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The Rending of the Rules

BETA (05/13/16)

Art by JohnSu 2015

___A Two-Part Letter___
To the GM To the Player
This is a collection of House Rules, clarifications, and modifications Never assume your GM is using a houserule just because you like it,
for Anima: Beyond Fantasy. The alterations are not perfect, but I believe or because you use it religiously in every other group you've been in. If
them to be fair. Although I made several of these rules on my own, you can't find the rule with a page number, or an official Anima Studios
many of them are the result of group consensus, multi-tiered input, or post backing it up, it's a houserule. Ask your GM if they plan to use
extravagant inspiration. Many are stolen from forums, random these rules, or any non-core rules, and be specific on which ones. If they
documents on the net, and discussions I happened to be privy to. Many are unfamiliar with the rules in this text, or any non-core text, explain
were altered after stealing them. If you disagree with any of these rules, them, or give them this document so they can read it for themselves.
or how they've been altered, simply don't use them or alter them for your Let them decide.
own purposes. After they make their decision, either trust your GM, speak
Some decisions here disagree with official rules. The majority of reasonably until you understand their decision, or don't play.
them are this way intentionally, but some are unintentionally. I certainly Do. Not. Argue.
don't know every single rule in Anima, since many of them are buried in It's okay to correct a GM if they are contradicting their own rules
Spanish supplements or within ancient forum logs, or sometimes even during the game, or remind them if they're ignoring the rules they've
hidden in a section no one would think to look in for such rules. You can selected to follow. It is not okay to disagree just because you prefer a
tell me about these inconsistencies if you like, and I may or may not different ruleset they decided not to follow.
change my ways. Either way, I ask you not dismiss this entire document I love all of these rules, and I use most of them in every game I play,
just because it's not official, or not perfect. The official books and but I'm not the GM of every game out there. No game is a dictatorship,
documents are certainly imperfect, but we still love them anyways, no? but that doesn't mean the GM doesn't get to decide on things without
Lastly, I beg you: Listen to your players. They are the blood of your putting them to a vote. Offer input, suggestions, comments, critiques,
game. Without them, you are writing a novel for yourself. If they are but don't ever put yourself ahead of everyone else at the table.
interested in one of these rules, read about it. Weigh it against the If you want to decide on the rules of the game, run your own game.
original rules, or what it adds to the system. Don't just dismiss it
offhand. In short: make an informed decision, and then stick with it so
long as it works for you and your group. Not all groups are created the
same, after all.
I am not the ruler of your game. I probably don't even play in it, but
no game should be a tyrannical dictatorship.

-Tyr Hawk

Illustrations Used With Permission From:
CREDITS Manabu.Agent039 - Bending
Autlaw -
Melissa Cane Weapon Disciplines
CGlas -
Support him at: Michael_The Style Modules

Nurddude1 Psychic Power

FelixRJ -
Reverare Perception tables, Genetics, Mecha
JohnSu -
Shadeofkin - Invocation
Support him at: Sharpandpointies Damned Ideas, General feedback

Readman - Silkentoes Damned Ideas, Disadvantages, New skills,

SnowCorridor - Spirit_Crusher Bonus stacking

Tywyll Advantages
Contributor Areas Contributed To
Alphawhelp Black Metal, Ars Magnus, Disadvantages Vixen Icaza Damned Ideas

Arikail Alternate Leveling VoidKnight PP Calculations

Artent Skill Specializations Wizuriel Nephilim DP cost

BT Combat Rules, Carrying, Zampakuto

Writer, Formatter, Editor, Person-in-Chief, Contributor,
Bear Sheele summoning, Ki sheele, Monster Races Developer, Justifier, Head Chef, Superfluous Title #7, Tyr
Tyr Hawk
BerzerkerUnit DP/MK conversion, Saved DP, Materials,
Membership If I have missed anyone, I am terribly sorry. My goal is not to
plagiarize, only to share ideas I found in publicly-available spaces.
Brewmaster_vitty Impossible Weapons, Sometimes I miss a name or an association with a ruleset though.
Please message me and I will immediately amend my error.
Cerufel - Materials
Thank you again to any and all who supported this project, whether
Dalerik Damned ideas, New Weapon rules, Disadvantages, directly or indirectly. I couldnt do it without you.
An especially special thank to the artists (who generously let me use
DarkMagician Advantages/Disadvantages, Mecha their incredible work), my players (who let me mercilessly test many of
these rules on them), Bear (who introduced me to Anima), and,
Demosthenes - Phonokinesis naturally, my family (who know nothing about this, and if they did
likely wouldnt care that much, but who always deserve thanks
ElricofMelnibone Weapon Equip Options, New Sheele Types, anyways).
Specializations, Impossible Weapons, And, finally, thank you for downloading this and reading this far.
Even if you do nothing else, its nice to know this caught your attention.
Gimp Occult Learning
Anima, Beyond Fantasy is 2005 - 2015 by Anima Project Studio
Heart of the Tiger Psychic Limits, Advantages, and Edge Entertainment; all artwork is 2001 - 2015 by their original
creators, all rights reserved.
Ilovecheese1 Advantages/Disadvantages

JA (KilledWithStyle) Advantages, Alt exp system

Kiyoshi Mori - Phonokinesis

Korwin Occult Learning

Lia Valenth Alternate Leveling

Lizbeth Psychic limitations, Perceptions,


3x Zeon cost instead of 10x. Summoning for someone else increases Roll Result Sheele Type
the cost to 5x, but it can be split up to 75/25. In other words, both parties
do not have to pay the full cost, but both parties must at least pay some 1-10 Light
of it. 11-20 Air
For those paying attention: yes, this means the person with the most 21-30 Essence
Zeon can pay the greater portion of the cost. 31-40 Earth
This change was made to make Sheele summoning viable for non- 41-50 Fire
optimized summoners and non-mystics alike. 51-60 Illusion
61-70 Water
71-80 Darkness
81-85 Creation
86-90 Destruction
91-100 Players Choice*
*Not Creation, Destruction, or Necromancy

_ CREATION (BRAMINE) _ The Bramine gets +40 to her Secondary Abilities. This improvement
Bramine are manifestations of Creation Magic. Like their can be chosen multiple times, but the bonus is reduced to +20 after the
Destruction counterpart, the Kalih, Bramine are extremely rare Sheele first time.
that appear in the world only once in a while. Their appearance is that of
Baho little girls with a pale azure skin and a chakra in the middle of their
forehead, dressed in ceremonial dress of Bahos scholar chaste. Their
The Bramine grants for a turn a bonus equal to her Power to the
demeanor is always very calm. They dont speak often, but when they
Fortitude of an object which Presence is equal or lower than double her
do, they do so with great wisdom that defies their appearance. As a
Presence plus her Power Bonus. Using this ability has a cost of 20 Zeon.
general rule, they are loving and caring toward their master, although
they tend to relate more like they would as a parent, then as a child.

BASE FEATURES The master of the Bramine doubles all effects of Meditation for
Zeon, Ki and Free Psychic Points recovery, as long as she is within the
Base Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Agility 5, Constitution 4,
control range.
Intelligence 8, Power 9, Willpower 9, Perception 6.
Secondary Abilities: Persuasion 30, Magic Appraisal 70, Medicine
60, Science 40, Composure 50, Art 20, Music 20, Forge 30.
Path Level: Creation 20. The Bramine projects an explosion of creation power that
overwhelms beings disrupting the natural functions of living beings and
INNATE POWERS the structural integrity of inorganic objects. The Bramine makes an
Mystical Flight: Bramine have a Mystical Flight value of 4. attack with a Range equal to her Willpower in meters against all beings
Lady of Creation: Double Resistance Points of Supernatural and objects not directly in contact with the Bramine and invisible for all
Shields employed by Bramine and Life Points healed by her spells. those that are unable to see magic. All targets hit by the attack, ignoring
AT, must pass a PhR check against a Difficulty equal to double the
Bramines Presence plus her Power Bonus. Living beings that fail the
IMPROVEMENTS check are healed by a number of Life Points equal to their Failure Level,
Below are a list of improvements that a Bramine can take. Unless objects recover a level of Quality for each 10 points of Failure Level,
stated otherwise, each can only be chosen once. and structures recover a number of Resistance Points equal to their
Failure Level. Living beings, objects and structures that recover more
Life Points, Quality Levels or Resistance Points than their maximum
For 5 turns, the Bramine doubles every numeral on Creation spells suffer the excess as Damage or Quality Level penalties. Creatures
cast. This effect does not stack with Lady of Creation, but can be further recover suffered damage at the rate of Life Points Sacrifice and suffer
affected from the Reinforce Magic Spell. After using this ability, the from an All Action Penalty equal to suffered Damage, recovering at the
Bramine becomes unable to cast any spell for 5 turns. Activating this same rate. Using this ability has a cost of 50 Zeon Points.
ability consumes 100 Zeon from the Master.

The Bramine gets +50 to her Defensive Magic Projection.

The Bramine can at will become an incarnation of Creation with a
Regeneration Value of 18, regardless of her constitution. Also, she can
generate at will an aura with a range in meters equal to her Power
Bonus, lasting for one turn. Inside the aura, all Creation Spells cast by
others are considered as cast at one Casting Level higher, while all
Destruction Spells cast by others are considered as cast at one Casting
Level lower. Activating this form has a cost of 20 Zeon, and the aura
costs 20 Zeon per activation.

Anyone in contact with the Bramine is granted a bonus of +20 to

any Defense or Defensive Projection roll he/she makes.

The Bramine makes an attack invisible to all that cannot see magic
using her Magic Projection +50. The target of this spell suffers no direct
damage if hit, but becomes immediately subject to the effect of a
number of Intensities of either Cold, Fire or Electricity equal to the
Bramines Power Bonus. The number of Intensities is reduced by one
for each point of targets AT against the chosen element. This ability has
a cost of 250 Zeon.

A target within sight of the Bramine and within 50 meters benefits

from a bonus to All Resistances equal to the Bramines Presence for a
number of turns up to her Power value or until deactivated by the
Bramine as a Passive Action. Activating this ability has a cost of 50
Zeon and this ability can only be used on a single target at a time.

_ DESTRUCTION (KALIH) _ A target within sight of the Kalih and within 50 meters must pass a
MR check each turn against double her Presence or suffer Damage equal
Kalih are pure beings of Destruction Magic. As rare as the Bramine, to Failure Level. If inflicted Damage causes a Critical, the Critical Level
Kalih only manifested on Gaia extremely few times. Their appearance is is increased by a value equal to double the Kalihs Willpower Bonus.
that of Baho little girls with a red skin and a chakra in the middle of Activating this ability has a cost of 50 Zeon and this ability can only be
their forehead, dressed like Bahos warrior caste. Their demeanor is used on a single target at a time.
extremely aggressive toward everyone and everything but their own
master, toward which they are overprotective and jealous. They dont
speak often and when they do, they do so with a ferociousness that
The Kalih gets +40 to her Secondary Abilities. This improvement
defies their appearance. They always suggest to enter a fight whenever a
can be chosen multiple times, but the bonus is reduced to +20 after the
situation escalates even the least bit and unless specifically ordered, they
first time.
never stop to fight unless theyve reduced to smithereens everything
around them except for their allies.

Anyone in contact with the Bramine is granted a bonus of +20 to

BASE FEATURES any Attack or Offensive Projection roll he/she makes.
Base Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Agility 6, Constitution 3,
Intelligence 8, Power 8, Willpower 8, Perception 6.
Secondary Abilities: Intimidate 30, Track 30, Animals 20, Magic
Appraisal 70, Withstand Pain 50, Feats of Strength 50, Poison 50, Trap The Kalih makes an energy-damaging Thrust attack using her Magic
Projection +30 and a Base Damage equal to double her Presence plus
Lore 20.
Path Level: Destruction 20. her Power Bonus, with an AT modifier equal to half her Willpower
value. The attack affects all individuals within a line up to her Presence
in meters. This ability has a cost of 200 Zeon.
Mystical Flight: Kalih have a Mystical Flight value of 4.
Lady of Destruction: Double Damage of Attack Spells employed
by Kalih and add +40 to MR Difficulty of spells used by the Kalih. The Master of the Kalih can always spend 100 Zeon whenever she
attacks or uses an Attack spell or ability in order to have any Damage
she inflicts considered as a Life Points Sacrifice for the purpose of
ENHANCEMENTS Regeneration.
Below are a list of improvements that a Kalih can take. Unless stated
otherwise, each can only be chosen once.
The Kalih makes an Energy attack against everything within a range
equal to her Presence in meters and not directly in contact with her with
For 5 turns, the Kalih doubles every numeral on Destruction spells a Base Damage equal to three times her Presence and, bonus to any
cast. This effect does not stack with Lady of Destruction. When using Critical inflicted equal to her Presence and an AT modifier equal to -1
this ability the Kalih enters a Berserk rage where she cannot discern per 10 points of her Presence. Using this ability has a cost of 250 Zeon
friends from foes with the exception of her master, unless her master Points.
passes a Willpower check against a difficulty of 15. Activating this
ability consumes 100 Zeon from the Master.

The Kalih gets +50 to her Offensive Magic Projection.

The Kalih can defend as if employing a Supernatural Shield with a

number of Resistance Points equal to 10 times her Presence lasting for a
number of turns equal to her Willpower or until broken. Whenever
blocking a supernatural attack, the shield completely nullifies it unless
the user manages to pass a Power check against a difficulty equal to the
Kalihs Willpower. Physical Objects blocked by the Destruction Barrier
must pass a MR check against a difficulty equal to double the Kalihs
Presence or be immediately destroyed. Using this ability has a cost of
150 Zeon.

The Kalih can at will become an incarnation of Destruction, capable

of making 4 Attacks in melee using her Offensive Projection as Attack
and her Presence plus Power Bonus as Base Damage. Also, she can
generate at will an aura with a range in meters equal to her Power Bonus
lasting for one turn. All Destruction Spells cast by others within the area
are considered as cast at one Casting Level higher, while all Creation
Spells cast by others within the area are considered as cast at one
Casting Level lower. Activating this form has a cost of 50 Zeon, and 10
Zeon per turn to maintain. The aura costs 20 Zeon to activate.

NECROMANCY (SHEELITCH) The Sheelitch makes an Energy Attack invisible to all unable to see
Sheelitch are horrors which only expert occultists have any spirits using her Magic Projection +50 and a Base Damage equal to
knowledge of and, even then, many believe their existence is little more double her Presence plus her Power Bonus. If the spell misses the target,
than fantasy. Sheelitch are generated in the extremely rare case that a it will keep attacking during following turns with the same Initiative of
Sheele survives the death of her master, and are sometimes referred to as the Sheele and a Predetermined Final Attack value equal to that scored
Orphan Sheele. originally by the Sheelitch, until either it strikes the target, the target is
These Sheele appear as dark and decayed versions of themselves. erased from existence or the Sheelitch is taken out of combat. This
For example, a Faren Sheelitch might be surrounded by spectral flames ability has a cost of 150 Zeon.
or a Quinn Sheelitch might have some dead dried flowers and plants on
their body.
The demeanor of Sheelitch is pretty similar to that of their elemental
The Sheelitch must declare the use of this ability before rolling
counterpart, but they tend to be more somber and grim. Some Orphan
initiative and cannot perform any Active Action during the same turn.
Sheele take on completely new demeanors, however, and are either
When using Dance of The Dead, the Sheelitch forces all Undead
extremely depressed and grieving or terrifying vengeful spirits that spite
creatures (except her master) within 50m to make a MR check against a
all living. Sheelitch often fall into the influence of a Dark Court of a
difficulty equal to twice her Presence plus her Willpower Bonus
Dullahan, where they somewhat substitute their dead master with the
immediately after Initiative is rolled. Those that fail, are under her
Dullahan himself. In the extremely rare occasion that an Orphan
control for the full turn. Undeads under the Sheelitchs control gain an
Sheelitch's dead master is reanimated as an Undead or brought back to
All Action Bonus equal to double her Power Bonus. Using this ability
life, the Sheelitch will immediately reforge the bond with it.
has a cost of 300 Zeon.

Base Attributes: As Base Sheele, see below. The Sheelitch starts howling, affecting every living being within a
Secondary Abilities: As Base Sheele, see below. range equal to her Presence in meters and capable of hearing her. All
Path Level: Necromancy 20. those affected by this ability must pass an MR check against a difficulty
equal to double her Presence or suffer Damage equal to double their
INNATE POWERS Failure Level. Each following turn the Sheelitch keeps using this ability,
Mystical Flight: Sheelitch have a Mystical Flight value of 6. increase the MR difficulty by 10 and the range by a number of meters
Magic Drainers: Whenever a Sheelitch inflicts damage by any equal to her Presence. Targets that can somehow protect their ears can
mean on something that holds Zeon (living, undead or even a Zeon gain a bonus ranging from +10 to +40 to their MR while resisting to this
Container), she will drain a quantity of Zeon Points equal to the inflicted power. The Sheelitch cannot cast spells while using the Howl of The
damage. Bansheele, but she can use her other Sheele abilities and maintain
Orphan: When a Sheele master dies, roll a d100 on a roll of 95+, previously cast spells. Using this ability has a cost of 50 Zeon Points
the Sheele survives, but turns into a Sheelitch. She retains her Level, plus additional cumulative 10 Zeon Points per turn of use after the first.
Presence, Projection, Initiative, Life Points, and Resistances. A
Sheelitch MA is equal to that of her master at the moment of death and
her Zeon reserve is equal to 10 times her Presence. A Sheelitch must The Sheelitch gets +40 to her Secondary Abilities. This
substitute all her Elemental specific Improvements with as many chosen improvement can be chosen multiple times, but the bonus is reduced to
Improvements from the Sheelitch list. Unless an Orphan Sheelitch finds +20 after the first time.
her previous master in Undead form and reforms the bond with it, she
cannot gain any more experience. Orphan Sheelitch cannot become
Familiars of other Undead creatures than their previous master. If a
For 5 turns, the Sheelitch's master gains a +5 MA for the purpose of
Sheelitch finds her previous master and reforges the Sheele bond with it, transferring Zeon to her. The MR difficulty of her spells and abilities
she restarts functioning exactly like a normal Sheelitch for all that also gains a bonus equal to double her Power Bonus. In order to activate
concerns her attributes. this ability, the Sheelitch must Sacrifice 50 Life Points and spend 250
Undead: Sheelitch are considered Undead Creatures, their Soul
Form gains the Undead feature for free.

ENHANCEMENTS The Sheelitch recovers 10 Life Points per turn regardless of her
Below is a list of possible improvements that a Sheelitch can take.
Regeneration value of 0 as an Undead.
Unless stated otherwise, each can only be chosen once.

The Sheelitch puts her heart into a container called a Phylactery. She
The Sheelitch is granted temporary additional Life Points with
cannot be entirely destroyed by any kind of effect until her phylactery is.
which to absorb suffered damage (but not self-inflicted Life Points
If killed, she will reform in the proximity of the phylactery within a day.
Sacrifice) equal to double her Presence. The additional Life Points last
until completely depleted or until a number of turns equal to the
Sheelitchs Willpower have past. Using this ability has a cost of 50
Zeon. The Sheelitch can at will become a semi-transparent Vampiric
Shade, with the Immaterial power, although she can touch at will
anything. While in this state the Sheelitch can try to drain living beings
touched or touching the Sheelitch, which must pass a MR check against
Any undead in physical contact with the Sheelitch is granted the
a difficulty equal to double her Presence or suffer from a Life Drain
ability to use a number of Fatigue Points up to their Constitution value,
equal to their Failure Level. Activating this ability has a cost of 20 Zeon.
as if they had the Use of Necessary Energy ki ability.

______KI SHEELE______ Conversions for Ki to Zeon
Ki Sheele can be fed Ki to receive Zeon for spells at a 1:10 ratio
Because Sheele are Spirits of the Soul, its always seemed odd that Ki Accumulations can be converted to MA the same way, but at a
Sheele are so based in Zeon instead of Ki. Or, at the very least, its an 1:5 ratio instead.
interesting hole we sought to fill. So, heres what we threw in the hole.
Hope you enjoy.
Summoning Type of Seal
Type of Sheele
Air / Illusion / Light / Fire
Ki Sheele are summoned through Seals of Invocation instead of the
normal summoning/binding route. This means that instead of Zeon, they Water Water / Essence / Air / Darkness
are maintained through constant burning of Ki. A sacrifice of 1 POW is Fire Fire / Light / Creation
still necessary. Blood Pact rules apply for each summoning, since each Metal Earth / Destruction / Water
Sheele is unique. Wood Darkness / Essence / Earth / Illusion
Since Sheele come in a wide variety of types, but seals do not, there
are two options for required Seals.
The original option allows for any type or combination of seals to be
used. Sheele type is rolled at random, and so the seals used are
unimportant. A more strict GM may want to specify a certain kind of
seal, or have someone roll in advance, then determine seals needed from
An alternate option is to allow for a certain level of decision in the
hands of the player. Each Seal should be assigned 3-4 different
Sheele types, and then the player can develop the seals
fitting the Sheele he wants. Although less random, this style
fits nicely into the themes of Ki Summoning over the
traditional method.
Ki Sheele cannot be familiars, since they are not
magically bound.Ki Sheele cannot be summoned for others,
mostly because Ki Summoners have no way to bind
summons other than burning Ki per round, and that's not
really possible for binding to another person.

The maintenance cost is equal to the Sheele's Level divided
by 2, rounded up, in Ki Accumulations. So a Level 3 Sheele would
cost 2 Ki Accumulations to maintain. Regardless of Unification
rules, start with your highest Ki pool/accumulation and deduct 1
point, then move to the next highest, and so on until the cost is
fully paid.
Soul Forms drains Presence/10 Ki (Rounded Up, +1 Ki for
every greater form, -1 Ki for every improved transformation,
minimum 1) per round from the master. If not using
Unification of Ki, start by deducting the Ki from the largest
pool first, and then from the next highest pool until all pools
have been decreased by one, then repeat the process until the
cost is paid.

Example: John has a Level 4 Ki Sheele, and his base

Accumulations are STR 2, AGI 4, DEX 2, CON 1, POW 4,
and WP 3. His Sheele would cost him 2 Accumulations to
maintain, and so he would deduct one point from AGI and
POW (both at 4) in order to maintain his Sheele normally.
John is not using Unification of Ki, however, and so
he has Ki Pools of 12 STR, 14 AGI, 12 DEX, 11 CON,
14 POW, and 13 WP. His Sheeles Presence is 45, so
it costs 5 Ki to maintain. So he would start by
taking 1 point from AGI and POW, then one from
WP, one from STR, and finally one from DEX.
He would continue to spend Ki this way
every round, though he would eventually be
taking from his CON pool when other pools
dropped below 11.

____SOULS OF GAA____ Soul Form
Weapon, Armor, Beast, or Accessory. Minor, though useful, powers.

The Souls of Gaa are a special group of Sheele made from pieces of Dual or Mega Form
the world itself. Unlike normal Sheele, they are ancient and powerful, Dual Form (Armor + Accessory, Weapon + Beast, etc.). Mega Form
with capabilities beyond what any other Sheele can hope for. These are (Weapon+, Armor+, etc.). Added option for Mega Form: Spirit (The
Sheele who can move between masters, although they must be bestowed Soul of Gaia takes on the form of a human-sized woman with full
upon an owner by a powerful entity. Sheele whose Soul Forms are not character stats).
just animals, but equipment, vehicles, and even humanoid forms. Over
time, these Sheele become unimaginable conduits of both strength and
skill, and perhaps more.
True Soul Form
The Souls of Gaa vary widely based on their current master. While Immensely powerful form. Unknown potential. Think Rank 4+
their basic personality often remains constant, their exact nature is Artifact, or a Gnosis 35/40 being. Unlike normal Sheele, Souls of Gaa
influenced by that of their current owner. So, even though the Essence do not have an upkeep cost. Their Souls Forms are, likewise, costless
Soul of Gaia is typically kind and understanding, if her master is unless specific costs are indicated in their descriptions.
dedicated to war then she might have a firmer kindness to her (also
known as 'tough love'). If her master is a more thoughtful person, she
might instead tend to overthink things and may worry often. Despite the Statistical Differences
variations in each, Souls of Gaa are constant in several ways. Because the player is not linked with them as directly, Souls of Gaa
Only ONE Soul of Gaa for each element exists at any given time. have their own set of statistics (MA, Zeon Pool, etc.) that's calculated
No two people in the world can have the same Soul of Gaa type at the normally off of their characteristic scores. Their characteristics are the
same time. Period. This is because these Sheele are pieces of Gaia, who same as a basic Sheele of their element. They are considered Small
has each element reflected in her, but not each element multiple times. beings for the purposes of their characteristics, but the Movement
Although the possibility of Sheele with different sexes exists, all modifier does not affect their flight values.
Souls of Gaa are always female. This gender bias is attributed to the Souls of Gaa cannot be affected by Mystical Empowerment or the
nature of Gaa herself, along with the typical bias that normal Sheele Advantage Sheele Essence, but are given two extra improvement
seem to have towards female identity. points nonetheless.
One of their initial improvement points is spent on the Soul Form

Mechanical Considerations
improvement automatically. No Soul of Gaa is without a Soul Form.
Sorry. The other improvement points, however, may be spent on their
In order to create a Soul of Gaa, a GM should carefully consider normal options, or can be used as CP to buy advantages. You may not
many things. A Soul of Gaa is not simply a companion, they are beings choose disadvantages to gain more, but can buy any advantage you like.
bound to both the planet and the character they pair with. Souls of Gaa Souls of Gaa are considered to naturally possess The Gif and do not
grow and are influenced very powerfully by the nature of their masters, need to spend points to obtain itt.
both of them. For this reason, it's recommended a GM get to know the Because some Soul Forms aren't creatures, Greater Form and
core themes of the character who receives the Soul of Gaa. I usually ask Improved Powers (the only two improvements appropriate in the first
players for their character's Nature, a 2-3 word summary of who they place) will need to be managed carefully. It's recommended the GM
are, and then another for who they dream of being (a.k.a. their ideal keep these potential improvements in mind when designing a Soul of
self). Getting more information than this is always recommended, but Gaa.
this is the bare minimum.
Since there is no such thing as 'free power' in Anima, a Soul of Gaa For example: Mana's owner decided to take Greater Form. Each
does require a sacrifice before it can be bound to a character. Instead of Greater Form brought her one step closer to upgrading Compendium to
being required to sacrifice a point of POW, players are assigned a 1 the 'Advanced' level (so, at max, it would upgrade Compendium to
point Damned Disadvantage that aligns with their Soul of Gaa. This Advanced level), and gave her a choice between two other bonuses each
disadvantage is called Nature's Wrath, and provides no Bonus CP. It's time (so that there would be some kind of visible boost before the big
simply the cost the player pays. It can never be bought off, and by its one).
nature can't be overcome by any spell, ki ability, psychic power, or
otherwise. Greater Form should not, even when maxed out, get anywhere close
Souls of Gaa can only be given to natural beings with an INT score to what's planned for Dual/Mega Form, for example.
of 5 or higher through exceptionally powerful beings, capable of making Because they have no DP to spend, the Magic Projection of the
the link between a mortal's soul, and the heart of Gaa. For this reason, Sheele is 100+(20*Level-1) or the owner's own score, whichever is
only Gnosis 40+ beings may create the bond. If a Soul of Gaa dies, it higher. For this score, Attack, Defense, and Psychic Projection can be
disappears from its master's side and finds the nearest being capable of used in place of Magic Projection.
bestowing it on a new master (the nearest Gnosis 40+ being). In all other
ways (besides the nature of their Soul Forms) they behave like normal Example 1: Jinn is a Level 1 Wizard with 130 Magic Projection. His
Sheele. Essence Soul of Gaa would have 130 Magic Projection.
Souls of Gaa have three tiers to their Soul Forms. The basic is only
Example 2: Mari is a Level 4 Weaponmaster with 150 Attack and
slightly more powerful than a regular Sheele's, but their Grand and True
Soul Forms are truly beyond compare. Again, unless otherwise indicated 200 Block. Her Fire Soul of Gaa would have 160 Offensive Projection
in the description, Souls Forms have no time limit or costs associated (100+20*3), and 200 Defensive Projection (200 > 160).
with them.

- 10 -
Beya - Essence - Sword Saint
Aescha - Illusion - Utility Powers Personality

Aescha is almost exactly what you would expect from an Illusion
Sheele. She is a trickster, a bit mysterious, and altogether playful, but
like a clown she always seems to be sad. She does not wear a painted
face, and her jokes are rarely self-deprecating, but it still seems to be her
goal to make others laugh while she stays solemn. If anything can make
her smile, no one seems to know.

Natures Wrath Nature's Wrath

Aeschas partner is unable to tell a lie. While she can be complicit
with one through remaining still and silent, she cannot utter a lie, or
outwardly agree with anything she believes to be a lie in any way. If she
tries to, she simply finds that her body wont respond.
Soul Form
Soul Form Variable Sword
Deck of Many Things. Effects: +5 Quality weapon, can alter forms to any pure sword,
Effects: Casts random Illusion spell on draw. Round down to switching forms takes Full Round Action (can defend, but no counter).
nearest Illusion spell (No Free Access). No High or Divine Magic.
Contains 500 Zeon to cast spells with. Recovers 50 Zeon per day. Dual/Mega Form
Essence Ophiucos
Dual/Mega Form Effects: +15 Quality weapon, can alter form to any sword (even
Deck of All Things mixed class), or multiple swords, instantly. Allows one reroll for any
Effects: Same as above, but the user may choose which Path the failed attacks or defenses. Can damage energy. Functions the same as
spell comes from. Access to High Magic, subpaths, and Free Magic normal Ophiucos in combat (besides the listed effects), but outside of
granted, but still not Divine. Each subpath is considered its own path if combat there is no limit on sword numbers.
chosen for the roll. If Free Access is chosen, then a second roll must be
made with a d12 to determine which of the spells at that level are cast. True Soul Form
Contains 5000 Zeon to cast spells with, recovers 500 Zeon per day.
True Soul Form
The ZigZag Coin
Effects: A worthless wooden coin which contains incredible power,
The ZigZag Coin is thought to be a myth, but has been made real by
Aescha in her ascension to power. The coin marks the bearer as Leader
of the Zinner people, and anyone at least half Zinner will grant any
request to the bearer of the coin, so long as such a request would not
endanger their life directly (though indirectly is fine). They may not
immediately agree, or even be happy about it, but they will mentally
convince themselves that it is the best course of action, even if they
havent seen the coin. The coin also grants the user and anyone she
considers a friend the abilities (but not the penalties) of a pureblooded
DAnjayni. The coin can only convince each Zinner to obey one request
per year (though they may still listen and agree to other requests on their
own, perhaps even because of what they think of the coin).

Art by JohnSu 2015

- 11 -
Cecoa - Air - Selfless Protector Ennoa - Illusion - Independent Enthusiast
Personality Personality
Ennoa is the last person you want to meet in a dark alley, and
probably the last person you would meet in a dark alley. She's got a dark
personality, the sort that broods and bides its time, but she's not evil or
mean. There's just something about her that makes her seem like she's
about ready to tear your head off at any given moment. Like almost
everything about her though, this personality is an illusion. Really,
Ennoa is just uncertain about what she wants in life, but would rather
people not see her uncertainty. Thus she pretends to be dark and
brooding whenever anyone is within earshot, but when alone she just
tends to be just a regular girl.

Nature's Wrath Nature's Wrath

Ennoa's owner is cursed as Cassandra was. People do not believe
what she says is the truth, even when she is completely and honestly
obvious. If she said The sky is blue, for example, people would check
to make certain it hadn't turned brown.
Soul Form
Mirror wraps Soul Form
Effects: Can freely teleport to defend any attack besides AoE for Dragon Slug
ally, once per round, and reflect damage at attacker. Only take half Effects: Standard soul form, but with +1 to its level. User spends
damage from attack if unable to defend, defendee takes none. ML and 40% of DP per level gained after the basic form. Its basic form
is seen below.
Dual/Mega Form
Whirlwind Clothing Being Between Worlds Warlock 2
Effects: Ethereal clothing which grants unlimited defenses at no Stats: 6 DEX, 7 STR, 7 CON, 8 INT, 8 WP, 8 PER, 9 AGI, 12
penalty. It also allows the user to teleport to defend for others, and can POW
even defend against AoE effects at no penalty. If unsuccessful at any Essential Abilities: Gift, Superhuman Characteristics, Gestureless
defense for someone else, the user takes half damage from the attack. If Casting, Unspoken Casting, Improved Innate Magic x3, Magic
the attack was an area attack, the user takes full damage instead. In Blockage, Atrophied Members x2.
either case, the defendee takes none. Can still reflect damage once per Powers: Free Movement, AT 3 (Limited AT: Elec), Natural
round. Weapon: Bite.
Regular DP Spend: Magic Projection as Attack, Magic Projection
True Soul Form as Defense.
Gale Whisper
Effects: Creates a perfect clone of the user, with identical statistics. Dual/Mega Form
By working together, the two can perfectly defend against any attack, Elder Wyrm
even one neither can expect. The user can defend against any attack Effects: Standard Soul Form, but with +3 to its level, +10 to its
made against anyone within a mile of her location with no penalties, not Gnosis, and several other boosts (size becomes Big, free second Path
even surprise or AAPs. The clone acts independently at all times, but equal to highest Path). User spends ML and 70% of DP per level gained.
whenever the user defends another immediately teleports to the users No cost to maintain or transform.
side and can gain an identical counter bonus if she wishes.
True Soul Form
Effects: The band of ordinary string has the power to grant its
bearer access to High and Divine level Illusion spells, though it does not
actually increase their Gnosis score. All Illusion spells can be cast
without cost to the user, but High Magic can only be cast once per day
without cost, and Divine magic can only be cast once per month without
cost. High and Divine Magic are automatically maintained for 10x their
maintenance for free, but only one spell at either level can be maintained
at a time. After the allotted time the user may either choose to maintain
for another 10, or pays the maintenance cost on her own. The user also
is no longer tied to this reality, though they are still considered a natural
being. They can flit between the Wake and the Natural world at-will,
and any attacks against them must be capable of damaging energy to
even have a chance to hit. If the attacks do have the ability to damage
energy, the wearer can teleport to the Wake (or out of it) to avoid a
successful attack, but must spend a full round action to return

- 12 -
Feria - Water - Curious Chemist Gaianna - Earth - Sophisticated Psion
Personality Personality
Feria is one of the few Souls of Gaia who doesn't Gaianna is an earthy girl, if you'll
understand that humans are not supernatural beings. pardon the pun. Her personality is
Despite her Soul Form revealing the truth of things, the permanently set to one of
truth of humanity's mundane nature has not unabashed honesty and mild
penetrated her mind, and so she will consistently flirtation. She doesn't see the
make comments and suggestions which are point in lying, and is honestly
wildly inappropriate or impossible for most very bad at it if even asked
humans to accomplish. Still, despite this to tell the smallest fib.
shortcoming she is also one of the kindest Because she likes to feel
of her sisters, and is incredibly patient with close to things and people,
her owners, no matter how they behave, it's not uncommon for
because she believes she can see the truth Gaianna to walk along the
of their actions, which may very well be ground, even though she
true. has the power of flight, and
when not walking she likes
Nature's Wrath to nestle herself against her
owner, perhaps sitting on a
Feria's owner is addicted to fresh water
shoulder or inside a jacket.
(no processing, no colors or flavors, no salt,
etc.) and must drink at least a gallon of water
every day or he suffers a cumulative -10 AAP Natures Wrath
each day with no maximum. Gaiannas owner forgets things
easily. Any attempt by the character to
recall information, or to memorize new
Soul Form information, is hampered significantly. This doesnt
Mask of Truth mean it is impossible for them to form new memories,
Effects: Grants the user the See only that it will be difficult for them to do so.
Supernatural advantage. If the user already
possesses the advantage, it grants +50 to
Notice and Search instead. The mask also
Soul Form
Gloves of Foresight
grants +15 MR against illusion effects.
Effects: Minor prophecy. Visions come at random when worn, or
can be triggered by sacrificing all but 1 Fatigue Point.
Dual/Mega Form
Veritas and Aequitas
Effects: Veritas is an upgraded form of the Mask Dual/Mega Form
of Truth, granting See Supernatural or +100 The Gypsy
Notice/Search, along with +50 MR against Illusion Effects: Gaianna becomes a Thief at character level-1 with the
Effects, and Radial Vision. Aequitas is a set of robes Magnus Mundus, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. Fully
which grants +100 to any artificing checks, and provides 4 statted. Can also use Intermediate Foresight. Foresight can be triggered
AT against all attack types. It is Full Plate Soft armor for up to once per day for free by reading the fortune of someone else. Can
the purposes of stacking effects. only see own fortune once per month. Gaianna deals tarot cards and
reveals fortune. Fortunes are generally vague, but reveal several
True Soul Form possibilities for the future.
Philosophers Stone
Effects: Allows free creation of Artifacts True Soul Form
up to Rank 3 (per the custom ranges in the The Eye of Gaia
next chapter, final column of Table 4). Effects: Replaces the characters left eye with an eye made of
Artifacts are made near-instantly, but do take a varying crystal. The eye can be used to see as far into the future or past
full-round action inside combat. It can also be as the character wishes, but only one at a time, and for only one subject
used to eliminate the need of up to 1000 Level 1 PP into at a time. It can also be used to spy on any person, being, or object in the
Higher-Ranked Artifacts. The user also now holds the power to create world, giving an exact location, condition, and current actions. The final
minor living beings of a level no higher than 5, created through the rules ability of the eye allows the user to change a single event they see in the
in Chapter 26 of the Core rulebook. Creatures are Beings Between past or future. This final ability can only be used once per month. The
Worlds, and are considered to be magically created, with all the only caveat is that the being or objects true name must be known in
limitations that applies. The only caveat is that while the creature exists order for any of these effects to be possible.
the stone loses all other powers, since it must act as the creatures heart.

- 13 -
Mana - Light - Prestigious Milaa - Fire -
Scholar Pragmatic Protector
Personality Personality
Mana is a shy, quiet girl who likes to read. Milaa is... energetic, to say the
She only gets the chance to do so when bound to least. She is perpetually happy, even
a person, however, and so isn't as well-read as when she should really be feeling
she'd like to be. She does have access other emotions. She doesn't get
to the knowledge of her former angry. Doesn't care for
owners whenever she transforms into sadness. And she most
her soul form, giving her near- certainly doesn't ever feel tired.
limitless raw data to work from, but In her entire history she has only
she has no ability to choose what data visibly shown one other notable
she accesses in this form. This frustrates emotion, which is jealousy, and even
her to no end, since it means the majority of then only when she sees beings of fire
her knowledge is also tied up and beyond her more powerful than herself. Her
control to access. Despite her frustrations though, happiness is tempered and refined,
she is reserved, and tends to stay quiet even when she however, in that she has developed
should speak up. happinesses for every occasion. Much like a
professional chef might develop a dozen different
Nature's Wrath ways to cook an egg, so too has Milaa developed several
dozen levels of happiness.
Mana's owner gains mole-like eyes. The more light there is in a
place, the more blind they become. On a bright sunny day in summer,
their blindness is complete, while at night they have vision equal to what Nature's Wrath
most people would have on the bright day. Milaa's owner always feels cold, even though they are physically
very warm. They take twice the amount of damage from attacks based
Soul Form on Cold.
Book of Many Minds
Effects: As Compendium, cast at Intermediate Level, including Soul Form
upkeep costs. Instead of a single expert, the Book contains multiple Shield Boost Bangle
experts who will offer multicultural and multitemporal perspectives on Effects: Adds one level of Empowered Shields and Defensive
the subject. While this may seem like a downgrade, the basic spell Expertise. If either is already maxed, increases the bonus appropriately.
makes no mention of what viewpoint the expert will have, and so I May counter once, if possible, with Final Attack of the difference
consider it an upgrade. May also draw answers with an Art ability at the between initial rolls. Attacks on Heat AT. Base Damage 40.
same degree.
Dual/Mega Form
Dual/Mega Form Guardian of Fire Bangle and Salamander
The Council Effects: Triple the bangle's effects (adding 3 levels to each). Auto
Effects: Acts as above, but at the Arcane Level. The appearance, counter remains the same, but base damage increases to 80. Salamander
however, is that of a small quorum of experts who appear in a circle grants anyone it touches a supernatural AT of 4 to all armors, 6 vs Heat,
around the user, who can also chat about other subjects than their areas but also causes 5 LP of irresistible burn damage per round to anyone but
of expertise. The experts are obviously not real, as they seem to be the owner.
drawn into the world with ink, but they can interact with the world in
minor ways. True Soul Form
True Soul Form Effects: A shield spell with no zeonic cost that shrinks or grows at
The Perfect Assistant the user's whim. The shield has 10,000 LP, and automatically burns
Effects: Mana takes the form of a human woman, a Freelancer of anyone/anything not protected by its effects within the area. Each round
the characters level. However, she is considered to have Natural increases the intensity of Heat by one degree (not by one, by one
Learner in a Field (for 3 CP) in the Intellectual Field, Aptitude in a Field degree), causing appropriate levels of automatic damage which can only
(Intellectual), and she speaks all languages perfectly for free. All of be reduced by an MR Check of 180 plus the number of intensities of
Manas Secondary Ability scores are added to her owners scores while Heat they're currently suffering minus 10 for each Heat AT they possess
in this form, but not any other statistics. (180+Intensities-(10*AT)). The shield regenerates 1000 LP per day once
deactivated, but must be deactivated a full 24 hours to recover. If
broken, it takes two weeks before it can be used again.

