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off ceenviron rnents

Studio provides an engagi ng / iterative desig n process that helps customers develop solutions to their un ique needs.

Ou r tea m bri ngs the a bi lity to create products th roug h user

based design in a way that enhances interaction/ }.13

integrates technology and inspires lifelong learning.



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* R corn for a corn purer a nd for teach €or and s tudenL to in~ roct

* Ple~ty d wile rno nag emen t with eo s y, yet ~ecu re, ao:e s s to corn pone nt



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Observe. Question. Record.

Detecting the Product Needs through User Based Design.

A' Seek inspiration ~from everyday

i nte racttons.

Look for ad hoc ways we behave in real lire. Exa mp tes: war ming ha nds on a cup of con ee, using a dish towel to protect the keyboard.

2 Disrupt the normal flow

Deve tI pad isdp line 0 f witnessing ordin ary things by going out in the world. Exa mples: using the mouth to hold things, hooking an umbrella on an arm.

IL.. Document behavior .J and focus on actton,

Use a camera and notebook to observe a

va riety of re Ia ted situations in na tura I settings.

Il'5eek out extreme ~ situations.

Pursue experienc es b elOn d wha t lOu know or live in eve ry dOl y in order to see anew.

t::: Invite curiosity,

~ Ask "naive" questions that reach belOnd automatic assu mptions. Examples: How 'thoughtless' is the behavior1 What motivates this1


Wei ave th i~ i nterp retal ion of ob~ervati 0 n by Jon e Fu Iton $u ri in her boo k "Thou 9 ht Ie» A cr.? Ob~ tvati.on~ on Intuitive D esi gnJI ,

b'- Reveal what '_ is tntutttve,

Be cons cious of subconsCious, spontaneous reactions. Examples: pulling a door to open it instead of pushi ng it, wallO ng in st ep with others.

7 Uncover the

, emotional experience.

Conned to feeling!: to determine responses \tie intend to elicit throul1fl de:!i11Jl or oommunication. Exam ples: the WilYS people st and in lines or create personal space on park benches.

8 Tune into cuLtural . ,,' patterns.

fi nd meaning and them es in various situations. Exam ples: t he ways people conform in an elevator, convey messages or dispose or litt er.

'1 Tap resources.

Inform the experience VIit h input from cliert s, experts and the experienced.

4{) See k flexi bLe B:

;1 enduring sclutions,

Not everything requ'ires a makeover, Someti'mes simple is best.

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Ideas take shape as we codesign and su pport you r desi gil tea m"



Graphic and prototypical products are utilized to confirm observations and idea. Material considerations such as sustainabillty, durability and feasibility, are demonstrated.

You want inspiring-we are YOUR Studio.

Our knowledge and experience is rich in creating environments that foster interaction and integrate technology, creating the products end users need.


Prod uct designs and r-evisions are made until details reflect the needs.



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Ma nufacture.


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You want inspiring-we are YOUR Studio.

OUf knowledge and experience is rich in creating envi ronments that foster interaction and integrate technology, creating the products end users need.



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offi ceenvi ron rnents


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learning is lifelong



bkm office environments 12111 Portola Road, Suite A, Ventura 93003 87 T 25 6.125 6 Fax: 805.339.9131

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