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Rosemary Salgado


AP English 11

2 May 2017

Critical Thinker Reflection

Critical Thinking. What critical thinking means to me is the ability of making

resonal judgements that are intelligent and well-thought out. To me critical thinking is a

very important skill every student should learn about or be taught. Luckily being part of

ASB has helped me into developing my critical thinking skills because of the frequent

decision that are having to be made. Having the ability of having reasonable judgments

causes to be able to decide on what's best for the class. Critical thinking helps me think

about subjects more thoroughly to be able to get a desirable outcome. Ive also been

involved with the Sending Smiles Club, where we had to come up with ideas that were

accessible to every corner stone student. The ideas had to be well thought out before

anything could happen, to be able to minimize the risks of things going wrong. These

critical thinking skills will help me all throughout my existence. Not only is critical

thinking going to help me throughout my education, but itll also help me in my career. A

teacher has the ability of teaching critical thinking by providing the correct environment

where a student would be opened to different points of view. Kids are taught whatever

they are exposed to. Critical thinking is seen everywhere, from a simple tv show to a day

to day bases. Kids are exposed to critical thinking, however it should be reinforced by a

teacher's teaching.

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