- 14 -
Nialla - Light Praxa
Defender of Justice Darkness
Master Assassin
One of the most caring of all
her incarnations, Nialla is a Personality
true light in the world. She Praxa is a distant,
is polite, proper, and is almost
seldom without a smile on her face. emotionless girl
Despite her regal nature though, she has a hard time who speaks in a
speaking without giggling, as though she found her own droll monotone voice. What little emotion she does
words funny. She can listen for hours without so much as a show, oddly, is joy. She enjoys watching people,
smile, but the moment she talks its as though shes been and she especially enjoys watching others being
tickled, just a bit. happy. Quizzically though, the happier the person
gets the less she seems to enjoy it, as though her
Natures Wrath happiness were a mirror, always showing the
Niallas owner cannot back down from a fight so opposite of what it sees.
long as her companions are still in danger. She will
stand against impossible odds, or against the Natures Wrath
lowliest foes, so long as there is a threat against Praxas owner loses their sense of touch.
them. This does not imply that she wants to, merely Though this means that they dont feel pain, and therefore
that her body wont let her do anything else. no longer need to make Withstand Pain checks, it also
means that they are more susceptible to getting
Soul Form accidentally damaged, and so they may accidentally
Light Shield hurt themselves at any moment.
Effects: Acts as a Full Shield for the
purposes of bonuses to Block and Dodge.
Allows character to use the Guardian Ars
Soul Form
Magnus as though they had purchases it with any Shadow Needle
ally, up to 100 ft away. If they already purchases Effects: Needle automatically returns to hand after hitting
the Guardian Ars Magnus, then eliminate the target. +5 Quality Needle. Grants basic Nemesis Cancellation
penalty completely. No Init penalty for shield. effect at random on hit (1-25 Ki, 26-50 Magic, 51-75
Psychic, 76-100 Summoning), but the Cancellation only
affects the hit target.
Dual/Mega Form
Angels Wing
Effects: A flurry of 100 feathers made of light
Dual/Mega Form
which float around Niallas partner. The feathers can Umbral Copy
each stop one attack, and act as a Full Shield for the purpose of Effects: The characters shadow comes to life, and both it and the
calculating the Block roll used. The user can choose how many feathers user can produce +10 Quality Needles at-will. The needles cause
they would like to use to attempt to Block an attack, and each additional Greater versions of the Cancellations of the previous form, but still only
feather is either an additional chance to block, or a +20 to the Block affect the target and shatter when they do. The Umbral Copy has
ability (or a combination of the two). The feathers can be used to block identical combat statistics to the original user. The Shadow
for anyone within line of sight. For area attacks, the same rules apply, automatically disappears after 50 needles have been used, or after an
but Feathers must be used in groups of 5. Also, instead of countering for hour, whichever is longer. The shadow can also be dismissed at will.
damage, the feathers make Medicine checks with a Final Ability After it disappears, the Shadow can be recalled at any time so long as it
calculated exactly like a Counter normally would be, healing the person has needles remaining. Needless regenerate at 5 per hour during the
they defended from existing damage. Unlike normal Medicine Checks, period between sunrise and sunset, or 5 per minute after sunset and
the feathers have no limit on how often they can heal. The Feathers before sunrise.
regenerate at a rate of one per hour, if all of them are used up, then it
takes a week instead. True Soul Form
Shadow of the Titan
True Soul Form Effects: The characters Nemesis abilities all double in effectiveness
Grace of Gaia (or at least those that can), and the Umbral Copy can now produce +25
Effects: As the level 94 Peace spell, Peace on Earth cast at the Quality Shadow Needles. It can produce up to 200 needles, and the user
Arcane Level, but the effects are doubled (both MR and radius). Those can choose which Cancellation they want to apply. Also, unlike normal
that manage to pass the MR check must reroll any successful attack Nemesis users, they can choose who their Nemesis abilities do and do
once. If the second roll is lower than the first, the attack is considered to not affect.
have failed. The aura is static, and if the user leaves the area then it
immediately drops and cannot be reactivated for 24 hours. The user can
purposefully choose to deactivate or forgo the aura, and instead replicate
the Angels Wing option, but with 500 feathers instead of just 100. All
other effects are the same.

- 15 -
Rifla - Essence Freedom/Movement Vivena - Air People's Protector
Personality Personality
Free to act like what she believes is her core self, Rifla is both self- Like the wind, Vivena doesnt like to stay still. Whenever not in her
confident and overly doting. She sees herself as a mother, and everyone Soul Form (a form she secretly dislikes), she is constantly fidgeting and
else, especially her owner, is her child. Like any mother, she cares pacing, or flitting through the air. She has a surprisingly calm, almost
deeply for her children, but like only some she thinks its her duty to stoic nature though, and very little gives her pause. If asked about her
remind her children of what she considers healthy habits at every nervous energy, she will simply brush aside the question, dismissing it
possible turn. Oddly though, because of her connection to plants, she as a mere characteristic, like the color of her owners skin.
believes that plants of any sort shouldnt be used for anything (so no
eating vegetables, no herbal remedies, etc.) Natures Wrath
Vivenas owner hears a constant rushing a wind in her ears, making
Natures Wrath it difficult to hear things. Whispers are entirely lost to her, and even
Riflas owner is constantly mistaken for a woman. His appearance normal conversation can be difficult to follow, but loud noises are also
doesnt actually change, but no matter what people cant seem to get it less extreme to her, since shes already used to a dull roar.
out of their minds that he is a she.
Soul Form
Soul Form Air Buckler
Effects: The user can use their Dodge ability as their Block ability
Cloak of Dandelions
without penalty, no init penalty, +10 to Dodge, no bonus to Block.
Effects: Grants Mystic Flight equal to regular movement value.
Increases AGI and DEX by 1 while worn. These bonuses apply even if
Riflas partner does not possess Inhumanity/Zen, but they do not stack Dual/Mega Form
with other bonuses above 10 unless the character has Inhumanity/Zen. Gust Knight Regalia
Effectively, it increases the maximum allowed stat value by one for Effects: As above, but the bonus to Dodge increases to +40, and
each. adds a layer of weightless armor that provides 4 AT All, 6 vs Elec. This
armor does not count as a penalty layer when stacking.
Dual/Mega Form
Libertas & Motus True Soul Form
Effects: Libertas is a cloak that grants Mystical Flight equal to the Tornado Militia
users regular movement value, increases DEX and AGI by two, and Effects: Forms between 5-500 Soldiers made of wind. The soldiers
grants the ability to communicate at a very basic level with plants. are considered Weaponmasters, and their level is based on how many
Motus are a set of boots which allow the user to walk on any natural are formed. At five, they are the commanders level-1. From 6-15,
surface without difficulty (including sheer cliffs of ice, stone buildings, Level-2. From 16-50, Level-3. From 51-100, Level-4. From 101-500,
and pools of lava) or damage, and they increase DEX and AGI by 2 as Level-5. All of them are built identically, as described below, and they
well. The items can be removed and offered to others at their full bonus, possess the Ki Abilities Flight and Elimination of Necessities at no MK
or split into up to multiple items with a single facet each. So the original cost.
cloak could be split into one cloak that grants flight, another than grants
plant communication, and up to four with individual stat bonuses. Even Weaponmaster Level X
if they are split, all items grant Zen level checks with Agility and Agility X+1, Constitution X+3, Dexterity X+2, Strength X+2,
Dexterity. Intelligence X-5, Perception X-4, Power X-5, Willpower X-2.
Attack 24% of DP
True Soul Form Block 26% of DP
LP Multiples 50% of DP
Gaias Essence
Ki abilities bought in order (when enough MK is available): Use of
Effects: At this stage, Rifla infuses herself with her partner, granting
Ki, Inhumanity, Presence Extrusion, Aura Extension, Elemental Attack:
the following boosts. First, the user is granted a movement value of 20,
Air, Zen, Increased Speed, Energy Armor, Armor of Greater Energy,
and can move on or through any natural terrain at any speed desired,
Armor of Arcane Energy,
including the air with an appropriate Mystic Flight value. Secondly, the
user doubles his Presence score for the purpose of calculating his
resistances. Third, he can communicate with any natural organism,
whether plant, animal, or otherwise, and through this communication
gains a costless form of the Mundus Ars Magnus. Finally, he is
considered to have the Animal Affinity, Charm, and Greater
Regeneration advantages. Gaias Essence cannot be activated for more
than one hour, and recharges after 8 hours.

- 16 -
Wynoa - Air Master Hunter
A more biting form of herself, Wynoa is a snappy gal with a
whisper-thin voice. Although in normal conversation she can barely be
heard, she is both opinionated and condescending. She is, however, very
short-winded when it comes to her opinions, usually only speaking a
handful of razor-sharp words before turning her attentions to something

Natures Wrath
Wynoas partner must eat at least one meal each day made from a
natural creature that he has slain himself. If he doesnt, he suffers a
stacking -10 AAP each day. The meals do not have to be freshly-slain or
recently-cooked, but they can be no more than one week old.

Soul Form
Wind Spear
Effects: No fumbles on Track, Animals, or Navigation. Counts as
+5 Lance, +10 against natural Non-humans (but not spirits/elementals).

Dual/Mega Form
Predators Piercer
Effects: No fumbles on Track, Animals, Navigation, or any skill in
the Athletics field, and eliminates any non-magical penalty to their use
while outside civilization (towns, cities, buildings of any kind, etc.). The
weapon counts as a +15 Lance, or +25 against any non-humanoid (GM
is Final Arbiter on what humanoid means, but generally should never
include any non-Natural beings).

True Soul Form

Gae Bulg
Effects: The ultimate hunting weapon, the Gae Bulg prevents
fumbles on any roll associated with hunting, including the entire
Athletics and Perceptive fields, along with Attack and Defense. The
weapon is considered a +35 Lance which produces automatic criticals,
and the user can designate a certain creature to be his target. All
creatures of the targets type (i.e. all dragons, all DukZarist) become the
wielders prey. Against his prey, critical levels are doubled, and the
wielder can never be surprised, not even if his initiative score would
normally deem it so. The prey choice remains in effect until the hunter
decides on a new target, or kills his current one. However, if the hunter
chooses a new target without killing the first, he immediately sacrifices
half his life points to the weapon.

- 17 -
Before we begin discussing revisions to this section, I think it's Artifact Tyr's Custom
important to make a distinction anyone reading Prometheum Exxet will Official Range Average Median
Rank Ranges
notice: there's a difference between the level of powers and the levels of
example artifacts. If you take nothing else from this section, please take 1 40 - 200 108 100 0-154
With a quick glance through each of the chapters one can very easily 1+ 80 - 300 201 200 155-279
find a very wide variance between Level 5 powers (like +5 to a single 2 40 - 1640 352 280 280-434
characteristic or a single major combat power) and Level 5 artifacts (like
the Key of Yggdrasil, which can create or destroy entire cities with a 2+ 40 -1200 517 420 435-669
single thought of its user). To ignore a chasm like this is to invite player
animosity and even to perpetuate a stereotype that things are loaded 3 160 -1760 822 800 670-1254
against the PCs.
3+ 600 - 4620 1689 1220 1255-2119
Though it could be debated for hours or even years about the whys
and hows of managing this, I find it easiest to make a simple split: 4 900 - 5880 2538 2460 2120-3034
Powers have Levels, Artifacts have Ranks.
An artifact with one Level 5 power is not immediately Rank 5. After 4+ 2240 - 5900 3535 3890 3035+
all, one would never put a +25 Longsword next to The Book of the Dead
and call them equals. However, an artifact with four to five Level 5
powers is much more likely to be a Rank 4 artifact, maybe even Rank 4+
depending on the powers involved.
Most of this document uses Level in describing powers, artifacts, The Presence rules from Prometheum are a bit of a mess. Not only
and materials. This does not imply anything about Artifact Rank. This is were the rules never followed by the creators for even half a second (this
because Rank is subjective and left to the GM after an artifact is is an exaggeration, but only a small handful of the pre-made artifacts
completed. While this can make artifact ranking seem arbitrary, GMs actually follow their rules, and those can easily be chocked up to random
are encouraged to use their best judgments using the guidelines found chance rather than conscious effort), but they are heavily skewed to
here, on page 34 of Prometheum Exxet, and the plethora of examples in make it impossible for anyone to actually make anything besides entire
the book. cities into semi-powerful artifacts. With this in mind, the first major
change to the artifact creation system is simple, and is as follows:

_____HOW TO PP_____ An object can only hold an amount of powers equal to its original
presence value (after non-artificed quality bonuses).
In other words, a Longsword would be able to hold up to 25
Thanks to the hard work of VoidKnight, we now have a table Presence worth of powers. If you forged it into a +5 Longsword, it
available with the information from the official artifacts available in
would have a Presence of 75, and could hold 75 Presence of powers.
Prometheum. You will notice that despite the averages available, the However, if you added the +5 Combat Quality power to the original
ranges of Artifact PP levels in a given Rank vary greatly. All values are Longsword, that power would count towards the 25 limit rather than
given in Rank 1 PP, converted through the methods described in adding to it.
Prometheum Exxet, page 11. Initial PP values were taken from
If an object is created as part of the artificing process, it gains +50
Appendix III from Prometheum Exxet. The final column is a quick-look Presence above what it would normally have.
guide for Artifact Ranks based on VoidKnight's data and a bit of
numberwork. The numbers are wonky because the original data was
Example: An Alchemist mixes together dragon's bone, the essence of
wonky, and Tyr likes semi-wonky things.
a city's culture, and a few drops of a mermaid tears to create a
Rank 5 Artifacts are not included, Longsword with several powers. Since the Longsword did not exist
since their Power Point values are before the creation process began, the Alchemist could add up to 75
never described. Typically, if a
Presence worth of powers to the Longsword.
player or a GM is creating a Rank 5
Artifact, there should be absolutely Instead of all powers of a particular
no question about it being in level being worth exactly the same
that category (though if
amount of Presence, Presence
you've put 6000+ PP into a
values for a power are now based
single artifact, it's usually off of the PP value of the power.
time to call it a day). Simply take the value of the PP
of a given level, and multiply it
by the Conversion Factor.
Table 5 shows how the level
affects the conversion process, but
is no longer the sole factor

- 18 -
PP Level Conversion Factor Level of Power Difficulty Added:PP Base Difficulty
1 0.1
1 :1 PP Cost** Easy: 40
2 0.2
2 :1 PP Cost** Very Difficult: 140
3 0.3
3 :1 PP Cost** Almost Impossible: 240
4 0.4
4 1:1 PP Cost Inhuman: 320
5 0.5
5 1.5:1 PP Cost** Zen: 440

In other words, the amount of Presence a power costs is equal to its Unaligned Varies* N/A
PP value, multiplied by it's Level/10. Round any decimals up. *Unaligned powers/drawbacks are considered to be the level of the power
they modify, or the final Rank of the artifact if not directly modifying a power.
Example 1: An Occultist is looking to create an artifact with two **Round up for any decimals.
powers, Damage Barrier 60 (worth 40 Level 2 PP) and +30 Summoning
(worth 20 Level 3 PP). This would mean she would need 8 Presence for This system will, at times, allow a character to insert a higher-level
the first power (40*0.2), and 6 for the second (20*.3), for a total of 14 power at a lower cost than the lower-level version. This is being
Presence. remedied, but call it a gift for now.
Example 2: A Runesmith is looking to create a much more powerful In case its not abundantly clear, those methods still using PP
artifact with +50 to all Intellectual Abilities (40 Level 4), Indestructible (Alchemy and Occult) do not add difficulty for additional powers. They
(50 Lvl 4), and +25 Armor Quality (50 Level 5). This would require only add the additional PP costs. The only exceptions to this rule is
16+20+25 Presence, or 61 Presence in total. when dealing with additional materials, which is discussed for each skill
later on in this chapter.
As you'll notice, this system allows you to fit many more powers Values for base difficulty are modified as noted for different skills in
into common objects, and I thought this was appropriate. After all, the table below. As an example, this means that someone trying to craft
artificing is about making objects into powerful items of legend, not an Artifact with one Level 3 power through Runes would have a base
about forcing players to convert entire towns into artifacts if they even difficulty of 250 (240 for Level 3, +10 for Runes Level 3). Explanations
want 1 or 2 level 5 powers. for these modifiers are found in the descriptions for each skill later in
The Final Presence of the item is equal to one of the two following this chapter.
options, whichever is higher.
1. The base presence of the item plus all presence from powers and
non-artificing quality bonuses (including the Presence bonus from TABLE 7: SKILL DIFFICULTY MODIFIERS
making the item from scratch).
2. The base presence of the item plus the presence bonus from Power
artificing quality bonuses. Occult Runes Alchemy Animism

Example 1: A +10 Katana imbued with Attack Ability +20 and

Armor Destruction AT-2 would have a Final Presence of 40 (Base)+100 1 +0 -10 +0 -10 to +10
(Quality)+8 (Attack+20)+4 (AT-2), or 152 in total. 2 +10 +0 +0 -20 to +20
Example 2: A Katana enchanted with Combat Quality +10, Attack
+20, and Armor Destruction AT-2 would have a Final Presence of 40 3 +20 +10 +0 -30 to +30
(Base)+100 (Quality Bonus from Power), or 140 instead of 72, 40
(Base)+20 (Combat Quality)+8 (Attack)+4 (AT-2). 4 +10 +20 +0 -40 to +40
5 +0 +20 +40 Special
As a final note on this, at some point I'll probably be making much
longer notes about Presence in the general Anima universe, because
right now it's more than a bit ridiculous. For now, assume all other Every 5 powers, regardless of level or method, increases the base
Presence rules presented in the Core book are valid when approaching level for difficulty by 1.
this artificing system. While an artifact may have any number of low-level powers (within
Presence rules), a single artifact may only have a maximum of three


level 5 powers. This cap may be ignored by beings with a Gnosis higher
than 35.
The table of modifiers from Prometheum Exxet (Table 7: Special
The most major change to artificing is the inclusion of a PP to Factors, page 15) apply as normal. For clarification, just in case there
difficulty check conversion. Since methods like Animism and Runes was any confusion, these modifiers apply to your skill check, not to the
eschew physical components and therefore PP (as per the rules base difficulty. I know this isn't a houserule, but clarification is always
described later), I found it necessary to balance the system so that important.
players using Occultism or Alchemy don't feel punished for their
decisions. The second column of Table 6 is to be used whenever an
artifact is being made through either Animism or Runes. The highest
level power determines base difficulty for all artificing methods, plus a
variable amount for each additional power after that.

- 19 -
A severed part from a creature may be no larger than 1 step below
its original size, and no smaller than 3 steps. Each step down also
reduces the chances of finding usable materials by 2. This causes gaps in
While Runesmiths and Animists no longer need them, PP is still the chart where no material can be found.
vital to Alchemists and Occultists. However, the current PP system is
ridiculous in almost every possible way, and given the handful of For example, if a character slays a Sphinx (Size: Enormous, Gnosis:
examples for obtaining PP it's a wonder anyone has ever made a single 25), then they could choose to carve multiple sections. They could carve
artifact ever. So a new system to determine PP available and gained has the torso, which would count as Big size, but would reduce the finding
been detailed below. chance of items to 1-53 for Level 1, 56-73 for level 2, 76-88 for Level 3,
91-97 for Level 4, and they would no longer be able to find level 5
A character can collect raw materials from... materials (it is presumed such materials were destroyed in the process
of division).

Monsters she has slain How many sections a creature can be divided into is typically up for
the GM to decide for each monster in question, but generally speaking a
Monsters can typically provide materials up to a maximum level of creature should contain no more than 2 subsections of the size below
their (Gnosis-5)/5 (rounded down). However, just as every creature is their original, 4 subsections of the size below that, or 8 subsections of
unique, so are the odds of them actually forming different rare materials. the size below that.
Table 8 below details the odds of obtaining a material with a certain This means a Sphinx could be divided into any one of the following
level of PP in a creature with a given Gnosis. options:
For the purposes of providing guidelines, it's also recommended the -1 Enormous piece
GM use Table 9 to determine the amount of PP gained. For any systems -2 Big pieces
of PP gain which this method doesn't apply, additional guidelines are -4 Medium pieces
given below in their descriptions. GMs may alter these amounts as they -2 Medium and 4 Small pieces.
see fit, but are reminded that consistency is a good thing. -Any other combination that does not go over the total
To determine the material found during a search, simply roll a d100
as the character is searching through the monster and consult Table 8. Each additional section adds another minute to the total time spent
carving, due to the tedious nature of separating things into proper parts.
Time Taken
Carving up beasties aint easy. First, you need to find the materials. If dividing the Sphinx into 4 medium pieces, 4 minutes would be
This must be an invasive search, meaning a minimum of 1 minute must added to total carving time.
be spent carving up a medium-sized monster in the search for usable
parts (like unbroken bones, a crystallized heart, etc). Higher level creatures are more likely to contain rarer items. For
To extract the materials, the player must spend 1 minute per 10 PP, every 2 levels above 10, you can take X out of Level 1 drops, and
and an extra minute must be spent for each level of the PP found. So, if increase each higher drop by 1 (where X would be the total of the other
the character finds an item worth 50 Level 5 PP, this means he must increases), assuming the creature has a normal drop rate in that category.
spend the next 10 minutes carefully extracting the item, or he cannot
obtain it. Example: A level 14 Sphinx would have a 1-47 drop rate for Level 1
Search times change with creature size, but carve times do not. For Materials, 48-69 for Level 2 Materials, 70-86 for Level 3 Materials, 87-
every size above Medium, double the search time. For every size below 97 for Level 4, and 98-100 for Level 5.
medium, halve the time required
Yes, this does mean it requires 16 minutes of in-game to search Picking Your Poison
through the remains of a colossal creature, and then up to 9 minutes If a character knows the specific material they're looking for, and its
cutting the item loose. I think that's far more than fair. location within the creature, several special rules apply:
Creatures of larger sizes than miniscule may be divided into First, reduce the search time by half (because a character looking for
multiple sections that can be carved separately. A roll can be made for a dragon's heart who knows it's in the beast's chest isn't going to search
each section of the monster, and the time required is cumulative. through the entire body looking for it). The time is only reduced by half
because one still needs to dig a bit.
Level of
Gnosis 0- Gnosis 10- Gnosis 15- Gnosis 20- Gnosis 25- Gnosis 30- Gnosis 40-
PP Gnosis 50+
9 14 19 24 29 39 49
Level 1 100 1-80 1-60 1-40 1-20 N/A N/A N/A
Level 2 N/A 81-100 61-80 41-60 21-40 1-20 N/A N/A
Level 3 N/A N/A 81-100 61-80 41-60 21-40 1-20 N/A
Level 4 N/A N/A N/A 81-100 61-80 41-60 21-40 1-20
Level 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 81-100 61-100 41-100 21-100

Level of
PP Miniscule Small Medium Big/Large Enormous Giant Colossal
Level 1 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Level 2 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Level 3 10 10 20 30 40 50 60
Level 4 5 10 10 20 30 40 50
Level 5 5 5 10 10 20 30 40
- 20 -
Secondly, since a character knows exactly what they're looking for, As with monster materials, the time required to gather the specific
they may not need to roll to determine the level of PP they find. material is reduced to half.
Since items are not yet mass-produced, the variation roll described
The same character looking for a dragon's heart will expect to gain above can be used in the same way, but only if the item was created by a
the same amount of PP at the same level as last time. However, since not different crafter than the one the Artificer most-recently broke apart.
all dragons are the same, a GM may still call for a variation roll, used to
determine whether the sought-after material is of the same level as the
last one obtained. Breaking Artifacts
Variation Roll: Roll a d100. A result of of 25 or less means the Any pre-made artifact broken down does not give the normal
material is one level lower on the PP scale (if possible), and a result of amount of PP based on size. Instead, the Artificer recovers exactly half
76 or higher means that the material is one level higher (if possible). of the PP of all the powers combined and then converted to the level
which they rolled. Always round down in groups of 5.

Items he may destroy For example: An Alchemist decides to break down a Jealous Fang
(PE 39) which contains two powers (Quality 150 Lvl 2, Poison Boost 50
Items follow most of the same basic rules as monster materials, but Lvl 2). Since the artifact's Presence is 115, he consults the second
with a few key differences. column on the table and rolls a d100. If he rolls a 100, he obtains 100
Firstly, they base their 'carve' rates off of Presence instead of Level 2 PP (75+25) from the artifact. If he rolled a 16, however, he
Gnosis. The formula is (Presence-50)/5, rounding down for any would convert the Level 2 PP into Level 1 (making it 300 and 100 PP)
decimals. before cutting it in half, and would get 200 Level 1 PP instead.
Items can still be broken down into smaller pieces for multiple
materials, with the same limits on the minimum size of each piece, but Those paying very close attention will notice that it is possible to
each level below the original size reduces their overall Presence by 50. upconvert large amounts of PP this way as well. However, since
Size factors remain the same. increasing the PP level halves it, and because the odds are relatively low
for doing so for most objects, I've decided to leave it as is.
This means that if an Enormous item with a Presence of 350 is
broken into pieces of medium size, the character would only be able to
find items as if those pieces were of Presence 250 instead.

There are many ways to get PP. Some are more dangerous than others

- 21 -
Beings sacrificed in whole
Follow the same rules as outlined in Prometheum Exxet, page 11.
__The Four Paths of Artificing__
Her own strength Occult/Occultism
Any Artificer (not just those with The Gift) may sacrifice their POW
per the rules described in Prometheum Exxet, page 12.
The Nature of the Occult
The reason for this is because artificing is, in each of the ways
The Occult skill is the hardest, by far, to differentiate from the other
described below, a fairly supernatural act in and of itself. Besides that,
three skills. On the surface, it is a mixture of knowledge (as Alchemy),
anyone can create a technique that can sacrifice their characteristics (by
ritual (as Animism), and often a magical component specific to the
investing the necessary MK), so suddenly saying they have no idea how
practice (as Runes). Although it may be similar to all of these on the
to do so just because it's artifact creation is nonsense.
surface, Occultism is wild and imprecise in its nature, which is where it
sets itself apart.

Out of raw Zeon Where an Alchemist might take certain measures of crushed
dragon's bone and drops of a dryad's tears, an Occultist might simply
In theory, all Zeon is created equal. In practice, however, it seems wash a dragon's bone with a bottle of dryad's tears and then throw it into
silly that all Zeon should create only Level 1 PP when there are things the fires of the forge. Where an Animist must say the specific words at
like Dragon Lines, Mystical zones, Supernatural infections, etc. So, all the right time, an Occultist might make up words that sound right based
Zeon is created equal, but Zeon can be concentrated to become more on what they've studied, and say them when the words feel as though
powerful through the following rules. they need to come out.
First, a character must have either The Gift or Limited Gift in order Essentially, just as the Soul Flow and The Wake are somewhat
to use Zeon as a material component, because the Zeon is drawn from chaotic forces in the world, defined by dreams and wishes and intangible
her own reserves. things, so too is Occultism.
To transfer the Zeon, the character must be in direct physical contact
with the object they are empowering. Zeon is transferred at a rate equal The Hump
to the character's MA. Occult is a mix of both study and previous knowledge. Knowledge
At base level, all PP gained from this transfer are Level 1 PP, builds on knowledge, and with knowledge studying becomes easier
however, by burning additional zeon a character can increase the Level making a 'hump' in difficulty. Initially, information is widely available
of PP she is transferring. The zeon burn necessary is equal to the PP and little effort is required to gain new knowledge, or to remember that
necessary multiplied by 2 for each level above 1. knowledge. The deeper an Occultist goes, the more difficult it becomes
That is to say, Level 4 would be at 2*2*2, or 8x the Zeon which to figure out exactly what to do until a certain point, after which the
needs to be burned. erratic nature of Occultism takes hold, where things become
increasingly about feeling and interpretation.
Example: A sorceress wants to imbue an artifact with +15 Attack,
which is a Level 3 effect that costs 20 PP. If she wanted to create this
effect with Zeon alone, she would need to spend 20 Zeon for the 20 Level The Stuff of Books and Legend
1 PP, and then burn and additional 80 Zeon (3 is 2 higher than 1; Occultism is one of two disciplines where base components are
2*2=4; 4*20=80) for the purpose of raising the level of the PP to 3. essential to the creation of artifacts (the other being Alchemy).
In order to make an artifact of a particular power level, the character
As per the base rules, all effects created through Zeon obtain the must have all of the PP required for each power they wish to imbue.
Diminishing rule (PE 17), but do not gain the benefit of reduced costs. Higher-ranked PP cannot be modified to provide a power source for
In case there's any confusion, this process is not affected in any way lower level powers within Occultism, because Occultists do not
by the possession of any metamagic spheres except those that directly recognize this need within their practice.
alter the character's MA. However, Occultists with extra materials of a particular level may
Of special note are the spheres Unlimited Zeon and Transfer Magic, utilize them in the creation of an artifact to give it a chance of
which both have no effect whatsoever in this process. Just in case spontaneously increasing its own power. For each additional 25PP of
anyone asks. equal level to the power they are meant to modify, the Occultist may roll
a d100. On a result of 96-100, the power is upgraded by one degree on
the chart it came from with no increase in difficulty. If the upgrade
Buying Materials increases the level of the power, only materials of the increased level
may increase it again.
Finally, materials may be purchased from shopkeepers or merchants,
or even wandering NPCs that might be carrying them, for whatever Example: When trying to imbue a sword with +30 Critical, an
reason, although the price of these items will vary widely based on how Occultist gathers the necessary 80 Level 2 PP. He also already has an
valuable the person perceives them to be. additional 100 Level 2 PP, so when performing the ritual he rolls a
d100 to try an increase the power of the Critical Enhancement. He rolls
a 99, and thus the artifact gains +40 Critical instead. If this was the
highest-level power, the base difficulty of creating the artifact would still
remain at 140 instead of increasing to 240, but they could not get to +50
Critical without 50 Level 3 PP.

For every additional 75 PP of the same level, an Occultist may

attempt the same check, but increases the boost to the effect of the next
highest level instantly.

- 22 -
If the same Occultist began at +20 Critical, he could spend 75 PP Stones of Power
extra Level 2 PP and make the same roll. If he rolled a 96+, the power Carving runes is not the only way to inscribe a rune into an item. It
would jump up to +40, without any increase in difficulty. is also possible to carve holes into an item and insert a specialized object
Regardless of whether the increase succeeds or not, the bonus PP is called a Runestone. Runestones are made from solid materials cut into
consumed in the artifact creation process, sacrificed to the random different shapes and sizes. This method is the only one that requires
nature of the supernatural forces involved. Since Level 5 powers cannot materials.
be increased, every PP of Level 5 material sacrificed provides a +1 to Each Runestone can hold one predetermined power within it,
the Occultist's roll to overcome the difficulty of making the artifact. selected at the time of its creation. The difficulty check to make a
Runestone is the same as any other runic artifact. Since Runestones are
The Unexpected not a part of creating an artifact, but are technically artifacts themselves,
The random variation within Occult makes it somewhat inserting them into an artifact requires a separate check from artifact
unpredictable in determining what results one will get from any given creation of the appropriate crafting skill at 140.
roll. Because accuracy and precision are less important to an Occultist Runestones trade power for strength. Cutting out holes to make
than to other artificing skills, random effects may occur either within the space for a Runestone reduces the Fortitude of an object by the level of
object being manipulated, or the world around the Artificer. These the power it contains, and the Breakage by half that amount, rounded up.
effects are recommended to be left up to the GM, but a general rule of If adding a Runestone would reduce the Fortitude to 0 or lower, it
thumb is that the higher the difficulty, the more severe or numerous the cannot be added as the item wouldn't survive the assimilation.
effect(s). A Runestone typically may not be removed from any item it is
placed into because of the necessary tactics to make it stay put. GMs
For example, an Occultist trying to create a Level 2 artifact may that want to allow Runestones to be removed may follow the following
accidentally turn a nearby book into a paper frog, while one trying to guidelines.
sculpt a Level 4 artifact may accidentally trap a nearby soul in the item, First, the item the Runestone is being removed from is destroyed
giving it that soul's personality. completely.
Secondly, an ability check of 280 must be made with the appropriate
crafting skill to remove the Runestone. Failure means the Runestone is
Runes destroyed as well, or damaged beyond use.

Words of Power Writing on the Walls

While some artificing styles rely primarily on materials, Runesmiths Although basic runesmithing requires no components and cannot
rely on symbols etched into the base item. The Runic language is one benefit from their involvement, crafting Runestones does and can.
where each symbol is a word all its own, but putting runic words Runestones must be crafted into a hunk of material of equal PP and
together doesn't give them meaning. Each word, instead, stands as a level to the power they are meant to hold. A failed roll means that the
possessor of the object into which it is crafted. In other words, the object material is either destroyed, or that the rune is misdrawn, making the
onto which a rune is crafted is an inherent and unshakable foundation of material useless for any purpose, including other forms of artificing.
the runic language. Runestones do not benefit in any way from additional materials.
A sword with the rune for 'Bear' etched into it is a Sword of Bear,
and anyone reading the runes would say as much. Even if the rune was
drawn onto a piece of paper in order to illustrate it to an apprentice, for Recognizable
example - the paper would become 'a sheet of Bear.' As stated in Prometheum, runes are nigh-impossible to conceal. This
The how of runesmithing depends largely on the item in question, is not just because of how much of an object they cover, but because
but the most common form is the etching of runes using a specialized runes tend to glow. A rune glows whenever the power it is associated
chisel or knife. The runesmither must set aside space enough for each with is active, and therefore the mystical nature of such objects is
rune, making them larger or smaller as needed, since the runes must obvious to even those with little-to-no knowledge of magic or the
cover at least 60% of the surface of the item. Each rune must be the supernatural. Passive powers like quality bonuses are always considered
same size as every other rune inscribed, regardless of the power active, while damage-boosting runes would only be active as the weapon
difference between them, or else the meaning of the runes falls apart as actually strikes.
their supernatural presences clash. Failure to measure out space For the purposes of mechanical effects, this means that anyone with
beforehand is a disastrous error for runesmithers, so many will create the chance to see the object with runes can make a Notice Check with a
complex diagrams on paper to be certain of the space they have base difficulty of Difficult for an object the size of a sword when no
available and the precision they will need. runes are active, or Moderate if they are. This difficulty goes up for
smaller objects (recommended maximum being Absurd for objects like
rings) since the runes must be smaller to compensate, and goes down for
A Second Language larger objects (recommended minimum being Easy) since runes will be
Runes are a language, an alphabet that translates to power. As with more noticeable.
any language, the more of it a character acquires the easier it is to pick Difficulty modifiers for the previous situations, and others that may
up new information in that language. The skill, however, is more a come up like the runes being activated in the middle of an attack (+30),
matter of manual dexterity than of symbolic knowledge. Therefore, or being activated in a dark room (-30), should be applied whenever the
since larger runes require less precision, they require less skill, but the GM determines they are appropriate.
smaller things get (and higher level powers always require smaller A success on the check means the character is aware of its magical
runes), the more difficult they must inherently be, as the precision nature, and then can make a Rune Skill Check to try and read the runes.
necessary to inscribe the runes in order to maximize power is The difficulty of this check depends on the runes involved, and is
excruciating; even the tiniest slip in one character may mean the loss of determined by the Rank of the Artifact. It is equal to half of the base
everything. difficulty of making a Runic Artifact at a level equal to the Rank, and
cannot be made by someone without at least 5 ranks in Runes.
For an Artifact with a + Rank (1+, 2+, etc.), add 25 points to the
difficulty of the check.

- 23 -
Example: A wizard seeing a Runic Bag of Thorns would need to Redness, which Alchemists associate with blood, the phoenix, and the
pass a check of 140 to realize that the bag was magical in nature if it philosopher's stone, all of which are sources of life and re-creation.
was completely inactive. If he succeeds, and he has bought at least 5
ranks in Runes, he can then make a check with a difficulty of 15 (since The Thin Red Line
Bag of Thorns is a Rank 1 Artifact) to determine the exact nature of the Alchemy is a science anyone can follow with a little time, the right
Bag. materials, and a sheet of rules in front of them. In particular, Alchemy
follows formulas, and while formulas may become more complex the

instructions do not necessarily follow suit. The final jump at the Zen
level is due to the mystical and unreliable nature of the components
necessary for alchemy at that level. An alchemical formula at Level 5
The Mystical Science may require a lightning bolt of a certain magnitude at a particular time
The most precise and exacting of the artificing styles, Alchemy is a during the Rubedo phase, or else all is lost.
scientific approach that may appear as insanity at times. The majority of
the alchemical process involves the gathering of materials, measuring
and mixing them precisely, and then doing something a little bit out of Materials Needed
the ordinary to make the product work. As described in Prometheum, In the same way as Occultism, powers require materials of equal
Alchemy is an amalgam of chemistry, metallurgy, physics, medicine, level. Unlike Occultists, however, Alchemists can break down higher
astrology, semiotics, mysticism, spiritualism, and art. While this may level materials into lower level materials through the processes of
appear on the surface to be a wild mash-up of whatever they could find, Nigredo and Albedo. An Alchemist can turn any one material she
each piece is essential to the completion of any Alchemical project. possesses into two pieces of a lower level material, and those materials
Briefly mentioned in the book are the three stages of Alchemy: can continue to be broken down until they reach Level 1. Alchemy does
Nigredo (creation), Albedo (undoing), and Rubedo (reforming). While not guarantee this process, however, only the chance. The difficulty of
this is hardly in line with traditional alchemy - which involves differing the Alchemy roll is equal to that of an artifact at the level the material is
definitions as well as a fourth component (Citrinitas) - no errata that I've being broken down to.
seen has yet corrected this change in terminology and so we will
continue to use it. Example: If an Alchemist wants to take a 30 Level 3 PP material
While a deep understanding of each of these is not necessary to and break it down to Level 2 materials, he would need to make a check
make a skill roll in Anima, a more in-depth explanation may be of 140, and would receive 60 Level 2 PP if successful.
beneficial to those wanting to enhance their roleplaying through vivid
description, or for GMs looking to enhance the depth of their world. An Alchemist can also synthesize low level materials into higher
level materials through a similar process. By taking twice the PP in
materials of a lower level, he can form a single hunk of PP of a material
Nigredo of higher level. Like breaking down objects, nothing is guaranteed in
Creation is the first of the three steps and is something of a alchemy. The difficulty of this roll is equal to the difficulty for an
misnomer. While creation is implied it is really a transformation that Alchemical Artifact of the level of the material formed.
takes place here. Each raw component must be carefully shaped into a
new form while retaining its original identity. The disciplines of Example: If an Alchemist wants to take 20 Level 3 PP materials and
chemistry, metallurgy, and even medicine take their greatest places here combine them into Level 4 materials, he would need to make a check of
in the creation of powder from bone, or juices from eyes. The somewhat 320, and would receive 10 Level 4 PP.
destructive nature of this process is why it holds the name Nigredo,
Latin for Blackness. Bonus materials do not affect an Alchemist's chance of success in
any way, although they can be used to synthesize higher or lower level
Albedo materials as described above.
Undoing is only slightly-more aptly named than its predecessor.
Here we see the separation of the basic nature of something into a more- Instructions Required
refined component to be used in the final stage. While chemistry is often Because Alchemy is a science and it relies heavily on both careful
a key player in this process, it more often involves a combination of procedure as well as access to materials, an Alchemist cannot perform
mysticism, semiotics, and spiritualism, because an Alchemist is typically his craft without both. Per official errata, the creator must have at least
separating power from finesse, shadow from substance, which are basic equipment as an essential requirement, or alchemy is impossible,
concepts no mortal science can parse reliably. The Alchemists named and the bonuses awarded in Table 7 in the Equipment section are halved.
this process Albedo, or Whiteness, to align with the 'cleansing' of their This basic equipment includes an appropriate laboratory, tools for
materials, separating what is useful from what is not. measuring, separating, and combining, as well as a container for the
finished product (e.g. the sword being imbued, a bottle for holding
Rubedo potions, etc).
Reforming is the simplest stage to understand within the alchemical

process, but also one of the hardest to execute. Once all the components
have been formed properly through Nigredo and Albedo, it is now the
Alchemist's job to splice their substances together to form the final
product. Here, although again the hard sciences will play their roles in
The Power of Prayer
how to apply which materials when, we see the biggest influences from While Animism is not its own religion in the world of Anima (or at
astrology, art, and physics. Many alchemical concoctions require the least not officially), its practices are highly ritualistic and spiritual in
stars and the planets to be aligned in a certain way, or for the wind to nature. Animism in the real world is the belief that all things have a soul,
roll the materials together on a cold winter morning. The artistic aspect and is known by many different names throughout the world. Anima
most obviously comes to play in the flair and the creativity of the supports this interpretation in each book with concepts like the Soul
Alchemist when finalizing the product, as this is the step when most Flow, Presence, and other minor concepts introduced and reinforced
'signatures' are added. The process derives its name, Rubedo, from throughout.
As it relates to artificing, Animism is the manipulation of these souls
to imbue objects with power. At its most basic level, this means that

- 24 -
Animists are repurposing souls, or fragments thereof, for their work. This check is modified by the willingness of the soul in question, as
Because this process entirely forsakes the need for material components with the rest of the artifact creation process.
and the work that entails, Animists enjoy both a simplification of Pieces of a soul may be lower than that of the entire being if the
technique, but also a strictness of form that cannot be altered. The right Animist so wishes, however the maximum level possible is what's used
words must be said at the right times with the right gestures to to determine the effects described below in Strength of the Spirit.
accomplish anything at all, and a single misspoken word or faulty step The Artificer must have a special container known as a Soul Tube to
can nullify any amount of work or preparation. contain each soul, or fragment thereof. Soul Tubes can be bought for 50
GC each from special vendors, or varying amounts from other folks.
Ritual and Resistance They can also be made with a Jewelry check at a difficulty of 180. Each
Animism is a ritual. As just stated, each use requires precision, Soul Tube can only hold a single soul, or soul fragment. They give the
timing, and a little bit of faith. The problem, however, is that there's a Animist no power over the soul besides containment, and no bonus to
living aspect to each ritual, and that's the material being used in the check except for their necessity in the artificing ritual.
Animism. Souls are not so malleable as rocks and blood, and each soul
can be classified on a spectrum from willing to hostile which modifies Strength of the Spirit
the check in different ways at different levels. The more hostile, the Any soul that might be used in an Animism ritual has a willingness
higher the penalty, the more willing, the greater the boon. Souls rating to be considered that adjusts difficulty, even if only a portion of
powerful enough to be classified as Level 5 have special rules, discussed the soul is needed. The most compliant souls grant a bonus, voluntarily
below in Strength of the Spirit. lowering the difficulty of binding their souls. The souls most opposed
have the opposite effect, fighting the ritual at every step and possibly
Example: An Animist wants to bind the soul of a particularly causing it to fail entirely. Anything powerful enough to provide a Level
powerful demon into a ring, which the demon wants no part of. The 5 soul, however, has a bit more influence on the process.
Animist wants to extract a Level 4 soul fragment from the demon, but the Firstly, a Level 5 soul can impose the same -40/+40 as a Level 4
demon's convictions are strong enough that he imposes a full +40 to soul on the difficulty checks for capture and creation.
difficulty, making the difficulty for the check 360. Were the demon fully In addition to the bonus/penalty, if a Level 5 soul or soul fragment is
willing, the check would only be 280. unwilling, but the Animist exceeds the check necessary to make the
artifact/capture the soul, the soul can make an MR check with a
Willingness can change between the capture process (described in difficulty equal to 140 plus the amount the Animist's check exceeded the
Raw Materials) and the actual artificing roll. This means that a willing total difficulty of the roll. If successful in this check, the soul breaks
soul may become hostile, or the other way around, over time, thus free, rupturing the Soul Tube if it is during the capture, or destroying the
changing the bonus/penalty to the check. artifact entirely if during creation.

