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W.A. Garcia IV- St.



Talk is cheap. And what the Filipino people demand from our incumbent
president are concrete solutions rather than the revelation of alleged anomalies from the
government’s predecessor. Despite this, both a number of praises and criticisms were present
to PNOY’s SONA this 26th day of July 2010. However, with 85% trust rating (according to Pulse
Asia Survey), the newly elected president somehow creates a resemblance of legitimacy
against trickery and abuse.

A fair glimpse of these anomalies were then revealed for the benefit and
welfare of the people. Certain areas and issues were spoken at great detail, but it seems that
we really need more detail. PNOY’s speech merely concentrated on the squandering and
philandering of the tax funds relative to unorganized government sectors and projects of
GMA’s administration such as: the irregularity of bonuses in MWSS, the questionable price
control of NAPOCOR, and further investigation regarding how MRT was handed to the
government with its respective debts. The truth commission then is expected to fulfill PNOY’s
vow of a clean government of transparency and accountability in his reign. Furthermore, The
President challenged the media to see for themselves how transparent his administration is.
But with 109 neophytes in the congress, how secure and effective will the country’s
performance be? What kind of perspective can a neophyte inject?

The 1st SONA of the president is merely highlighted by his criticism with the
previous administration. (A legacy of unfinished business was consequently brought about by
the mismanagement of funds of the GMA Administration.) Non-constructive and basically
unsubstantial; it is highly superficial because a new administration is being imposed without
such proposal of concrete actions. The President wasn’t able to present methods on how to
solve the problems of the country. A concrete platform should be presented to the Filipino
people. Where is the national strategy? Where is the economic policy?

Other concerns supposedly mentioned are:

 Employment provisions;

 Inflation and price control on basic commodities;

 Important access of education;

 Increase of salaries;

 Development of agricultural sector;

 Securing of peace and provision of housing and livelihood.

W.A. Garcia IV- St. Benedict

Moreover, what the country lacks is unity – it needs consistency all the way. We
have to be part of the solution, not of the problem; awareness at all aspects is relevant but
progress and development was expected by many to be delivered in a more comprehensive
and intensive way. What we need now is a developmental leader who is competitive and
progressive. We are living at the age of Information, of Innovated Technology! This means that
we should aspire to be an economic leader in Asia. It is not new that someone opens up
anomalies. It is an essential entity of politics. It is not new that there are hidden agendas,
because not all men can be virtuous in a profession. It is not new that someone aspires to
extinguish all of these; it is the dream of every nation. How illusionary or rather realistic can
Aquino’s administration be?

Some loopholes might be noticed given PNOY’s statement, “Ang

nangingielam, laging may pintas at reklamo; ang nakikilahok, nakikibahagi sa solusyon,”for he,
himself presented problems more than resolutions in his 1 st SONA. Allegations, allegations,
and allegations were there. The secrets of the previous administration were revealed; inspite of
this, militants were disappointed. Outside the House of Representatives building, police
formed a cordon to stop about 6,000 protesters from getting close. The demonstrators
demanded land for peasants, jobs and an end to human rights violations. They urged Aquino to
jail Arroyo for alleged corruption as well as soldiers accused of killing activists. PNOY is then
challenged to freeze GMA’s assets. To secure justice especially who are liable. Again, actions
more than words.

Even though the protesters and policemen weren’t involved violently, the way
on how they formed a cordon clearly shows the mindset of the Police and Military regardless
who the leader is. Barbwires were prepared, and any bloodshed is not impossible. Where is the
consistency? Whether the President planned the cordon or not, it greatly affects his agenda to
the nation.

On the other hand, it is good that The President is firm with his campaign on
eradicating corruption and addressing his speech to his ‘boss,’ the Filipino People, by using the
local vernacular language. It is right that he enlightened the masses. That he might have
lightened his speech for the Filipino Audience, that it be concise, but somehow, should not
sacrifice his primary objectives. It is correct that he delegated a truth committee that doesn’t
forget building a nation and not only stamp out corruption. But the consequences are yet
awaiting. The demands are high, and so are the expectations.

PNOY’s speech displays clearly an end of an era and an usher of the new era.
One can see that it is a beginning of a new administration. Given the 1 st SONA, we have seen
the reflection of the real state of the country in terms of such anomalies. As mentioned before,
we should rather be part of solutions than problems. We are appealed to cooperate for the
welfare of the state; we are informed that there is hope for us to eradicate corruption, but how
possible is this? How can the president unite collectively the business community and the
government agenda’s? How can poverty be actually utilized? How, whatsoever. A lot of
questions can be raised, but not all can be solved. We still have 6 years on the wait. Promises
W.A. Garcia IV- St. Benedict

cannot be fulfilled in a flash of light. Will the Philippines dream again, or set its dreams beyond
the sky?

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