she was a woman.

This had a pretty big impact in future society, because many women weren't educated. They were

forced to stay home all day and feed their kids. The impact it had was that women are being left

behind with the education while men continue to grow.

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Furthermore, society shaped women's rights to how they wanted them to be. They didn't

allow them to vote, they didn't allow them to get an education, nor they didn't let them make a

life of their own. The list can go further on, however the point that is being made is that society

cheated women's rights. Just like if they were some sort of rag doll or puppet, society like

playing with. Although women cheated the system, just how a ignorant person does on the

test.We cheat humanity out of their rights and check our own development (146) , stated by

Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Meaning that women are the ones that have to do something for

themselves, because it's not like if society was going to do something. If a woman wanted to see

a change of how they treated her. She would have done something about it. Feminists have been

around since the 1700s but they didn't get the right to vote until 1920.

Nonetheless, women did work hard to make a change, and it did have an impact on later

society. Women fought for equality acts since the 1700s but barely got noticed in the 1900s.

Decades went on, and women weren't seen as equal. As said previously the term Doll House

has a meaning behind it. In Henrik Ibsen, a Norwegian playwright, wrote A Doll's House in

1879. It talked about how a women had forgotten to live her own life because she was always so

busy with the others in her family. Her husband had made her, how he wanted her, and her dad

was the one that was in charge of her before. Many women had to fight to get a life on their own.

Just how men are the ones that say it didn't make an impact in later society but in reality it did

but they're just to macho to see it. Even today, little girls have been raised with the famous

slogan you run like a girl , or that the boys are smarter. At a young age girls have to

demonstrate that they are worthy for simply being girls.

In the end, women haven't been treated equally. It has been a long fight, but it has proven

it's worth fighting. As said in many feminist essays, women havent been treated equally by their
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husbands and society.Which sadly in the end it has cause an impact in society. However not

everyone has thought the same, on the impact it had society.

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