Time Taken Example: The same Animist wants to bind the soul of an even-more
As stated in the book, each level of each power adds 1 minute of powerful demon into a sword. The demon is stubborn enough that he
time to the creation process, and suffers no penalties or bonuses for imposes a full +40 to difficulty, making the difficulty for the check 480.
additional time taken. An Animist cannot take less than this amount of The Animist rolls and gets a 500, meaning the ritual is successful on her
time, as the ritual nature doesn't allow for a 'speeding up' of the process. end, however, the demon is still fighting and so may make an MR check
against 160 (140+(500-480=20)=160) to thwart the ritual.
Raw Materials
This check can be made once for the initial capture, and once for the
Animism doesn't use materials beyond the container for the powers.
creation process. The Soul Tube prevents any other checks from being
Instead, it uses souls taken from creatures and items to imbue relics with
attempted, no matter the time between capture and use.
the same powers as other artificing methods. To clarify, that means an
Animist may not use any other source for gaining PP. Not Monster Souls are both beautiful and excellent artifact fuel.
materials, Item materials, sacrificed lives, Zeon, nor sacrificed Power.
Animism's soul requirement is unique, and so too is the process of
gathering souls for use. Instead of rolling for materials gathered after a
monster/creature is slain, an Animist may roll their Animism ability to
perform a ritual to capture a piece of the soul before it escapes and
returns to the Soul Flow. She can do the same with items she breaks. While not their own category of artificing, Mystical Tattoos are their
Souls and soul fragments may not be taken from still-living beings or own special subset of artifacts that deserve to be mentioned.
objects, unless they are capable of giving a Level 5 soul/soul fragment. Prometheum dedicates about two paragraphs to them (on page 12), most
Because Animists are not searching for randomly-formed parts, they of which I'm not changing, but some limitations need to be made given
may declare the number and level of PP they want to gather. The base how much I've changed the rules for artificing, and just in general for
amount of PP earned is equal to the creature's Presence divided by the even the unchanged rules.
Level of PP the Animist wishes to acquire, and can never be more than
the creature's Presence. Items follow these same rules. An Inkling of Ink
Maximum level for the PP is still determined by Gnosis (for Tattoos can be made through any of the four Artificing skills. I'll
creatures) and Presence (for objects) per the normal. leave it to your imagination to figure out how.
For simplicity's sake, the base difficulty of the check to capture the Tattoos that provide the same bonus, or a bonus of the same type as
soul is the same as that for crafting an artifact of the same level as the a second tattoo, do not stack in any way, shape, or form. Ever. They may
soul or soul fragment. The check increases in difficulty at the same rate only stack with a different type of artifact (like a sword or a ring) if the
as usual for every PP above the base amount the Animist wishes to specific power allows for stacking.
obtain, and can decrease the difficulty if the Animist wants a lower Tattoos are recognizable as mystical objects when activated,
amount than the base would give. regardless of the methods used to create them. They follow the same
An Animist must declare which level of the soul they wish to recognition rules as Runes, but cannot be read unless they are made
capture, and how much PP it is worth before rolling, and a failure means from Runes. They may also be concealed beneath clothing, armor, etc.,
they capture nothing. An Animist can only make this check once per
destroyed creature or item.

- 25 -
Crafting magical essence is not the only component of tattooing.
Tattooing also requires either an Art or a Sleight of Hand check with a
difficulty based on the size and intricacy of the tattoo. Sleight of Hand
checks are one degree of difficulty easier than the checks below would
indicate, but they cannot make Masterwork Tattoos, and they lose 10
Presence due to their crude nature.


Complexity Simple Complex Masterwork
140 (Very
Difficulty 80 (Moderate) 180 (Absurd)
Large Tattoos Increase DC by one rank (ex. Absurd to Almost
Impossible for a Masterwork).

but when concealed in this way a person may not benefit from the
effects of the tattoo.
Some GMs and player may find the need to be seen as either deadly
, unfair, obscene, or even all three, especially considering the limits
already in effect for tattoos. As a reminder, I am not the final arbiter on
whether or not my rules work for you, but I recommend imposing an
additional difficulty spike for tattoo creation if allowing for tattoos to be
used beneath armor or clothing (like tripling the cost in PP instead of
just double as PE suggests).

Space for Ink

Normal-sized artifact tattoos (those not considered large), are big
enough that a person may only fit two per limb (one on the upper part of
the limb, one on the lower), one per hand or foot, one on the face, one
on the back/top of the head (but only if the head is shaved), and up to 8
on the torso (4 in front, 4 in back). These limitations may change for
characters above medium size (usually adding 1 tattoo per slot, but
depends very heavily on the dimensions of the character), or characters
playing as monster races (which may have more limbs, less limbs, or
other oddly-sized body portions).
Large tattoos take up the space of two normal tattoos. Combinations
between connected areas are allowed to accommodate for interesting
tattoos (and because it's only fair, really).

Inking 101
Tattoos require a steady hand, and access to the area being tattooed.
Although it should really go without saying, it would be nearly
impossible to tattoo your own back, and very, very impossible to do so
with the intricacy required for artificing. Therefore, a character may not
tattoo their own back (unless they have a spell or more versatile limbs
than humans do), suffers a -20 to their check to tattoo their own upper
arms or upper legs (due to the difficulty of reaching the back of these
limbs), and a -60 to the back of the head without a mirror (reduced to -
30 with one, or -20 if using a spell/familiar to see the back of their own
These penalties apply to both the artificing roll, and the Art/Sleight
of Hand roll described below.
Tattoos follow the same Presence rules as other artifacts when
determining the limits of the number of powers each tattoo can hold.
Presence limits for tattoos are found on page 12 of Prometheum Exxet.

- 26 -
At GM discretion, remove non-identical but similar powers like:
Natural Knowledge of a Path 60 (as opposed to the advantage which
only gives 40), Physical Exemption (Not exactly Elimination of Needs,
but close), etc.
Remove any additional powers/abilities/etc the GM determines
would be either too powerful, too difficult to keep track of, etc. Or
powers that the GM/player would like to live without.
This should also include any powers with a Gnosis of 15+ (or 10+,
depending on where the GM wants to keep the power level for the
By GM allowance, you may add an additional +5 Gnosis/LA for the
purpose of keeping powers.

Calculate total DP Spent on remaining Essential Abilities and

Powers, including negatives for conditional effects.
If a power cannot be directly found in Those Who Walked or the
Core, find a similar power and substitute the cost. In the most extreme
cases, GMs may rule a DP cost they think is fair.

Take the total of the points and divide by 100, rounding to the
nearest 100. This is the Level Modifier for the monster race. More
lenient GMs may prefer to round down, while official rulings by Anima
Studios say round up. Either way, it is recommended that so long as
there are powers above a normal human the LA should be no less than

Players are always looking for new options when building a

character, and though the Nephilim and Lost Souls are all very well and From scratch
good, it's natural to want even more choices to add more flavor to First, determine base Gnosis for the creature. For most GMs, it's
games, especially if they're taking place outside the typical game setting, recommended they set this at either 10 or 15 given that anything beyond
or in a different period, or just cause. Some very basic rules for this is often unfair to anyone not playing a custom race.
converting (or creating) a playable monster race are as follows. Next, allow the adding of LA to increase the effective Gnosis of the
race. For the 1 st LA, increase Gnosis to 20, and then +5 for every LA
after that.
For pre-generated monsters Note: This Gnosis factor will not be the final Gnosis of the
character, but rather the 'effective' Gnosis of the race. A race with 30
It might seem odd to start with pre-generated monsters instead of
Gnosis (+3 LA), for example, would be able to choose Level 30 powers,
those created from scratch, but using existing examples is always a
but would be unable to cast High Magic, or get bonus DP to spend on
better first step, I think.
Buy powers and essential abilities per the guidelines for pre-made
It is first very important to eliminate extraneous factors that will
monsters (no identical powers, no buying raw characteristics, no
automatically be changed by the process of characterization. These
outlawed powers, etc.).
include: Characteristic Scores, Class, Resistances, Derived Stats (Attack,
Note: Attribute +1/+2/+3 is available under the same guidelines as
Defense, Initiative, Resistances, etc.), Gnosis, Secondary Abilities
After that, remove Essential Abilities and Powers that are either
Take the total development points spent and divide by 100, rounding
identical to ones that normal characters can buy or are superfluous
to the nearest 100. Add in the LA for bonus Gnosis. This is the total LA
including: The Gift, Superhuman Spiritual Characteristics,
for the monster race. More lenient GMs may prefer to round down, and
Ambidextrous, See Supernatural, etc.
Anima Studios says to round up. Regardless of method, it is
Note: In order to be identical, an Essential Ability or Power should
recommended that so long as there are powers above a normal human
read exactly as it does for a human picking up that Ability/Power, or
the LA should be no less than one.
reference an identical Power (e.g. Damage Energy reads functions the
same as Presence Extrusion).

Special Exception: If a race contains Attribute +X, then a Pure Nephilim

Penalty (Racial Terror, Extreme Vulnerability, or Attribute -X (special Nephilim for nearly any race can be made by removing or deeply
penalty reserved for balancing Attribute +X), etc.) must be chosen that modifying (usually cutting in half) any obviously non-human powers
equals at least half of the cost of total of the Attribute Bonus. This (tentacle attacks, metal skin, rubies for eyes), and then giving them an
penalty does not grant bonus DP as usual, but rather is simply meant to experience modifier equal to their LA +1/+2 (based on GM discretion).
balance the otherwise unfair advantage bought with Attribute +X. There's probably a good method to determine the exp mod using DP
costs, but I haven't figured that out yet.

- 27 -
__Alternate Combat Method__ Instead, we move to Mokowanahana, who now gets to declare what
he wants to do. Mokowanahana sees Rex going for Tom, and decides
I will admit that I've rarely been happy with how combat plays out that he doesn't want Tom to end up puppy chow, so he declares that he's
in Anima. You roll initiative, you take your turns in order, and then you going to intercept Rex by moving up to him and punching him in the
repeat the process. It's not the worst system ever, but it's definitely not head.
really all that realistic when the slowest person in the group gets to react
to every action that's presumably already happened within the three Again, no dice are rolled yet. Nothing changes.
second span of a combat turn. Attacks have been resolved, in some cases This process continues up the line until Fido (the character with the
countered, people have moved and searched and shouted orders. highest init) has finally declared his own actions.
As someone once put it: It doesn't make sense that the fastest Once Fido has declared his actions, it is now time for the GM to
character can walk into the middle of a group of enemies, blow them all announce Special Events.
away in one move, and then has to stand patiently and watch while they
all get back up, walk back over to him, and clobber him to death. I know
Special Events
that because of how being put on the defensive works, it cant actually
happen exactly this way, but its similar enough that I want a change. These are things which affect the way the combat round might play
It is with this mindset that I always looked for an alternative way of out, but which no one has any control over. For example, the GM could
doing things. I thought of Scion's tick counter (one of the most realistic announce here that there is suddenly a loud chiming noise in the
examples of combat timing that I've seen, even if the combat itself gets background, or that just as things are beginning to get going, the earth
ridiculous at higher levels), but that would mean rewriting the entire begins to fall away.
combat by trading initiative for speed, and then assigning all sorts of Please Note: Things that happen between rounds don't need to be
nonsense speeds to every action. It was just too much work. Then, a declared here. Those events should be dealt with between rounds.
short while ago, I saw something that inspired me which I like to call Special Events are for things that happen in the middle of the combat
Reverse Initiative. Its apparently something which several systems have round, not before everyone begins moving or after they're all done. So if
experimented with over the years, and so now I experiment with it here. a Magical Darkness sweeps over the area once everyone is done with
Enjoy. their turns, don't declare it here. If that same darkness sweeps over the
area after everyone has taken their first step, then go ahead and let
people know.
Reverse Initiative
This process of combat follows the same basic structure as normal
combat, but with a significant change to the initiative phase. In short:
instead of declaring actions and resolving them for each character in
turn, actions are declared in reverse order (from slowest to fastest)
during initiative, and then played out in normal order (fastest to slowest)
once all actions are declared.

A group of three misfits named Tom, Dick, and Mokowanahana all

find themselves in personal combat against a group of three wild dogs
(who we will just call OBLIVION). The battle begins, everyone rolls
initiative, and we get the following results:
Tom: 72.
Dick: 108.
Mokowanahana: 55.
Fido: 150. Special Events. When you see them, youll know.
Rex: 7.
OBLIVION: 68. Changing Your Mind
Once the Special Events are taken care of, we make a second sweep.
Normally, Fido would declare his actions, make his movements and Here, each combatant is able to change their mind about what they want
attacks, and then the turn would pass to Dick to do the same, and on and to do based on how everyone has reacted thus far, and the events the
on until poor Rex finally has his turn. Initiative would be rolled again, GM declared. However, in order to change their actions, they must
the process would repeat ad infinitum until combat ends. accept a -25 penalty to any actions changed that turn (to represent them
beginning to do whatever it was they originally decided, and then
In Reverse Initiative, however, what happens is this: changing their mind because of something else occurring). Again, we go
from slowest to fastest, allowing each person the chance to change. As
Rex is lowest on the initiative count, so he declares his actions first. many sweeps as necessary can be done, with a stacking -25 for each
He decides that he wants to bite Tom, which also means he'll need to change they made, until everyone has either made all of their
make a passive movement to get to Tom. adjustments for the appropriate penalty, or everyone is settled on their
No dice are rolled yet. No movement is actually made.

- 28 -
For sanity's sake, let's say that everyone from the previous exampe is
Difficulty Example Deaths
settled on the first initiative pass except for Rex who, seeing
Mokowanahana charging for him, decides to do a Pure Defense instead Enemy cleaved in two.
of attacking Tom. He accepts a -25 to his defense (meaning he only gets Routine
Enemy explodes.
a +5 to his defense instead of a +30), and everyone else, still fine with
their decisions, waives their right to change. Enemy loses limb.
Enemy rammed through with a weapon.
From here, rolls are quickly made to determine who succeeds in
their efforts, and who fails. Enemy suffers impressive hit and collapses.
Rinse. Enemy chokes and falls over.
Repeat. Enemy suffers normal-looking hit and collapses.
Enemy falls to knees after coughing a bit.
Shifting Circumstances
In the middle of the rolling process, things can happen. I know, Enemy has heart attack with no outward signs.
surprising, but they allow for changes to be made, and those changes Enemy simply slumps over.
have unique penalties associated with them. They are as follows. Almost Enemy continues to talk and move despite gaping wound.
Impossible Enemy slumps over, but seems to catch themselves.

Because one can't know ahead of time if they're actually going to Enemy dies from a small needle going through their skull.
succeed on a defense and then counter it (one can expect to, but Fumbles Completely Paralyzed enemy suffocates.
do happen), a person can either add the counter to their list of actions
Enemy killed by microscopic bullet through the heart.
(assuming they still have a free attack they did not declare) or trade any
Inhuman Enemy continues fighting for several rounds after
of their declared attacks for a counterattack. Both have no cost other
seemingly innocuous wound.
than the sacrificed attack action. In short, this is pretty much exactly the
same as it always was, I just wanted to be certain there was no Enemy mind wiped, body animated by dark magics.
confusion. Zen
Enemy not within range of senses.

Sometimes, sh*t happens. Hydras explode out of the ground.

Somebody shouts out He stole my baby! The Saints really do come The Expanded Role of Tactics
marching in. Whatever it is, and whenever the GM decides it happens, it Because I'm always looking for ways to make secondaries useful,
can really mess up your plans. Most of these should already be declared Tactics plays a very important role in the Reverse Initiative combat
by the GM as Special Events, but perhaps one of them only triggers style. Tactics has three basic uses in this system:
because your character moved over a particular space or because a key Players can roll Tactics for themselves to allow for free action
enemy died. In the event this happens, there are two options: changes. At higher levels, this also gives bonuses to all actions by
If the event is large enough that it affects the whole encounter, a allowing the play to predict his enemy's movements. Consult Table 7
new round can begin immediately. below for roll difficulties and given bonuses.
If the event is smaller, or the GM just wants to finish the round as-is, Players can roll Tactics to give others a free change after their roll.
a person can take a penalty of -10 for each major change they want to This may only be done once per round (not once per sweep), and can
make to their actions. only affect a single player at base level.
So, if you were originally planning to sprint down the hallway and Players can roll Tactics to give the group a bonus to all actions
axe someone in the head, but now the hallway is full of arrows and lava pertaining to a specific plan during the next round, assuming the plan
so you decide it best to just leap back to safety, you would take a total of they announce is followed.
-10, since you've stopped running down the hall and have decided to Since time in rounds is very limited, players should keep their plans
leap backwards (1 major change). simple. For example, a player might say Focus on the boss! or
Note that I do not penalize for no longer attacking, because that Everyone get to the high ground! Plans must include a specific goal,
action depended on the completion of the first action anyways. If you and if they are communicated in a language and method an opposing
also wanted to attack a new person once you'd leapt to safety, that would force understands, any bonus is negated.
be a second major change at another -10 (for a total of -20). Hint: Code words or phrases worked out in advance, or secondary
languages are excellent resources.

For Example: A player decides that the best course of action for the
We've all been there. You and your buddy are charging in to double- team would be to have everyone get on the roof. His player declares
team an enemy. She gets there first, open rolls, completely cleaves the during his turn Everyone get to the roof! and then rolls Tactics.
guy in two. What do you do then? For those times, follow the normal Because they are fighting unintelligent bird monsters, he rolls Tactics
rules for Unexpected Events if, and only if, the player can pass a Notice and receives a 180, giving him a result of Absurd, which gives his party
check to realize their target has died. Difficulties for this check are a +30 to Athleticism, Acrobatics, Climb, or other rolls which might aid
presented below on Table 11, along with some example deaths. GM are them in getting to the roof. If he were fighting a group of guards that
encouraged to use this table for other things as well, though I dont could understand him, there would be no bonus, since the guards would
know exactly what. understand the plan and be able to effectively counter it.


- 29 -
legions of pages, the Social Combat system is a bit more
Difficulty Self Other Group Bonus
compartmentalized for many reasons, not the least of which being it's
Routine 1 free action switch - +0 difficult to justify, say, a Martial Art that makes you better at talking to
people (this isn't Exalted, people). If using no other rules, Social combat
Easy 2 free switches - +10 can easily be performed using only the things listed immediately below,
although we recommend that GMs use the expanded rules presented
Moderate 3 free switches One ally +15 afterwards. For all intents and purposes, the following items translate
Difficult 4 free switches - +20 almost exactly from the core combat rules, with the following minor
Very Difficult 5 free switches Two allies +25 Attack becomes Persuasion and Intimidation.
Block becomes Composure. Dodge becomes Etiquette.
Unlimited free Push Aside and Defend Another can be used in the same ways with
Absurd Three allies +30
switches the new skills replacing Block and Dodge. They are now called Divert
and Interrupt respectively.
+10 All Action Bonus - +35 On the Offensive/Defensive and Full Attack/Defense function
identically, with the new skills used in place of Attack/Block/Dodge.
Impossible +20 AAB Entire party +40 A life points (LP) pool is used, but it is calculated off of WP and
POW instead of CON (double the points, double the powah!). Other
Inhuman +30 AAB - +45 modifiers to your Social LP have similarly changed, but their effects
remain the same. These will be detailed later.
Zen +50 AAB - +50 Initiative functions identically, except it is based off of INT and
PER instead of DEX and AGI (INT because it represents mental

_____Social Combat_____
quickness, and PER because it represents the ability to notice openings
in conversation). Other modifiers to initiative have similarly changed
names, but their effects remain the same. These will be detailed more
I know what you're thinking already, and I'd just like to preface this later.
section with the following: Social skills are not mind control. There are As a result of Initiative, Surprise functions identically as well.
actual forms of mind control in this game, very powerful ones that most Rounds in Social Combat last 1 minute each, to better represent a
players have access to after Level 3 or so (and sometimes earlier than full exchange of ideas and points.
that). As they work right now, social skills are certainly closer to mind The most major changes to the system are thanks to the nature of
control than, say, Athleticism or Occult, but social skill rolls are meant conversation vs. physical attacks. Although I could simply list them,
to reflect a kind of Social Combat. Just like most people don't From here on out I'll be going through the system in sections to best
complain when someone with 400 Attack trounces their character with explain it all in a row. After all, even those systems remaining largely
only 100 Defense, so too should be the result when someone with 400 the same will be different in several ways, as noted above. I'll do my
Persuasion convinces your 6 WP, 5 INT, -25 Composure, 0 Persuasion best to separate and organize the ideas appropriately, but I apologize if I
Whirling Dervish to go and get pizza with the rest of the group. But slip up at times.
social skill rolls have an effect on people, and rightly so. The first, and most important, difference to the game is that now all
Real social encounters are full of nuance, subtlety, stubbornness, classes have a Social Combat limit as well. It is a Primary Limit, like
and a million other things. Body language and tone say more than words Magic or Psychic powers, and this means that several things have been
alone, and a single roll to reflect the entirety of a conversation (as some changed to accommodate.
people do it) is a woeful oversimplification of these intricacies. While First, Persuasion, Intimidation, Etiquette, and Composure are all
some GMs will always prefer their social interactions be played out dropped from their respective fields, and now count towards a
through actual roleplaying (and I honestly don't blame them), there is no character's Social Combat Limit. They have the same cost they normally
point to the entire social skill section of the game if it's never going to be would for a given class (So if a class normally has Social: 2 and Vigor:
used. More importantly, it's unfair to players with characters who have 1, Persuasion, Intimidate, and Etiquette would all cost 2:1, while
high social stats to be forced to actually be incredibly social, but not for Composure would only cost 1:1).
players with characters who have high Acrobatics to actually do Right away I can see you looking at Dark Paladins in awe of their
backflips. So in an effort to make the mechanics of Social Combat newfound social power, but really it's not that much better than it was,
properly reflect the complexities of actual social interactions, and to and the best has yet to come.
make use of a section of the game many people hate to touch, the Additional class bonuses for new derived stats like Social LP, Social
following system is presented for your use. Initiative, and other have been added. These you'll find in the Class
Please Note: I'm fully aware that Social Combat will never be able Expansions below.
to reflect all of the myriad possibilities out there for a conversation. You
will notice at times that I simplify things, like convincing groups, like Social LP
how arguments are made. This is deliberate. We could sit and discuss Social LP is a measure of your character's resilience in the face of
how systems don't perfectly reflect reality all day long (including the opposing arguments. This is a mixture of stubbornness, reasoning,
physical combat systems, the secondary ability systems), or such things beliefs, and (at times), plain old inability to understand the opposing
could be left for the GM to handle. I prefer the latter, so I'm only argument (as you'll come to see). Social LP is derived from your WP
outlining the basics here. Do with them what you will. and POW characteristics in the exact same way as normal LP is from
Now that that's all out of the way, this should be fun. your CON characteristic. Classes also now have a Social LP stat, and
can buy Social LP multiples. DP spent on Social LP counts towards the
new Social Combat Limit.
The Core of Social Combat Yes, this means most characters will have a much higher Social LP
than they do normal LP. This is because when a battle begins,
At its most basic level, Social Combat is meant to reflect the normal participants are able to choose how much of their Social LP they want to
combat mechanics of Anima. Players trade attacks, defend as they like, dedicate to the battle. Players might choose to use a lower amount of
and have special maneuvers they can use in order to fight more Social LP in order to keep the battle short, or because they don't really
effectively. While the physical combat system in Anima takes up vast

- 30 -
believe in the argument they're presenting but want to keep up Social LP Regeneration: Social LP recovers at the same
appearances. The amount they choose will also effect what moods are Regeneration rates as normal LP, except that its rates are not limited by
available to them during the Social Combat. And, finally, a person can Gnosis levels, and it is based off of WP+POW instead of CON. For
choose to invest 0 Social LP if they want. The why of this will come those with scores that combine above 20, please see the Advanced
shortly. Regen table at the end of this document.

Social LP, unlike normal LP, also functions on a spectrum. Going The Social Combat Round
into the negatives on Social LP does not represent the death of an
argument, it merely represents a switch in attitudes. Players can keep
trying to fight to win control up until they hit a certain LP level where Like normal combat, Social Combat begins with the Initiative roll.
they completely agree with the opposing side. This is best represented Players roll their INT Modifier + PER Modifier + 20 (to represent a
here with the Mood Table. being's basic mental competency not represented by either of those
generalized stats) + Class Bonuses (All Classes are assigned a new
Social Combat Initiative stat below) + Weapon Speed (yes, there will
TABLE 9: THE MOOD TABLE now be social weapons, ooooh) + Misc Modifiers.
Highest initiative goes first, followed by the next highest, and then
Negative Mood SLP Level Positive Mood SLP Level next, and so on (yes, social combat can happen in groups).
Once everyone has had a chance to react, the next round begins with
Unmoving 100% Special Agree -1% to -100%
a new initiative.
Hostile 100% to 75% Favorable -50% to -100%
Stubborn 100% to 50% Encouraging -75% to -100%
Functions the same as normal combat. As a fun addition, the
Disagree 100% to 1% Zealotry -100% Special advantage Danger Sense functions for Social Combat as well. Gotta
know when people are going to verbally jump you, no?
Neutral 10% to -10%
This table has some explaining to do. Attack and Defense
The first thing to note about the mood table is that certain moods are The heart of social combat is the same as any other combat:
only available at certain Social LP Levels. This means that unless you someone tries to hit you (with words instead of swords, but it's the same)
use at least 50% of your current Social LP, you cannot be Favorable or and you try to not get hurt. While there are some differences in
Stubborn about a subject. That being said, that just because a person is at terminology, the general format for Social Combat remains the same,
a certain Social LP Level doesn't mean they're necessarily in a particular but there are a few key differences.
mood. A person can choose to utilize 100% of their Social LP, but still First, there are two different forms of attack now, along with two
only Disagree. Players and GMs must decide how their character feels new forms of defense. Each has its own special benefits and drawbacks.
about a certain subject when they enter into a debate, and then simply Persuasion is the standard social offense. Persuasion covers all
make whatever portion of their Social LP they're using a negative value generally peaceful forms of rhetoric. This is where bribery, flattery,
if the agree, or positive if they disagree. I told you this was going to be logical arguments, and a good deal of anecdotes come to play. A person
fun. using Persuasion to win an argument typically inflicts lower amounts of
Although there are people who will disagree with this system, damage, but they have the broadest access to special maneuvers.
thinking it would be easiest to always be on the negative side so Social Intimidation is the other offensive skill. Intimidation covers threats,
LP would always start positive, it's possible for a person to only Agree blackmail, extortion, and other types of coercion. People who intimidate
with your opinion at first, and then be engaged in social combat to make others need not be brutes threatening physical violence, they can be
them want to agree more with your position (getting them to quiet rulers who say things like You know, the last man who spoke to
Favorable or Encouraging). For this reason, it's easier to get used to me in that manner found himself in a rather unfortunate accident in one
this method. of the alleyways downtown. I do hope you won't suffer the same fate.
Another minor note, but just because a character agrees with a A person using Intimidation tends to inflict more damage per attack, but
position doesn't mean they have to argue for it. Only when a character is their repertoire of techniques is limited.
put into the Encouraging or Hostile states are they forced to take up Composure is the social equivalent of Block. Composure represents
that side of the argument. In short: You can agree with someone, but still a person's ability to tame their emotions, and to simply shrug off the
argue like you don't, just like in regular combat. arguments of an opposing force. In short: it is everything from
The next thing you'll note is the two special columns: Unmoving and pretending not to hear an argument, to pig-headedly denying it with an
Zealotry. These two categories represent a special mood that characters abrupt No. Characters using Composure suffer less damage directly
may only enter into with 100% of their Social LP. Along with needing from attacks (50% personal damage), but also tend to lose favor when it
to dedicate 100% of their Social LP to the combat in which they start comes to group debates (150% Favor damage).
this way, only certain maneuvers can actually hurt someone in these Etiquette is the social equivalent of Dodge. Etiquette is meant to
Moods, thereby knocking them into other Moods. However, a person represent, among other things, a character's ability to politely disagree
may only stay in either Zealotry or Unmoving for as many rounds per with a point, or to deflect a social attack from hurting their own
day as their Willpower stat (in other words, a person with 6 WP can use arguments. Etiquette safeguards a person in groups most easily (50%
either of these modes for 6 Rounds per day). After that, even the most Favor damage), but failures on the personal level are punished more
stubborn of individuals soften a little bit (especially in a game with Zen harshly than with Composure (150% personal damage).
Persuasion rolls). Traditionally, characters exchange blows as they would in normal
Obviously, these Moods are meant to be used in extreme cases only. combat. Someone attacks, their opponent defends, and if they lose their
If you find a player is abusing them, it's recommended that you limit defense they take damage. Counterattacks work identically, and if struck
their usage further as you see fit. you're put on the defensive. Same boat, same beans.
Also, just to be clear, Zealotry and Unmoving share the same pool
of uses. Victory

- 31 -
In normal Social Combat, where both sides are arguing their points, Warrior Summoner: Social Limit: 50%, Social LP: 5 per level.
forfeit is more common than absolute victory. Forfeit may occur at any Social LP Multiple: 20. Social Initiative: 5 per level.
time during a conversation, whether or not the opposing side has Mentalist: Social Limit: 50%, Social LP: 15 per level. Social LP
actually been convinced of the arguments presented. However, forfeit Multiple: 15. Social Initiative: 5 per level.
means that the loser must accept the arguments outside of the social Warrior Mentalist: Social Limit: 50%, Social LP: 10 per level.
combat, however begrudgingly. Social LP Multiple: 20. Social Initiative: 5 per level.
In other words, if you give up, you have to go along with whatever Freelancer: Social Limit: 50%, Social LP: 5 per level. Social LP
your opponent says, even if you still don't agree. Multiple: 20. Social Initiative: 5 per level.
Ties are the second most-common option. If both sides agree to
simply drop the issue, or if something should interrupt the argument Social Weapons
(say, an actual fight break out), then the argument is considered a tie.
Any Mood shifts still remain, at least for a short while, but no one truly
wins. Logos is the bread and butter of arguments. It's logic. It's reasoning
Absolute victory only occurs when a person has lost enough Social and deduction. There's nothing special about Logos, but it's reliable.
LP to be put into either Encouraging or Hostile (whichever is their Damage: 50, Speed: 20, Special: None.
opponent's side). This means that if you suffer enough damage to put
you above 75% of your total Social LP on the opposite side from where Pathos
you began, you lose, and your character now agrees with your Pathos is the most hard-hitting method of attack. It's emotion. It's
opponent's argument from then on, until a significant event comes along rage and tears. Pathos trades speed and defense for heavy attacks.
to change your mind again. Damage: 70, Speed: 0, Special: None.
Yes. There is a danger to fighting until the bitter end. Just like death
in physical combat, your character can lose their personal opinions if Ethos
they stay in social combat too long. It's not always a permanent change, Ethos is the shield of self. It's credibility. It's believability. It's the
as mentioned above, but it's permanent until something significant most defensive of the attack options, but very useful.
happens to change your mind again. Damage: 40, Speed 10, Special: Defense +20.
That significant event should be that: significant. Not brief
conversations, not quiet epiphanies, but significant events like world-
shattering revelations, or another Social Combat with an opponent at Threat
least as skilled as the first, or some true character development. You can Threats are, well, threats. Call it what you will, bullying, extortion,
give up on a Social Combat at any time without real penalty, but if being mean, it's all the same in the end.
you're going to stick it out then you run the risk of being changed by it. Damage: 100, Speed 0, Special: Intimidation only.

Additional Mechanics Seduction is the game for lovers, no? Romance. Flirtation. And don't
forget the sultry promises. Yeah. That's Seduction alright.
Social Additions to Classes Damage: 20, Speed: 30, Special: Persuasion only.
Warrior: Social Limit: 50%, Social LP: 5 per level. Social LP
Multiple: 20. Social Initiative: 5 per level.
Acrobatic Warrior: Social Limit: 50%, Social LP: 5 per level. Social
Ad Hominem
LP Multiple: 20. Social Initiative: 5 per level. An Ad Hominem attack is a personal one. Adding insult to injury,
Paladin: Social Limit: 60%, Social LP: 20 per level. Social LP one might say. It's the weakest of attacks, but quick.
Multiple: 10. Social Initiative: 10 per level. Damage: 10, Speed 40, Special: +10 Attack for Intimidation.
Dark Paladin: Social Limit: 60%, Social LP: 20 per level. Social LP
Multiple: 10. Social Initiative: 10 per level. Flattery
Weaponmaster: Social Limit: 50%, Social LP: 5 per level. Social LP Distinct from Seduction in that there's no romance involved. Well, at
Multiple: 20. Social Initiative: 5 per level. least not really. It's butt-kissing, plain and simple.
Technician: Social Limit: 50%, Social LP: 5 per level. Social LP Damage: 70, Speed: 20, Special: Deals no Favor damage,
Multiple: 20. Social Initiative: 5 per level. Persuasion Only.
Tao: Social Limit: 50%, Social LP: 5 per level. Social LP Multiple:
20. Social Initiative: 5 per level. Lying
Ranger: Social Limit: 50%, Social LP: 5 per level. Social LP
What can I say? Some people don't tell the truth. Shocking, I know,
Multiple: 20. Social Initiative: 5 per level.
but it happens. Lying can be extremely effective, but hurts you if you're
Shadow: Social Limit: 50%, Social LP: 5 per level. Social LP
Multiple: 20. Social Initiative: 5 per level.
Damage: 80, Speed: 20, Special: If defended against, the attacker
Thief: Social Limit: 50%, Social LP: 10 per level. Social LP
suffers the damage from their own attack, as though they had been hit by
Multiple: 20. Social Initiative: 5 per level.
the margin they lost to. This damage cannot bring them below 0 Social
Assassin: Social Limit: 60%, Social LP: 20 per level. Social LP
LP, but if they are already below that mark then the damage is not
Multiple: 10. Social Initiative: 10 per level.
Wizard: Social Limit: 50%, Social LP: 15 per level. Social LP
Lying can also be used in a quick-and-dirty way outside of Social
Multiple: 15. Social Initiative: 5 per level.
combat. Instead of dealing with the entire gambit, simply roll an attack
Warlock: Social Limit: 50%, Social LP: 10 per level. Social LP
vs an opponent's chosen defense. The defender uses their maximum
Multiple: 20. Social Initiative: 5 per level.
Social LP value, even if they do not have the full value available. If the
Illusionist: Social Limit: 50%, Social LP: 15 per level. Social LP
attack does more than 10% of their total Social LP, they believe the lie
Multiple: 15. Social Initiative: 5 per level.
(but lose no Social LP).
Wizard Mentalist: Social Limit: 60%, Social LP: 15 per level. Social
LP Multiple: 20. Social Initiative: 10 per level.
Summoner: Social Limit: 50%, Social LP: 10 per level. Social LP Ultimatum
Multiple: 20. Social Initiative: 5 per level.

- 32 -
The ultimate attack, sort of. Ultimatums are a final declaration. Do spent some time in the area they plan to use for their story (how much is
this or it's over. Useful for getting people out of the extremes, but risky. up to the GM). After declaring this maneuver, the character rolls History
Damage: 0, Speed: 0, Special: Knocks opponent out of instead of their normal attack against a character's defense. They attack
Zealotry/Unmoving on successful attack, so long as that attack would is resolved normally, and the round continues. So long as they were not
deal at least 10% damage. If the attack doesn't succeed, or if it doesn't struck during the round, the next round they can make the same check
inflict the minimum damage, the user is expelled from the social with a +20 to their History ability. The next round an additional +20 (for
combat. If they are the only combatant on their side, the combat ends in a total of +40). So long as the attacker doesn't lose their right to attack,
a tie. they can continue accruing bonuses for up to 10 rounds (for a total of
Engaging a combatant who you have previously delivered an +200). At this point the maneuver ends (because stories can only be so
unsuccessful ultimatum to within the last 24 hours grants them a +40 long). This maneuver can only be used in conjunction with Persuasion
defense against all of your attacks, as you have effectively closed off weapons, never Intimidation.
their mind to your arguments.
Maneuvers A character may use a rumor in order to set up a dangerous attack
against their opponent. In order to use this maneuver, there must be at
least five or more people in the Social Combat. The user of the
maneuver designates one opponent as their True Target, and then makes
an attack roll against a single target (friend or foe) that isn't the True
Rally the Troops Target, with a +20 if it's against a foe. If the attack is successful, the
A character may wish to inspire fellow combatants, or simply rely attack does no damage, but the target gains an extra attack every round
on their natural talent for getting men to follow them into battle. This that must be spent as soon as possible on a target that hasn't been hit by
maneuver allows a character to roll Leadership against a difficulty of the special attack yet who isn't the user or the True Target. This process
80+10 for each person on their side of the argument. If they succeed in continues until all combatants besides the True Target have been hit, at
the roll, they add their level of success to the Social LP of anyone on which point the user of this maneuver makes a final assault against the
their side as a shield. This maneuver can only be used once per battle True Target with a +10 for each person struck by the maneuver. The
by one combatant per group. It cannot be used unless there is at least one user can also end the maneuver early, so long as at least three
other person on the combatant's side. combatants have been hit.

I Make This Look Good Blackmail

Sometimes, characters rely less on the weight of their argument, and Just like Bribery is for a persuasive character, so is Blackmail to an
more on how they deliver it. This maneuver allows a character to roll intimidator. Streetwise is a skill that helps you in knowing just where to
Style instead of Persuasion or Intimidation, although at a -50. The go to find criminals, to communicate with the lesser folk, and to work
opponent then rolls their defense, as usual. If this special attack with the rumors involved there, but for this maneuver it helps the user
succeeds, the opponent is moved one Mood step closer to the attacker's discover a dark secret. This maneuver functions in the same way as the
current mood. This attack cannot be used by, or to influence, anyone in Bribery maneuver, but can only be used with Intimidation weapons, and
the Unmoving or Zealotry Moods. it moves an opponent a minimum of 2 Moods instead of 1.

Anecdote Filibuster
Not to be confused with 'antidote,' anecdotes are charming stories Filibuster is a special maneuver where the character simply talks.
meant to amuse and inform. When this special maneuver is declared, the And talks. And talks. It can only be used the round after activating Pure
attacker makes a POW check against all of his opponents, who defend Defense, and can only be used with Persuasion, never Intimidation. That
with WP. If she succeeds, she can make a free attack against each character makes a special attack on their turn using whichever weapon
opponent for half damage. Anecdotes may only be used with Persuasion, they desire against all opponents with no penalty. Any hits deal no
not Intimidation. damage whatsoever, but each allows an extra defense that round at no
penalty. They continue in this manner until they either choose to stop it,
or switch out of Pure Defense.
Sometimes, what you need isn't the ability to convince people with
logic or threats or flattery or... anything else I've listed. Sometimes, what
you need is what they want. With this maneuver, a character can roll Favor
Trading vs an opponent's defense, and if successful they figure out what What's Favor, Precious?
the person wants, and offers it to them. While it's not necessary to In Social Combat there's the potential for people listening in on the
deliver on the bribe immediately, not doing so in a timely manner can conversation, or just someone listening to you talk without arguing back,
have dire consequences. This maneuver allows an instant side flip in an and sometimes these are the people you actually need to convince, not a
argument, though how far the person goes is up to them; it deals no direct opponent. Because of this, we introduce the Favor mechanic.
damage, however. In any case, they must at least move one step closer Favor, in short, is an indicator not of how well you convinced your
to the attacker's side. This attack can be used to move people out of opponent, but how well you convinced a different audience. Think of it
Unmoving or Zealotry, but only if the bribe is paid upfront (if not like launching a fireball at a particular tree in a forest. Favor is how
wholly, then at least 50%). It may be used by combatants in Zealotry of much you burned around the tree. It's a terrible metaphor here, but it
Unmoving. This maneuver is linked to Persuasion, and cannot be used works.
by anyone using Intimidation weapons.
Social LP
Unlike normal Social LP, an audience's social LP is based on the
Old Stories mode average (the numbers that appear the most) of Willpower and
They say those who don't study history end up repeating it, but those Intelligence scores of all the audience members, meaning that larger
who do study it will tell it to you anyways. In order to use this groups tend to be easier to convince than smaller ones, because they
maneuver, a person must have at least 80 points in History, and have tend to work based on what the majority understands and relents to. If

- 33 -
there is no mode average, then take the median (the middle point). If something). Whatever they decide, it should be appropriate to the local
there is no median, then the mean (the traditional average) rounded up. Laws.

