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Canadian History Road Trip

Social Studies 7
Chapter 6

Your job is to plan out your dream vacation - of
historical points of interests from Chapter 6 of our
textbook. Grab your passport and fill up the car -
youre going road tripping! This assignment is
independent - partners and groups are off-limits.

Your road trip must last at least 9 days include at least 7-8 major event locations during our
events of Chapter 6: The American War of Independence, The Loyalist Migration, and The War
of 1812. You will have to create an itinerary that gives a brief summary of the event and location
along with your road trip map. You will use Google Maps to plan out your road trip. Once you
are done, you will share your map and Google Doc or itinerary with me. Your path is up to you.
Your textbook, notes, and class powerpoints and materials
Google maps, web resources for older maps

Dimensions of Thinking:
Geographic Thinking (reading and interpreting maps; prepare my own map)
Historical Thinking (organizing the sequence of events; explaining the context the
historical events of a given time period; use technology tools to organize
Decision Making and Problems Solving (identify appropriate materials and tools
to accomplish a plan; articulate clearly a plan of action to use technology to solve
a problem)
Oral, Written, Visual Literacy (present information electronically and visually)
7.1.6 (explore and explain the political, economic, and military events that
contributed to the foundations of Canada)
Make a timeline of 5 major events and the places that they occurred (also called landmarks) that
you believe would help someone understand the events that took place during the two wars and
the Loyalist Migration.

Map out the locations of your chosen events, using the textbook as your starting your point, and
then find the more precise locations on google maps.

Use this guide to help you if you are lost on making your trip map

How do you create a route on Google Maps?

1. Log into your PSD Blogs Account.
2. Open a new or existing map in My Maps.
3. Click the directions icon in the toolbar.
4. Type your start and end locations.
5. Click Add Destination to add additional destinations.

Start with your first event landmark, rather than at home.

Write a summary for each event about why it is important to know. Include the date of the event.

Create an itinerary for your adventure by answering the following questions:
How long will your road trip take in days?
How many kilometers will you travel from your first location to the last?
What major bodies of water do you pass by? (Everyone loves a beach day)
What provinces and states do you travel to?
Rubric for Chapter 6/7 Project

Name: ___________________________
Thinking Dimensions

Geographic I can constructs maps using the appropriate tools

Thinking I can access and use technology to read maps
I can use web tools to prepare a map /5
Historical I can organizes and select events/locations logically
Thinking I understand what occurred during a key event
I can talk about why an event is seen as important in history /5
I can talk about how and why an event occurred

Decision I can outline/follow a plan for how to use technology to

Making solve a problem
I can brainstorm a list of things I need to accomplish a task /2.5
Critical I can information from multiple sources (maps) in order to
Thinking come to a conclusion.
I can analyze information for reliability, evidence, and bias /2.5

Literacy Writing and explanations are detailed.

(Visual and
Writing is legible
Knowledge (Events Selected)

OC 7.1.6 The political, economic, and military events that

contributed to the foundations of Canada
*War of 1812
*War of American Independence
*Loyalist Migration

Total /30

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