The 1000 Rep Mega Workout

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The 1000-Rep Arm Training Workout

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

A EZ Bar Curl 5 20 2-3 min.

Perform a few warm up sets first.

B Straight Bar Pushdown 5 20 2-3 min.

Perform a few warm up sets first. Keep your

elbows glued to your sides and don't pause; just
pump the arms up and down.

C Cable Curl 5 20 2-3 min.

Use an EZ-curl style handle and attach it to the

lower cable.

D Overhead Cable Extension 5 20 2-3 min.

Use a rope handle attached to the high pulley.

Grasp the handles and face away from the
machine. Bend over at the waist and starting with
the handles behind your head, extend your arms
straight out in front of you.

E Dumbbell Hammer Curl 5 20 2-3 min.

Keep your elbows at your sides and curl the

dumbbells towards your shoulders. Do both arms
at the same time.

F Lying Extensions With Chain 5 20 2-3 min.

Lie flat on your back and perform a skull-crusher

type movement with chains attached to an EZ curl
bar, D-handles, or the grenade-type handles if you
have them. These can be performed with straight
weight if you don't have access to chains.

G Seated Barbell Curl 5 20 2-3 min.

Use a straight barbell for these. Sit on a bench

and curl the weight from the tops of your thighs
towards your shoulders. Touch your thighs at the
bottom of the movement, but don't rest the weight
on them.

H Dumbbell Kickback 5 20 1-2 min.

Grab a pair of dumbbells, bend over at the waist,

and extend both dumbbells at the same time.
Keep your upper arms parallel to the floor and
pause the reps briefly at the top with full extension
while flexing the triceps.

I EZ-Bar Reverse Curl 5 20 2-3 min.

Keep your form strict here and limit the amount of

body swing.

J Bench Dip 5 20 1-2 min.

Bodyweight is all you should need by the time you

get here. Use two benches of the same height.

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