Example 1: A group with 2 members with WP scores of 7 and 7 Rumor

would have a WP of 7, and INT scores of 5 and 10 would have INT 8 Functions identically, except the audience can also be struck,
(15/2=7.5, rounded to 8). member by member. Though the audience doesn't attack, it does
Example 2: A group with 5 members, with WP scores of 5, 5, 8, 9, automatically spread to one additional member every round, even if not
and 12 would use WP 5, and INT scores of 9, 4, 6, 7, 13 would use INT struck. For each audience member affected, the attack bonus is only +5
7. instead of +10.
Once the average scores have been taken, determine Social LP
normally as though the group were of the most common class within the Rally the Troops
group (or Freelancer if there is no common) at a Level equal to the Social LP Shield affects the audience only if they are on the user's
average of all levels in the group. Once the base Social LP has been side of the argument.
determined, multiply the amount like you would for a Damage Resistant
creature. The Damage resistance multiple is determined by the size of Old Stories
the group; simply treat each person in the group as 1 point of size, and If the story is about the area the audience is from, the audience takes
use the table on page 286 of the English Core. an additional 50% damage from each attack, assuming that they like
their homeland. If they dislike it, the attacks are reduced to half damage.
Example 1: The same group of 2 contains a Level 3 Wizard and a As an example, if defended against with Etiquette and the audience
Level 7 Warrior would be treated as a Level 5 (10/2) Freelancer, with a loves their home country, they would take 75% damage instead of 50%,
Damage Resistance Multiple of 1. or 25% if they disliked their homeland. With Composure this would go
Example 2: The same group of 5 contains 1 Warrior Mentalist to 225% or 75%, respectively.
(Level 5), 2 Acrobatic Warriors (Levels 3 & 6), a Summoner (Level 10),
and a Tao (Level 1). They would be treated as a Level 5 (25/5) Bribery and Blackmail
Acrobatic Warrior with a Damage Multiple of 2.
Most (not all, but most) audiences will find either maneuver
despicable. Therefore, if a person wishes to use either of these
The Combat Round maneuvers against their opponent they must also make a Stealth check at
Once Social LP for the audience is calculated, its Mood is chosen 140+10 for each audience member. Failure means that the maneuver has
normally, and combat proceeds in the usual fashion, with sides the opposite effect on the audience as it does on the target.
exchanging blows. However, every successful attack or counterattack If the audience itself is targeted with either of these maneuvers, the
also delivers damage to the audience, in accordance with the defense the Bribe or Blackmail must be large enough to affect the entire audience.
defender uses. As reminder, Composure means 150% damage to the Anything less will result in no change to their mood.
audience, Etiquette means only 50% damage to the audience. As mentioned, some audiences won't have a problem with Bribery
Audiences never defend for themselves, never counterattack, and and Blackmail. For them, the maneuver does nothing if it's seen. Certain
cannot be attacked directly so long as there is at least one opposing rare groups may even find this a wonderful practice (like, say, a group of
combatant. Black Market merchants), and will move in a favorable way with the
If there is no opponent, only an audience, then the person trying to maneuver if it succeeds and they notice it.
convince the audience doesn't need to spend any of their Social LP.
Audiences don't defend or counterattack, they merely listen. They still
select how much of their LP they want to use, however, and their
beginning mood.

The audience can declare an end to the combat, deciding on the
victor (or a tie) as they so choose. In order for them to decide on a victor
like this, at least 5 rounds of Social Combat must have passed. This
doesn't necessarily mean the end of combat, only that the audience has
withdrawn and will no longer be swayed by any arguments during that

All maneuvers from normal Social Combat are available, along with
the additional maneuvers listed here. Several maneuvers are changed
when dealing with audiences, and these have also been noted here.

Law of the Land

At times, a knowledge of the Law can be quite useful. Character
using this maneuver, for example, can use their knowledge of the law to
produce interesting effects in a Social Combat, provided there are law-
abiding folks nearby. In order to use it, a character must use Logos in
conjunction with Persuasion. They make a standard attack roll at -30,
and then based on their results and where they are, a unique effect
occurs. GMs are encouraged to be creative here, everything from instant
loss of all Favor for the opposing side to a random opponent suffering a
physical attack from a bystander (nothing serious, just a piece of fruit or

- 34 -
Difficulty: 360
Cost: 740
Atk Ability: 300
Defense Ability: 300

Summoning methods Type of Action: Active

Since fluff for summoning is never fully clear, but I like fluff, I Effect: When Gellidross is active the character can use the dragons
figured I would also include the following, which I use in my games. I attack and defense in combat. The Defense is always a block against
use three common summoning rituals, based on the circumstances of the attacks and protects against all types of attacks. The attack uses
summoning: whichever the attack type the character prefers, with a base damage of
When summoning a powerful being for the first time, absolute 90.
dedication is required. Almost all of the Arcana, for example, will The dragon swoops down and imposes his ethereal body over that of
require some sort of material sacrifice, a prepared area for the ritual to the character. Any counterattack against the dragons attacks will be
be performed, and then both chanting and gestures. A lack of proper directed at the dragons body, which can sustain a total of 800 damage
dedication to the summoned being doubles any penalties, and halves any before dissipating.
bonuses a summoner might have accumulated (through time or other
modifiers). Usual Appearance: An ethereal white dragon will soar from the sky
Then there are the two for when summoning a known or a lesser to swoop down and either block an attack with it's huge wings, or
entity. breathe a powerful magical blast at an enemy, sweep at an enemy with
If moving, chanting and gestures must be performed continually in it's tail, strike with a taloned claw or various other dragon based attacks.
order to maintain the link between the summoner and the summoned
being. Since the place of summoning is moving constantly, summoners Duration: 1 combat turn for every 10 points the character exceeds
may only use this method for as long as they can physically remain the difficulty.
If in one place, a summoner can forgo the usual chanting and
gestures (assuming they do not have disadvantages which require them) Martial Arts Damage
by making sacrifices and preparing the area through ritual markings or Officially, Base Damage for Martial Arts is clear for most people. If
otherwise. To clarify: while a summoner can trade one set for the other it lists '20 plus Double the strength' you put 20 for Base Damage, and
(or one part for another), they do not have to. STRx2 is the Damage Bonus. I work it a little bit differently, and I'll tell
The final option is for a custom summoning pattern. No unique you why.
summoning ritual can be used for two different beings, no matter how The way I see it, for everything except Exelion (which I discuss
similar they might be. Unique summoning rituals can ignore any below), physical strength comes into play when calculating damage. Tai
restrictions from the methods above (except restrictions caused by Chi, for example, specifically mentions that it's a combination of
disadvantages). physical and spiritual prowess. Even in Aikido, where the opponent's
In order to form a custom summoning pattern, a summoner must strength matters more, higher strength means you can throw an opponent
spend a minimum of one day in preparation for summoning the being further, faster, therefore increasing damage.
they already know how to summon that they wish to make a custom This interpretation is supported by the description for Damage in
ritual for. They must then successfully summon the being with no added every Core MA, and on DE Page 30. From DE 30: "Damage: This
bonuses or penalties to their summoning ability, not even the one for the section indicates the Base Damage that is granted by the martial art."
day they've spent (essentially as though The Fool had already been From every MA in Core: "X has a Base Damage of Y, plus
summoned). If successful, they may now use their custom ritual when (double/triple/quadruple) the characters Strength bonus."
summoning the being. Now, keeping in mind I've never played a high-level Tao in my life,
Because custom summoning rituals can overcome the typical I make the Base Damage be that 20+STRx2, and the damage bonus from
restrictions (but NOT disadvantages like Oral Requirement), a there is STR again.
summoner must also sacrifice a portion of their zeon pool (as though This only makes a difference of (at most) 45 Final Damage at very
they were maintaining a daily spell) for as long as they want to be able high levels of Strength (that's at 20 STR).
to use the custom ritual. The daily cost is equal to 1/10 th of the An Example:
summon's cost, to a minimum of 1. Common interpretation Base Damage for Base Muay Thai is 20.
To be very clear, this is a cost they pay not only when actively using Final Damage would be 20+STRx2.
the ritual, but for as long as they know the custom ritual. Just because Base Damage for Base Muay Thai via my method is 20+STRx2.
you're not actively summoning the Magician doesn't mean you don't still Final Damage would be 20+STRx3.
have a custom summoning pact with him, after all. The only exception to this rule is Exelion, whose Base Damage is
An Example: A summoner might have a ritual which involves specifically listed as 'unmodified by anything.' There is no physical
pulling the petals off a flower in her pocket to summon the Lovers. The contact in Exelion, for one, and Anima just likes to have exceptions to
invocation begins when the first petal is pulled off, and the actual every rule anyways, so why not?
summoning occurs when the last is pulled. She pays 25 Zeon per day to
be able to use this ritual whenever she so chooses.
Duk'Zarist Resistances
White Dragon Gellidross While I know we were all born and grew up in a simpler time when
there were only two sexes, and absolutely no one was ever confused
about their gender, their identity, or how those things affected their
He offers his power to those whom can summon him and pass his resistances to certain supernatural effects, I think it's time we got with
test. the times. You know. Modern times.
Prove your worth, display courage in the trial of the white dragon. Duk'Zarist (and their Nephilim) can choose which of the 5
resistances they want the largest bonus to.
Pact: Appear before the dragon and show your courage by This rule brought to you by: Common Sense and Decency.
undertaking a quest to prove your courage.

- 35 -
Opposed Magic The ability to repair mechanical or electronic equipment.
Without at least a Difficult Composure check, using Repair in
There are two ways to most literally interpret the following phrasing combat suffers a -80 penalty to the result.
from page 112 of the English Core book: Characters wishing to
develop knowledge on a Path opposed to another one they already Medicine (Intelligence, Knowledge, Complete)
master will need to invest twice the Magic Level to do so. Medicine has gone through many names over the years but, in the
The first is that if you put 50 ML into Light at Level 1. Then, at end, it has always boiled down to one thing: healing. Whether it's
Level 2, you invested 2 ML into Darkness. You would now forever pay diseases or wounds, surgery or supplement, Medicine is obsessed with
2x cost for both Light & Darkness, which seems silly. keeping people living to see another day. Medicine is not easy, however,
The second is that if you develop Light first, Darkness always costs and at times it will be the most complicated task a person can ever
twice the ML, no matter if Darkness is 50 points higher than Light or attempt. So, with that in mind, here are some ways that Medicine has
not. been revamped.
I use the second interpretation. It seems to make the most sense to
me. Time Taken
Yes. There are technically other ways to interpret the wording, but Medicine can be a time-consuming process, to put it lightly. At bare-
that's why I used the qualifier most literally. If you have your own minimum, and I do mean the bare-minimum, Medicine takes all of your
interpretation, go for it. focus in order to get it done right. For this reason, using Medicine is
considered a Complete Action, not just an Active Action. In other
words, no matter the length of time taken, Medicine requires full
concentration, and so one cannot perform other actions beyond passive

Skills ones, no matter the skill level of the user.

The list of Procedures in the right column indicates the minimum
amount of time a person must take in order to pull off the Procedure. At
All skills can have specializations: For every 40 points in a skill this minimum, the modifier is considered to be a +0. Procedures may
(only counting DP expenditure, class bonus, and advantages) you gain 1 take up to two degrees less time for a -50 per dgeree (to a maximum of -
specialization, which gives you a +20 for those uses. 100), or up two degrees for a +25 per degree (to a maximum of +50).
Procedures may never take longer than one day, or shorter than 1 Turn,
CRYPTOGRAPHY (Subterfuge, Intelligence, Knowledge) and therefore no procedure can obtain bonuses or penalties beyond what
that would normally give.
Can be used to codebreak, or learn a written language without a
For example: A Typical Surgery, which takes 3-6 hours, could
teacher. Learning/cracking time is determined by the score.
receive a +25 for taking 1 day instead, but could not receive a +50 by
Conversely, it can be used to -create- a code/language. Difficulty in
taking any longer than that. An Advanced Surgery, therefore, does not
cracking is determined by score.
get bonuses for more time.
Persons who obtain Mastery in Medicine may reduce the normal
ANALYSIS (Perceptive, Intelligence) time required by 1 degree, to a minimum of 1 Turn. Procedures which
The ability to analyze data, such as a crime scene, historical records take only one turn normally receive a +20 instead, which can stack with
or star map and reach a logical result. the +50 normally.

SECURITY (Subterfuge, Dexterity) Time Table

The ability to disarm or evade security measures, such as Time Used Procedure
mechanical locks, alarms, motion sensors etc. 1 Turn Bandage a small wound (hand, head, etc.), Tie a
CULTURES (Intellectual, Intelligence) 3 Turns Bandage a large wound (chest, entire arm, etc.)
10 Turns Splint a broken appendage
Knowledge of strange or alien cultures, traditions, and etiquettes.
1 minute
5 minutes
Technical 1/2 Hour
1 Hour
Simple Surgery (stitching a wound, etc.)
Brew a Remedy
DEMOLITIONS (Intelligence) 3-6 Hours Typical Surgery (organ removal, removing bullets, etc.)
The ability to create, set and disarm explosive devices of all kinds. 1 day Advanced Surgery (brain, heart, reattaching limbs, etc.)

COMPUTERS (Intelligence) Patient Care

Despite the simplicity of this table, Medicine is dangerous to
The ability to effectively use,hack or create computerized devices.
perform. The longer a procedure takes, the more opportunities there are
Without at least a Difficult Composure check, using Computers in
for something to go wrong, and the more likely the patient will be to
combat suffers a -80 penalty to the result.
experience complications. For this reason, any time a character makes a
Medicine check which involves direct patient contact (such as a surgery)
PILOTING (Dexterity) for every level above the default for the procedure the players must
The ability to maneuver and control all kinds of vehicles, mecha and make another Medicine check and take the lowest of the results. Those
starships effectively. who obtain Mastery only need to make a second check if they raise the
time by two levels.
TECHNOLOGY (Intelligence) If Jisha wanted to perform a Simple Surgery and have it take 3
Knowledge of cutting edge or alien technology, such as specs, hours instead of the normal hour, then her player would need to make
alternate uses, new prototypes etc. 2 additional medicine checks, all at +50. If she received a 150, a 135,
and a 200, she would end up with a result of 135. If Jisha were, instead,
a Master, then she would only need to make a second roll, not a third.
REPAIR (Intelligence)

- 36 -
Because Ive always, personally, thought that the rules for healing T1 characters would be: Sergeants in a military force, Research
through Medicine were a bit silly and (lets face it) useless in assistants, Parish Priests, on-site spies.
comparison to just about everything else, Ive created new tables for Journeyman: The ideal level of involvement for PCs, Tier 2 will
them. In combat, all healing is halved. If the wound is not properly afford the character significantly more autonomy, the option to put
treated first (through the correct Procedure) the healing is quartered. together a team, access to resources to provide for said team (travel
Only the worse of these two penalties ever applies. expenses and incidentals), as well as access to more secret information.
New Healing Tables At this level there are certain Character Point Advantages that become
available to the character, only one can be selected but this feature
Result of Roll Healing level provides justification to select others as the character increases through
Easy Stop Bleeding even levels. Example T2 characters would be: Ship Captains, First
Medium Stabilize student in a dojo, Season 5 Michael Weston from Burn Notice
Difficult +10% Gendo: Tier 3 is named for the tipping point character, the one that
Very Difficult +20% answers to someone but may really be calling the shots. In general a
Absurd +50% character at this level has a lot to manage and time spent gallivanting
Almost Impossible +80% around fighting monsters or solving mysteries is better spent conducting
Impossible +100% inspections, reviewing reports and issuing new directives based on those
Inhuman +100% and Regen +2 for 1 day reports. It's important to note that at this point they will be aware of the
(Max 18) darker side of their organization. Human experiments for Wissenschaft,
hypocrisy in the Church, etc.
Zen +100% and Regen +4 for 1 day
For the rare PC that can balance this kind of responsibility or the
(Max 18)
campaign that supports it (like one that regularly has a year or more of
downtime) the character can be considered to have sufficient individual
Unlike the normal rules, Medicine checks can be made more than
wealth to field a medium size, well equipped (or tiny, fantastically
once per wound or group of wounds. However, an additional check can
equipped) army for a year or two (though doing this is probably getting
only increase the original result to a new level, it does not add its own
you fired under any but the most dire circumstances), access to almost
result. In this way, a second check cannot make someone worse (unless
all the secret information and the best personal equipment money can
they fumble, of course), but without increased skill or luck the healing
buy (+15 weapon and armor). This character will also have at least 2
isnt likely to change.
contacts in other organizations (these ties having been orchestrated by
This means that if Jisha were to make a Medicine check to heal her
the powers in the shadow to insure stuff can get done without open
comrade and obtained a result of 140, she would heal 20% of their
wars). Example T3 characters would be: the Lords of War, other
damage, but if she got a second result later of 160, she would not heal
Archbishops in the Church, uncrowned Princes or Princesses etc.
another 20%, the healing would simply remain static.
Big Cheese: Tier 4 means you're the man. Lucanor Giovanni for
both Lucretio and Wissenschaft, Matthew Gaul for the Azure Alliance,
Alt: Medicine checks can be made multiple times, but only up to
the Pope, the Empress. Characters at this level set policy, they determine
two more times. Each additional check reduces the healing by half. That
the future of the Organization. If you want to run a game with one or
is to say the second check would result in only 50% of the new result,
more characters that operate at this level it should probably be a one shot
and the third would result in only 25% of the new result. Masters can
about the greatest heroes of an age coming together, or the end of a
make up to three checks, each at only -25% instead.
campaign where the Powers in the Shadow are dragged into the light
and shaken down for lunch money (or maybe just switch to the tactics
minis game). PCs that achieve this level of notoriety should have

Membership Has Its Privileges significant narrative influence, will be aware of the Powers in the
Shadow, the location of all the neatest stuff. Maybe just let them GM for
a while... Skill requirements for T4 are the same as T3 but require the
This is a subsystem developed expressly for GMs that want PCs character to somehow maneuver into the position (stage a coup, earn a
capabilities to reflect the focuses of the organizations they serve. spot as protege...)
Included are packaged skill requirements for players to be considered
members of a particular organization (rather than contractors or
Each organization is presented as having four tiers of involvement.
Burning Bridges
Tiers 3 and 4 are generally inappropriate for Player characters that It may be the character has to leave an organization for various
adventure but are excellent places to retire a character. In addition to reasons. At T1 this isn't a big deal unless the character does something
having steeper or broader requirements, each level also requires the extreme (like kill his handlers, steal something of great value, or
character prove themselves by completing some objective and stumbles on something he shouldn't know). Under those circumstances
establishing organizational loyalties. In some cases this may dovetail or at T2 the character gets a 1pt enemy flaw. At T3 this is a 2pt flaw. A
with events in game. Alternatively, for tier 1 and any level of T4 character makes the rules and has the option of putting affairs in
involvement at character generation, I would prefer a short narrative order before retiring or so severely sabotaging the organization that it
drafted by the player but some GM's may prefer to run a short solo cannot hunt him/her down.

Tiers of Involvement Wissenschaft
Initiate: Tier 1 is the lowest and the character is likely to be Since this is not a combat intensive organization (operated by
considered a more... expendable resource. Instructions for assigned tasks someone with a national army and capable of outfitting private armies
will be low priority with very specific instructions (example tasks are with fantastic gear) there are no listed combat minimums.
provided). Benefits for T1 membership will generally consist of access
to relevant secret information a small stipend, individual travel
expenses, minor rewards for tasks completed, bragging rights. Example

- 37 -
Animals or Herbal Lore Final ability 20, Medicine 10, not recruited. Such a being would have to go to great lengths to prove
Memorization 5 or Notice 15, Sciences 60, Forging 20 themselves worthy of such great trust, perhaps through tireless effort to
Indoctrination: Characters must embrace the scientific method, use preserve a creature's life and place in plain sight (adoptive parents of a
logic to resolve conflicts and overcome obstacles young entity, the spouse of such a being, etc.).
Tasks: Burn defunct labs, leave misleading evidence, Observe and
Report on specific events or areas, acquire particular resources (often
rare, remote or hazardous). Persuasion 30, Stealth or Disguise 30, Athletics/Acrobatics and
Benefits: 50 GC/month, travel expenses and the use of Lucretian Jump 35, Withstand Pain or Composure 30, Atk or Def 55
Zeppelin transit (personal). Note- Some creatures may have powers that meet skill requirements
such as Shapechanging or Flight, at the GM's discretion these skill
requirements can be waived.
As above but Sciences 100 or Animals or Herbal Lore 60, or Indoctrination- Character must be an undercover supernatural or
Medicine 60 prove themselves one unceasingly devoted to protecting such beings.
Elevation: Character must recover or create something of value to Tasks- Keep the local Archon apprised of any rumors that pertain to
the organization (such as a rogue subject, a lost logia, or records of the supernatural, organize a diversion to help another operation succeed,
Solomon scientific practices promote disbelief in the existence of supernatural creatures.
Tasks: Character will regularly be sent to track down lost logia, Benefits- 50 GC/month, Safe House/Go Bag (character either has a
acquire test subjects, characters with impossible mobility or that small domicile with a secret entrance/exit, 2 week stockpile of
remain confined to a small geographic area may run their own lab. jarred/dried foods and water for 2 or a 1000 GC emergency fund and
Benefits: Travel expenses and the use of Lucretian Zeppelin transit forged (DC 240) official documents for a different identity, if the Go
(party). Bag is chosen I recommend a strong Hide rating, use of a Go Bag
Available Advantages: typically constitutes the death of the previous identity).
Artifact 1 or 2 (a device built on weird science or a Psychic Crystal,
special)- Character's with 2pt Artifacts have either acquired them
personally and been allowed to keep them, or the item is experimental Persuasion 45, Stealth or Disguise 60, Athletics and Jump 50,
and unstable. Withstand Pain or Composure 45, Atk or Def 90.
Access to one Psychic Discipline/Any Psychic Discipline (special)- Elevation- The character must prove themselves competent, reliable,
Subject to GM approval the character becomes one of the Processed and and trustworthy (GM discretion on how long this takes)
acquires a 2pt Damned Flaw, forever bound to Lucanor Giovanni for the Tasks- Arrange to smuggle a creature into or out of a city, rescue or
goo that keeps them alive, such PCs are capped at Tier 2. silence a captured supernatural, generate major resources (retrieving and
Various Physical advantages (Untiring/Regeneration/Raise one selling off Lost Logia or other antiquities, robbing banks, arms dealing,
Characteristic to 9 (Physicals only)) etc.- The character may be a test etc.)
subject undergoing extensive modifications over time that enhance their Benefits- Travel expenses, Information Network Access (1/session
physical capabilities, this might include gene therapy or cyberization. the character can make a Pow based Intellectual Skill check that will be
Flaw Removal- several flaws like Deep Sleeper, Poor Vision and resolved in the next non-combat scene with a 120 skill bonus) Safe
Blindness can be removed in place of an advantage. Houses/Go Bags
Available Advantages/Disadvantages-
Appearance Alteration- Illusion, shapechange or curse (Raise
As T2 but Science 160, Medicine 60, Memorization 40, Leadership Appearance to 9 or drop it to 2 and allows for cosmetic modifications)
20 Artifact (1 or 2 pts)- 2pt Artifacts are generally recognizable
Elevation: the character must have made a habit of consistently treasures making their use hazardous in some places.
bringing new tech and concepts to the organization, approaching See Supernatural- See XXXholic.
problems logically, accepting that progress demands sacrifice. Ousting Cruel Master (1 or 2 points)- This functions like the Aptitude in a
their predecessor is sometimes a requirement (never for ethics, usually Skill/Field and Martial Learning (name? shorter training times for new
waste of funding, lack of results or information leaks). Martial Arts and Techniques) advantages but only when the character
Tasks: these character's are part of Lucanor's inner circle, they are can spend a month of downtime to train with the Master. However, a
generally left to their own devices but assigned tasks are usually arcane character can Sacrifice LP to reduce the time it takes to train, losing half
and inscrutable Find a way to generate at least 1.21 Gigawatts of their total LP to reduce the training to a week or being reduced to 0 (and
electricity continuously or Design an amphibious assault vehicle that surviving a check to overcome the state between life and death) to
can't be detected with magic. reduce the time to 1 night. For 2 pts this Master (a Lv 10+ NPC with 200
Benefits: As T2 but with access to great wealth, access to arcane final ability in a variety of skills) will hunt you to the ends of Gaia if you
information, and at least 2 allies of T2 or T3 in other organizations such ever betray the organization.
as Black Sun and the Church. Relations may be strained with these Familiar (1pt only)- Occasionally a character may impress some
characters but their purpose is to keep crazy wars from breaking out entity so much it willingly enters their servitude and protection
which means compromises and tacit approvals (Example: Black Sun permanently.
will back off a ruin because Wissenschaft will outfit so many of their Note: D'anjyani can optionally become members of the Shadows at
agents with advanced fire arms). Note character's at this level typically this level. Shadows have limited Information Network Control (they are
do not take the field, instead employing teams (like the PCs) or goon made aware of Information Network Access checks and can penalize
squads. When they do move it reveals them as either Paper Tigers or such checks by -40). Shadows do not generally move past T2.
devastating forces whose underlings say stuff like Sir, this doesn't call
for the power of Silent Chuujo, let us handle it...
Persuasion 120, Withstand Pain or Composure 80, Atk or Def 120
Samael Elevation- This is the level of Archons, requires a city to oversee so
This group is dedicated to the protection of various supernatural another Archon must die, step down, or be removed (or a new city must
entities through secrecy, but it's understood that force of arms is often be discovered or established) and an exceptional T2 is placed.
required to protect themselves, their charges or enforce silence. Note: Tasks- Generally responsible for the safety of every supernatural in
Mundane humans (even those with the the Gift or psychic powers) are their city. They may have to organize an exodus, establish new

- 38 -
identities, organize a defense against a major supernatural threat, arrange You may use the effects Mounted Combat up to half your agility
an underground railroad, etc. score per turn, rounding up.
Benefits- As T2 with Safe Houses/Go Bags, Information Network 50DP
Control (the character can make 2 Pow based checks/session at 180
skill, they are made aware of other such checks and can penalize any Godlike Charge
other such check by -90), optional Scorched Earth (character may be Requirements: Powerful Charge, Ride-By Attack and Mounted
involved in/aware of the secret Filosnogos plot) Combat Style Modules, 300 Ride.
Note: Archons that make use of their Go Bags generally move back Once per combat, the you can make a special charge attack. To do
to T2 or disappear entirely. so, you must ride in a straight line for at least a full turn. Then, gaining
Note on Information Network benefits- this benefit assumes the the bonuses from Powerful Charge, you move 500 feet forward in a
character has relatively immediate access to a metropolitan area and can straight line (in the direction you were going in the previous turn),
quickly contact a network of spies and specialized contractors. If the attacking everyone along your path with your full Attack Ability.
character is isolated in a forest or dungeon this benefit is unlikely to 60DP
function, though in a forest carrier-pigeons or falconry may be an option
and Magic is an unpredictable tool.
Damage Barriers now act as a high-value damage reduction,
negating its value in damage on a per-attack basis. Any effect that would

Free Stuff!
normally ignore Damage Barriers instead do double damage to them.

Because people live past the age of two in this setting, I think No per-session xp costs for Nephilim. Instead you pay 10 dp for
everyone should get 30-40 free ranks in Notice/Search. This means that each -1 xp modifier when creating a character.
people won't have to spend as much DP in either, and everyone isn't Obviously, this rule cannot be combined with advantages and
basically dying from Farmers walking up behind them. disadvantages like Slow Learner.
Note: This bonus is before taking any stat or class bonuses into

Allow Cultural Roots without paying for it.

Weaponmaster changes/additions
Style Modules Weaponmaster MK change, between +5 to +10 above what they
have now.
Mounted Combat Weaponmaster discounts on modules also works on ars magnus (all
Requirements: 60 Ride minors, no Majors or Impossible weapons).
Once per combat turn whenever your mount is targeted by an attack,
you can use your Ride ability instead of your mounts defense ability.

Ride-By Attack
Requirements: Mounted Combat Style Module, 100 Ride. Knowledge
Once per combat turn your mount can move at its full movement At chargen, a character can know about any or all of the following.
value as a passive action. You may make attacks at any point during this Each table lists the gain on the left, and the cost to the right. Consider
movement gaining the bonuses for charging. the final value of a persons skill to be like DP in that particular skill.
40DP For clarification, these will be called Skill Points (SP). Unlike normal
DP, however, SP is spent on each individual row in full, and then spent
Mounted Shield: on the next row in full as well. In other words, instead of splitting SP
Requirements: Mounted Combat Style Module, 100 Ride. between, say, knowledge of Rare and Common Crafting Materials, a
When you are astride your mount and equipped with a shield, your person gets their full SP in both.
mount counts as being equipped with the same shield gaining its
bonuses against melee and ranged attacks. This includes bonuses for Alchemy
quality. Common Crafting Materials (Copper, Eye of Newt, etc.) 5
40DP Rare Crafting Materials (Dragon Hearts, Starmetal powder, 10
Powerful Charge Material Facets (where to find, what they look like, standard 5
PP values)
Requirements: Ride-By Attack and Mounted Combat Style
Powers artifacts can have 10
Modules, 200 Ride.
Tiers of those powers 5
Once every 5 turns, whenever you make a charge attack you may
declare it to be a powerful charge. When you declare that you wish to Alchemical Formulae 10
mount a Powerful charge, the character obtains a special bonus to Attack Knowledge of an artifact's existence
and damage equal to the mount's strength bonus. Rank*5
50DP Knowledge of one of an artifact's powers
Mounted Mastery Animals
Requirements: Mounted Shield and Mounted Combat Style Existence of a natural creature 5
Modules, 200 Ride. One facet about a natural creature (breeds, size, shape, etc.) 5

- 39 -
A method of training an animal type 10 Triggers 10
Disarming - 10
One item type 10 Science
A facet of quality by type 5 Field Basics 25
Exceptional works of art 10 Field Intermediates 50
Field Advanced 100
Architecture Field Master 200
Building Types 10
Architectural Features 5 Tactics
Original Design - 20 Personal strategy 5
Small Unit strategy 10
Herbal Lore Army Strategy 15
Common plants 5 Nation Strategy 20
Uncommon plants 10 Multiple Opponent Strategy Add 5
Plant facets (edibility, size, shape, color) 5
Herbal formulae 10 Runes
Runic Alphabet 10
History Powers artifacts can have 10
One story from history (homeland) 5 Tiers of those powers 5
One story from history (other) - 10 Runic phrases 10
One important figure (homeland) 5 Knowledge of an artifacts existence Rank*5
One important figure (other) 10 Knowledge of one of an artifacts powers Rank*5
One additional facet of a story 5
One additional facet of a figure 5 Animism
Power level of a soul type (by item, animal, etc) 5
Law Powers artifacts can have 10
One law (homeland) 5 Tiers of those powers 5
One law (other) 10 Knowledge of an artifacts existence Rank*5
One facet of the law (who makes laws, who enforces them, etc.) Knowledge of one of an artifacts powers Rank*5
(homeland) 5
One facet of the law (other) - 10 Streetwise
Rumors (homeland) 5
Medicine Rumore (other) 10
Common disease/condition 5 Organization/Business (homeland) 5
Facet of common disease/condition - 5 Organization/Business (other) - 10
Common treatment 5 Crime organizations (homeland) 10
Uncommon disease/condition 10 Crime organizations (other) 15
Facet of uncommon disease/condition - 5 Organization member (homeland) 5
Uncommon treatment 10 Organization member (other) - 10
Rare disease/condition 15
Facet of rare disease/condition - 10 Trading
Rare treatment 15 Goods prices by type (homeland) 5
Goods prices by type (other) 10
Magic Appraisal Bartering Technique 10
Spell Known Auto Trading partner (major city) 5
Spell not known (low path) Level/5 Trading partner (minor city) - 10
Spell not known (necromancy) Level/5
Spell not known (high path) Level/2 Disguise
Spell not known (opposite path) Level/2 People of a country 5
People of a town 10
Navigation Person (same gender) 20
Vessel type - 5 Person (other gender) - 30
How to operate a vessel 10
Navigation methods (stars, tides, winds, etc.) - 10 Art
One medium 10
Poisons One famous artist 5
Poison Level/5 One unknown artist - 10
Antidote Level/10 One collector (major city) 5
Facet of a common poison 5 One collector (minor city) 10
Facet of uncommon poison 5
Face of rare poison 10 Forging/Jewelry/Tailoring
Formula for poison 10 Material (known) 5
Formula for antidote - 10 Material (worked with) 10
Rare material (known) 10
Trap Lore Rare material (worked with) - 20
Trap type 10 Item Schema 10

- 40 -
little overboard. So guesses will be left to the players and the GM to
Dance work out, while new information will be gained through the system
Solo Dance 5 described below.
Partnered Dance 10 The checks listed in the 2nd and 3rd columns are the base rolls needed
Original Dance 50 to gain the information, and can be gained via extended tests (rolling
multiple times and adding the numbers together). Each test requires 1
Music hour per 20 points of difficulty by default, but can be reduced via
Song (Known) 5 Thresholds.
Song (Memorized) 10 The Threshold column lists an amount that, if rolled over the needed
General Style 10 result, the player can decide between one of two benefits. Either they
Song (Original) 30 decrease the time needed by half per threshold (to a minimum of 1
Instrument - 30 minute, since you do have to actually spend some time doing research),
* or they can gain an additional detail above what they were looking for.
Occult For example, Emily is trying to figure out the existence of The
The existence of one non-natural creature of any level (that is to 5 Magician (although she doesn't quite know it, she only assumes it exists
say knowledge about Dragons, not knowledge about exactly one because of a story she's heard). This means that if she can make a check
dragon). result of 65, she'll know it exists. With a +200 to her roll, Emily easily
One additional facet about one non-natural creature (a set of 5 gets a result of 265, which grants her four threshold successes. She can
typical true names for the creatures, strengths, weaknesses, stat use these successes to reduce the learning time by two hours (from three
lines, powers, etc.). hours initially), or to gain up to four additional details about The
The name and ritual for one Invocation/Incarnation/Great 10 Magician, or even some combination of the two.
Beast/etc. (this does not mean they have summoned them in the The New Info Penalty is the penalty for each piece of knowledge
past and sealed a pact, only that they know how it might be already known on a particular subject. It's easier to find new facts when
accomplished). you know nothing about a subject, but the more you know the harder it
One facet of one Invocation/Incarnation/Great Beast/etc (favorite 10 is to find information you don't already have. This penalty is added in
sacrifices, typical pact requirements, etc.). the middle of extended tests for every Threshold used for additional
One Living Religion. 5 details, and for any checks made thereafter. Existence counts as
One facet of a Living Religion 5 information for the purposes of this penalty.
One Myth from an area 5
A facet of a Myth (common interpretations, relevant locations,
relation to other myths)
A Ritual 10 Item Additional New Info
Existence Threshold
Researched Detail Penalty
10x Current
Beast 10xLevel 10 1
Invocation Difficulty/2 Difficulty/4 50 5

10x Current
Religion 10 10 1

10x Current
Myth 10 10 1

Ritual 20 - - 2

So, since Emily already knows about 40 different non-natural beasts,

Example: Emily is a Devah Summoner beginning with a whopping 200 and 40 facets about them, her difficulty to learn about new beasts or
points of Occult (Final calculated value after modifiers). She can learn facts she doesn't already have would increase by +80. But if she wanted
all of the following: 40 different non-natural beasts, 40 facts about non- more information about Invocations than she already has, it's going to be
natural creatures (not 40 for each of the 40, just 40 in total), 20 difficult. This table, and all of the above information can also be adapted
Invocations, 20 facets of Invocations, 40 Living Religions, 40 facets of for use with Herbal Lore, Animals, and all other knowledge skills.
Living Religions, 40 Myths, 40 facets of Myths, and 20 Rituals.

At chargen, a character can trade information in one area for

information in another. So Emily could trade information about some
non-natural creatures for details about myths, or knowledge of a ritual
for information on another Incarnation.
For every 20 points of Memorize, reduce the SP cost of all rows by
Every player character and human NPC begins with Latin for free at
1 (minimum 1). Also, reduce gaining new info after chargen by X per
a level intelligible to other people, so long as their intelligence is enough
Y, or something.
to allow speech (minimum INT 3).
After chargen, a character must conduct research to learn more
Those with an INT of 5 or greater also begin with a 'Native Tongue'
information about any of these things, following the table below. In
from their appropriate country of origin.
order to do research, a character must obviously have access to materials
Those with an INT of 7 or greater can begin with an additional
or persons that can give them more information than they already have.
language for each point of INT they possess. Each language the
While it's possible to make assumptions just by thinking about the
character possesses must be justified in some way (i.e. No uneducated
evidence one already has, creating a system for assumptions seems a

- 41 -
barbarian who grew up completely devoid of all contact with any form
or remnant of civilization knowing how to perfectly speak 4 languages.
He still gets Latin though, because a wizard said so).

Gaining New Languages

A player can dedicate a portion of time to studying and learning new
languages. In order to learn a new language naturally (as in not
magically), she must spend time with the language in question. An
average person can pick up conversational fluency in a language within
6 months with full immersion (all communication is in the language
with no real translation available). Therefore, take the following
modifiers into account when acquiring new languages.
-Each point of INT above 7: -1 month of learning time.
-Each point of INT above 11: -2 months of learning time.
-INT 4: +50% in total months of learning time.
-INT 3 or lower: Impossible to learn a new language.
-Teacher who speaks the language and at least one other language
you know, AND has at least INT 7: -1 month of learning time.
-Teacher (as above) with INT 9+: -2 months of learning time.
-Teacher with INT 5 or less: +1 month of learning time. DP spending
-Mixed languages available (most settings): +2 months of learning Saved DP are limited by the class they come from in terms of how
time. they are spent, meaning you cannot save 100 DP and then change your
-Dead language: +2 months of learning time. class to spend them using a lower muliplier, they can be saved, but must
-Limited exposure (less than 20% of daily language interaction is in be spent using the original multiplier.
the new language): +6 months learning time.
Alt System In addition to it's initial benefit, this advantage allows a character to
spend saved DP originating from another class with the new classes
Languages are treated as a new class of secondary abilities. multipliers. This advantage has a limit of 5 DP/level, meaning a
Every character begins at Level 1 with 100+INT MOD*3 Language Weaponmaster 5/Technician 1 with this advantage could spend 25 saved
Development points to invest in languages. They also receive Latin: 100 DP from his Weaponmaster career while enjoying the Technician's
for free. multipliers.
Level 0 characters begin with only 50+INT MOD LDP, as well as
Latin: 50 for free.
Every level, characters gain an additional 40+INT MOD Language
DP to spend on learning new languages, or developing the ones they
MK Stuff
DP converted to MK can be converted back. The limit of how many
already know.
MK can be converted to DP is the amount of DP already converted to
If a character increases his INT score later, he gains additional
MK. Same with ML.
Language DP as would be appropriate for him, as though he always had
You can spend Martial Knowledge as development points to
such a value.
purchase Ki points and Ki Accumulations.
Example: A character at level 4 increases his INT from 9 to 10. He
would gain 40 LDP as usual, then +15 from his new modifier, and then
Existing ki techniques can be changed. There are some limits for
+30 from the retroactive bonus (15 from the beginning pool, and 15
from his previous three levels).
1: The main effect of a technique can't be changed to another main
effect, meaning a +100 initiative technique couldn't become a +100
damage technique, but it could become +150 initiative technique.
Difficulty Fluency Level 2: If a technique is learned by copying it and the technique's cost is
reduced due to an advantage or ability, such as the ki ability "Technique
Routine Basic Phrases Imitation" , the technique cannot be changed, it can only be created new,
using the original cost, not the reduced one.
Easy Reading
Level 4 Techniques.
Moderate Conversational
Minimum MK 90, Maximum 400, Disadvantages 4.
Difficult Common Slang There are no Level 4 effects for Ki Techniques. Level 4 Techniques
are made so that a person can sustain Level 3 Effects.
Absurd Complex theories Maintenance adds 40 MK.
Minor Sustain adds 60 MK.
Almost Impossible Esoteric Jargon/Slang Greater Sustain adds 120 MK.
Impossible Legalese Combine

Inhuman Rapid but Intelligible speech (1000+ WPM).

All spells follow the High/Divine magic rules.

- 42 -
Perception mod is subtracted from all conditional penalties character t Disg
suffers. uise
Barbed 30 Th Mun Muni 3 0 20
Armor changes Arrow rus
ition tion
Movement Restriction: The movement penalty for wearing armor is
decreased by 1 for every 50 Wear Armour the character possesses, not 1
per 50 Wear Armour the character has over the Armour Requirement.
Resistances buffs work like armor in this: you choose the highest
Long- -5 6 Proj Stren -9 -2 25
one, and have right to 2 more layers maximum, both halved in
Barrele ectil gth
effectiveness rounding down.
d e 10,
All the bonuses intrinsic to the character (stat bonuses, bonuses from
Pistol Com
ki powers but not techniques, bonuses from race, permanent monster
powers, bonuses from CPs) count as a single layer.
Flames 70 -10 6 He Proj Com 13 5 25
prayer at ectil plex,
e Spec
F=ma ial

For funsies: If charging an opponent, or launching a large object at

them, can use the MV as STR for an Impact on the Impact Table. A small retractable blade which can be strapped to the arm for easy
use, it is a passive action to extend and retract the blade.

