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Fast Company Editorial Contacts

Robert Safian - Editor

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Robert Safian is editor and managing director of the award-winning monthly business
magazine Fast Company. He oversees all editorial operations, in print and online, and
plays a key role in guiding the magazine's advertising, marketing, and circulation efforts.
Safian was named 2009 Editor of the Year by Adweek and recognized as 2008
Innovator of the Year by B-2-B Media. Under his leadership, Fast Company has
received numerous accolades: a 2011 winner of a National Magazine award, a three-
time National Magazine Award finalist, two-time winner of Magazine of the Year from the
Society of Business Editors and Writers; twice honored with the prestigious Gerald R.
Loeb Award for Distinguished Business Journalism, among many others. The
publication was named to the Ad Age A-list in 2008 and, for three consecutive years, to
the Adweek Hot List.

Noah Robischon - Executive Editor

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Noah Robischon is an executive editor at Fast Company, and the creator of the Co.
network of websites: Co.Design, Co.Create, Co.Exist, and Co.Labs.

Rick Tetzeli - Executive Editor

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Rick Tetzeli is Executive Editor of Fast Company, which he joined in June 2010. Prior to
that he ran and conceived Time Inc's Assignment Detroit, in which Time, Fortune, Sports
Illustrated, Money,, Essence and other Time Inc properties all
combined to cover the troubled city and region intensely for a year.

Lori Hoffman - Managing Editor

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Lori Hoffman is the Managing Editor at Fast Company.

David Lidsky - Deputy Editor

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David Lidsky is the Deputy Editor at Fast Company.

Jill Bernstein - Editorial Director

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Jill Bernstein is the Editorial Director for Fast Company.

Anjali Mullany - Editor, Fast Company Digital

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Anjali Mullany is the editor of Fast Company Digital and a guest editor in The New
School's Journalism and Design program.

Teressa Iezzi - Editor,

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Teressa Iezzi is the editor of Co.Create. She was previously the editor of Advertising
Age's Creativity, covering all things creative in the brand world. She is the author of The
Idea Writers: Copywriting in a New Media and Marketing Era, about the evolution of
brand creativity and the role of the creative.

Suzanne LaBarre - Editor,

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Suzanne LaBarre is the editor of for fast Company.

Morgan Clendaniel - Editor,

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Morgan is the editor of Co.Exist. Formerly, he was the deputy editor of GOOD.

Rob Brunner - Senior Editor

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Rob Brunner is a senior editor at Fast Company. He was previously an editor-at-large at

Entertainment Weekly and has written for The New York Times Magazine, New York
magazine, GQ, and Rolling Stone, among other publications.

Kathleen Davis - Senior Editor

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Kathleen Davis is a Senior Editor at, managing the leadership and

work-life section. Previously, she has worked as an editor at, and Popular Photography magazine.

Harry McCracken - Senior Editor

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Harry McCracken is the technology editor for Fast Company, based in San Francisco; in
past lives as a tech journalist, he was editor at large for Time magazine, founder and
editor of Technologizer, editor in chief of PC World, and a contributor to Cnet, Discover,
Slate, Family Circle, and other publications.

Mac Montandon - Senior Editor

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Maccabee is an editor with Fast Company's site, working primarily on feature stories
across a range of industries. He's also written for the New York Times, New York
Magazine, and Salon, among others. Maccabee wrote the book "Jetpack Dreams" and
edited "Innocent When You Dream: The Tom Waits Reader."

Chuck Salter - Senior Editor

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Chuck Salter is a senior editor at Fast Company and a longtime award-winning feature
writer for the magazine. In addition to his print, online and video stories, he performs live
reported narratives at various conferences, and he edited the Fast Company
anthologies Breakthrough Leadership, Hacking Hollywood, and #Unplug.

Erin Schulte - Senior Editor

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Erin Schulte is a senior editor at Fast Company, where she assigns, directs, and edits
business features, long-form projects, and profiles, and oversees year-round
development of The Most Creative People in Business franchise. She edits Agendas, a
series about creativity and work, How I Get It Done, My Creative Life, The
Recommender, and Second Shift, Fast Company's new series for working parents.

Linda Tischler - Senior Editor

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Linda Tischler writes about the intersection of design and business for Fast Company.

Jeff Chu - Editor-at-Large

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Jeff Chu writes on international affairs, social issues, and design for Fast Company. His
first book, Does Jesus Really Love Me?: A Gay Christian's Pilgrimage in Search of God
in America, was published by HarperCollins in April 2013.

Jon Gertner - Editor-at-Large

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Jon Gertner is currently editor-at-large at Fast Company magazine.

Adrian Covert - Staff Editor

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Adrian Covert has written some things on the Internet, and now he writes and edits
things on Co.Design. Loves naps. Hates puns.

J.J. McCorvey - Senior Associate Editor

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J.J. McCorvey is senior associate editor for Fast Company, where he covers business
and technology.

Jillian Goodman - Associate Editor

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Jillian is an editor at Fast Company.

Sarah Kessler - Associate Editor

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Sarah Kessler is a editor and reporter at Fast Company, where she writes about
technology companies and the people they impact.

Ariel Schwartz - Associate Editor

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Ariel Schwartz is a Senior Editor at Co.Exist. She has contributed to SF Weekly, Popular
Science, Inhabitat, Greenbiz, NBC Bay Area, GOOD Magazine and more.

John Paul Titlow - Associate Editor

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John Paul Titlow is an Associate Editor at Fast Company dot com.

Carey Dunne - Assistant Editor

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Carey Dunne is a Brooklyn-based writer covering art and design.

KC Ifeanyi - Assistant Editor

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KC works on Most Creative People and The Recommender for Fast Company.
Previously, KC was part of the Emmy Award-winning team at "Good Morning America"
where he was the social media producer. He's also freelanced for Inc. and Co.Create,
and worked in editorial and social media for Time Inc. publications and websites.

Sarah Lawson - Assistant Editor

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Sarah Lawson is an assistant editor at Fast Company, where she covers all things Most
Creative People.

Jessica Leber - Assistant Editor

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Jessica Leber is Co.Exist's Assistant Editor. Previously, she was a business reporter for
MIT's Technology Review, and she's also been a staff writer for ClimateWire and She recently returned to New York City after stints living in Washington,
D.C. and San Francisco.

Pavithra Mohan - Assistant Editor

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Pavithra Mohan is an assistant editor for Fast Company Digital. Her writing has
previously been featured in Gizmodo and Popular Science magazine.

Cayleigh Parrish - Assistant Editor

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Cayleigh Parrish is an assistant editor for Fast Company.

Rose Pastore - Assistant Editor

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Rose Pastore is Fast Company's associate news editor.

Last updated: 8/5/2015

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