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Negin TV Network

4950 Yonge St. Madison Centre

Suite 2200
Toronto, ON M2N 6K1
416 875 1050

DATE: May 5th 2017


This is to confirm that We as NeginTV Network are inviting Ms. Golnaz Hemati Ahouei
born on 1983 to visit Canada this Summer.
Ms. Hemati who lives and works in Tehran is a very talented Iranian artist that will
contribute to the Persian Art Festival that NeginTV is the prime sponsor. We will
provide temporary accommodation to Ms. Hemati during her 30 days stay in
Toronto Canada.
NeginTV Network, is the most watched and highly respected Persian TV channel in
Canada based and registered in Toronto, Ontario.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best Regards,

Reza S Alavi
Reza Sam Alavi
Executive Director
NeginTV Network

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