New Weapon Rules

A thin blade held within a cane, the tip of the cane acts as a handle.
The item is not what it appears to be, it is either disguised or hidden
in a not very visible location, depending on the size of the item or the
circumstances determines the difficulty to determine the true nature of A hard shell with a fuse filled with black powder, it goes off one
the object. in order to detect the object it will require a check in turn after lighting.
search,notice, or appraisal, some objects may require visual contact to [60 Dmg - Impact - 10m - Thrown]
determine its true nature (improving the quality of a hidden object
increases the difficulty to succeed by one level.)
A one pound bag of sharpened metal which covers a 10ft area,
people caught in the area defend against an auto attack 100, enter
This weapon treats all locations hit as if they were vulnerable points bleeding, and halve their movement value for 3 turns.
(this only counts with enemies that bleed) [40 Dmg - Sharp - 10m - Thrown/Bleeding]
(increasing the quality increases damage +10, and the auto attack by
A new stance very similar to Pure Defense or Total Attack. the
character enters a stance in which they are preparing to counter an attack
made at them. doing so limits your character to only being able to make A longer barreled gun than it's matchlock counterpart, intended for
one counter attack that turn, and you are unable to make any other use at longer ranges
attacks aside from that counter attack that turn. Special??? [Reload 4 - Range 70m]

Ex: if Ashley rolls a final attack of 170 and Jeff rolls a final defense
of 200, jeff's counter bonus would be +15, but if he entered riposte A small canister with a flint and steel attacked at the end, when the
stance beforehand, his bonus would be +30 to counter attack. handle is pulled oil comes out and creates an object which sprays flames
in a 5m area in front of the user.
Reload 4 [Requires oil]
Item D Sp R Pri Se Type Spec F Bre Pr
m ee eq m c or ak. es.
g d . t. A Blade with jagged sharp edges intended to draw blood from the
S target if nothing else
Hidden 30 +1 3 Cu Th Shor Preci 10 -4 15 A small casing housing chemical reagents which when lit will cause
Blade 0 t rus t sion, a smoke cloud to appear. the smoke cloud covers a 10m area, anyone
t Arm Disg within this field suffers vision totally obscured. it goes off one turn after
uise lighting
120 (if the GM wants, the smoke can be flammable)
Jagged 45 +5 6 Cu Swo Blee 12 3 25 [15m - Thrown]
Blade t rd ding
Cane 40 5 4 Cu Th Swo Preci 11 2 25
Sword t rus rd sion,

- 43 -
An arrow with an exceptionally jagged tip intended to cause montante, Feats of Strength 80.
bleeding Benefits: +10 MK.
If your opponent is mounted or is, at least, one size category larger than
you increase your damage by 50.
Allows you to attach spikes to any piece of armor, which when an
enemy makes contact they must make a defense against a pre-
determined 100 attack roll. any armor you attach it to increases it's WA Fencing
by 10 A sword fighting style from the Old Continent. Rarely used by the army,
[40 dmg - Special] its mostly used by nobles and cutthroats. Due to its stylish movements
fancy weapons its particularly popular in Gabriel.

Base level:
Weapon disciplines Prerequisites: Weapon attack skill: 100, Weapon defense skill: 130.
Discipline weapons: foil, longsword, rapier or saber.
Each level of a weapon discipline costs 50 DPs (20 for Weapon Benefits: When you fight with one of the aforementioned weapons in
Masters). Some have several advanced levels and once you buy the one hand and a main gauche or nothing in the other, cut in half the
basic level you can buy them all without having to buy the base level penalty to aimed attacks when performing a counter. This stacks with
repeated times. However, it is not possible to combine them; the player the precise rule.
must choose which one she is going to benefit from before rolling
initiative. Unless otherwise stated these benefits can be freely combined Fior di Battaglia
with Ars magnus and techniques. In Remo, back alley brawls were pretty common. When things went
E.G: Nagakiyo, mounted archer from the Golden Emperors army well there were as many of you as there were of them. Sadly things
has mastered both kyudo and yabusame which cost him a total of 150 rarely went well, often it was you, a drunk friend and that good looking
DPs (60 if he is a WM). However, he wont benefit from kyudos chap who suddenly dissapeared against ten or twelve of them. Lyse
penalty reduction and yabusames aditional attack with his bow when he Teria Montana came with the perfect solution to this conundrum when
rides his trusty Koku-Ou. she came up the fencing style now known as Fior di Battaglia.
Discipline name. Advanced level (fencing):
Fluffy text. Prerequisites: Weapon attack mastery, Weapon defense mastery,
Secondary weapon (defensive style) module.
Discipline level: Either base or advanced. If the discipline has more than Discipline weapons: Both main gauche and either longsword, rapier or
one advanced level, the original discipline will come between (). saber.
Prerequisites: Self explanatory. Benefits: +10 MK.
Discipline weapons: You must be proficient with, at least, one of these The benefit from the Defensive style module is applied to an additional
weapons to learn the discipline. To benefit from the discipline you must attack. Therefore, you dont get penalties until your forth defense (-30
also fight using one of these weapons. If the discipline specifies a on the forth, -50 on the fifth and so on).
combination you must be proficient with both weapons and you must
wield them to get the benefits. You cant, for instance, benefit from Le jeu de l'Epee
Verdadera destrezas bonus to acrobatics while fighting with a No- When you are Gabrielese duplicity is a part of life. You must be able to
dachi. bare your teeth viciously through a sweet smile or your social life and
Benefits: Self explanatory. status are dead. Trickery is not exclusive to business or lovers and thus a
sword style based around the idea of deceptive sword fighting slowly
=================================================== developed to what it is today.
PLAYTESTED Advanced level (fencing):
=================================================== Prerequisites: Weapon attack mastery, Weapon defense mastery, Sleight
================================== of hand 80, Style 40.
Base weapons: foil, rapier or saber.
Doppelsldner Benefits: +10 MK.
Barbarians from the Icy Wastes usually sell themselves as mercenaries. Once per turn when you attack an enemy, you may test your sleight of
Being proud in their strength and resistance, they are willing to take the hand against the opponent's defense skill. If you succeed, the defender
riskiest position in battle as long as they get paid extra (Dopplesldner suffers penalties to the defense as if it were an additional defense over
means double pay). While they fought in the front lines the most which correspond. For example, a person who had defended 2 times
dangerous enemies were enemy pikemen and cavalry so they developed before the assault and fails the opposed check defends as if it were his
this discipline to fight them on equal ground. 4th defense instead of the 3rd (applying a -70 to his defense instead of a
-50). If you fail the check, your attack is cancelled.
Base level
Prerequisites: Weapon attack skill: 130, Weapon defense skill: 100. Verdadera destreza
Discipline weapons: two-handed sword, claymore, grosse messer or Unlike Gabriel or Remo where having a certain skill in fencing is looked
montante (I dont know how to translate it. Its a two handed weapon upon with admiration or respect, those who practise the original fencing
form DK). style are looked with contempt and mistrust in their native Argos. This is
Benefits: Increase the weapons breakage by 5. because it was developed by mixing kushistani knowledge on anatomy,
Enemies engaged in melee combat do not benefit from higher ground physics and mathematics and argese ingenuity and battle tactics during
position unless you have been tripped or similar. the little time Thanos Sheteps Holy Kingdom lasted. Due to the current
relations between the two nations anyone who practices this style its one
Advanced level misstep from being judged as an spy.
Prerequisites: Weapon attack mastery, Weapon defense mastery.
Discipline weapons: two-handed sword, claymore, grosse messer or

- 44 -
Advanced level (fencing): Practical people, the Takashi family are the most open minded of the
Prerequisites: Weapon attack mastery, Weapon defense mastery, Disarm Lanetese houses. Such pragmatism took them to consider using the
module, Acrobatics 80, Science 20. wakizashi as a complement for their katanas when they fought. However
Discipline weapons: Longsword, rapier, saber. it wouldnt be until Phaion was created that the Takashi would integrate
Benefits: +10 MK. some western fencing movements in their style and create their signature
When you fight with one of the aforementioned weapons in one hand two bladed style.
and a dagger (parrying or common) or nothing in the other, cancel the
penalty to disarm maneuvers when performing a counter. Also you gain Advanced level (kenjutsu):
a +50 bonus to Acrobatics when used in combat to attack from the flank Prerequisites: Weapon attack mastery, Weapon defense mastery.
or the back. Discipline weapons: katana, wakizashi.
Benefits: +10 CM
Gain an extra attack that can only be used for counters with the
Grima wakizashi.
When the New Continent was conquered by Zhorne many new things
reached its people and one of them was fencing. In Pristinia a sword Muso Jikiden Eishin ryu
master form Remo named Carlo Vitale, opened a small school and The sword discipline original to the Asakura household is focused on
taught them the basic forms of the Fior di Battaglia. However, the duels. Therefore its main focus is weapon drawing speed and accuracy,
trainees found it pretty stiff and often incorporated dance steps and meaning to finish a fight in the first movement
figures into the disciplines routine and, since they found that the
daggers small reach was an impediment when fighting a large number Advanced level (kenjutsu):
of opponents they traded it for a more common weapon, the club. The Prerequisites: Weapon attack mastery, Weapon defense mastery,
new style would be called Grima which is a mispronunciation of Battojutsu module.
Esgrima. Discipline weapons: katana.
Benefits: +10 MK.
Base level: When your katanas sheathed and you are wielding no other weapons if
Prerequisites: Weapon attack skill: 110, Weapon defense skill: 110, you win the initiative against an opponent you gain a +10 bonus to the
Dance 40. first katana attack against that opponent.
Discipline weapons: Both saber and club.
Benefits: Reduce by half the penalties when attacked from behind or the
flank. Kyujutsu
In Varja, archery is a serious business. Half martial discipline, half ritual
Advanced level: there is an insane number of rules regarding the pre and post shooting.
Prerequisites: Weapon attack mastery, Weapon defense mastery, Area Not surprisingly, there arent many dedicated archers in the eastern
attack module. countriess armies.
Discipline weapons: Both saber and club.
Benefits: +10 MK. Base level:
When making an area attack while fighting with sword and club, the Prerequisites: Weapon attack skill: 150.
number of people hit is determined as if it came from a large weapon Discipline weapons: longbow or daikyu.
(affecting 5 people). However, when doing this you cant benefit from Benefits: Increases by a degree the maximum range of a longbow or
the extra attack granted by fighting with two weapons or the effects of daikyu shot. This bonus doesnt let you achieve the distances
Defensive style module if you have it. corresponding to "Inhuman" or "Zen" degrees without the relevant

Kenjutsu Kyudo
In Lannet it is a nobles pride to be able to bear a weapon. The lands Kyudo is the final form of the ritualistic part of kyujutsu. It focuses in
nearly exclusive weapon, the katana, is a symbol of nobility and the breathing, position, all in order to shot an unfailing arrow guided by the
country. Therefore there are over a hundred schools teaching various archers instinct.
different styles even if most of them vary in one or two movements.
Advanced level (Kyujutsu):
Base level: Prerequisites: Weapon attack mastery, Etiquette 40, Style 80, Blind fight
Prerequisites: Weapon attack skill: 110, Weapon defense skill: 110. module.
Discipline weapons: katana. Discipline weapons: longbow or daikyu.
Benefits: +10 bonus to counterattacks when using a katana with one or Benefits: +20 MK.
two hands and nothing or a wakizashi in the other. Cancel the penalties from cover or partial blindness when shooting.
Complete blindness only imposes a penalty of-20 to your shot.
Itto ryu
This style, originally taught in the Karakuma household, is based on Yabusame
keen observation of the enemy and countering heavily whenever he lets One of Shivats greatest advantages on its skirmishes with Lanet is its
his guard down. cavalry, specially its mounted archers. Capable of shooting a barrage of
arrows in just a few seconds and with enough speed to get away from
Advanced level (kenjutsu): any charging enemies and power to trample them beneath their horsess
Prerequisites: Weapon attack mastery, Weapon defense mastery. hooves fighting them in an open area means death.
Discipline weapons: katana.
Benefits: +10 MK. Advanced level (Kyujutsu):
Increases to +20 Kenjutsus bonus. Prerequisites: Weapon attack mastery, Ride 80, Shot on the run module,
Many targets module (the modules would be Disparo en movimiento
Niten Ichi Ryu and Varios blancos from the Directors screen but I dont know how

- 45 -
they were translated).
Benefits: +10 MK. Base level:
When you shot while riding you gain an extra attack. Prerequisites: Weapon attack skill: 130, Weapon defense skill: 100,
Composure 40.
=================================================== Discipline weapons: Pike.
================================== Benefits: When fighting a charging or remote enemy increase your
NOT PLAYTESTED attack against him by 10.
================================== Advanced level:
Prerequisites: Weapon attack mastery, Weapon defense mastery.
Circus mortis Discipline weapons: Pike.
When Rah decide to conquer the world he needed troops who wouldnt Benefits: +10 MK.
bend over despite the hardships they may face. To reach this goal he Increases to +20 the base levels bonus.
trained them in a style that focused on resistance to hardships such as
fighting wild beasts after a week of fasting or forcing them to practise
their katas on burning iron ledges over a bottomless pit. A few of his Tercios
soldiers survived the war and hid in the lawless territory of Dwnholf, Argoss pride and joy, the Tercios are a recent innovation in the argese
were they performed in clandestine rings, where large quantities of army. Meant to fight alongside the pikemen, the Tercios are composed
money were bet, in order to survive. As the country has barely changed of unflinching riflemen capable of rapidly reloading their harquebus.
from these times, the discipline survives but has added a few theatrical However, there arent many since firearms are pretty expensive and
moves to entice the public. scarce.

Base level: Base level:

Prerequisites: Weapon attack skill: 130, Weapon defense skill: 100, Prerequisites: Weapon attack skill: 150, Composure 40.
Endure pain 20, Style 40. Discipline weapons: Harquebus.
Discipline weapons: Both shortsword and buckler or both trident and Benefits: When you have your harquebus ready to shoot increase your
gladiators net. initiative by 10.
Benefits: When you use Endure pain to reduce the effects of pain or
fatigue the degree you reach with your roll increases by one, this bonus Advanced level:
doesnt let you achieve the "Inhuman" or "Zen" degrees without the Prerequisites: Weapon attack mastery, Composure 80, Sleight of hand
relevant skills. Contrary to the usual this bonus does not depend on 40.
which weapons are you using and may be used alongside the benefit Discipline weapons: Harquebus.
from any other discipline. Benefits: +10 MK.
Reduces the reload time of the harquebus by 1.
Reitarius fought using a net and a trident. Since their equipment was
cheap, there were many of them in Rahs army. Since the can lay their
opponent helpless and torture her to the publics delight they are greatly
Carrying rules
prized in the underground rings. A character may carry another character in one hand if she has
enough strength to easily carry the carried characters weight. A
Advanced level (Circus mortis): character carrying another character is subjected to the following rules:
Prerequisites: Weapon attack mastery, Weapon defense mastery. A carrying character is treated as being under Minor Paralysis.
Discipline weapons: Both trident and gladiators net. A carried character is subject to both the Minor Paralysis and the
Benefits: +10 MK. Levitating penalties.
Whenever you make a grapple with your net, increase the weapons A carrying character may use the Push Aside maneuver to protect
strength by one. This stacks with quality increases. the carried person as a passive action, even if she does not hold the
Secutor If a character would try to pick up another character against her will
Secutors fought using a shortsword and a small shield. Since their the grappling rules should be used instead.
equipment was more expensive and they often wore armor they usually
had higher ranks in Rahs army. Nowadays they are mostly used in pit
fights against nobless private armies since they make the fight last Class Calculations
longer. +5Life Points/Level (Base +5/Level) = 1/2CP
+5Initiative/Level (Base +5/Level) = 2CP
Advanced level (Circus mortis): +5MK/Level (Base +10/Level) = 2CP
Prerequisites: Weapon attack mastery, Weapon defense mastery. +1PP/(-1Level) (Base +1/3Levels) = 1CP
Discipline weapons: Both shortsword and buckler. -1DP/Attack (Base 3DP) = 2CP
Benefits: +10 MK. -1DP/Block (Base 3DP) = 2CP
Reduce by 5 the initiative penalty for using a buckler. -1DP/Dodge (Base 3DP) = 2CP
+5Attack/Level (Base 0) = 3CP
+5Block/Level (Base 0) = 3CP
Landsknecht +5Dodge/Level (Base 0) = 3CP
The establishment of the pikemen corps also known as Landsknecht was -1DP/Wear Armor (Base 3DP) = 1CP
the achievement that raised Tadeus Van Horseman to the position of +5Wear Armor/Level (Base 0) = 1CP
Warlord. These men were trained to fight side by side, never breaking -1DP/Ki Point (Base 3DP) = 1CP
their formation, holding back the enemy cavalry and foot soldiers while -5DP/Ki Accumulation (Base 30DP) = 1/2CP
the archers did their job. -1DP/5Zeon Points (Base 3DP) = 1CP

- 46 -
+25Zeon Points/Level (Base 0) = 1CP
-10DP/Magic Accumulation Multiple (Base 70DP) = 1CP
-1DP/Magic Projection (Base 3DP) = 2CP Cover Level Ranged Attack Penalty
-1DP/Single Summoning Ability (Base 3DP) = 1CP
-1DP/All Summoning Abilities (Base 3DP) = 2CP Less than half 0
+5Single Summoning Ability/Level (Base 0) = 1/2CP Cover -40
+5All Summmoning Abilties/Level (Base 0) = 2CP Cover -60
+10 All Summoning Abilities/Level (Base 0) = 3CP 9/10 (Full) Cover -100
-5DP/Psychic Point (Base 20DP) = 1CP
-1DP/Psychic Projection (Base 3DP) = 2CP
-1DP/Single Secondary Ability (Base 3DP) = 1CP
-1DP/All Secondary Abilities in a Field (Base 3DP) = 2CP
Ranged attacks
+5Single Secondary Ability/Level (Base 0) = 1/2CP Shooting penalties for movement are -10 for any movement and -50
+5All Seconadary Abilities in a Field/Level (Base 0) = 2CP for more than 1/4 speed movement.
+10 All Secondary Abilities in a Field/Level (Base 0) = 3CP Characters defending themselves from a ranged attack while in close
combat with the attacker do not suffer penalties to defense for dodging
or blocking projectiles.
Calculated Classes This represents the ability of a person to push aside the opponent's
Warrior - 37.5 CP weapon, or to move just the few inches it would take to dodge by
Acrobatic Warrior - 38.5 CP noticing the triggering mechanisms.
Paladin - 43.3 CP
Dark Paladin - 44.8 CP
Weaponsmaster - 32 CP (+ Special benefit of 1/2-price modules.
Maybe +3CP?)
Technician - 42 CP
Tao - 32 CP (+ Special benefit of 1/2-price Martial Arts. Maybe
Characteristic Specializations
Ranger - 38 CP (+ Special benefit of +10 Ki Detection. Maybe While wandering through the Anima forums, I stumbled across an
+1CP?) idea inside a post about other things which talked about defining
Shadow - 37 CP (+ Special benefit of +5 Ki Concealment. Maybe characteristics. It was about differentiating between the strength of
+1/2CP?) someone who could lift a mountain vs. the strength of someone who
Thief - 34.5 CP (+ Special benefit of +5 Ki Concealment. Maybe could crush that same mountain with just one touch. While I haven't
+1/2CP?) come up with a mechanical effect for it that I like yet, I do like the idea,
Assassin - 37 CP and so I present Characteristic Specializations for you to use to define
Wizard - 28.5 CP your character, if nothing else.
Warlock - 45.8 CP Dexterity
Illusionist - 33 CP Gymnast
Wizard Mentalist - 33.5 CP
Summoner - 28.5 CP
Warrior Summoner - 44.8 CP Agility
Mentalist - 20 CP Sprinter
Warrior Mentalist - 38 CP
Freelancer - 26.4 CP (+ Special benefit of cheap class switching.)

Ranged Weapon Stuff Overloading strength
You multiply the distance modifier of your weapon by your Would indeed stem a mountain, but does so because his supernatural
perception to get your weapon increment, beyond which you begin to strength is spread out and projected to other places attached to the object
suffer a penalty to your attack. You suffer a -50 penalty for attacking (or it just changes the rules of reality through zen), but this way the
beyond your increment, plus another -50 per increment beyond, to a strength per area ratio is still not this monumental, though always better.
maximum of -200. Could push very large objects (ships) and also increases exponentially
against larger creatures(/or objects).
TABLE XX: RANGE INCREMENTS Extreme density muscle
Range Base Increment Would focus improbable force inside the body, making it near steel
equivalent at some level (ofc interferes with Con here, but since final
Short 2m physique would be seperated from attributes in this idea, still ok. they
Medium 5m could do it both). This appearance of the attribute not only enhances
Long 10m body resistance, but also comes out as the best duelling kind of strength,
Extreme 20m maximizing the little ones powers beyond what is by physics
Sight and Sound are considered to be extreme in range. A Human explainably containable inside of any biological body.
sense of smell is considered to be short range. Touch and taste are not Still doesn't overload so much that you could stem a tank. Actually far
affected by sensory increment. from that, and will never stem mountains since the inability of the rock
to hold the entire massifs weight on a surface area of a palm stays intact,
so the rock will just break - you can be quite strong, but you will have to

- 47 -
'swim' through the mountain. fully, it will recover +5 Quality (up to its normal value) after the second
Then again, if you pointed your fingers and hit, you would probably listed time, and will continue to regenerate at that rate until fully
pierce through solid metal armor. So best +damage value on everything repaired.
and maybe even extra AT, especially when unarmed. Higher and Arcane Fusions allow for the Exo-Equipped item to
grow in power with the user. A character can choose bonuses from the
Efficient use following list based on the type of item. Note: No bonus can be chosen
Another way of 'increasing' strength is learn to use what you got more than once before Level 4, no more than twice before level 7, no
better. The famous lift with your knees not your back, but also effects more than thrice before Level 10, and on and on.
like conditioning your legs to work for surprising additional power in a Weapons: +5Attack, +5Block, +10Damage, +5Initiative, -1AT to
punch. One could think this can be elevated to supernatural niveaus too, opponent, +5Breakage.
showing of the famous "*touch* ..??... *everybody s flying through the Armor: +1 Physical AT (Cut, Impact, Thrust), +1 Elemental AT
air*"-effect. (reference: Happosai in Ranma 0,5 with his pipe, and I (Heat, Electricity, Cold), +1 Energy AT, -5 Armor Requirement, +5
think I saw similars in Kung Fu Panda...). Natural Penalty/Perception Penalty, +10 Fortitude.
Each bonus chosen increases the Ki cost by 1 point for both
manifestation and dismissal, but a user may choose not to manifest any
Perception of the bonuses at any time if he wishes to keep his costs down.
Eagle-eyed However, once manifested the powers are fixed until the Exo-Equip is
dismissed and summoned again. These bonuses are in addition to any
Quality Bonus or any other kind of bonuses the item might have
Intelligence normally.
Book Smart
Willpower Cost: 10 DP, 10 MK, 10 LP (Counted as a Sacrifice).
Ki Cost: 1
Stoic Regeneration rate: 24 hours / 12 hours
Powers: None
Power Limits: None.
Cost: 30 DP, 30 MK, 30 LP (Counted as a Sacrifice).
Ki Cost: 2
Regeneration rate: 6 hours / 3 hours
Powers: One gained at every level.
EXO-EQUIP: FUSE WITH SOUL Limits: Number of Higher Fusions cannot exceed the Level of the
Exo-Equipping is a process that binds a characters soul to one or
more pieces of equipment. This allows the character to store the ARCANE FUSION
equipment inside her body, calling it into existence on a whim. The Cost: 50 DP, 50 MK, 50 LP (Counted as a Sacrifice).
process is one that involves great sacrifice, but in exchange gives a Ki Cost: 3
character greater freedom and power to work with. Regeneration rate: 1 hour / 30 minutes
Creating an Exo-equip requires three specific sacrifices. A sacrifice Powers: The Exo-Equip gains two powers every level. Every third
of knowledge, a sacrifice of soul, and a sacrifice of blood. During the level, a character may choose to use one of each optional power and
hour-long ritual, the character bathes the item in his own blood before permanently combine them into a +5 Quality bonus, which only costs 5
physically destroying it. In game terms, the character looking to Exo- Ki instead of the normal 6 to manifest. If a character chooses not to
Equip an item spends an amount of Primary Combat DP, MK, and LP, manifest the Quality Bonus and the weapon is fully broken, when it
which counts as a Sacrifice for purposes of regeneration and healing. In recovers it will automatically regain the unused Quality bonuses.
exchange for these things, he can imbue the item with one of three So if a Level 8 character chose to gain two Quality Bonuses, but
power levels. didn't use one of them for a fight where his weapon broke fully, when it
The three Exo-Equip power levels are Lesser, Higher, and Arcane. recovered in an hour it would be back to +5 automatically, and would
Each level is detailed below, giving the costs associated with forming recover to +10 in half an hour.
the bond, the ki cost for manifesting the Exo-Equipped item and
dismissing it, and other special notes.
An Exo-Equipped item can be summoned and dismissed passively,
but it cannot be dismissed unless five turns have passed since it was
summoned. Since Exo-Equip armors automatically equip when
summoned, the user must be able to wear them within the usual limits in
order to summon them. Since Exo-Equip weapons are summoned into
the user's hands, the user must have at least one free hand to be able to
summon them.
If the Exo-Equipped item should ever break while manifested, it
immediately returns to its place inside the body of the user, spending the
ki for dismissal automatically. If the user cannot pay the ki cost for
dismissal, the bond between weapon and user breaks, and the DP/MK
they've spent is refunded to them, but not the LP. If broken fully, the
weapon will revert to its base quality (+0 for most, -5 for Poor Quality
items) after the amount of time listed first under Regeneration Rate. If
the weapon is merely damaged, or has just fixed itself from breaking

- 48 -
A character can have any number of Demonic Weapons or other
Demonic Items (See Demonic Armor and other Items). Whenever a
character directly touches for the first time a Demonic Weapon, he/she
has to make an opposed Willpower Check against the Demonic Weapon.
If the Demonic Weapon wins the check by 5 or more, the character is
instantly killed, his soul destroyed and devoured by the Demonic
Weapon. If the Demonic Weapon wins the check by less than 5 points,
the character immediately drops it and falls unconscious for 1 hour for
each point the character lost by. If the check results in a draw, the user
can wield it without problems but will not benefit from any power
acquired by the Demonic Weapon. If the character wins the check, he
will be fully able to wield the weapon and benefit from its powers.
Whenever the user of the Demonic Weapon acts in a way that does not
satisfy the feral spirit of the demon within, the two have to take the
opposed Willpower check again.

Demonic Weapons have their own soul and can gain levels.
Demonic Weapons start as Level 0 creatures with the 400DPs spent on
their ability to drain souls. The only notable characteristic of the
Demonic Weapon is Willpower. Each Demonic Weapon starts with a
value of Willpower determined by rolling a d10. Demonic Weapons can
never be Exo-equipped or imbued with additional mystical powers
through any known proceeding, although there are exceedingly few
exceptions of magic items imbued with a demon soul.
Damned 2 Ideas
One idea I've had in mind is every time the character attacks with a
SOUL DRAIN weapon, it breaks. Totally out-and-out shatters. Mostly this is because I
like the image of a guy walking around carrying twenty swords.
Each time a Demonic Weapon kills an opponent, it can drink the
victims soul gaining +5DPs, if the opponent is of at least the same
Every Zeon he spend for a spell --> 10% as damage, every damage
Level as it, otherwise it gains 1 less DP per Level of difference. Killing
he take --> 10% as Zeon lost
individuals with Natura 15 or Gnosis 35 grants 10DP regardless of their
Level and killing individuals with Natura 20 or Gnosis 40 or more
The version we came up with tied in with his Nemesis, in that he
grants 20DP regardless of their Level, due to the high value of such
had to kill one challenging supernatural creature every week with his
souls. DPs earned can be spent to buy creatures powers as a Creature
Nemesis Extrusion (or the attack one, that deals Cold damage, if NE
with Gnosis10 or Life Points Multiples for a cost of 10DPs each,
isn't the right one), or he suffered a loss of stats. To make up for the loss
regardless of its users Class. Such bonus will be applied to the user,
of stats, he had to kill twice as many creatures as he had stat losses. For
while he/shes wielding the Demonic Weapon and has completely
the stat loss, it hadn't quite been decided if it was all stats, or just a
mastered its power. When the Demonic Weapon reaches 600DPs, it
single stat, but I was leaning towards a single stat.
gains Level1, and then it gains 1 additional Level each following
100DPs. It gains +3Willpower upon reaching Level1 and an extra
Cursed. Can never accept gifts, money, or funds beyond what is
+1Willpower each time it reaches an Even Level, up to a Maximum of
needed for basic survival (that's 'basic survival', not 'survival in
20. After reaching Willpower 20, the Demonic Weapon gets 40 extra
combat'), can never take them if found. If the character does, they die.
DPs to spend upon reaching each Even Level. The Gnosis of the
Horribly. She's had near misses in the past involving a gold coin pressed
Demonic Weapon gets +5 each 3 Levels (Level3, Level6, and so on) up
into her hand that burned a scar into her palm before she could drop it,
to a Maximum of Gnosis35 at Level 15. Whenever the Demonic
and a glass of fine liquor that she thought was water when she took it
Weapon gains a +5Gnosis, it gets a +5Quality Bonus as well, up to a
that almost killed her before she managed to sick most of it 'up'.
Maximum of +25 Quality at Level15. A character can choose not to
have its weapon drain a specific soul, but in this case a Willpower check
Using his cryo powers on someone else causes him to take similar
as for the Constant Struggle rule is immediately required.
effects and also limit his flight by a few movement values.
DEMONIC ARMOR AND MULTIPLE ITEMS His PG (Weaponmaster lv.4) is linked with a girl (Wizard mentalist
lv.3) so every time the girl is damaged he suffers the same damage and
if the girl dies he dies too, without any hope of a resistance check.

Because of a ritual gone wrong while practicing her magic, Shayla's

magical potential and aura have become exponentially powerful. Since
the accident, Shayla can't speak or show emotion because it would cause
a powerful spell to break free. No matter the situation she is in,
whenever Shayla talks or shows emotion, she immediately attempts to
cast one of the spells she knows at the maximum Zeon value possible.
Any positive or negative modifiers of the situation apply. Choosing the
spell and its target is up to the Game Master, but it should be influenced
by the circumstances of Shayla's speech or emotions. If she does not

- 49 -
have enough Zeon to cast the unleashed spell, the points are then taken
from her life points at a rate of 5 Zeon = 1 Life point. This is sacrificed BRILLIANT MIND
health, and she regains it at a rate of 10 per day. Effects: +3 to Intelligence checks, +30 to two Secondary Abilities
based on Intelligence.
Permission--The character is unable to take an action without Cost: 1

For every damage taken by an ally this characters initiative score CARVING EXPERT
drops by 1. The score can become negative. The character is a master at dissecting monsters and disassembling
items in record time.
Contrary, any power that another party member/opponent has is Effects: All times for extracting or searching for materials are
unusable by this character. As one party member learns Ki, the damned halved.
one loses his abilities. Magic-user? If the foe has identical spellset, this Cost: 1
character loses those spells. If he's Contrary -and- Natural (spell-less)
caster he'd lose the Gift entirely. Not permanenty, just as long as CHOSEN PREY
someone close has the abilities. HIs abilities -must- be unique to the Effects: The character gain a+5All Action Bonus when making
group, or they are "locked" away. actions against a specific category of creatures. Humanoid creatures
cannot be chosen. Spending 2 or 3 CPs on this advantage raises the
bonus to +10 and +15 respectively.
Cost: 1, 2, 3.
Increased Natural Bonus
I think it's dumb that this advantages costs 2 CP, and only doubles CLASS MASTER
the characteristic bonus for a single skill. I typically add an additional
Effects: The character gains a +10 bonus per level to a secondary
+10 to another skill of the player's choosing (so they get 6/level instead
ability with a Class Bonus for his current Class. Spending additional
of 5/level). I think that's at least a bit more fair, don't you?
CPs allows adding a +10 bonus per level to one or two additional
secondary abilities with a Class Bonus for the current Class, but a
The Gift, Limited Gift, and Access to Psychic Powers (any) can be
character cannot add more than a +10 bonus per level to a single
bought with cp gained from their respective disadvantage categories.
secondary ability due to this advantage.
Therefore you can have gesture requirements pay for Limited Gift,
Cost: 1, 2, 3.
instead of needing to take additional Magical Advantages.

To match up with the others presented here, Talented grants +3 to EYE OF LYNX
Dexterity checks, and +30 to two secondary abilities of choice based on Effects: Double Aiming Bonus for ranged attacks.
Dexterity. Cost: 1

Common Advantages Effects: This character can have Elan with as many
Shajad/Beryls/Grey Ones as his/her behavior deems up to a maximum of
60 with each entity. Additional points spent on this advantage raise the
ANIMAL COMPANION maximum synchronization to 70 or 80. Alternatively, the character can
Effects: The character begins the game with an extremely faithful have higher Elan with as many powers from Pantheons (except for the
animal servant. It must be a natural animal, one Level lower than the Judas Phylosophy) as his/her behavior and beliefs deem, up to the same
character, but it is considered to have an INT score of 5. The character is levels.
considered as benefitting from the Animal Empathy advantage when Restriction: This character can buy the Elan Advantage with
dealing with this animal. The Animal gets experience along with its multiple entities but cannot spend more than 2CPs on each Elan
master. Spending an additional CP grants an additional Level to the Advantage.
Animal Companion, or raises its Natura by 5 to allow Open Rolls. Cost: 1, 2, 3.
Special: The INT score does not allow for speech, and is meant to
reflect that the animal is smart enough to think through actions without
explicit commands.
Cost: 2, 3. Effects: This character gains +5MK per Level.
Cost: 2
Effects: +3 to Agility Checks, either +30 to two Secondary Abilities
based on Agility. Effects: +20 to all actions to protect or encounter the Great Love or
Cost: 1 if they fight together. -10 All Action penalty for 2d10 months if the
Great Love is dead. On a 19-20, the penalty is permanent (it becomes a -
1CP disadvantage).
Effects: Sets Appearance to 9.
Special: Can only be used if Appearance is rolled.
Cost: 1
Effects: +3 to Constitution checks. +30 Life Points or +10 Physical
Resistances (PhR, VR, DR),.
BRAWNY Cost: 1
Effects: +3 to Strength Checks, choose between +30 to two
Secondary Abilities based on Strength.
Cost: 1

- 50 -
Effects: This character begins the game with a relatively faithful Restriction: Innate Spells cannot be Maintained. Innate Spells
henchman. It must be a sample character from either Core Exxet or cannot be taken by a character with Supernatural Immunity.
Gaia, one Level lower than the character with no CP except that which Cost: 1, 2, 3.
is gained through disadvantages. The character is considered to be
benefitting from either the Disquieting or the Charm advantage when NATURAL TECHNIQUE
dealing with the Henchman based on their choosing. Spending as Effects: The character is able to use a Ki Technique without using
additional CP on this advantages allows you to choose between getting ki once every 1 minute unless he spends 1 Fatigue point for each use
an additional Henchman with the same limitations, or raise the starting following the first. The Natural Technique must have a MK cost no
level of one of the henchmen by 1. Whenever the character gains higher than 20 and no Effects with a cost higher than 10MK. Spending
experience, the same amount is earned by his/her Henchmen. additional CPs on this advantages rises the techniques max MK cost to
Cost: 2, 3. 40 and 60 and allows choosing Effects with a maximum MK cost per
effect of 20 and 30 respectively.
HIDDEN POWER Restriction: Natural Techniques cannot be Combinable,
Effects: The character will receive 1 CP worth advantage upon Maintained, and/or Sustained, nor can they have any Disadvantage. The
reaching Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4. The GM will secretly decide Natural Technique does not count toward learning ki techniques.
what advantages Hidden Power will give to the character. Cost: 1, 2, 3.
Cost: 2
IMPROVED FATIGUE USE Effects: The character has already dealt a Pact with a Major Arcana
Effects: Spending Fatigue points to improve Actions or MA grants or a Great Beast with a maximum Zeon cost (for initial summoning) up
an extra +5 bonus. Spending Fatigue points to improve Ki to 300. Each additional CP spent on this Advantage may either be used
Accumulations or Characteristic checks grants an extra +1 bonus. to buy an additional Pact or to raise the maximum Zeon cost of a dealt
Cost: 2 pact by +150.
Restriction: The character must be able to use the Summon Ability
IMPROVED SPIRITUAL GROWTH in order to get this Advantage.
Effects: This character gains +12Ki each level, which he/she can Cost: 1, 2, 3.
distribute among his/her characteristics as desired. An additional CP
spent on this advantages grants an additional +12Ki per Level, for a total POWERFUL SOUL
of +24Ki points per Level. Effects: +3 to Power checks, either +30 to two Secondary Abilities
Alt option: +1 to each Ki pool per level, or +5 distributed as desired. based on Power.
Cost: 1, 2. Cost: 1


Effects: This character has +2Accumulations and +10Ki on a single Effects: A Single Secondary Ability is set to 25 even without
Characteristic. For each additional 1CP spent on this advantage, the spending DPs on it. Spending additional CPs raises the base to 45 and
character gains the same bonus, which must be allocated to a different 60. This eliminates the untrained penalty as well.
Characteristic. Restriction: The bonus from Professional does not stack with Jack
Cost: 1, 2, 3. of All Trades advantage.
Cost: 1, 2, 3.
Effects: The character gains +5 to all his summoning abilities per STUBBORN
level. Effects: +3 to Willpower Checks, either +30 to two Secondary
Restriction: Lord of The Beasts bonus is never cumulative with that Abilities based on Willpower.
granted by the Master of The Beasts advantage. Cost: 1
Cost: 3
MASTER OF THE BEASTS Effects: The character doubles his base characteristic bonus to all
Effects: The character gains +5 to a single Summoning Ability per Secondary Abilities in a particular Field.
Level. Cost: 1
Restriction: Master of The Beasts can be taken multiple times
applying to different Summoning Abilities, or for additional CP to SUPERNATURAL NATURE
increase the bonus to +10 and +15 respectively. Its bonus is never Effects: +5 Base MA. Spending an additional CP gives +10 MA.
cumulative with that granted by the Lord of The Beasts advantage. Cost: 2, 3.
Cost: 1, 2, 3
The character's manual dexterity is comparable to that of the greatest
Effects: The character is able to use a Spell without using Zeon jugglers and doctors in the land.
once every 1 minute unless he spends 1 Fatigue point for each use Effects: If the character is the one dividing a creature or item into
following the first. The innate spell must have a ML no higher than 20 smaller sections, they can reduce the gap by 1 in the table this might
and is cast at Base Casting Level. Spending additional CPs on this cause.
advantages rises the spells max ML to 40 and 60 and rises its Casting In other words, they reduce the chance at finding items by only 1 point
Level to Intermediate and Advanced respectively. If the character has for each size reduction.
Magic Projection use that for the Innate Spell, if required. Otherwise the Cost: 1
spell is cast as if using the Magic Projection as Attack or Magic
Projection as Defense Modules.

- 51 -
TECHNIQUE PRODIGY Effects: When you choose this disadvantage choose a characteristic.
The character selects a single effect from the Ki technique section. Whenever making a characteristic roll using the chosen characteristic,
He can use that effect as if he had developed the Ki ability "Improvised increase the difficulty of the check by +3 (this disadvantage can be
Combat Techniques", with the difference being that he uses the primary chosen multiple times, but you can't pick the same characteristic twice)
effect column's cost, doesn't increase his fumble chance and must be Benefit: 1
able to use the effect in question in a single round. The character may
select any effect, but the maximum power of an effect he can use in this ANTISOCIAL
way is equal to 10 MK +1 for every level he has. That means, if a level 3 Effects: The character suffers a -50 to all social interactions such as
character's chosen effect has a minimum cost that is beyond 13 MK, he leadership or persuasion.
cannot use the effect in the described way. He also can't change the Benefit: 1
chosen effect afterwards. If the chosen effect is used in the above
described way, it's not combinable with ki techniques, but it is BLOCKED GROWTH
combinable with any powers or abilities that are combinable with ki Effects: Characteristics of this character cannot be incremented
techniques. beyond their starting value by any mean.
If the character later develops a ki technique and his chosen effect is Special: Only usable with Non-Restricted Creation Points rule from
part of the power, the technique's MK cost doesn't change, but it's GM's Toolkit.
activation cost is lessened by 2 if his chosen effect's part of the Benefit: 2
technique is a level 1 effect, by 4 if it's a level 2 effect and by 6 if it's a
level 3 effect. This cannot reduce a technique's cost below 50% of it's
original cost, just as with Ki Reduction. BOUNTY
Should the character develop the ki ability "Improvised Combat Effects: There is a bounty on your head worth up to 10,000 gold
Techniques", he always uses the primary column's cost, can use any crowns (B)
level of the chosen effect, and doesn't increase his fumble chance for Benefit: 2
that effect only. This advantage can only be chosen once.
If the character selects an effect that only has level 1 entries, like BRANDED
"Supernatural Attack", the advantage costs 1 CP instead. Effects: At some point in your life a powerful entity branded you,
Cost: 1, 2 this brand is a mark of hate. People who see it know that you're not safe
to be around, and creatures/monsters will instinctively attack you even
without seeing the brand. Anyone with the ability to see supernatural
Magic Advantages can see the brand even if it is covered up. To gain additional CP, this
brand instead covers the entire body, being clearly visible if skin is
Effects: +40 Magic Appraisal to occult Magic. Spending additional Benefit: 1, 2.
CPs grants +70 and +100.
Cost: 1, 2, 3. BULIMIA
The character cannot keep down food and thus feels sick after
SANCTORUM ENERGY consuming food.
Effects: If the character builds a Sancta Sanctorum, he/she is Effects: The character suffers a -20 AAP for an hour after eating.
granted 300 free Zeon Points, for choosing up to 6 Lesser Effects (all Benefit: 1
other costs and requirements for building the Sancta Sanctorum are
unchanged). Spending additional CPs increases the free Zeon Points to COMBAT PARALYSIS
600 and 750, for choosing up to 12 and 15 Lesser Effects.
Effects: The character is scared or surprised by combat and thus
Cost: 1, 2, 3.
loses the chance to perform actions on the first turn of a new combat,
and suffers a -40 penalty to all rolls on that first turn including initiative.
Effects: If the character builds a Sancta Sanctorum, he/she is
granted 2 free Power Points, for choosing up to 2 Higher Effects (all CONCENTRATION REQUIREMENT
other costs and requirements for building the Sancta Sanctorum are
Effects: A character taking active actions in a turn accumulates no
unchanged). Spending an additional CP increases the free Power Points
Ki points. He must concentrate, taking no active actions during his turn
to 4, for choosing up to 4 Higher Effects.
to accumulate Ki.
Cost: 1, 2.
Restriction: This disadvantage cannot be taken with Total
Accumulation or Increased Ki Accumulation.
Common Disadvantages Benefit: 2

Effects: A character can only perform physical actions for half as Effects: The character has been cursed for whatever reason, whether
long as a normal character could, and they are easily winded. if you it be from a demon, a witch, or their blood. But similar to how an
want to gain more from this disadvantage then instead you can only Ebudan has a mission, this curse has a goal the player must complete,
perform actions one fourth as long, and areas that are considered to have every day that goes by where the player still is cursed a searing pain fills
lots of mold, dust, pollen, etc. will give you a -20 all action penalty for his body at night. This curse could lead to freeing the demon from
as long as you remain in the area, and you will be unable to rest, sleep, imprisonment, to the downfall of a country, or even performing a very
or concentrate in the area. dangerous quest specified by the entity that cursed him in the first place.
Benefit: 1, 2. The specifics of the curse are decided by the GM and the player.
Benefit: 1, 2.

- 52 -
DEGENERATION (for 1 extra CP) they lose all the disadvantages from this Advantage.
Effects: The character reduces his regeneration to 0, it cannot be However, ML spent developing individual spells is still spent.
increased, if a player wants to increase the amount of CP they also lose Benefit: 1CP
15 LP a day (G)
Benefit: 1, 2. HEAVY
The character is larger than normal or is just portly.
DENSE Effects: The character suffers a -1 penalty to their movement value
The character is not very bright and he often misses obvious things and a -2 to their fatigue.
or is easily fooled. Benefit: 1
Effects: The character suffers a negative -30 penalty to all
perception rolls and suffers a -30 to checks to resist being persuaded, HEMOPHILIA
intimidated, etc. This penalty doesnt apply to mystical or psychic Effects: Whenever the character suffers damage, they take 1
effects, only normal persuasion and coercion. additional point of damage for each 10 points of damage suffered. If the
Benefit: 1 character suffers damage equal to or higher than one fourth of their
current LP total, they suffer a Critical and are automatically affected by
EMPTY CASKET Bleeding. Their Regeneration level can never be higher than 5.
Effects: The person lacks a soul, but continues in the world by Benefit: 2
maintaining a minimum link with it. In this way, the person suffers a
constant lack of motivation, they feel empty, and are unable to think IN THE WRONG HANDS
about other objectives than recovering that which has been lost to them. Effects: Any weapon held by the character automatically reduces its
If their soul is damaged in some manner, their body suffers Minor Quality by 5. This only affects a weapon they are actively holding, if
Paralysis for a time determined by the GM. The spirit is pure energy that given to someone else the weapon does not retain this reduction in
can be utilized for many purposes if it is maintained appropriately in a quality. This curse has no effect on -5 items, as their Quality cannot be
special container. The person maintains their base Presence like a lowered further.
representation of existential power through their body in the physical Benefit: 1
world, the same as a homonculus, but unlike them, they cannot live if
their soul does not exist in this world. Without the soul, the person has INFAMOUS
no capacity to acquire The Gift and/or Ki Abilities. The person The character is exceptionally famous, but for all the wrong reasons.
effectively has 0 Power, but all effects relying on it use a -40 modifier. Effects: The effects of this advantage only apply to role-playing.
Benefit: 2, maybe 3 The player must determine the source of his characters fame at
character creation, but it must be a negative source. If using the optional
EXTRA SENSITIVE Fame rules (Gaia 1, page 290), this advantage provides 40 or 65 points
Effects: Whenever a character suffers damage add an extra points of Fame, depending on the CPs invested, but all Fame must be either
of damage after the damage dealt has already been determined (e.g. if a Cowardice, Infamy, or a mix of the two.
characters at reduces an attack enough that it only deals 14 points of Benefit: 1, 2.
damage, you then add 3.5 rounded up (4) points of damage total) (G)
Benefit: 2 INSANITY
Effects: The player starts the game with the bare minimum amount
FAVOR of sanity in order to function properly, it replaces their starting sanity.
Effects: At some point you made the regret of saying i owe you Restriction: Can only be taken in games with the sanity rule in
one to somebody who did you a big favor, this disadvantage makes it effect.
so at some point during the story this somebody will come to you with a Benefit: 1
favor of their own, a player feels obligated to pay them back, or a
character may make the risky move of denying repaying the favor, in INSOMNIA
which case the once ally will seek retribution in some way (B) Effects: The character has trouble falling asleep, he must roll a d10
Benefit: 1 each night to see if he can get to sleep. On a result of a 4 or higher he
suffers penalties.
FOCUSED Benefit: 2
Effects: The character is required to focus as an active action for at
least one turn before performing any psychic, zeonic, or ki action. (G) JACK-OF-NO-TRADES
Benefit: 1 Effects: The character, despite the best of intentions, has absolutely
no skill in anything they haven't specifically trained in. All secondary
FRACTURED GIFT abilities are considered knowledge skills for them (and thus they cannot
Effects: The character has the ability to use magic, but in a very roll for them without investing DP into them).
limited fashion. They cannot learn in Paths, and only develop individual Benefit: 2
spells. Half of these spells of each level must come from Free Access
spells alone. They can learn spells from any of the Lower Paths of KI BLEEDING
magic, but not from the Higher paths. Effects: Characters with this disadvantage cannot contain their Ki.
The character can take any Gifted Flaws they desire (and often They automatically lose an amount of Ki equal to 50% of the Ki cost of
should) but they CANNOT take certain Gifted Advantages. any ability they activate requiring Ki, any time they use such abilities. If
Specifically, they cannot take any of the following advantages: a character cannot afford to lose this Ki, he is simply reduced to zero Ki
Gestureless, Unspoken, Half-Attuned to the Tree, and Natural with all the penalties it implies.
Knowledge of a Path. Benefit: 2
In all other ways they are treated as Gifted. If the optional rule to
develop additional CP is used, if the character later upgrades to Gifted

- 53 -
KI BLOCKAGE The character is biased against a group or type of people. They are
Effects: A character with this disadvantage does not recover Ki intolerant and outspoken against that group.
naturally. He must find some other way to gain Ki, generally, through Effects: Every time the character interacts with the group, the
the use of limits. character must make a Willpower Check at a difficulty of 15. If she fails
Restriction: This disadvantage cannot be taken with Ki Recovery she must immediately speak out against the group, insulting and
Benefit: 2 otherwise saying terrible things. For 2 CP, a failed check means she
immediately attacks the person/group instead.
Benefit: 1, 2.
Effects: A certain characteristic does not generate any Ki for the
character whatsoever. It contributes zero Ki points to his pool. Its
accumulation is also reduced to 0 no matter what its value is and it can Effects: The character has an enemy that wishes to hunt them down
never be raised, nor can Ki points be purchased for this characteristic. and kill them, or they just have a general enemy. At 1 CP its a general
Special: If combined with Innate Power, only multiply the amount enemy of the players level that he must fight occasionally. At 2 CP the
of Ki by five instead of six. This disadvantage can be taken multiple character not only wishes to stop you, but also has their own group, or
times, covering a different characteristic each time and reducing the army, that he commands. (B)
amount one multiplies with Innate Power by an additional 1. Benefit: 1, 2.
Benefit: 1
KI REDUCTION Effects: The character suffers from seeing visions or hearing voices
Effects: The character halves his Ki accumulation and only recovers that command him to commit certain acts. The extent of this
half the amount of ki they normally would. disadvantage is left up to the GM.
Benefit: 1 Benefit: 2


Effects: A character with this disadvantage adds +20 to the MK cost Effects: When the character suffers a fumble they lose half of their
of anything he learns that requires MK to learn, including Ars Magnus fumble level as LP damage, rounded up. This damage surpasses Damage
and Ki Dominion Techniques Barriers, and is capable of damaging energy if needed be.
Benefit: 1 Benefit: 1


Effects: Double the cost for acquiring 5 Zeon points and halve any Effects: A character with this disadvantage treats himself as being
Class bonus to Zeon. one level lower on Table 6 on Page 14 of Dominus Exxet for learning
Restriction: Only characters from the Mystic Archetype can acquire Ki. If this places him off the chart, then he simply cannot spend his
this disadvantage. Martial Knowledge unless he finds an instructor.
Benefit: 1 Benefit: 1


Magic Disadvantage Effects: When your health reaches 50% the character rolls a d10. On
The player has ruined his own connection to The Sea of Souls a 6+ he suffers a -2 Max Fatigue cumulative penalty until he rests for
through magical perversion. The player's own Zeon has become a poison one night. To gain an additional CP from this disadvantage, when rolling
to casting spells. a 8+ for the check, the character suffers a -20 All Action Penalty as well.
And the voice said, "But for those who can not forget what they Penalties caused by this disadvantage directly or through Fatigue Loss
have seen, the worst has yet to come." cannot be nullified or reduced by any mean.
Effects: MA and Projection are always halved except when casting Benefit: 1, 2.
Innate Spells or spells using a magical container that the player (or an
other being with this disadvantage) has not put his own Zeon into. TRUE SACRIFICE
Benefit: 1 Effects: The character rolls on Table 35 of Beyond the Dreams (Pg.
292 in the book).
Effects: Each night, the character rolls a d10. On a 6+ he suffers a -
2 Max Fatigue cumulative penalty until he rests for one night. To gain UNEDUCATED
an additional CP from this disadvantage, when rolling a 8+ for the night, The character never had a proper education.
the character suffers a -20 All Action Penalty as well. Penalties caused Effects: Thus either they cannot read, or write, or perform some
by this disadvantage directly or through Fatigue Loss cannot be nullified actions that would require having learned it first. The character also
or reduced by any mean. applies a -10 to all secondary skills.
Benefit: 2 Benefit: 1

Effects: Whenever the character attacks and is defended against the Magic Disadvantage
enemy gets a +20 to a counterattack. (G) The player has gained direct knowledge of the Sea of Souls for some
Benefit: 1 reason, and the character can not learn spells the normal way. He must
cast from magical grimoires, scrolls, or books.
PREJUDICED And the voice said, "Those who will strike upon my domain but dare
not speak its name, you will forever forget what you saw this day"

- 54 -
Effects: The player can not learn any spells; he must cast from
grimoires. For purposes of character creation, the player is able to buy
his first tome using his Magic Levels, however, they must buy all spells Difficulty: -10 Maximum Quality: +5
inside using the rules for buying individual spells (Core Book, Table 57, Availability: Uncommon
page 113) with any limitations the GM sees fit. This can also be This cotton like substance comes from the blooms of certain
combined with any other magic advantages and disadvantages except carnivorous plants native to the lowlands of Shivat. The plants hide
Action Requirement. among normal cotton plants and murder cotton pickers that attempt to
Benefit: 2 take its bait. Fortunately, only the largest are ambulatory, though
longstalked variants resembling sunflowers and lotus like treeborn
UNTRAINED FIGHTER varieties live in the local jungles.
The player was never properly trained in the use of weaponry, they
kind of just picked up a weapon and starting swinging.
Effects: The character takes a -50 attack penalty when using a Difficulty: -100 Maximum Quality: +5
weapon of any kind. The character also cant buy weapon modules or Availability: Exceedingly Common
martial arts while they have this disadvantage. Spider Webs, for the discerning smith with the patience and care to
Restriction: Only classes in the Domine, Fighter, Prowler, and farm them, are one of the most durable substances found in the natural
Novel Archetypes can acquire this Disadvantage. world, with tensile strength far exceeding what would be expected for
Benefit: 2 their weight. Further, the web structure and format is designed to
capture creatures with significant relative mass that are moving at high
WEAK SYSTEM speed. Treated to be flame resistant, layered and intricately woven, the
Effects: The character reduces ALL his resistances by half. threads can form an extraordinarily light and resilient garment. Use the
Benefit: 2 normal weight of the item created to calculate volume of materials
needed to craft, the final weight however is 1/4 normal.
Effects: Whenever a character performs an action using ki, zeon, or
psychic points, he must perform a 1d10 roll. On a result of a 6 or higher Difficulty: -60 Maximum Quality: +5
they suffer a -20 All Action Penalty until the end of their next turn. A Availability: Uncommon
result of 10 will result in double penalties. Silver Sand is found in patches along the beaches of the new
Benefit: 2 continent. Glass blown from this obscure silicate has tensile strength
comparable to steel. Weapons made of it are much desired fashion

Additional Materials
accoutrement for the stylish warrior.

Material Prep (Sub-use of Forging)

These are the difficulties of readying raw materials for use in the
smithing process, such as drying and treating wood, curing hides and
Difficulty: +10 Maximum Quality: +5
bones, smelting and alloying metals. At the higher end of this chart a
Availability: Rare
high rating in Sciences would be required to understand or even
A handful of trees in every forest seem bred to be worked. Perhaps
conceive of the materials in question. Every level of difficulty achieved
they were cross pollinated with the Ghestal of the past or maybe they are
beyond what's required provides a +5 bonus for the smith to create
the heroes of trees, whatever the case, carpenters pay great sums to
something using the material. This bonus stacks with the difficulty of
acquire the wood from these natural wonders.
the created material and cannot exceed +50. By sifting through vast
quantities of base materials, the smith can gather only the best quality
materials and acquire a bonus to his Preparation roll according to chart
Difficulty: -20-20 per Age Category Maximum Quality: 5+5 per 1.2. If the required difficulty to prepare materials is not met any item
age category created from the materials will lose 1 degree of success per failure.
Availability: Inaccessible
Bitterly difficult to acquire and work, Dragon Hide is much sought
after as it protects its wearer from hostile magic (It grants a mystic
armor rating of 1+1 per +5 item rating). TABLE XX
Difficulty Something
Materials that are basically ready to work as
Difficulty: +10 Maximum Quality: +10 long as they're in one piece: Stone, Bone, Wood
Availability: Inaccessible Materials that were used by Ancient peoples:
Made from the blood red hide of the sacred bulls of a forgotten god, Leathers, Furs (for padding)
this leather is stylish and particularly heat resistant (add 1 to the Heat Materials that require widely known complex
AT of any armor made from this material). Moderate processes but used by ancient peoples: Bronze,
Iron, Steel
Uncommon Materials or those that require
Difficulty:-80 Maximum Quality: +15 Difficult secret and complex processes: Black Steel,
Availability: Rare White Steel, the hides of unnatural beasts.
The jet black leathers crafted from this material are something of a Rare or advanced Materials: Elecktra, colored
Very Difficult
taboo and usually the product of exaggeration. This leather can be glass
created from the flesh of any shadow creature but few modern smiths Rare or advanced Materials: Synthetic
would admit they crafted armor from the flesh of a sentient being no materials, Materials with seemingly unnatural
matter how evil. This armor adds 1 to the Cold AT of any armor made properties (Spider Webs, Kevlar, Plastics,
from it. Velcro, Elastic, Spandex)

- 55 -
Highly unlikely materials: Glass that's as strong properties and availability wool is the most common fabric found. It is
Almost Impossible as steel, steel that bends like rubber while also easily dyed making for a variety of looks achievable.
retaining an edge (Titanium).
Linen: - : - : A plant based fiber it is a commonly used fabric in all
levels of society. Linen breathes in even the warmest of climates,
keeping the wearer cool.
Amount Check Modifier Cashmere & Mohair: x50 : U : Made from the hair of the Cashmere
Barely enough for the item -120 and the Angora goat, they are types of wool prized for their soft and
Less than Half the normal amount -40 silky textures. With the same insulating and wicking properties as
Half the normal amount -20 sheep's wool. Also easy to dye.
Less than the normal amount -10
The normal amount +0 Silk: x100 : U : A smooth shimmering fabric, the most popular of
1.5x Required +10 the high-end textiles. Silk itself is a strong material, however, it is quite
2x Required +20 difficult to care for and is easily damaged, warped, and stained.
5x Required +40
Quiviut: x200 : R : Made from the wool of the muskox it is
10x Required +60
exceptionally soft . With the same insulating and wicking properties as
sheep's wool, however, unlike sheep's wool it will not shrink in water of
Assumes 2-10 lbs of earth/flesh for every pound of workable any temperature and is exceptionally durable. Also easy to dye.
material required for creation. For high grade alloys or mystical
materials the lower amount should be used, for low end materials more
Angora: x300 : R : Angora is from the coat of the Angora rabbit
volume is required to find worthy quantities. (distinctly different fibers from those produced by the Angora and
Cashmere goats). Known for its soft and silky texture, thin fibers, and
Short example: 'fluffiness,' it is highly prized by the upper-class. It is much warmer and
Maths and rolls:
lighter than other wools due to the hollow core of the angora fiber
Preparing Bronze is Diff 80. Sagan: -10 for lack of raw materials (trapped air insulates). Due to its lack of elasticity it is often blended
+40 for skill +28 for roll = 58. Final item creation will lose 1 degree of with sheep's wool, lowering the quality of the garment but allowing for
some give and stretch. (GM's discretion on modifying price for blends).
Forging Sword is Diff 120. Sagan: -20 for Bronze, +40 for time,
+30 for Fatigue, +40 for skill +roll of 45 = 135. -1 degrees of success Satin: x100 : U : Made of Silk- Almost glossy in appearance Satin
for poor prep. Sword is a -5 weapon. is typically used for luxury clothing, lingerie, and bedding. Used by
nobility and the very rich. (Issues in the care and damage of Silk apply
here as well).
Locke instructs young Sagan to make a Bronze sword without his
powers, using only his Forging Skill of 40. Preparing Bronze is Velvet: x100 : U : Made of Silk- A short, dense weave, distributed
difficulty 80. The 4lbs of Bronze necessary to craft the sword requires
evenly creating a very distinct texture. Typically used for luxury
20-40lbs of ore. Sagan and Locke are cash poor so he can only buy 15
clothing, tapestries, and upholstery. Used by nobility and the very rich.
lbs of ore from the mine. The moderately difficult task of preparing the (Issues in the care and damage of Silk apply here as well).
Bronze is made more difficult with a lack raw materials. Sagan is
penalized -10 (Chart 1.2) for a total Skill of 30. He rolls... a 28,
Damask: Wx200, Lx250, Sx300 : U : A reversible figured fabric of
achieving only an Easy success, 1 degree short.
Silk, Wool, or Linen, with a pattern formed by weaving. Ornate
Sensing he's off to a bad start Sagan spends 3 months crafting the designs, patterns, scenes of nature depicted in vibrant colors; a great
sword for a +40 bonus, he feels confident the extra time will pay off. variety makes these very customizable for those with enough money to
Working himself to the bone, he exhausts himself daily (spending 2
afford them. Very popular in Gabriel for their beauty. (Separate
fatigue on the roll for +30). His time, effort, and skill total 110. Bronze
modifiers based on type of material used to make the Damask).
is hard to work though, penalizing him by -20. He rolls a 45 and adds
his 90, for a passable 135. The sword would have been acceptable, Samite: x500 : R : A luxurious heavy Silk fabric, often accented
however, his poor preparations subtract a success level, reducing him to
with gold or silver thread. Used mostly for elegant robes and vestments
a moderate success. The sword is poorly balanced and suffers a -5
worn by royalty and high church officials. Tapestries may also be made
quality rating. of this. (Issues in the care and damage of Silk apply here as well).

Fabrics + Materials for Clothing

Fabric/Material : Price Modifier* : Availability : Properties Mecha
Skins: - : - : Soft leathers are very common and easily accessible. Let's just get this out of the way right now: I love Mecca. Pray to
They make up the bulk of footwear and jackets used in Gaia. They are that sh*t five times a day. Six on the weekend. Most holy place on the
used for their water-proof qualities (when properly cared for and whole damn planet. Love that sh*t.
maintained). Sometimes stripped of their hair, other times it is flipped Oh, and I love Mecha too.
to the inside and left as an insulator.

Wool (sheep): - : - : An animal based product made from the coat of Mecha for Anima
the sheep. Wool keeps it's wearer warm while wicking moisture away There are several versions of Mecha out there currently. The most
from the skin; this can make the difference between dying of famous two are the Spanish Complemento d10 mecha, and the Beyond
hypothermia on a rainy night in the woods and surviving. For it's Science mecha. Both, I feel, are trying too hard to make mecha in

- 56 -
Anima. They've designed decent system for building them, maintaining Mecha level is based off of a design roll, the available materials, and
them, and using them for various purposes. What they haven't done, in then then actual construction. Yeah, I know, thats complicated, but so is
my humble opinion, is build mecha for Anima. This is my attempt to do designing and building a fifty-foot tall mechanical combat suit.
what they have not. I borrow from both, but the end result is my own. I Lets break this down.
hope you enjoy. The first portion is the Design Roll. Design is a new secondary skill,
detailed below (and also on page XX). Designing a mecha is no easy
task, but it does determine the base level. For each level of difficulty
The Four Basic Types reached, the Mecha gains one potential level. That was simple, right?
Type S: Standard Mecha. These are the mecha that most people are
thinking of when they think of mecha: Hand controls, HUDs, big hunks
of metal powered by engines with missiles and beam rifles. The good
Type K: Ki Mecha. These aren't your granddaddy's mecha. These The second portion is the available materials. Here, maximum
mecha are an extension of the character's body, controlled through the quality is very important. The base materials needed to make a mecha
user's aura, and so therefore mimic the exact movements of their pilots. must be capable of reaching +5 Quality (yes, all Mecha are Quality
Rather than being fueled by standard power cells, the user's own ki items, youll have to get over this). For every +5 over this, you can add a
powers these enormous vehicles, and they can channel their abilities and level to the mecha. For every -5 below this, you subtract a potential
techniques through them. level. See? Its still simple. Almost painless.
Type P: PsyMecha. The mech of the mind, PsyMecha are fueled via
psychic crystals and controlled by the thoughts of the user. Because of The last portion is the building of the mecha itself. Currently,
the crystal sources, it takes a Psychic to activate these mecha, but the building a mecha is a specialization of either Forging or Architecture
power they can offer is incredible. depending on what kind youre building. Ships require Architecture,
Type Z: Zeonic Mecha. The final mecha type are mecha built Mobile Suits require Forging.
through magical manipulation. Rather than being towering titans of
steel, these mecha are, more often than not, simply scraps held together Sidebar: Wait. What?
by zeon. They can often alter their shape at will, are incredibly powerful Yes. Mecha arent just incredibly tall fightan robits. The original
opponents, but they are also the weakest in terms of their ability to resist term is used to refer to any kind of large mechanized device. So youve
damage. got things like spaceships, fighter jets, and Death Stars along with
Gundams, Zoids, and Metal Gear REX. Aint life grand?

Advanced Types This is where things get complicated.

You didn't think I was done, did you? The difficulty for building the mecha is based off of size and level
Just like anything in Anima, there are subtypes for everything. Some potential. The Table XX below shows you the base difficulty needed in
of these subtypes will be obvious, and some of these may seem far- order to create a mecha of the appropriate size at that potential level.
fetched, but in Anima that's the way things go. That is the maximum possible level the mecha can achieve in the initial
Type M: Magitech Mecha. Not exactly a Zeon Mecha, Magitech is building process. At any point before then, so long as youve reached
the combination of sorcery and science into something more than either one of the level thresholds for the size category you started building at,
alone. Magitech Mecha use special 'zeon batteries' to power themselves, your mecha is done.
which can recharge simply by drawing in magical energy from the local
environment, giving them near-limitless power sources. Along with this,
they have the unique advantage over other Standard Mecha of being able TABLE XX: MECHA LEVEL BY CHECK
to be elementally aligned (detailed later).
Type B: Biomechs. These Mecha are partly, or perhaps fully, alive. Level Big Enormous Giant Colossal
They're more like giant cyborgs than pure mecha, and are physically S: 40 S: 60 S: 80 S: 100
linked to their pilots, either via a surgical link, or by absorbing the pilot 1 K/P/Z: 60 K/P/Z: 90 K/P/Z: 120 K/P/Z: 150
into them. These mecha cannot be built, and typically cannot be bought, C/M: 80 C/M: 120 C/M: 160 C/M: 200
but because of the interface they can offer an unparalleled level of S: 60 S: 80 S: 100 S: 120
control, and the ability for a pilot to experience what it would truly be 2 K/P/Z: 90 K/P/Z: 120 K/P/Z: 150 K/P/Z: 180
like to be their mecha. Not even Ki Mecha come close. C/M: 120 C/M: 160 C/M: 200 C/M: 240
Type C: Combination Mecha. Put simply, these are mecha which S: 80 S: 100 S: 120 S: 140
come in individual mecha pieces, that fit together to transform into a 3 K/P/Z: 120 K/P/Z: 150 K/P/Z: 180 K/P/Z: 210
much bigger mecha. C/M: 160 C/M: 200 C/M: 240 C/M: 280
Type U: Unknown. Some Mecha simply don't fit into any other S: 100 S: 120 S: 140 S: 160
category. They are unique, individual. Without compare. Perhaps a 4 K/P/Z: 150 K/P/Z: 180 K/P/Z: 210 K/P/Z: 240
Mecha powered by the laughter of children, or one made up of cats C/M: 200 C/M: 240 C/M: 280 C/M: 320
fused together by their hatred of all things not feline. S: 120 S: 140 S: 160 S: 180
5 K/P/Z: 180 K/P/Z: 210 K/P/Z: 240 K/P/Z: 270

Building a Mecha C/M: 240

S: 140
C/M: 280
S: 160
C/M: 320
S: 180
C/M: 360
S: 200
With so many different kinds of Mecha, there are, obviously, many 6 K/P/Z: 210 K/P/Z: 240 K/P/Z: 270 K/P/Z: 300
ways to build one. While fluff-wise there are dozens of ways to do it, C/M: 280 C/M: 320 C/M: 360 C/M: 400
mechanically Mecha all have a few things in common. S: 160 S: 180 S: 200 S: 220
A basic mecha is built like a typical Construct. Details for 7 K/P/Z: 240 K/P/Z: 270 K/P/Z: 300 K/P/Z: 330
Constructs can be found on page 172 of Those Who Walked Amongst C/M: 320 C/M: 360 C/M: 400 C/M: 440
Us. S: 180 S: 200 S: 220 S: 240
K/P/Z: 270 K/P/Z: 300 K/P/Z: 330 K/P/Z: 360

- 57 -
C/M: 360 C/M: 400 C/M: 440 C/M: 480 All: Superhuman/Supernatural/Divine Physical Characteristics
S: 200 S: 220 S: 240 S: 260 Gnosis requirements are reduced by 5 for every size above Big the
9 K/P/Z: 300 K/P/Z: 330 K/P/Z: 360 K/P/Z: 390 Mecha possesses.
C/M: 400 C/M: 440 C/M: 480 C/M: 520 Type P: Must possess a WP score, and does not possess
S: 220 S: 240 S: 260 S: 280 Psychological Immunity. May choose Psychic Advantages and
10 K/P/Z: 330 K/P/Z: 360 K/P/Z: 390 K/P/Z: 420 Penalties.
C/M: 440 C/M: 480 C/M: 520 C/M: 560 Type Z and M: May choose Magic Advantages and Penalties.
S: 240 S: 260 S: 280 S: 300 Type B: Must possess a WP score and does not possess
11 K/P/Z: 360 K/P/Z: 390 K/P/Z: 420 K/P/Z: 450 Psychological Immunity.
C/M: 480 C/M: 520 C/M: 560 C/M: 600 Type C: Every piece must buy either Metamorphosis or Advanced
S: 260 S: 280 S: 300 S: 320 Metamorphosis.
12 K/P/Z: 390 K/P/Z: 420 K/P/Z: 450 K/P/Z: 480
C/M: 520 C/M: 560 C/M: 600 C/M: 640 UPGRAYYYDS
S: 280 S: 300 S: 320 S: 340 Hello.
13 K/P/Z: 420 K/P/Z: 450 K/P/Z: 480 K/P/Z: 510
C/M: 560 C/M: 600 C/M: 640 C/M: 680 Inhuman Intelligence
S: 300 S: 320 S: 340 S: 360 Not always artificial, hence name.
14 K/P/Z: 450 K/P/Z: 480 K/P/Z: 510 K/P/Z: 540
C/M: 600 C/M: 640 C/M: 680 C,M: 720 Customization
S: 320 S: 340 S: 360 S: 380 Elemental Mecha
15 K/P/Z: 480 K/P/Z: 510 K/P/Z: 540 Z, P, K: 580 Transforming
C/M: 640 C/M: 680 C,M: 720 C, M: 760 Equipment (duh)
Enormous & Giant Weapons
Please note: Some of these checks are ridiculously high. Thats Movement Options
because these are meant to be extended tests, taking time and teamwork Thrusters Flight/Speed
to pull off. Things two times the size of your house take real work to Wheels
build. Things over two thousand times the size of your house take a lot Jets/Fins Underwater
more. Its okay. You can do it. I believe in you. Drills/Laser - Digging
Grappling hooks/hands.
Congratulations! Youve succeeded in building a mecha! That DRILL HANDS
means you can start spending all that shiny DP. Shields

But, wait, what about Gnosis?

Ahh, Gnosis. Thats the stuff we really care about, right? What
powers can I give my shiny new mecha? Base Gnosis is centered around
the class of mecha being built.
Psychic Stuff
Each Psychic Power can be maintained for a total number of rounds
per day equal to the users Willpower characteristic without having a
TABLE XX: MECHA GNOSIS cost. Maintaining Psychic Powers over a longer period of time has a cost
of 1 PP for each Psychic Power maintained for an additional number of
Mecha Type Base Gnosis rounds equal to the users Willpower characteristic.
Type S 10 This means, that a Warrior Mentalist with a Willpower characteristic
Type K, P, or Z 15 of 14 maintaining three psychic powers has to pay a maintenance cost of
Type B, C, or M 20 3 PP after 14 rounds have passed for another 14 rounds. Canceling and
Type U Variable reactivating the powers before the time has passed does not help, if the
For every 5 levels the Mecha possesses, increase their Base Gnosis same Warrior Mentalist cancelled his powers at the beginning of the
by 5. 12th round and reactivated them 1 round later, he would have to pay the
For Type U, the Base Gnosis is up to the GM to determine, but maintenance costs for the powers after another three rounds.
should be no lower than 15.
Powers which have minimum Potential for activation higher than
base Potential of the user cannot be maintained.
Spending DP
So, now that youve determined the amount youve got to work with
and the Gnosis value you can buy at, its time to actually spend some
DP. As mentioned before, Mecha are Constructs, which means theyre Perception Increase is moved from Physical Increase to
Beings Between Worlds with Physical Exemption, Regen 0, and Hypersensitivity. Perception stat is also not increased by Total Increase
immunity to Summoning abilities for free. While the majority of buying power.
powers and abilities is the same from here, there are a few special rules
to note.
First, the majority of Mecha have no WP characteristic, and without
an Inhuman Intelligence, possess Psychological Immunity for free.
Though they possess other characteristics and abilities, they cant use
their stats or abilities in any way without a pilot, except where noted. As
a single exception, all Mecha can use their resistances without a pilot.

- 58 -
7 Loud Crowd 0 (-10 Withstand Pain)

10 Thunderclap (>30 feet away) 5 (Impact, -5 AAP)

15 Thunderclap (<3 feet away) 10 (Impact, -10 AAP)

20 Explosion (>30 feet away) 25 (Thrust, -15 AAP)

50 Explosion (<3 feet away) 50 (Thrust, -30 AAP)

Sound Damage: When a character suffers sound damage, he must

pass a PhR check with a difficulty equal to the amount of damage taken.
If he fails the check, he suffers an All-Action Penalty equal to the failure
level due to disorientation. This penalty fades at a rate of five points per
turn. Any being that has no sense of hearing are immune to this effect.
Someone covering their ears may apply a +40 to their PhR check.
Damage Resistant creatures that fail the check divide the penalty by five
(rounded down). Damage from intensities of sound heal at a normal rate.
It is also important to note that all sound damage occurs on the Impact

Sound Intensities: These intensities represent the volume and

frequency of sounds. While at low levels they are not very impressive,
the higher levels of sound can cause major structural damage to Level: 1 Action: Active Maintenance: Yes
buildings similar to earthquakes. Damage caused by sound intensities Description: This power creates Sound intensities. The sound
may result in penalties to hearing-based Perception checks, or may even created may sound like anything the psychic wishes, from a beautiful
cause temporary deafness at the DMs discretion. Lower levels of sound song to a scream or conversation.
intensities do not normally cause damage in any way. However, once
beyond 25 (or if controlled by supernatural means specifically to cause
harm), their base damage is five times the number of intensities.
20 Routine Fatigue 1

40 Easy 1 Intensity
Intensities Equivalence Base Damage
80 Moderate 3 Intensities
1 Whispers 5
120 Difficulty 5 Intensities
3 Normal Conversation 15 140 Very Difficult 7 Intensities

5 Someone Yelling 25 180 Absurd 10 Intensities

7 Loud Crowd 35 240 Almost Impossible 13 Intensities

20 Canon Fire 100 280 Impossible 16 Intensities

30 Close to Source of Thunder 150 320 Inhuman 20 Intensities

40 Close to a Volcanic Explosion 200 440 Zen 25 Intensities

Intensities Equivalence Base Damage

1 Whispers 0 Level: 1 Action: Active Maintenance: Yes

Description: This power allows the user to control the intensities of
3 Normal Conversation 0 sound indicated by his Psychic Potential roll. Using this power, one can
lower the volume of a sound by an amount equal to the intensities
5 Someone Yelling 0 controlled. With these means, someone who achieves a result of
Difficult can reduce the sound of a yelling man (5 intensities) to
muteness (0 intensities). This also allows control of the sound waves,

- 59 -
which means that the psychic can purposefully keep individuals from before, or simply make his own voice more appealing to the ear. Note
hearing a certain sound by containing the waves. Control Sound can be that the bonus to Disguise is only applicable if the psychic has heard the
used offensively, but in this case, the Psychic Projection of the user is voice of the person he is mimicking. Also note that a psychic
halved. maintaining one instance of this power may only gain either the
Disguise bonus OR the Persuasion/Intimidate/Leadership bonus.

20 Routine Fatigue 2
20 Routine Fatigue 2
40 Easy Fatigue 1
40 Easy Fatigue 1
80 Moderate 4 Intensities
80 Moderate +5 Leadership/Intimidate/Persuasion
120 Difficulty 6 Intensities
120 Difficulty +5 Disguise OR +10
140 Very Difficult 8 Intensities Leadership/Intimidate/Persuasion

180 Absurd 12 Intensities 140 Very Difficult +10 Disguise OR +20

240 Almost Impossible 16 Intensities
180 Absurd +20 Disguise OR +40
280 Impossible 20 Intensities Leadership/Intimidate/Persuasion

320 Inhuman 25 Intensities 240 Almost +30 Disguise OR +60

Impossible Leadership/Intimidate/Persuasion
440 Zen 30 Intensities
280 Impossible +45 Disguise OR +90

320 Inhuman +60 Disguise OR +120


Level: 1 Action: Active Maintenance: Yes 440 Zen +70 Disguise OR +140
Description: Using their powers, the psychic can project his voice to Leadership/Intimidate/Persuasion
a location that is distant from his body. The distance that the user's voice
can be projected is according to the chart below.

20 Routine Fatigue 1
Level: 2 Action: Active Maintenance: No
40 Easy 1 Meter Description: Letting out a loud, damaging wave of sound, the
psychic tries to cause direct harm to his foes. This power has a lower
80 Moderate 5 Meters base damage than other damaging abilities, however, the damage caused
to the ears can cause additional critical damage. Taking a critical of over
120 Difficulty 10 Meters fifty points may induce temporary deafness at the GM's discretion. Also,
it is able to affect immaterial beings at Inhuman and Zen difficulties.
140 Very Difficult 25 Meters

180 Absurd 50 Meters

240 Almost Impossible 100 Meters

20 Routine Fatigue 4
280 Impossible 250 Meters
40 Easy Fatigue 2
320 Inhuman 500 Meters
80 Moderate Fatigue 1
440 Zen 1500 Meters
120 Difficult Damage 40

140 Very Difficult Damage 60, +10 Critical

180 Absurd Damage 80, +20 Critical

Level: 2 Action: Active Maintenance: Yes 240 Almost Impossible Damage 100, +30 Critical
Description: By altering the waves of sound from their mouth, the
psychic can change his voice to sound like any voice he has heard

- 60 -
280 Impossible Damage 120, +40 Critical 80 Moderate Fatigue 4

320 Inhuman Damage 140, +50 Critical 120 Difficulty Fatigue 2

440 Zen Damage 180, +60 Critical 140 Very Difficult Fatigue 1

180 Absurd 30 foot radius

240 Almost Impossible 150 foot radius

280 Impossible 300 foot radius

Level: 2 Action: Passive Maintenance: Yes
Description: By producing dense sonic waves, the psychic can 320 Inhuman 1500 foot radius/No Penalty
defend herself against all types of physical attacks. Sonic Shield works
on the same Life Points with which is was created. Once created, the 440 Zen 1 mile radius/No Penalty
shield's LP reduces by 5 each turn until it reaches a level that the psychic
can maintain. The nature of the shield, which is constantly shifting
sound waves, causes any physical weapon striking it to make a breakage
check against the value listed. In addition, Sonic Shield can stop energy
attacks starting at Impossible level by adjusting to the same frequency as
said energy.
Level: 3 Action: Active Maintenance: No
Description: By manipulating sound waves, the psychic can
destabilize objects and beings at a molecular level. Any object that fails
20 Routine Fatigue 6 the resistance breaks automatically, unless it is of special quality. In this
case it loses 1 stage of quality for each 50 points that it fails the
40 Easy Fatigue 4 resistance, breaking when the quality bonus goes below 0. If this power
is used on a living being, the being takes damage to its life points equal
80 Moderate Fatigue 2 to double the failure level. Naturally, only material beings are
susceptible to this power.
120 Difficulty 100 LP/Breakage 0

140 Very Difficult 300 LP/Breakage 2

20 Routine Fatigue 8
180 Absurd 500 LP/Breakage 4
40 Easy Fatigue 6
240 Almost Impossible 700 LP/ Breakage 6
80 Moderate Fatigue 4
280 Impossible 1000 LP/Breakage 8/Stops Energy
120 Difficulty Fatigue 2
320 Inhuman 1500 LP/Breakage 12/Stops Energy
140 Very Difficult PhR 100
440 Zen 2000 LP/Breakage 16/Stops Energy
180 Absurd PhR 120

240 Almost Impossible PhR 140

280 Impossible PhR 160

320 Inhuman PhR 180/-10 Quality

Level: 2 Action: Active Maintenance: Yes
Description: Using a high pitched echo, like that of a bat, the
440 Zen PhR 220/-10 Quality
character can perceive his surroundings without sight. Objects and
beings in the area can be easily perceived by the psychic. In game terms,
the character is considered to have radial vision in the area determined
by the power, though he still takes the Vision Partially Obscured
penalties (i.e. -30 to his Attack, Block, and Initiative, and -15 to his
Dodge). At Inhuman and Zen levels, the power's manipulation of sound
waves is so thorough, that the penalties for obscured vision are negated
Pieces of Black Metal
entirely. The 30 Pieces of Black Metal are a relic that predates The Oblivion.
No one can say for sure how they came into existence, for even the
events that took place prior to oblivion were destroyed from the records
of the Black Metal. It seems likely, however, that Barnabas, having
20 Routine Fatigue 8 anticipated Oblivion before it happened, set about making these wonders
so that he might preserve the knowledge that the great civilization had
40 Easy Fatigue 6 accumulated in its grand history. By the time Oblivion swept over what
is now known as Gaia, he had created exactly thirty pieces. Intuitive to
use, and already within his possession, Barnabas quickly relearned the

- 61 -
secrets of science and magic that the rest of the world had forgotten, and
he had used this knowledge to construct the beginnings of the Imperium Miscellaneous Abilities
while the rest of the world lived in the dark stone age of a crumbling and Possessing a single piece of black metal grants the owner the
decaying once-great civilization. benefits of Ancient Blood while he carries it.
When Barnabas felt the Imperium was complete, he decided to Pieces of black metal can be used to power nearly any kind of
experiment with rebuilding civilization to its former glory by bestowing technomagical device. Extremely powerful devices such as the
the black metal unto Emperor Andromalius of the Solomon kingdom. Upnapistam are too powerful for even the black metal to power.
His orders were clear, to unite the world in prosperity, but Andromalius Pieces of black metal are not static objects, they change shape
grew drunk on his new found power, and in his hubris, decided he no frequently, to suit whatever purpose they are being used for.
longer had need of Barnabas as an ally, and chose to disobey them, Pieces of black metal explicitly cannot divine the future, only the
which led to the wrath of Jurgand and the seven hours of fire that past and present.
reduced the mighty Solomon empire into ruins barely capable of Pieces of black metal are utterly invisible to any kind of supernatural
supporting themselves. In his last act of defiance, Emperor vision or detection, only mundane senses can actually detect them. Even
Andromalius managed to hide the pieces of Black Metal, and the then, characters may not immediately recognize them for what they are.
Imperium was never able to recover them. If a character has never been exposed to one of these pieces before, it
The 30 pieces, since then, have changed hands from Iscariote, to requires an Inhuman history check to identify the black metal as such
Rah, and to Eljared. Before Eljared disappeared from Gaia, she enacted (and the black metal itself does not aid this check). Once a character has
her plan to scatter the thirty pieces of black metal, so that they may successfully made this roll, or has been told by someone else what it
trickle their way into the hands of Lucanor Giovanni, and that he might was, he can immediately identify any other piece of black metal he
use them to finally accomplish what Rah and Eljared failed to do, free comes across, regardless of the shape it has at the time.
humanity from the prison of ignorance of the Powers in the Shadow. Pieces of black metal may substitute for any kind of part in a
Already, two of the pieces have come into Prince Giovanni's possession, technomagical device. In the case of circuitry or user interfaces, the
one personally given to him by Eljared, and another, embedded in his entire thing counts as a single part. Technomagical wonders made up of
recent ally Zero Sigma. It will simply be a matter of time before he has 30 or less parts can be constructed instantly using nothing but pieces of
them all. black metal, if the builder has enough pieces. They can also be
disassembled with relative ease. In combat, assembling, repairing, or

disassembling a device with black metal is a full action during which the
tinkerer defends himself at a -90 penalty. If the tinkerer defends himself
History: The 30 pieces can be used to learn about any event, or before his action without the penalty, he cannot perform his operation on
location, about anything and everything except for things that happened the device when his initiative arrives.
prior to Oblivion. They may even be used to learn things that the user is Pieces of black metal are utterly indestructible. Entities with Gnosis
unaware that he would like to learn. A history check is made using the 45 or higher can ignore this and destroy them, in which case, they turn
pieces of black metal to determine this information. A roll must yield out to be rather fragile.
Inhuman for a vague answer, or Zen for a clear and exact answer. More

information is also imparted if the user possesses more than one piece.
The history roll benefits from a +5 bonus for every piece of black metal
the user uses in his augury. In this way, even a lowly mortal scholar can
obtain great knowledge from the 30 pieces. As an exception to the rule,
characters using the black metal are allowed to achieve results of
Inhuman and Zen on the roll to utilize the black metal even if they lack
The fist Elans I'm presenting though are the Grey Ones, which I
the ability to achieve those results normally.
invented on my own. They are seven higher gods of the same "species"
of Beryls and Shajads who decided to remain neutral during the War of
Sciences: The 30 pieces can be used to learn about any technology
Heaven. They became deities of extremely neutral concepts and have
or technomagical laws and how to build nearly any kind of device. The
been extremely inactive since the war between gods, but have recently
rules are the same as History, but the roll is made with sciences.
started to gain contact with Gaia, through Synchronization with mortals.
Occult: The 30 pieces of black metal can be used as a magical
library, allowing the user to cast nearly any kind of spell as if he were
casting from a book. The Occult roll must succeed at an Impossible
difficulty to cast any spell up to level 80. With an Inhuman Occult roll,
the user can cast spells up to level 90. With a Zen Occult roll, he may
can even cast magic up to level 100. Using the pieces of black metal to
cast spells allows the mage to ignore Gnosis minimums on High and
Divine magic. The Occult roll, once again, benefits from a +5 bonus for
every piece of black metal used in the casting. The mage must still use
his own Intelligence and Zeon to power the spell. He may even use the
pieces of black metal in a ritual. As with History, mages using the black
metal for Occult purposes may achieve results of Inhuman and Zen on
the roll to utilize the black metal even if they normally lack the ability to
achieve those results otherwise. The 30 pieces of black metal can also
be used to research spells permanently if the mage has unspent Magic
Levels. This requires no roll, but the amount of time the research takes
is multiplied by 30 - the amount of pieces of metal the mage is using to
research. Thus, if he possesses all 30 pieces, he can effectively instantly
learn any spell permanently that his Gnosis would allow, provided he
has unspent Magic Levels with which to learn them.

- 62 -
SHALA SWORN METAL: This power allows the character to pronounce an
oath and imbue it into any single metal weapon or armor he directly uses
during fights. Whenever the sworn weapon/armor is used or worn in
THE ADAMANTINE OATH order to achieve its sworn oath, it will grant the equivalent of 100 Level
Lord of Oaths and Metal. Shala is known as the keeper of promises, 5 PPs worth of Object Powers. An object can only have a single oath
and is often associated with Knightly ideals (when he is known at all). sworn on it, which cannot be changed until fulfilled (or until its
Though Shala is concerned mainly with the tangible, he punishes even fulfillment becomes completely impossible) and the same oath cannot be
the thought of breaking ones word with the same ferocity as he would sworn on more than one object. Finally if the same power is granted by
an actual broken oath. His passivity in the War of Heaven was a surprise more than one sworn object, apply it only once (with the highest score
to everyone, and the reasons he stayed his blade are a mystery to this present on sworn objects). The total number of sworn objects the
day. Some say he swore an oath not to intervene, but no one can imagine character can carry is equal to 1 for every full 20 points of Elan the
who he would have made such a promise to, or why. character has.
Cost: 15. Requirements: Elan 80, Metal Brotherhood.

List of Gifts EXCRUCIATING OATH: This power strengthens Binding Oath,

raising the MR check difficulty to current Elan Level +80. Also, the All
IRON WILL: The character gains a bonus to his Composure Action Penalty caused by the Strong Oath power is doubled, and lost
Secondary Ability equal to his Elan Level. Life Points will recover only at a rate of 5 per day instead of 10 per day.
Cost: 5. Requirements: Elan 10. Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 90, Binding Oath.

UNBREAKABLE BODY: The character gains a bonus to his THE UNBREAKABLE OATH: If the character benefits from the
Withstand Pain and Feats of Strength Secondary Abilities equal to his Excruciating Oath gift, all phrases pronounced within the hearing range
Elan Level. of this character become oaths and are subject to the Excruciating Oath
Cost: 5. Requirements: Elan 20. rules, with the exception that the MR check difficulty is raised to the
characters current Elan Level +100. Moreover, whenever affected
STRONG OATHS: Whenever someone is trying to break an oath people choose to break their oath they also have to take an MR check
made to this character, he/she will have to pass a MR check against a against a difficulty equal to the characters current Elan Level +40 or
difficulty equal to the characters current Elan Level +40. If they fail it, instantly die, their souls completely destroyed in the process. If the
they will suffer a cumulative -10 All Action Penalty for each day spent character benefits from the Sworn Metal Gift, Sworn Weapons and
without will to accomplish the oath. Penalties are recovered at a rate of - Armors are granted the Indestructible power for free and are considered
5 for each full week. as if subject to Higher Fusion Exo-Equip from the characters first
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 30. Level. If the objects are already benefitting from Higher Fusion Exo-
Equip, they are instead granted bonus as if benefitting from Arcane
TRUSTWORTHY METAL: Metal items used by this character are Fusion Exo-Equip (ignoring the restriction of no more than one Arcane
Fusion Exo-Equip for a character). If an object is already benefitting
always considered as benefitting from a +5 Quality Bonus, up to a from Arcane Fusion Exo-Equip, the object gains an additional
maximum Quality of +25.
+10Quality Bonus up to a maximum Quality of +35. The character also
Cost: 15. Requirements: Elan 40.
stops spending any ki cost for using Exo-Equip with Sworn Weapons
and Armors.
SENSE BETRAYAL: The character becomes able to sense whenever Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 100, Excruciating Oath and/or
someone is betraying someone else or when someone is breaking an Sworn Metal.
oath. The extent of this ability depends on his Elan Level.
Cost: 5. Requirements: Elan 40.

HEART OF STEEL: The character gains a bonus to his PhR and PsR
Elan Lower Than 50
equal to half their Elan Level. Standing by an oath. 1
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 50. Make certain oaths are upheld. 2
Establishing a strong bond with someone or something. 2
BINDING OATHS: This power strengthens the Strong Oath one, Taking exceptional care of metallic equipment 1
raising the MR check difficulty to current Elan Level +60. Also, while a Substitute non-metal equipment with metal equipment 1
character is suffering from an All Action Penalty caused by this power, Elan Higher Than 50
he/she will consider all Life Points loss as Life Points Sacrifice, for the Taking to completion a complex or extremely important oath. 2
purpose of Regeneration. Accepting the loss of something important to stand by an oath. 1
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 60, Strong Oath. Becoming a symbol that moves people to act honorably. 3
Negative Elan Bonuses
METAL BROTHERHOOD: Base Damage inflicted from metal Making an oath knowing you intend not to keep. -4
Pushing people to break an oath taken. -3
sources to this character is halved.
Breaking an oath. -8
Cost: 20. Requirements: Elan 60, Heart of Steel.
Forgiving without punishment those who have broken an oath. -2

OATHKEEPER: This character benefits from a non-cumulative +15

All Action Bonus, whenever hes acting in order to accomplish an oath
hes taken with another person who is sincerely expecting him to
accomplish it.
Cost: 15. Requirements: Elan 70.

- 63 -
someone else inflict any Altered State to this character, the individual
who caused such penalties has to pass a MR check against a difficulty
THE BALANCED SCALE equal to this characters Elan Level +40. On a failure, the opponent is
The androgynous Deity of Balance, Maat rules over both inner and suffers the same Altered State as this character.
outer harmony. While no one expected such a neutral being to ever take Cost: 15. Requirements: Elan 70, As Me to You.
sides in the War of Heaven, Maat was never given the chance. Its said
that Maat was lost in a deep meditation throughout the entire conflict, BALANCING FACTOR: Whenever this character is acting in order
and was surprised when informed that such a cataclysmic event had to restore balance in a situation or fighting for the disadvantaged side in
transpired. After the surprise wore off, Maat exiled themselves, along a battle, he/she gains a +10 All Action Bonus.
with the other Gray Ones, into a quiet existence out of the way of the Cost: 15. Requirements: Elan 70
world. What has stirred Maat to synchronize with mortals now is
unknown, but given Maats nature many assume it means that there is a
BALANCED RETRIBUTION: Whenever the actions of someone
great cataclysm in mankinds future.
else inflicts Damage to this character, the individual who caused such
damage has to pass a MR check against a difficulty equal to this
List of Gifts characters Elan Level +40. On a failure, the opponent suffers the same
EVALUATE THINGS: The character gains a bonus to his Appraisal Cost: 20. Requirements: Elan 80, As Me to You
and Magic Appraisal (if he has that) Secondary Abilities equal to his
Elan Level. BALANCING ADVANTAGE: Whenever this character is facing
Cost: 5. Requirements: Elan 10. alone more than one opponent, he/she gains an All Action Bonus equal
to half his/her Elan Level.
SENSE UNBALANCE: The character feels whenever a certain Cost: 15. Requirements: Elan 90.
situation is lacking balance and which side is prevailing. The extent of
this power depends on the Elan Level of the character. LEVERAGE: This character is no longer affected from any negative
Cost: 5. Requirements: Elan 20. or positive Combat Modifier. Whenever faced by a higher Level
opponent, this character temporarily gains a number of levels equal to
PERFECT BALANCE: The character ignores penalties caused by the difference.
balance issues up to his current Elan Level and gains a bonus to any Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 100.
balance related Ability check equal to his current Elan Level or equal to
1/10 (round down) of his Elan Level if making a balance related
Characteristics check.
Cost: 5. Requirements: Elan 30. Modifiers
Elan Lower Than 50
DEEP MEDITATION: Whenever this character is meditating, it can Finding a solution that satisfies all interested parties. 2
triple its ki points recovery, instead of doubling it, and add twice his Spending much time in meditation. 1
Willpower Bonus to Zeon regeneration per half day spent regenerating, Weather down extreme situations and needless fighting. 3
instead of simply adding his Willpower Bonus. Fighting for a cause for someone whos at a disadvantage. 2
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 40. Elan Higher Than 50
Rebalancing the odds of a large conflict. 2
BREAK BALANCE: The character ignores penalties when making a Stopping a war by establishing a truce from both sides. 3
Restoring balance between order and chaos in everyday life. 1
Take Down maneuver in combat and gains a bonus of +3 to the
Negative Elan Bonuses
Characteristics contest.
Not being at peace with ones own self. -2
Cost: 5. Requirements: Elan 40.
Taking sides against someone at a disadvantage. -3
Losing control. -2
AS ME TO YOU: Whenever the actions of someone else inflict an Breaking the natural balance between things. -5
All Action Penalty to this character, the individual who caused such
penalties has to pass a MR check against a difficulty equal to this
characters Elan Level +40. On a failure, the opponent suffers the same
All Action Penalty as this character.
Cost: 15. Requirements: Elan 50.

ABSOLUTE MEDITATION: This power strengthens the Deep

Meditation one, multiplying by four the Ki regeneration during
meditation, and adding three times the Willpower Bonus to the Zeon
regeneration during meditation.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 60, Deep Meditation.

- 64 -
ISHTAR DEVOURING SHADOWS: This character can defend using the
equivalent of a Void Shield Spell cast and maintained at Advanced
Level. It can be used once per day per 10 Elan Points and each use lasts
THE ETERNAL HALF-LIGHT for ten turns. The character can use it either through his/her Defensive
The Lady of shadows where light and darkness meld, Ishtar is the Magic Projection, Psychic Projection or Defense value.
deity of absolute neutrality. Clad in twilight and penumbral shadow, she Cost: 20. Requirements: Elan 80.
was the first of her kind to separate herself from the Beryls and the
Shajad. Although she was the first, she is by no means their leader, and AURA OF NEUTRALITY: The presence of this character in a
would not wish such a responsibility even if it was given to her. The certain area causes individuals to be less passionate, and more rational.
return of her attention to the world has concerned few, except those that People tend to look at things with a detached eye and without taking
believe her attempt to strike balance means that she opposes the Beryl. sides. The extent of this aura depends on the Elan Level of the character.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 90.

List of Gifts EVERLASTING TWILIGHT: Wherever the character moves the sky
MOVE IN SHADOWS: The character gains a bonus to his/her Hide gets cloudy and a grey light covers everything. Light and Darkness
and Stealth secondary abilities equal to his/her Elan Level. spells cast within 10km of the user are considered a Casting Level lower
Cost: 5. Requirements: Elan 10. than normal, and are automatically dispelled if they were cast at Base
Level, unless the Avatar chooses otherwise. Light and Darkness
elemental attacks within the same area halve their Base Damage and
SENSE LIGHT AND DARKNESS: The character feels whenever techniques with Light or Darkness Binding have doubled ki cost, unless
someone is aligned either with light or with darkness and the degree of the Avatar chooses otherwise. This character is considered as having
such alignment. Gnosis 40 for the purpose of what can affect him/her and for the purpose
Cost: 5. Requirements: Elan 20. of what he/she can affect.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 100.
IMPERTURBABILITY: This character ignores penalty caused from
Fatigue and Pain, up to a value equal to half his/her Elan Level. The
character gains a PsR bonus equal to half his/her Elan Level.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 20. Modifiers
Elan Lower Than 50
INHUMANITY: This character gains Inhumanity. Keeping the absolute neutrality in a conflict. 2
Cost: 5. Requirements: Elan 30. Keeping calm and self-controlled in difficult situations. 1
Acting without drawing attention from others. 2
LIGHT-INDEPENDENT SIGHT: The character can see without any Elan Higher Than 50
problem with any degree of light and darkness and cannot be blinded by Negotiating collaboration between rival factions. 1
either. Keeping a nation from taking part in an important conflict. 2
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 40. Destroying an Avatar of a Shajad or Beryl. 4
Thwarting plans that threaten the balance of the world. 3
Negative Elan Bonuses
AURA OF IMPERTURBABILITY: Imperturbability has effect an all Taking sides in a situation when neutrality could be held. -2
friendly characters within a number of meters from the user equal to his Collaborating exclusively with agents of one faction. -3
Elan Level. Acting passionately or in a flashy way. -2
Cost: 20. Requirements: Elan 50, Imperturbability. Impeding the cooperation of agents of rival factions. -1
Acting in order to obtain fame. -2
halves damage suffered from Light and Darkness effects, and benefits
from a bonus of +15 to Resistance check caused by Light or Darkness
Cost: 15. Requirements: Elan 60.

NEMESIS OF OPPOSITES: This character deals double damage

against Light and Darkness aligned creatures.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 70.

HALF-LIGHT DIPLOMACY: This character gains a bonus equal

to its Elan Level to its Persuasion Secondary Ability. In addition
he/shes always considered as achieving an additional difficulty level on
Persuasion checks made on Light and Darkness aligned creatures and
can use the Persuasion Secondary Ability as Banish against such
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 70

- 65 -
DHAMAN DESTINED ACTION: This character can substitute anyones rolled
die with a result of 100 that counts as an Open Roll, once per die roll.
This power can be used once per session per 10 points of Elan Level.
THE INEVITABLE DESTINY Cost: 15. Requirements: Elan 80.
Lord of Destiny, keeper of the Book of All Things, Dhaman is what
the Enneath religion would call Jihamath if they knew of him directly. In CLEARLY SEE DESTINY: This power improves Read Destiny,
truth, Dhaman is both more and less than Jihamath, for while the latter is increasing the Casting Level of the Adviser Spell to Arcane.
the ultimate God and has servants to do his bidding, Dhaman is only one Cost: 15. Requirements: Elan 90, Read Destiny.
of many beings, but his power is no less terrifying. The Lord of Destiny
does indeed seem to know the future of all things, and yet he speaks not
KEEPER OF DESTINY: The character becomes aware of the
a word of it to anyone. Instead, he writes it all down in his book, which
he keeps from the eyes of everyone, mortal and divine alike. Some possible destinies of each and every person around him in a very
theorize that a mere glimpse inside would let a man know the whole of detailed way, along with the knowledge that such knowledge shouldnt
the future, while others say the writings would drive him mad with be used except under the most dire circumstances in which destiny is
things not meant to be known. Both are right. threatened to be broken.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 100.

List of Gifts
SENSE ANOMALIES IN DESTINY: The character has the ability to Modifiers
sense whenever theres someone with a proper given destiny or someone Elan Lower Than 50
whose destiny is somewhat warped. This ability allows to sense Being a fatalist (believing in pre-determined destiny for all). 2
Nephilim, people with fate-altering powers, or those affected by them. Believing in a religion founded on the concept of Destiny. 1
The extent of this power depends on the Elan Level of the character and Convincing others of unavoidability of Destiny. 2
once Elan level has reached 50, the character will be able to feel the Helping an Ebudan/Nephilim to complete their SueAman. 3
remaining Destiny Points of an individual. Eliminating a creature with destiny-altering powers. 1
Cost: 5. Requirements: Elan 10. Elan Higher Than 50
Surpassing Enneaths tenets to find a faith in pure Destiny. 1
KNOWLEDGE OF THE BOOK: The character has a bonus to all Completing an important mission ordered by the Three Fates. 2
Intellectual Secondary Abilities equal to his/her Elan Level. Successfully opposing a major alteration of destiny. 4
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 20. Converting to fatalism an entire nation. 3
Negative Elan Bonuses
WEAKLY FEEL DESTINY: Once per day per 20 points of Elan Losing faith in the existence of Destiny. -2
Collaborating for longer than necessary with a Nephilim. -1
Level, the character can cast freely the Adviser Spell with a Base
Relying on chance. -2
Casting Level. Making use or supporting use of Destiny-altering powers. -5
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 30.

IT IS NOT WRITTEN SO: The character can ignore the effects of

up to 1 fumble result per session for every 10 points of Elan Level. The
result of the die remains the same, but its not considered a fumble.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 40.

FEEL DESTINY: This power improves Weakly Feel Destiny,

increasing the Casting Level of the Adviser Spell to Intermediate.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 50, Weakly Feel Destiny.

UNMOVABLE WILL: The character gains a bonus of +2

Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 60.

HIGH DESTINY: Once per month for every 10 points of Elan

Level, the character can recover a Destiny Point up to his/her maximum
Cost: 15. Requirements: Elan 60.

PROVIDE DESTINY: This character can use the High Destiny

power on others, allowing them to recover lost Destiny Points, instead of
the character himself.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 70, High Destiny

READ DESTINY: This power improves Feel Destiny, increasing the

Casting Level of the Adviser Spell to Advanced.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 70, Feel Destiny.

- 66 -
This power improves The Memory of Things, increasing the Casting
Level of the Telemetry Spell to Arcane.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 70, The Memory of Things


The character can temporarily stop time for an individual he/she
Free mistress of timeflow and historical memory. concentrates his eyes on, thus completely blocking the target. The
looked-upon individual must surpass a PhR or MR check against this
characters Elan Level plus 60 or suffer the same effects of Stasis
List of Gifts described in the Elan Level 50 Power. If the sight contact is continued,
the target must take the check again every 5 turns.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 70, Stasis (Touch).
The character has a bonus to his Memory and History Secondary AGELESS
Abilities equal to his/her Elan Level. This character becomes completely unaffected by time, thus he
Cost: 5. Requirements: Elan 10. completely stops aging, thus becoming Immortal.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 80.
The character has a bonus to Initiative equal to half his/her Elan STASIS AURA
Level. The character can temporarily stop time for all individuals within a
Cost: 15. Requirements: Elan 20. 10 meters area, thus completely blocking the targets. All affected
individuals must surpass a PhR or MR check against this characters
SPEED-UP Elan Level plus 40 or suffer the same effects of Stasis described in the
The character has a bonus of +1Movement. Elan Level 50 Power. If the targets remain within the area, they must
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 30. take the check again every 5 turns.
Cost: 15. Requirements: Elan 90, Stasis (Sight).
Once per day for every 10 points of Elan Level this character has, BEYOND TIME
he/she can create a temporal distortion affecting everyone within a The character becomes able to move through time, within a range of
radius in meters equal to his Elan Level. Affected parties suffer a a thousand years from his current position. He can even open rifts in
penalty of -2 to their Movemement and -30 to their Initiative, while the time to allow passage of more people from a timeline to another. The
user of Temporal distortion gains a bonus of +1Movement and character cannot open more than a rift each day for each 10 points of
+20Initiative. The effects last for 1 turn. Elan Level. Due to interference with the Imperium Ormus systems, the
Cost: 15. Requirements: Elan 40. accuracy of time travel is greatly reduced and massive use of this power
will inevitably summon Imperiums attention.
THE MEMORY OF THINGS Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 100.
This power allows its user to cast for free once per day per 10 points
of Elan Level the Telemetry Spell at Intermediate Level.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 40.
STASIS (TOUCH) Elan Lower Than 50
The character can temporarily stop time for a touched individual, Dedicating life to recovering artifacts from the past. 2
thus completely blocking the target. The touched individual must Making an important historical discovery. 2
surpass a PhR or MR check against this characters Elan Level plus 80 Supporting historical research. 1
or enter a paralysis state for a number of turns equal to the failure level. Making frequent use of supernatural powers related to time 2
The paralysis level depends on failure level. If the check is failed by 20 manipulation.
or less, the character is affected from minor paralysis, if the check is Forging a pact with Tawil AtUmr. 2
failed by 21 to 50, the character is affected from partial paralysis, if the Elan Higher Than 50
check is failed by more than 50, the character is affected from total Being acclaimed as an important history academic. 1
paralysis. All damage and effects suffered by the target while affected Bringing to light proof of the existence of civiliztions erased by 2
from total paralysis wont become manifest until the paralysis state history.
expires, returning the character to the current time stream. If the contact Finding a way of evading the Ormus system. 2
is continued, the target must take the check again every 5 turns. Seriously damaging the Ormus system. 10
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 50. Negative Elan Bonuses
Destroying a proof of past times. -2
SLOWED METABOLISM Spreading an historical lie or hiding deliberately a truth clearing -5
how some important even actually turned out.
This character is considered as benefitting from the Use of
Losing interest in past history. -2
Necessary Energy Ki Ability. If he/she already benefits from it, its
Obstructing the use of mystical powers related to time. -3
effects are doubled. Additionally the Slowed Metabolism power grants a
bonus of +20 to the characters VR and DR.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 60.


- 67 -
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 80, Matter to Energy.


THE TOTAL MATTER This power removes the +15 maximum Quality boundary for forged
items, and hence allows the user to imbue forged items with additional
supernatural powers. +20 or better Quality Weapons forged by this
Lord of matter and energy, master of physics. character have the Enchanted property for free and +20 or better Quality
Armors forged by this character always apply the quality bonus to
Energy Armor as well. Also, this character gains half of the Final Forge
List of Gifts roll (round down at multiples of 5) in PPs, he/she can use to imbue
powers into his/her forged item. The Level of the PPs obtained through
Imbue Matter is equal to 1 for each full 20 points of Elan the character
MATTER IN THE HANDS possesses. Finally, the item is considered as benefitting from a bonus to
The character has a bonus to his Forge Secondary Ability equal to its Presence equal to this characters Elan Level, for the purpose of
his/her Elan Level. hosting powers. This power cannot be used more than once per year for
Cost: 5. Requirements: Elan 10. every 20 points of Elan Level the character possesses and its use must be
declared when beginning the forge process.
MATTER IN THE MIND Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 80, The Answer of Matter.
The character has a bonus to his Science Secondary Ability equal to
his/her Elan Level. ATOM TO ENERGY
Cost: 5. Requirements: Elan 20. This character can choose any place within his line of sight to
become theatre of an atomic explosion. The explosion will engulf all
MATERIAL LIMIT those within the area of effect, including the character using this ability
The character ignores the effects of Damage Barriers. (hence its suggested to take a high ground in order to use the ability
Cost: 5. Requirements: Elan 20. from safety distance). Those within 100m of the origin of the explosion,
must defend against an attack with final ability of Zen (440) and Base
Damage 300. Those within a distance comprised between 100m and
STRONG MOLECULAR BONDS 500m of the point of impact, must defend against an attack with final
The character has a natural AT of 1 against all attacks, except for ability of Inhuman (320) and Base Damage 200. Finally, those within a
those based on Energy, for each full 20 points of Elan. This AT is distance comprised between 500m and 1500m of the point of impact,
considered as an additional layer that causes no penalties and cannot be must defend against an attack with final ability of Impossible (280) and
reduced or negated by any mean. Base Damage 100. All attacks are considered Energy based under all
Cost: 15. Requirements: Elan 30. aspects, but put the target ablaze as if they were based on Fire (although
theyre not considered Fire Elemental attacks under any aspect). The
THE ANSWER OF MATTER character can use this power once per month for every 20 points of Elan
When making a Forge check, the maximum quality achievable with Level possessed and never more than once per day.
a given material is increased by +5 for each 30 full points of Elan this Cost: 20. Requirements: Elan 90, Matter to Energy.
character has up to a maximum quality of +15 (unless supernatural
means are used in the Forge process), and allows reaching Zen Level in LORD OF ATOM
Forge Rolls. This character gains innate ability to control matter as if using the
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 40, Matter in the Hands. Atomic Control Spell (Level100 Earth) at Base Casting Level, by
spending only 2 Fatigue Points. The character will be able to use and
ELEMENTAL SHIELD maintain such power only for five consecutive turns. After using it, the
This character halves damage from Air, Earth, Water or Fire based character will have to wait a number of days equal to the turns the power
attacks. was maintained before becoming able to use it again. The character can
Cost: 20. Requirements: Elan 50. also choose to increase the reach of such power by spending 8 Fatigue
Points. This will increase the Casting Level to Arcane, but after using
ELEMENTAL CONTROL such degree of power, the Lord of Atom wont be able to use the power
(not even at Base Casting Level) for a number of months equal to the
This character adds +10 to all resistance checks or to all actions
number of turns it was maintained.
involving powers related to Air, Earth, Fire, or Water elements.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 100.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 60, Elemental Shield.

This characters attacks can always attack on the Energy Table.
Moreover, such attacks will be considered based on energy, so they are
invisible to all those unable to see energy and cannot be blocked except Elan Lower Than 50
by those who can touch energy. Being pragmatic. 2
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 70. Working untiringly on manual work or scientific work with clear 2
practical applications.
Putting great commitment in forging and developing technology. 2
ENERGY TO MATTER Elan Higher Than 50
Energy based attacks used by opponents within a radius equal to this Obtaining an important technological advancement or a scientific 1
characters Elan in meters, turn into visible strains of matter that are discovery of practical importance.
considered completely physical and can hence be seen and stopped as Dedicating ones own life to the forging of perfect items. 2
normal. This ability can be used passively, but has a cost of 1Fatigue Showing indisputably the superiority of matter over spirit in a 2
Point per use. specific situation.

- 68 -
Producing an artifact of incomparable quality. 3
Negative Elan Bonuses
Destroying an artifact of exceptional quality without having as -2
the only objective that of re-employing it to forge an equal or
superior artifact.
Despising the material world and living a highly spiritual life. -5
Indulging in needless philosophical thoughts. -3
Renouncing to give-in in manual or scientific wok due to sloth. -3

- 69 -
order to refuse the challenge (if he wishes to). If the challenge is
accepted, it must be carried out within 1 day since when its issued. If
the opponent loses the challenge, he/she immediately dies. If this


character loses the challenge, he/she permanently loses 5 points of Elan,
which will have to be gained anew.
Cost: 15. Requirements: Elan 70.
The Grim Reaper, lord of silent death, of calm and natural end of
everything. HAND OF DEATH
All attacks made by this character are considered as benefitting from
the Precision special rule and can affect any being, regardless of special
List of Gifts immunities, ignoring Gnosis limitations up to a Gnosis equal to half this
characters Elan Level.
Cost: 15. Requirements: Elan 80, Lethal Touch.
The character has a bonus to his Hide and Stealth Secondary STARE OF DEATH
Abilities equal to his/her Elan Level. This character can activate this power at will. While this power is
Cost: 5. Requirements: Elan 10. activated, all those seeing this characters eyes must immediately pass a
PsR check against a difficulty of 60 plus this characters Elan Level or
ADMINISTRATE DEATH immediately subdue to a state of Terror. Those who fail the check by
The character can, with a simple touch, kill those who are Between more than 60 points instantly die. Undead creatures are affected by this
Life and Death. power as well, since they can feel the presence of their nemesis,
Cost: 5. Requirements: Elan 20. regardless of their psychic capacities. The character automatically gets
the Disquieting Advantage.
COLD EYES OF THE REAPER Cost: 15. Requirements: Elan 90, Cold Eyes of The Reaper.
The character has a bonus to his/her Composure and Notice
Secondary Ability equal to his/her Elan Level. This bonus can also be KILLING BLOW
extended for a short time (half the characters Elan Leval in turns) to Once per day per 20 points of Elan Level, this character can declare
another chosen character for each 20 points of Elan Level, as long as a Killing Blow before rolling dice for an Attack. Such attack benefits
chosen targets remain within a number of meters equal to half this from a Base Damage bonus equal to this characters Elan Level and has
characters Elan Level. +10% chances of being an Open Roll. If this attacks kills an opponent,
Cost: 5. Requirements: Elan 30. its soul is completely destroyed.
Cost: 15. Requirements: Elan 90, Hand of Death.
This character can grant the death wish of someone who really THE GRIM REAPER
wants to die. All the character has to do is closing the eyes of the person This character becomes the herald of Death itself, stopping
who wants to die with his/her own hand, granting it a peaceful and immediately the age process (it will eventually die, but only once its role
painless death. The character can do this up to once per day for each 10 is fulfilled), and becoming impervious to attacks or powers unable to
points of Elan Level. affect beings with Gnosis 40 or higher. The character is considered as if
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 40, Administrate Death. benefitting from The Death Spell maintained for free on him, affecting
Undeads as well, with an MR check difficulty equal to this characters
ERASE ANOMALIES Elan Level plus 60 for mortals and plus 80 for Undeads. Damage caused
This characters attacks double their Base Damage against Undead by the Grim Reaper by any mean is recovered at a rate of Sacrificed Life
creatures of any kind. Points.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 50. Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 100.

The characters attacks that inflict a Critical, gain a bonus to their
Critical Level equal to half this characters Elan Level. This bonus only
applies to attacks intended to kill the opponent and wont apply to any Elan Lower Than 50
disable or knock-out oriented attacks. In addition the character is Living close to death. 1
considered as if benefitting from the Nemesis Extrusion ability, applying Accepting/making others accept the natural end of all things. 2
its bonuses to held weapons as well. Helping those who wish to die to understand whether this desire 2
Cost: 15. Requirements: Elan 60. is true and, if it is true, helping such individuals to die calmly.
Eradicating undead, necromancers or individuals that prolonged 2
DEATH WARD their life unnaturally without a truly important reason.
Elan Higher Than 50
This character has a bonus to all Resistance Check against all effects
Eradicating a vast group of undead or a powerful necromancer. 3
that might cause immediate death and against Criticals equal to half this
Regulating justly the end or the salvation from end of a vast 3
characters Elan Level.
population on the verge of extinction.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 60.
Killing, for a proper reason, an immortal being. 2
Negative Elan Bonuses
DEATH CHALLENGE Killing needlessly. -4
This character can issue a challenge to any intelligent being. The Despising the weak, the diseased, or the dead. -2
challenge mustnt necessarily be a fight. The opponent must pass a MR Collaborating without an extremely good reason and/or for more -2
check against a difficulty equal to twice this characters Elan Level in time than needed with undead creatures or necromancers.

- 70 -
Opposing ones own death beyond reason. -3
Making use of Necromancy or any other power over death. -10

- 71 -
Gaining/Losing Elan section. If the character chose the evil way of
Lillium, all previous and following gifts will switch into the Broken
Ones. The character gains a bonus to his/her Herbalism and Poison
Being a religion, Lillium requires people to believe in it, in order for Secondary Abilities equal to his/her Elan Level and adds +10 to the
synchronization with The Sacred Trees to happen. The character will Poison Level of any produced poison, and can prepare Level80 or higher
only gain one fixed power for each 10 points of Elan attained. Poisons even without possessing particular supernatural ingredients. If
Characters with 80+ Elan synchronization always become Lim Sidhe if the character upheld the good way of Lillium, all bonuses related to the
they die of violent death and are known enough and will be generally Poison Secondary Ability will only apply while preparing antidotes. If
considered living Lim Sidhe by those who believe in Lillium religion, the character chose the evil way, such bonuses will only apply to Poison
turning into an Incarnation. preparation.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 60.


This character can shape-change into a force of nature, obtaining a
bonus of +2 to all characteristics, an All Action Bonus of +15 and
THE HAZELS CHALLENGE becoming able to perform Inhuman actions. He/she also gains a natural
The character gains a bonus to earned experience points per session AT of 4 against all attacks except for Energy, that cannot be reduced or
equal to +1 per 10 points of Elan Level. The maximum experience negated and counts as an additional layer that causes no penalty, except
bonus per session is +9. If the character has the Learning advantage, for a -4 to the Movement Value. This form can be maintained for a
he/she must apply the highest bonus between the advantage and this gift. number of turns up to the characters Elan Level. Afterwards, the
The Broken Hazels Change: The character can spend DPs to buy character will suffer a -15 All Action Penalty for a number of days equal
Creature Powers as a Creature with Gnosis0. The Gnosis increases by 5 to the number of turns the power was maintained. During such time
for each additional 15 points of Elan Level up to a maximum of 35. period, the character cannot summon again The Oaks Avatar.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 10. The Broken Oaks Avatar: When shape-changing into The Broken
Oaks Avatar, the character gains a bonus of +4 to Strength, Dexterity,
THE APPLE TREES HEAL Agility and Power, a +30Bonus to Initiative and Attack and becomes
The character gains +1 to his/her Regeneration per 20 points of Elan able to achieve Zen level in Initiative and Attack rolls. The character is
Level. also granted a bonus of +20 to the Base Damage and Critical Level of
The Broken Apple Trees Heal: Individuals surrounding the any kind of performed attack. This form can be maintained for a number
character within a range of meters equal to his/her Elan Level will gain a of turns up to the characters Elan Level. Afterwards, the character will
penalty of -1 to their Regeneration per 20 points of Elan Level. suffer a -15 All Action Penalty for a number of days equal to the number
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 20. of turns the power was maintained. During such time period, the
character cannot summon again The Broken Oaks Avatar.
THE BIRCHS BANISHMENT Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 70.
While fighting against evil natured beings, this characters attacks
have a Base Damage bonus equal to this characters Elan Level. THE HOLLYS AURA
The Broken Birchs Banishment: While fighting against good This character gains a bonus to Animals, Leadeship, and Style
natured beings, this characters attacks have a Base Damage bonus equal Secondary Abilities equal to his/her Elan Level. Also, his/her Natura
to this characters Elan Level. becomes immediately 20 and he/she gains the Charm Advantage.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 30. The Broken Hollys Aura: This character gains a bonus to Animals,
Intimidate, and Persuasion Secondary Abilities equal to his/her Elan
THE WILLOWS INSPIRATION Level. Also, his/her Natura becomes immediately 20 and he/she gains
the Disquieting Advantage.
The character gains a bonus to his Art and Music secondary Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 80.
Abilities equal to his/her Elan Level, as well as a bonus to his/her final
MA equal to half his/her Elan Level.
The Broken Willows Inspiration: Individuals surrounding the HEROS SIGNATURE ITEM
character within a range of meters equal to his/her Elan Level, suffer a Upon receiving this power, the character must choose a single
penalty to Art and Music Secondary Abilities equal to his/her Elan Level weapon or armor in his/her possession or will have an occasion to find
and a penalty to MA equal to half his/her Elan Level. such an item. This Item will be granted incredible powers becoming
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 40. somewhat of his own symbol. Such item will be granted the powers of a
Level3 Artifact that will get to Level3+ once the character reaches an
THE YEWS VOICE Elan Level of 95, Level4 once the character reaches an Elan Level of 98
and Level4+ once the character reaches an Elan level of 100. A
This character can communicate with dead spirits waiting for The
character can never abandon its own Signature Item, that will find a way
Calling and with Wakes Ghosts. The degree of conversation it can to return in its hands, unless the character dies, in which case the Item
achieve depends on the Elan Level. will maintain all powers it had when the user died and will try through
The Broken Yews Voice: The characters presence attracts evil
time to find someone close to its own user. Should the characters Elan
undead spirits which will usually be well disposed toward the character,
drop below 90, the item will revert to its original form losing all
depending on his/her Elan Level. acquired powers.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 50. The Broken Heros Signature Item: This gift remains identical
although the powers acquired by the item will have most often a much
When reaching this value or at any point in his/her following Elan Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 90.
development, the character can either preserve the good way of Lillium
or fall into the evil way. If falling into the evil way, the character starts IMMORTAL HEART
to gain or lose Elan by performing different deeds described in the

- 72 -
A living vessel of the Sacred Trees power, this character
automatically passes all Resistance checks, as well as his/her Signature
Item, as far as he/she is the one carrying it. Good natured creatures of
Lillium will recognize the character as hierarchically superior to them
most of the times.
Broken Heart: Individuals surrounding the character within a range
of meters equal to his/her Elan Level suffer a penalty to their
Resistances equal to twice this characters Elan Level. Those individuals
that would automatically pass a Resistance check must instead take
Resistance Checks as normal, but without suffering any additional
penalty. Evil natured creatures of Lillium will recognize the character as
hierarchically superior to them most of the times.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 100.

Elan Lower Than 50
Protecting Nature or the helpless by confronting those that 2
threaten them.
Making particularly heroic actions. 3
Saving, protecting, or avenging an unjust death. 2
Protecting the members of ones own family or party. 1
Singing the lore of the heroes. 1
Defending Lilliums ideals in front of those offending them. 2
Elan Higher Than 50
Acquiring fame for ones own heroism or cruelty. 2
Protecting from certain destruction a place sacred to, or a 2
community of, Lillum followers
Destroying a place sacred to, or a group of, Lillium followers 2
not directly associated with the White Hawthorne.
Destroying a highly powerful evil or benign entity. 2
Negative Elan Bonuses
Killing people, animals, or fairy creatures needlessly -3
Helping the above for no concrete reason. -3
Committing dishonorable deeds. -2
Refusing to help someone close to oneself. -2
Allowing the Lillium faith to be humiliated without interfering / -3
Publicly defending Lilliums Faith.
Deliberately causing damage to nature. -2

- 73 -
This character gains a bonus to his Attack and Defense (and/or
Magic Projection, and/or Psychic Projection) equal to a quarter of
Being a religion, Shukyokami requires people to believe in it, in his/her Elan Level, as well as a Life Point Bonus equal to his/her Elan
order for synchronization with either the Official Temple or the Level.
Forbidden Temple to happen. The character will only gain one fixed Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 80.
power for each 10 points of Elan attained with either Temple. The
Official Temple is a cult centered on the Six Greater Kamis and good or
neutral Kamis, while the Forbidden Temple is a cult based on
Tsukiyomi and/or Yagarema and evil Kamis, or even Onis. This character gains additional ki points he can distribute as he/she
wishes among his/her stats equal to his/her Elan Level, additional ki
accumulation multiples he can distribute as he/she wishes among his/her
OFFICIAL TEMPLE stats equal to one tenth of his/her Elan Level, additional Zeon points
equal to five times his/her Elan Level, additional Magic Accumulation
equal to his/her Elan Level, and additional Psychic Points equal to one
tenth of his/her Elan Level.
List of Gifts Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 90.


The character will have a sixth sense toward finding good examples The character gains Gnosis 35 with all the advantages that come
in life, good masters that will teach him/her how to live correctly the with it. The character will receive within the three following months
faith of Shukyokami or a good company to follow. The extent of this 3CPs to spend either on Warlord Kamis Blood Advantage, or on Genus
power varies depending on the Elan Level this character has achieved. Loci Kamis Blood Advantage without applying any Level Modifier. If
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 10. the character already has either of the Blood Bonds and chooses to stack
it with this gift, he/she gains three additional possible advantages for
TEACHINGS OF THE KAMI characters with the same Blood Bond.
The character can choose between a bonus to MK or ML equal to Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 100.
half his Elan Level. MK from this advantage can only be spent on Ki
Abilities and Techniques, while ML can only be spent on the Light,
Creation, or Essence Paths.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 20. Modifiers
Elan Lower Than 50
MICHINOKAMIS FORTUNE Respecting the laws and the ancestors. 1
The character may re-roll one rolled fumble per game session, per Having others respect the laws. 2
20 points of Elan Level. The character cannot re-roll a single roll more Fighting against a minion of a Forbidden Temple. 2
than once. Eliminating a lesser Oni. 3
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 30. Elan Higher Than 50
Preventing the Samsara from entering Gaia. 1
UMETSUKIS LOVE Eliminating a Dark Kami or a major Oni. 4
This character gains a bonus to his/her Swim and Navigaton Extending the ancient laws of Kamis on extended lands. 2
Secondary Abilities. Negative Elan Bonuses
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 40. Conducting a reckless and ludicrous life. -3
Non respecting laws, ancestors or Kamis. -2
TAIYONOHIKARIS HARMONY Collaborating with cultists of any genre. -3
This character gains the Untiring Ability, except he/she will still be
capable of spending Fatigue Points for improving rolls. The character no
longer suffers any characteristics penalty for aging.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 50.


The character gains a bonus of +1Power and +1Willpower.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 60.


The character can use this power at will, that will last until
voluntarily stopped, or until a number of turns equal to this characters
Elan Level has elapsed. The character and all friendly individuals within
a number of meters equal to this characters Elan gain +10 to their
Attack Ability and Base Damage, and can use Electricity as their
secondary attack type. Once the power has been stopped, the character
suffers an All Action Penalty of -10 for a number of days equal to the
turns the power was maintained and wont be able to summon Yamato
No Shuras Storm again until such time has elapsed.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 70.

- 74 -
This character gains additional ki points he can distribute as he/she
wishes among his/her stats equal to his/her Elan Level, additional ki
FORBIDDEN TEMPLE accumulation mutiples he can distribute as he/she wishes among his/her
stats equal to one tenth of his/her Elan Level, additional Zeon points
equal to five times his/her Elan Level, additional Magic Accumulation

List of Gifts equal to his/her Elan Level, and additional Psychic Points equal to one
tenth of his/her Elan Level.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 90.
The character will have a sixth sense toward finding other cultists of ONI SOUL
either Tsukiyomi or Yagarema. Alternatively he might find a company The characters Gnosis becomes 35 with all the advantages that
that will lead him/her to a life that aims through satisfaction of either of come with it. The character will receive within the three following
the two gods. months 3CPs to spend on Onis Blood Advantage, without applying any
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 10. Level Modifier. If the character already has Onis Blood, the bonuses
are cumulative and he/she is considered as having both Red and Blue
Onis Blood.
DARK TEACHINGS Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 100.
The character can choose between a bonus to MK or ML equal to
half his Elan Level. MK from this advantage can only be spent on
Nemesis Abilities, while ML can only be spent on the Fire, Darkness,
Destruction, or Illusion Paths.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 20. Modifiers
Elan Lower Than 50
TSUKIYOMIS MISFORTUNE Breaking-up with tradition. 1
The character may force anyone else to re-roll one rolled open roll Gravely infringing the law. 2
per game session, per 20 points of Elan Level. The character cannot be Fighting a minion of an Official Temple. 2
forced to re-roll a single roll more than once. Eliminating a lower Kami. 3
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 30. Elan Higher Than 50
Supporting the entrance of Samsara in Gaia. 1
Eliminating a Kami. 4
TSUKIYOMIS SEDUCTION Extending prohibited cults over extended lands. 2
This character gains a bonus to his/her Persuasion and Style Negative Elan Bonuses
Secondary Abilities equal to his/her Elan Level. Living a rightful and sober life. -3
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 40. Accepting passively law or submitting to Kamis. -2
Making actions that strengthen law. -3
This character gains the Physical Exemption ability.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 50.


The character gains a bonus of +1Power and +1Intelligence.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 60.


The character can use this power at will, that will last until
voluntarily stopped, or until a number of turns equal to this characters
Elan Level has elapsed. The character and/or all chosen individuals
within a number of meters equal to this characters Elan enter a Frenzy
state, gain +10 to their Attack Ability and Base Damage, -20 to their
Defense Ability, can use Energy as their secondary attack type, and gain
complete Immunity to Pain and Psychological effects (except for
Frenzy). All those affected by this power wont be able to distinguish
friends from foes and will keep attacking until its stopped. Characters
can try to resist this power when its cast by surpassing a PsR check
against a difficulty of 60 plus this characters Elan Level and if they fail
it, they can try it again whenever they are attacking someone completely
against their nature.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 70.

This character gains a bonus to his Attack and Defense (or Magic
Projection, or Psychic Projection) equal to a quarter of his/her Elan
Level, as well as a Life Point Bonus equal to his Elan Level.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 80.


- 75 -
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 70.

Being a religion, Aityr requires people to believe in it, in order for This character gains Gnosis 30 with all the advantages that come
synchronization with anyone of the four Houses to happen. The with it.
character will only gain one fixed power for each 10 points of Elan Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 80.
attained with either House. For a character to synchronize with a House,
he should stress particularly his/her devotion toward the deities of that
House and act accordingly to their teachings.
The effects of this power are equivalent to those of the Level72
Light Spell, Catastrophic Light, cast at Intermediate Level and centered
AITYR VALDR on its user, although it affects only his/her chosen targets. If the user has
no Magic Projection, he/she can use either his/her Attack value or
his/her Psychic Projection. This power can be used once per day per 10
points of Elan Level.
List of Gifts Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 90.

FEHUS PROSPERITY This character is considered a Light aligned being and all Light
The character will easily find economically profitable situations and elementals consider him/her as a hierarchical superior and will have to
be offered good compensation for his/her efforts. The extent of this pass a MR check against 200 to disobey a direct order from him/her.
power depends on the characters Elan Level. The character is immune to all Light Elemental Damage and
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 10. automatically passes all Light related Resistance Checks. All his attacks
become Light Elemental and Blessed Attacks (in addition to any other
URUZS KNOWLEDGE Elemental effect). By spending 1 Fatigue, the character can cast for free
The character gains a bonus to his/her Perception Secondary an Healing Light Spell at will with Arcane Casting Level and the
Abilities equal to his/her Elan Level. Casting Level of Heaven Fall is also increased to Arcane.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 20. Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 100.

This power intensifies the positive feelings of all those that have
direct relations with him/her. It brings out the best of those around Modifiers
him/her. Elan Lower Than 50
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 30. Freeing someone from slavery. 2
Eliminating undead creatures. 2
KENAZS SHIELD Always fighting with honor. 1
This character gains a bonus to all Resistances equal to half his/her Giving birth to and supporting positive feelings. 2
Elan Level. Elan Higher Than 50
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 40. Freeing a nation from slavery. 2
Fighting a war siding with the weakest side. 3
RAIDOS JOURNEY Stopping an undead outbreak. 3
Thwarting a plan of Darkness. 2
This power allows the character to free anyone (including himself)
Negative Elan Bonuses
from any type of supernatural control, in the form of mystical, psychic Negating freedom to someone. -3
or summoning abilities, that might subdue them. This power requires the Fighting in a trickery way. -2
subduer to pass a MR check against a difficulty equal to twice this
Collaborating with undead or necromancers. -1
characters Elan Level or it will free the prey from the control. This
Oppressing the weak. -4
power can only be used once per subject, until the users Elan increases.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 50.

This character gains a +5All Action Bonus whenever he/shes acting
in order to restore balance or is fighting for the disadvantaged side in a
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 60.


This character can shape-change into a godly Avatar, obtaining a
bonus of +2 to all characteristics, an All Action Bonus of +15 and
becoming able to perform Inhuman actions. He/she also temporarily
gains access to one Style Module for each 20 points of Elan Level. This
form can be maintained for a number of turns up to the characters Elan
Level. Afterwards, the character will suffer a -15 All Action Penalty for
a number of days equal to the number of turns the power was
maintained. During such time period, the character cannot summon
again Thurizs War Avatar.

- 76 -
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 80.


The effects of this power are equivalent to those of the Level72
Darkness Spell, Catastrophic Darkness, cast at Intermediate Level and
List of Gifts centered on its user, although it affects only his/her chosen targets. If the
user has no Magic Projection, he/she can use either his/her Attack value
or his/her Psychic Projection. This power can be used once per day per
NAUTHIZS THEFT 10 points of Elan Level.
The character gains a bonus to his/her Subterfuge Secondary Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 90.
Abilities equal to half his/her Elan Level.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 10. NJORDTAR
All Dark elementals consider the character as a hierarchical superior
EIHWAZS KNOWLEDGE and will have to pass a MR check against 200 to disobey a direct order
The character gains a bonus to his/her Animals and Herbal Lore from him/her. The character automatically passes all Darkness related
Secondary Abilities equal to his/her Elan Level. Resistance Checks. All his attacks become Dark Elemental Attacks (in
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 20. addition to any other Elemental effect) and the character gains for free
the Umbra Magnus and the Karas Transformation Magnus. The Casting
Level of Night Fall is increased to Arcane.
ALGIZS PROTECTION Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 100.
This character no longer suffers any penalty while performing the
Cover for Others Defense Maneuver and can perform it as a Passive
Action, instead of an Active Action.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 30.
This character halves damage from Fire Elemental Attacks and gains Living in the world of occult and supernatural. 2
+30 to all Resistance Checks against Fire effects, as well as +3AT Saving the life of an animal. 1
against Heat. The character also gains a bonus of +10 Base Damage to Protecting a human being from a ferocious beast. 2
any Fire based attack he/she makes. Making a particularly notable theft. 2
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 40. Elan Higher Than 50
Saving the life of a large number of people or animals. 2
Dedicating whole life to dominion of occult forces. 2
ISAS ETERNAL ICE Preventing entrance of monstrous creatures into the world. 2
This character halves damage from Cold Elemental Attacks and Negative Elan Bonuses
gains +30 to all Resistance Checks against Cold effects, as well as +3AT Awakening Ice Giants. -10
against Cold. The character also gains a bonus of +10 Base Damage to Supporting the entrance of monstrous beings into the world. -2
any Ice based attack he/she makes. Killing animals for fun. -3
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 50.

The character can cast a few Free Access Spells even without
knowing them or possessing The Gift. The character gains the
equivalent of twice his/her Elan Level in Zeon Points to cast any Free
Access spell he chooses each day. The maximum level of Spells is that
of the Elan Level, while the maximum casting level depends on
Intelligence as normal, but the character gains a bonus of +2Intelligence
for this purpose only.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 60.

The character can temporarily stop time for an individual he/she
concentrates his eyes on, thus completely blocking the target. The
looked-upon individual must surpass a PhR or MR check against this
characters Elan Level plus 60 or enter a total paralysis state for a
number of turns equal to the failure level. All damage and effects
suffered by the target while affected from paralysis wont become
manifest until the paralysis state expires, returning the character to the
current time stream. If the sight contact is continued, the target must
take the check again every 5 turns.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 70.

This character gains all benefits of Pandemoniums Blood and
Shadow Child blood bonds, but without any Level Modifier or racial

- 77 -
All base characteristics of this character become 10 and he/she stops
immediately aging (and ignores any aging penalty, if hes already
AITYR VALHEIN affected by them), gaining Physical Exemption, except he/she can still
spend Fatigue Points to increase his/her rolls. The Dreamlands power
Casting Level is increased to Arcane, lasts for 1 hour, and the character

List of Gifts benefits from Gnosis30 if using it in areas of the Wake strongly
influenced from negative energies.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 100.
This character can grant a good harvest or a safe birth once per day
per 10 points of Elan Level. The extent of this ability depends on the
characters Elan Level. Modifiers
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 10. Elan Lower Than 50
Always fighting for Justice. 2
INGUZS LUCK Protecting the weak and pushing others toward respect of laws. 2
The character can choose to use this power to alter the chances of Fighting against evil beings or in order to protect humanoids. 3
obtaining Open Rolls and Fumbles on a certain roll. If the character Falling seriously in love. 3
chooses to use this power, lower by 2 points the score required for an Having loving care of ones own steed. 2
Open Roll and increase by 1 point the score required for a Fumble, per Elan Higher Than 50
20 points of Elan Level. Risking life in order to save ones own love. 2
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 20. Following ones own dreams ignoring adversities. 1
Protecting a huge community from extinction. 3
Fighting alone against an evil being clearly more powerful 2
EHWAZS SADDLE than ones self.
The character gains a bonus to his/her Ride and Animals Secondary Negative Elan Bonuses
Abilities equal to his/her Elan Level, as well as the Animal Empathy Mistreating or killing horses without reason. -2
advantage. Deliberately acting evilly. -3
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 30. Siding against human beings without a really good reason. -4
Losing an important battle. -2
The character has complete Immunity to all negative Psychological
States. In case such States are supernaturally induced, the character can
add his/her Elan Level to the required Resistance Check.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 40.

The character gains a +10 All Action Bonus, whenever hes acting
to protect human lives from any non-human threat.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 50.

The character halves all damage caused from Earth, Fire, Water and
Air Elemental Attacks.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 60.


The character gains the Inhumanity and Zen abilities and ignores an
amount of Penalties to actions equal to half his/her Elan Level.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 70.

This character gains +10 All Action bonus whenever hes trying to
destroy evil beings or making a very fair act, as well double Base
Damage against all evil beings.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 80.

The effects of this power are equivalent to those of the Level80
Light Spell, Lord of Dreams cast at Base Level. This power can be used
once per day per 10 points of Elan Level and each use will last for 10
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 90.


- 78 -
The character can summon the Three Fates when in a real pinch, up
to once per month per 10 points of Elan Level. The Three Fates will
THE THREE BEASTS willingly answer up to three questions of the summoner upon any
subject as an Advice Spell (Level74 Knowledge Spell) cast at Arcane
Level. As an alternative, they will grant the same power as a single

List of Gifts casting of The Death Spell (Level94 Death Spell) cast at Intermediate
Level and maintained for 5 turns.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 90.
The character gains a bonus to his/her Hide and Stealth Secondary HELHEINAR
Abilities equal to his/her Elan Level. All rolls of 20 or less from opponents defending against this
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 10. characters attacks are considered fumble and all rolls of 20 or less on
Resistance Checks against powers used by this character are considered
automatic failures (the check is considered as failed by at least 10
SKULES ORDERS points). This characters attacks that produce Damage automatically
This character gains a bonus to the Control Summoning Ability inflict a Critical. The Death Spell from the Hellion Sisters power has its
equal to half his/her Elan Level. Casting Level increased to Arcane.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 20. Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 100.

The characters attacks gain a Base Damage Bonus equal to half
his/her Elan Level.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 30.
Elan Lower Than 50
Killing often. 2
FENRISULFS TOTEM Establishing no bonds to a place or group for a long time. 2
The character attracts a wolf that forges with him/her an unbreakable Fighting a minion of Christianity. 2
bond. The wolf Totem (using a Wolf of Wolfgar base characteristics) Elan Higher Than 50
will act similarly to a Familiar, however the character wont hold true Living in absolute freedom. 2
power over it (although he/she can request its help voluntarily). The Imposing ones own leadership to great beasts or monstrous 3
Intelligence of the wolf Totem is increased by 5 points and whenever the creatures.
character gains a level, so does the Totem, who will be allowed to spend Bringing death to an extremely powerful being. 4
his DPs in acquiring essential abilities and powers as if it were a natural Destroying a vast area and its population. 3
being with Gnosis 20. The Totem has telepathic communication with its Negative Elan Bonuses
master and they can connect their senses. In case the Totem is destroyed Fighting without the intent of killing, without an extremely -3
or killed, the master can bring it back to life by sacrificing 10 Elan good and precise reason.
Points. Collaborating with a minion of Christianity. -2
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 40. Accepting slavery. -4

The character gains a number of DPs equal to twice his/her Elan
Level to spend on creature powers as if he/she had Gnosis 25.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 50.

The characters attacks that inflict a Critical, gain a bonus to their
Critical Level equal to half this characters Elan Level. This bonus only
applies to attacks intended to kill the opponent and wont apply to any
disable or knock-out oriented attacks.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 60.

The character gains 1CP worth of Great Beasts Blood per 30 points
of Elan Level, but without any Level Modifier. This power is cumulative
with any CP the character already has spent on Great Beasts Blood, and
allows having more than 3CPs worth of Great Beasts Blood.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 70.

This power grants the ability to damage any creature regardless of
powers, supernatural presence, or special immunities. Those victims
with a Gnosis lower than the aggressor whose lives are taken by him/her
will have their souls destroyed, instead of returning to the Flow of Souls.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 80.


- 79 -
the first four Spells from the War Subpath to those the character can use.
If the character already has the aforementioned spells, he/she gains
instead +1Intelligence when calculating his Casting Level with such
Being a religion, Enneath requires people to believe in it, in order spells.
for synchronization with The Kalih to happen. The character will only Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 60.
gain one fixed power for each 10 points of Elan attained with the Kalih.
Moreover synchronization with the Kalih should be possible only to MADAS PEACE
followers of the Mulares strain or Zafires with a very strong devotion All those within a radius in meters equal to one fifth of this
toward the Kalih (which is unlikely). characters Elan in meters must make an MR check against a difficulty
equal to this characters Elan plus 50 or become Fascinated. This power
also improves Yareths Revenge, adding the first four Spells from the
List of Gifts Peace Subpath to those the character can use. If the character already has
the aforementioned spells, he/she gains instead +1Intelligence when
SHOTETHS DARKNESS calculating his Casting Level with such spells.
The character gains a bonus to his/her Intimidate and Persuasion Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 70.
Secondary Abilities equal to his/her Elan Level.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 10.
This power improves Madas Peace, granting the first six spells
ANIUES RITUALS from all aforementioned Subpaths. Also, the character will increase his
This character automatically gains the first two Spells from the base MA by an additional 5 points while using Spells granted from
Death Subpaths, which he/she can use (even if he doesnt have the Gift) his/her Elan and regenerating Zeon, and a bonus to his/her Zeon reserve
freely following the normal rules for Magic. If the character is proficient equal to five times his/her Elan Level. If the character already has the
in Summoning, his Banish ability can be used on Undead creatures as aforementioned spells, he/she gains instead +1Intelligence when
well. If the character already has the listed spells, he/she gains instead calculating his Casting Level with such spells.
+1Intelligence when calculating the Casting Level with such spells. Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 80.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 20.
HAREKRATES TEACHINGS The character gains a bonus of +1Power, +1Willpower,
The character gains a bonus to his/her History and Occult Secondary +1Intelligence, and rolls of 2-3 on Ability checks made by this character
Abilities equal to half his/her Elan Level. This power also improves are no longer considered Fumbles. This power also improves Jeruths
Aniues Rituals, adding the first two Spells from the Letters and Judgement, granting the first seven spells from all aforementioned
Knowledge Subpaths to those the character can use. The character can Subpaths.
use his/her Attack or Psychic Projection value for Offensive Magic Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 90.
Projection, while using Spells granted from Elan. If the character
already has the aforementioned spells, he/she gains instead JIHAMATHS KALIH
+1Intelligence when calculating his Casting Level with such spells.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 30. This power improves Amenotheps Law, granting the first nine
spells from all aforementioned Subpaths. If the character already has the
aforementioned spells, he/she gains instead +1Intelligence when
SHANURAS SANCTUARY calculating his Casting Level with such spells. Also, the character will
Once per day per 10 points of Elan Level, the character can select an increase his base MA by an additional 5 points while using Spells
area with a radius up to his/her current Elan Level in meters to become granted from his/her Elan and regenerating Zeon. The character
impenetrable to people with offending intention toward anyone inside of becomes completely impervious to attacks that are unable to damage
it, thanks to an invisible barrier. Those trying to force the barrier must energy. Furthermore, this characters actions become Jihamaths will, so
pass an MR check against a difficulty equal to the characters Elan all those who oppose him/her cannot make use of Destiny Points, while,
Level +40 or will be stopped from entering and cannot take a new check this characters Destiny Point pool is immediately increased to 10 and
until 5 turns have passed. The Sanctuary wont last more than 1 minute he/she will recover 1 Destiny Point per hour.
per point of Elan Level the character possesses. Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 100.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 40.

This power improves Herekrates Teachings, granting the first four
Elan lower than 50
spells from all aforementioned Subpaths, as well as the first four spells
Fighting Christianity. 2
from the Umbral Subpath. Also, the character will increase his base MA
Converting others to the religion of Enneath. 1
by 5 points while using Spells granted from his/her Elan or regenerating
Defeating a lesser Djinn. 2
Zeon. The character can use his/her Defense or Psychic Projection value Blindly following the Inara. 2
for Defensive Magic Projection, while using Spells granted from Elan. If
Elan higher than 50
the character already has the aforementioned spells, he/she gains
Converting a nation to the religion of Enneath. 2
+1Intelligence when calculating his Casting Level with such spells as
Converting a Christian nation to the religion of Enneath. 4
well as benefitting from the MA and Magic Regeneration bonus granted Dedicating life to eradication of those following the Qamar. 1
by this Power.
Defeating a major Djinn. 2
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 50.
Elan negative bonuses
Losing faith in Jihamath. -3
YARETHS REVENGE Not performing the rituals required by Enneath faith. -2
The character gains a +5 All Action Bonus while acting for Losing to the temptation of Qamar. -5
achieving a revenge. This power also improves Ampunes Land, adding

- 80 -
The character must choose anyone Elan gift from a Beryl and
Being a religion, Oposium requires people to believe in it, in order anyone from the corresponding opposite Shajad with an Elan Level of
for synchronization with Ormuz and Ahriman (Ciel and Gaira) to 80 or less, ignoring other requirements. The character will be
happen. The character will only gain one fixed power for each 10 points permanently granted the two gifts.
of Elan attained with Ormuz and Ahriman. 1, 2, and 3 CPs spent on Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 80.
starting Elan with Oposium only confer 20, 35 and 45 points of Elan
respectively, instead of the usual amount.
The character must choose anyone Elan gift from a Beryl and
List of Gifts anyone from the corresponding opposite Shajad with an Elan Level of
90 or less, ignoring other requirements. The character will be
permanently granted the two gifts.
SPARKS OF LIGHT ARE SHADES OF DARKNESS Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 90.
The character must choose anyone Elan gift from a Beryl and
anyone from the corresponding opposite Shajad with an Elan Level of ORMUZ IS AHRIMAN
10 or less, ignoring other requirements. The character will be The character must choose anyone Elan gift from a Beryl and
permanently granted the two gifts. anyone from the corresponding opposite Shajad with an Elan Level of
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 10. 100 or less, ignoring other requirements. The character will be
permanently granted the two gifts. The character wont be considered
A CANDLE IS A GAP Avatar of any entity, anyway.
The character must choose anyone Elan gift from a Beryl and Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 100.
anyone from the corresponding opposite Shajad with an Elan Level of
20 or less, ignoring other requirements. The character will be
permanently granted the two gifts.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 20. Modifiers
Elan Lower Than 50
A TORCH IS A BLIND SPOT Convincing others of the necessity of opposites and conflict. 1
The character must choose anyone Elan gift from a Beryl and Serving the interests of Gaira as much as those of Ciel. 1
anyone from the corresponding opposite Shajad with an Elan Level of Directly serving the Giovanni dynasty in a specific quest. 1
30 or less, ignoring other requirements. The character will be Elan Higher Than 50
permanently granted the two gifts. Saving the life of a member of Giovanni dynasty. 1
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 30. Saving Gaia from destruction or from a balance-breaking event. 1
Successfully opposing those that try to destroy balance. 1
SHINE IS SHADOW Negative Elan Bonuses
Directly serving the cause of a specific Shajad or a specific Beryl. -3
The character must choose anyone Elan gift from a Beryl and
Trying to oblige others to follow the Oposium religion. -3
anyone from the corresponding opposite Shajad with an Elan Level of
Deliberately ignoring or choosing not to oppose a threat to Gaia. -3
40 or less, ignoring other requirements. The character will be Killing a Giovanni family member. -3
permanently granted the two gifts.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 40.

The character must choose any one Elan gift from a Beryl and any
one from the corresponding opposite Shajad with an Elan Level of 50 or
less, ignoring other requirements. The character will be permanently
granted the two gifts.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 50.


The character must choose anyone Elan gift from a Beryl and
anyone from the corresponding opposite Shajad with an Elan Level of
60 or less, ignoring other requirements. The character will be
permanently granted the two gifts.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 60.

The character must choose anyone Elan gift from a Beryl and
anyone from the corresponding opposite Shajad with an Elan Level of
70 or less, ignoring other requirements. The character will be
permanently granted the two gifts.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 70.

- 81 -
Once per month, this character can summon anyone Aeon (either as
Creature or as Invocation) without need for a Summon check. The
Being a religion, Arium requires people to believe in it, in order for character will gain an extra bonus to his/her Control check against such
synchronization with The Nexus to happen. The character will only gain creature equal to twice his/her Elan Level.
one fixed power for each 10 points of Elan attained with The Nexus. Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 90.
Note that all bonus to summoning conferred by these powers will never
apply to Undead creatures, since those are out of the Nexus system.
The character is considered as having Gnosis 45 when performing
List of Gifts Summoning Rituals and is always considered as being in contact with a
Controlled Magic Node with -3 to the Difficulty of Power Checks. This
character halves damage from Creation, Destruction, Essence and
KNOWLEDGE OF THE NEXUS Illusion based attacks, and adds +10 to all resistance checks or to all
The character gains a bonus to his/her Animals, Herbal Lore and actions involving powers related to Creation, Destruction, Essence, and
Occult Secondary Abilities equal to his/her Elan Level. Illusion powers.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 10. Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 100.

This character has a bonus to his/her Summon and Banish
Summoning Abilities and Magic Appraisal Secondary Ability equal to Elan Lower Than 50
half his/her Elan Level. Dedicating ones own life to the study of summoning. 2
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 20. Living close to the supernatural without losing sight of the 2
CREATURE MASTER Submitting ones own will to a more powerful entity. 3
Elan Higher Than 50
The character has a bonus to his/her Control and Bind Summoning
Summoning and controlling an Aeon or an entity of similar 4
Abilities and Composure Secondary Ability equal to half his/her Elan power.
Sealing a pact with an extremely powerful or demanding 3
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 30.
Making frequent use of extremely powerful abilities. 1
All summoning rituals and spells performed by this character have a Losing interest in the supernatural world. -5
Zeon cost reduction equal to this characters Elan Level up to a Feeling superior to the entwined wire of life. -3
minimum cost of 10Zeon Points. Summoning by ki is reduced by 1Ki Hesitating in performing a dangerous ritual. -4
point per 10 points of this characters Elan Level, up to a minimum of
1Ki per seal. Techniques have a cost reduction of l Ki point on anyone
chosen characteristic per 10 points of this characters Ean Level, up to a
minimum of 1Ki per characteristic. When employing a Psychic Power,
the character reduces the Psychic Potential employed in its use by a
quantity equal to half this characters Elan Level, up to a minimum of 10
points of Psychic Potential.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 40.

This character halves damage from Air, Earth, Water or Fire based
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 50.

This character adds +10 to all resistance checks or to all actions
involving powers related to Air, Earth, Fire, or Water elements.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 60.

This character halves damage from Light and Darkness based
attacks, and adds +10 to all resistance checks or to all actions involving
powers related to Light and Darkness elements.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 70.

The character gains an extra MA Multiple, +1Ki Accumulation on
All Characteristics, and 1 Free Psychic Point, for each full 20 points of
Elan Level.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 80.

- 82 -
Once per day for every 10 points of Elan Level this character has,
Being a religion, Aramense Faith requires people to believe in it, in he/she can create a temporal distortion affecting himself. For the
order for synchronization with The Buried Gods to happen. The following 5 turns, the character will be entitled to play 2 turns for each
character should at the very least know the names of Devah and Ulrioka turn played by other characters. During the additional turns the character
Yama. The character will only gain one fixed power for each 10 points will not be allowed to interact with other individuals, but will be
of Elan attained with The Buried Gods. Should a character with otherwise allowed to perform any action.
synchronization higher than 80 pass near the burial site of an Aramense Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 70.
deity, theres a slight possibility equal to 1% for each point of Elan
Level beyond 80, that the god starts to unrest and eventually awakes.
Life replenishes the characters essence. The character gains a bonus
List of Gifts to his/her Life Points equal to twice his/her Elan Level and needs to be
brought to ten times his/her Constitution value below 0 in order to be
DESERT AND JUNGLE ARE HOME Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 80.
The character is immune to dehydration effects and can easily
withstand extremely high or low temperatures, gaining an actual natural THE SLUMBER OF GODS
AT2 against Fire and Cold attacks that count as an additional layer that The character may synchronize his essence with that of the
inflicts no penalties. If the character had the Vulnerable to Heat/Cold Slumbering Gods, benefitting from the revitalizing effects of their rest.
disadvantage, penalties for it are halved. In order to do so, the character must sleep regularly eight hours per day,
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 10. during which he/she will be considered as suffering from the Deep
Sleeper Disadvantage. While synchronized to the Slumber of Gods the
RELENTLESS PHYSIQUE character stops aging, and adds +1 to his/her Regeneration rate per 10
The character gains +1Fatigue Point per 10 points of Elan. points of Elan Level and can regenerate at rates higher than 18. Also, the
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 20. character gains an additional Zeon Regeneration Multiple per 10 points
of Elan Level and will regenerate an extra Ki point per characteristic and
an extra Psychic Point per time unit normally used. Finally while
CONTROL OVER LIFE synchronized to the Slumber of Gods, the character will recover 1
This character gains a bonus to his/her DR and VR equal to half Fatigue Point per turn. Unfortunately the Slumber of Gods can be tough
his/her Elan Level. for a mortal mind, hence each passing month of continued use of this
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 30. ability, the character must roll a d100 and if the result exceeds his/her
current Elan, the synchronization immediately stops and the character
CONTROL OVER DEATH will suffer from the 2CP Nightmares Disadvantage for a full month,
This character gains a bonus equal to half his/her Elan Level to all during which he/she wont be able to synchronize with the Slumber of
Resistance Checks against Criticals and effects that cause instant Death, Gods.
including Between Life and Death checks, and can act as normal even Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 90.
with negative Life Points.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 40. DREAM OF UNNAMED GODS
Once per day per 20 points of Elan Level the character can cast
SAND MUMMY SHAPE anyone spell at Base Casting Level from the Creation, Destruction, Fire,
The character can turn his body into that of a mummy made of sand Earth, Air, Water, or Essence paths, or from the Death, Blood, Dreams,
for a number of turns per day equal to his/her Elan Level. The character Time, Animal, or Plant subpaths. The spell is cast and maintained for
halves all damage suffered from Cut, Impact or Thrust attacks. free for an entire day. The Casting Level of these spells can be increased
Whenever this character deals damage to an opponent by any mean, the by spending 1Fatigue Point per additional Casting Level. This ability
target must surpass a PhR check against dehydration with a difficulty allows use of High and Divine Magic as well, but 10 and 20 Life Points
equal to suffered damage plus this characters Elan Level. Failure of the respectively must be sacrificed for each casting of such spells.
check causes an additional life points loss and All Action Penalty equal Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 100.
to half the failure level (rounded up). The All Action Penalty is
recovered at a rate of -5 per hour. Water Elemental beings suffer life
points loss and All Action Penalty equal to their failure level instead.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 50. Modifiers
Elan Lower Than 50
ADIAN Accepting decisions of ones own superiors only if just. 1
The character attracts an animal spirit, called Adian, that forges with Fighting against survival from persecution. 2
him/her an unbreakable bond. The Adian will act similarly to a Familiar, Opposing Enneath followers. 2
however the character wont hold true power over it (although he/she Fighting bravely to defend ones own home or companions. 2
can request its help voluntarily). The Intelligence of the Adian is Telling others of the existence of buried Aramense gods. 2
increased by 5 points and whenever the character gains a level, so does Elan Higher Than 50
the Adian, who will be allowed to spend his DPs in acquiring essential Saving from eradication a large group of Aramense faithful. 2
abilities and powers as if it were a Spiritual Being with Gnosis 30. The Awakening a Buried God 4
Adian has telepathic communication with its master and they can Converting a huge community to the Aramense Faith. 4
connect their senses. In case the Adian is destroyed or killed, the master Defeating an important representative of an opposing religion. 2
can bring it back to life by sacrificing 10 Elan Points. Negative Elan Bonuses
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 60. Collaborating with a follower of Enneath. -1

- 83 -
Indulging in masochism or hurting oneself stupidly. -3
Having an aggressive demeanor toward other religions. -2
Renouncing to protect something important to ones self. -2
Rebelling against a just order from a superior. -3

- 84 -
This character gains a +20 All Action Bonus, whenever he/she is
fighting against one or more higher level opponents. This characters
The Path to Ascension is a religion and requires people to believe in attacks against opponents with Natura higher than 10 and/or Gnosis
it. The character must know (or try to learn as much as possible) of the higher than 25 gain a Base Damage bonus of +50.
detailed history and lifetime of an Ascended imitate him/her in Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 90.
everything. The character will only gain one fixed power for each 10
points of Elan attained with The Path to Ascension. Gaining Elan with
The Path to Ascension is completely independent from gaining Elan
with other powers. Actually, at any moment, a character can sacrifice his The character can either gain Gnosis 40, except he/she wont be able
Elan Level with any power, to reach the same Elan Level with The Path to spawn Avatars, or remain mortal. If the character chooses to remain
to Ascension, as far as the other conditions are satisfied. as a mortal, he/she will automatically be considered to have Natura20
and gain 300DP to spend on his/her abilities, that dont count toward
Level calculation and/or for primary abilities allocation, although no
List of Gifts more than 160DPs can be spent on Attack and Defense (halve maximum
DPs for characters that developed only one of the two abilities), and no
more than 80DPs on Projection abilities. If the character became an
KNOWLEDGE OF THE ASCENDED Ascended by sacrificing the 100% Elan synchronization with another
The character gains a bonus to his/her History and Occult Secondary Power, he/she may choose to keep his/her Avatar Power (without being
Abilities equal to his/her Elan Level. considered an Avatar anymore), as well as any Elan power he/she wants
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 10. to retain, but at the cost of one power from the Path to Ascension list
with at least equal Elan Requirement, for each power he/she wants to
preserve from the previous Elan synchronization (without applying any
DO THE IMPOSSIBLE requirements).
The character gains the Inhumanity ability. Upon reaching Elan 70, Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 100.
this character gains the Zen ability.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 20.


The character gains a bonus equal to his/her Elan Level to 5
Elan Lower Than 50
Secondary Abilities chosen by the master, that vary depending on the
Living following the example of imitated Ascended. 2
chosen Path to Ascension. Honoring the memory of imitated Ascended. 1
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 30.
Getting fame. 2
Elan Higher Than 50
SEE THE INVISIBLE Making an important feat that remembers something done by 2
The character becomes able to see ki energy and psychic matrices. the imitated Ascended.
Upon reaching Elan60, the character becomes able to see magic. Upon Making a public show that decisively transcends human limits. 1
reaching Elan80 the character gains the See Supernatural Creature Performing a task that will be talked about for centuries and 3
Power. Finally upon reaching Elan100 the character gains the True Sight being renown to be the one that did it.
Creature Power. Negative Elan Bonuses
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 40. Having inferiority complexes. -4
Renouncing improvement. -2
HEROIC NATURE Accepting the impossibility of doing something. -4
The character gains the Fortunate Advantage, as well as either one
between the Charm or the Disquieting Advantage (depending on the
chosen Path to Ascension).
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 50.


The character becomes able to damage all kind of beings, regardless
of immunities, or protections, except he wont still be able to affect
beings with high enough Gnosis.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 60.

Upon gaining this power, the character will lose all his
disadvantages at a rate of 1CP per month.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 70.


This gift removes the Gnosis limit to that which can be affected
from this characters attacks or powers. Also, the character becomes
able to inflict Criticals on creatures which are normally immune to it.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 80.

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Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 80.


The Children of Judas is a strong atheist philosophy and requires The character is granted a Magnus for each 25 points of Elan Level.
people to believe in it. The character must actively scorn religions and The character must satisfy any required prerequisite in order to choose
believe in the possibility for mankind to surpass all self-imposed bonds. an Ars Magnus. Also, the character gains additional ki points he/she can
The character will only gain one fixed power for each 10 points of Elan distribute as he/she wishes among his/her stats equal to his/her Elan
attained with Judas Philosophy. Level, and 1 additional Ki Accumulation Multiple on four chosen
characteristics for each 20 points of his/her Elan Level.

List of Gifts
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 90.


The character gains a bonus to his/her Science and Appraisal The character can perceive Elan and Gnosis in other people,
Secondary Abilities equal to his/her Elan Level. becoming able with the use of this power to distinguish between
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 10. different synchronizations and to quantify roughly the Elan Level of
individuals. The character can, at will, momentarily subtract half his
Elan Level from the Elan Level of any other individual, weakening
CLAD IN STEEL his/her Elan powers. Targets must pass a PhR check against a difficulty
The character gains either a bonus to his/her Wear Armor Primary equal to this characters Elan Level +80 to avoid the effects. The power
Ability equal to his/her Elan Level or an equal bonus to his/her Life does not actually affect Elan, but only its use, and remains active for a
Points. number of days equal to the Failure Level, or until its targets distance
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 20. themselves from the user by a number of km equal to this characters
Elan Level. This effect can only be used once per minute on a single
UNYIELDING IN THE FACE OF GOD individual. The character can also at will decrease the Gnosis of other
The character gains a bonus equal to half his/her Elan Level to PhR, beings by 5 points for each 50 points of his/her Elan Level. A creature
DR, and VR. retains all its Essential Abilities and Creature Powers even if his/her
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 30. Gnosis drops below the necessary level, but Gnosis-related powers, such
as Auspice or Avatar, will momentarily disappear if the Gnosis drops
THE WILL TO DEFY GOD below the required value. Targets must pass a PhR check against a
difficulty equal to this characters Elan Level +80 to avoid the effects.
The character gains a bonus equal to half his/her Elan Level to MR, The power remains active for a number of turns equal to the Failure
and PsR, and has the Inhumanity ability. Level, or until its targets distance themselves from the user by a number
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 40.
of km equal to this characters Elan Level. This effect can only be used
once per day on a single creature.
LEARNING THE HARD WAY Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 100.
The character is granted a bonus of +3 experience points per session
per 30 full points of Elan Level he/she has, as well as a Single Weapon
Module for each 10 full points of Elan Level he/she has. Upon reaching
Elan 70, the character can choose for new modules to be Single Gear
Modules instead of Single Weapon Modules. The maximum experience
bonus per session is +9. If the character has the Learning advantage, Elan Lower Than 50
he/she must apply the highest bonus between the advantage and this gift. Convincing someone else of the non-existence of Gods. 3
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 50. Believing only in yourself and others. 2
Defeating minions of the Powers in The Shadows. 2
Converting a minion of a faith or the Powers to Judas. 5
OPPOSING GOD Elan Higher Than 50
The character is granted a bonus to MK equal to half his/her Elan Showing others that you can always do without the Gods. 1
Level which can only be spent on Nemesis Powers. Penalties inflicted Converting to Judas a Cleric or a Champion of another faith. 2
by Null Magic, Null Matrixes, and Null Bonds inflicted by this character Erasing a religion from Gaia. 2
are increased by an amount equal to this characters Elan Level. Successfully opposing a Power in The Shadows or a God. 3
Penalties inflicted by Null Ki inflicted by this character are increased by Negative Elan Bonuses
an amount equal to 1/10 of this characters Elan Level. Voluntarily taking part in a religious ritual. -2
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 60. Bowing to a superior power. -4
Asking a supernatural power for protection. -3
When making any Opposed Ability Check against a Technique,
Spell, or Psychic Power, the character gains a bonus equal to half his/her
Elan Level. When making an Opposed Characteristic Check against a
Technique, Spell or Power, the character gains a bonus of +1 for each 20
points of Elan Level he/she has. The character is also granted the Zen
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 70.


This gift removes the Gnosis limit to that which can be affected
from this characters attacks. Also, the character becomes able to inflict
Criticals on creatures which are normally immune to it.

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Once per month the character can reanimate a dead person or
creature as if casting a True Rise spell on it, but without any Level limit.
Reanimated people and creatures are bonded to the character as if they
The cult of the Primeval Gods is a secret cult and requires people to had failed the Resistance Check of a Vassalage spell.
believe in it. The character must actively follow the cult and office Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 80.
rituals for the Primeval Gods. The character will only gain one fixed
power for each 10 points of Elan attained with The Primeval Gods. THE PRIMEVAL STIRRING
Once per day per 20 points of Elan Level the character can cast

List of Gifts
anyone chosen spell between: Hurricane, Tsunami, Fire Storm, and
Earthquake. All spells except for Tsunami are maintained for 5 turns
each time theyre used. All these spells are cast at Advanced Casting
Level. The Casting Level increases for each additional 10 points of Elan.
THE SECRETS OF MADNESS Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 90.
The character gains a bonus to his/her Intimidate and Occult
Secondary Abilities equal to his/her Elan Level. THE PRIMEVAL CALL
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 10.
The mere presence of this character in an area begins to attract all
sort of evil and monstrous creatures on it, even opening portals between
THE VESSEL OF PLAGUE dimensions to allow such creatures to reach the characters
The character gains a bonus equal to half his/her Elan Level to DR. surroundings. Beings associated with chaotic forces and with the
Whenever the character passes a DR check, he/she becomes a vessel for Primeval Gods are particularly responding with this gift. The character
the Disease, while being immune to it. Upon reaching Elan50, anyo himself has no control over such creatures, but will generally be the last
Disease carried by the character gains a bonus to the Difficulty of its DR target of these creatures intents and creatures capable of reasoning will
check equal to half his/her Elan Level. Upon reaching Elan80 any most often recognize him/her as a possible ally.
Disease carried by the character becomes Contagious, unless already Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 100.
Contagious or a Plague. Upon reaching Elan100 any Disease carried by
the character becomes a Plague, unless already a Plague.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 20.

Elan Lower Than 50
The character gains a bonus of +1Regeneration per 20 points of Elan
Sacrificing a human or equivalent life to Primeval Gods. 1
Level. Upon reaching Elan90, the character can reach Regeneration Sacrificing several human lives to Primeval Gods. 2
values of 19 or 20.
Subduing mutated creatures associated with Primeval Gods. 2
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 30.
Bringing new members into the cult of Primeval Gods. 2
Elan Higher Than 50
OCCULT TRAINING Becoming mad. 3
The character gains a bonus equal to half his/her Elan Level to either Sacrificing an entity with either Natura 20 or Gnosis higher 4
two chosen Summoning Abilities or to Magic Level. than 30 to the Primeval Gods.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 40. Spreading a plague within a human or equivalent population. 3
Awakening a Primeval God. 10
The character can cast for free once per Day per 20 points of Elan Not performing a ritual due to moral issues. -5
Level the Whispers from The Other Side spell for free, which is Not performing sacrifices to Primeval Gods for a month. -2
automatically maintained for free for 5 turns. Upon reaching Elan75, the Not acquiring power or knowledge for fear of consequences. -3
character can choose to cast the Terror spell instead. Upon reaching
Elan100, the character can choose to cast the The Fear Made Flesh
spell instead.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 50.

The character is automatically affected from the Chaotic Mutation
spell cast at Base Casting Level, without MR allowed. The effects of the
spell are further increased to Intermediate, Advanced, and Arcane
Casting Level at Elan 70, 80, and 90 respectively. At Elan 100, the spell
effect is further increased as if the spell was empowered with a
Reinforce Magic Spell.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 60.


The character can at will be surrounded by a swarm of poisonous
insects acting like an Insect Plague centered on but not affecting
him/her. The spell is cast at Base Casting Level. The Casting Level
increases for each additional 10 points of Elan.
Cost: 10. Requirements: Elan 70.


- 87 -
Extended Tables
Power Zeon

Characteristic Bonus 21 280

21-22 50 22 290
23-24 55 23 305
25 60 24 315
26-27 65 25 330
28-29 70 26 345
30 75 27 355

28 370

Level Exp 29 380

Needed 30 400
16 4125
17 4600
Intelligence Magic
18 5100 Level
19 5625 21 900
20 6175 22 1000
21 6750 23 1150
22 7350 24 1300
23 7975 25 1450
24 8625 26 1600
25 9300 27 1750

28 1900

CON Regen 29 2100

Level 30 2300
21 13

22 14
Willpower Potential
23 15
21 240
24 16
22 260
25 17
23 280
26-27 18
24 300
28-29 19
25 330
30 20
26 360

27 390

28 420

29 450

30 500

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