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Writing and Grammar


The recount below tells a girl helping a lady who had fallen on the road. It contains a number
of errors. Identify and correct the errors.

One day, Helen was walking alone on his way back from school. It was about two
oclock in the afternoon. Helen was taking the road near the market. It was a short cut to her

While sang to herself, she heared someone crying for help. She saw a old lady on
the road. Fortunately, there were no oncoming cars. She immediately run to her and offered
to help the old lady which name was Jackie. Jackie told Helen that she had tripped and
sprained her ankle so was in pain.

Helen helped to supporting her back up on her feet and hailed a cab to take her to
the clinic. The doctor treated her twisting ankle and bandaged its securely. He then gave her
medicine to take for the pain. Jackies ankle was swollen so she was unable to move over
properly on her own.

Helen then called an old ladys son. He came and thanked Helen for all that she had
did. Before heading home, the old lady thanked Helen profusely for helping her. Helen was
happily that she was able to help someone in need.

The informal letter below is to caution a friend about the dangers on revealing personal
information online. It contains a number of errors. Identify and correct the errors.

77, Jalan Bestari,

Taman Wawasan,
34000 Taiping,

3 March 2017
Dear Aidil,
Thank you to your letter. I viewed the profile that you posted online at your invitation.
I am shocked to see that you had revealed many personal detail about yourself. I am
therefore write to advise you to immediately remove the information from the website.

I noticed that you had gave out your real name, home address and school. This is a
very risky to do as people could easily track you down. Remember, not all chat room friends
are who or what they claim to be.

I recently read a news report about the boy who met up with his chat room friend only
to find himselves kidnapped and held for ransom. His family was forced to pay RM6000 to
secure his releases. Even though a police report was lodged, the culprit was never caught
because he had fabricated the details in his online profile.

I am not asking you to lie about yourself. Use a pseudonym instead of a real name,
just as most people do. Instead of giving your address, just give a vaguely description of the
town that you live in and the most important piece of advice that I can give you is to never
meet any of your chat room friends in person. It is a well-known fakt that some con men
spend months gaining their victims trustful before requesting to meet them in person. If you
really must do so, then made sure you are accompanied by a reliable adult.

I would like to assure you that I am write to you out of concern. Always remember
that it is best to be safe than sorry. I hope that you will take my advise on this and apologise
if I have offended you in any way.

Yours sincerely,
The report below is about disciplinary problems in a school. It is written by a head prefect to
a discipline teacher. It contains a number of errors. Identify and correct the errors.

The Discipline Teacher
SMK Teluk Batik, Perak


The school prefects have given me feedback on the disciplinary problems that they
have encountered in the course of performing there duties. The problems include tardiness
among students, smoking in toilets or graffiti.

Tardiness is prevalent between students as many of them arrive at the school before
the bell has rung at 7.40 a.m. Although the prefects have given several verbal warning, these
students remain unfazed. The prefect have also noted that this students come to school in
private cars and therefore have none excuse for being habitually late. The prefects have
suggested that teachers impose harshest punishment such as detention for latecomers.

The prefects have caught a few students smokin in the toilets before school and
during recess. Some even dash to the restrooms between lessons to smoking. Most of the
students does not heed the warnings from the prefects. It is suggested that spot checks be
conducted so that prohibited items can be confiscated. Besides that, parents of errant
students will be informed of their childrens misbehaviour.

Students who hung out at the corridors and the staircases during recess tend to
scribble in the walls. Althought the maintenance staffs have repainted the walls many times,
the problem keeps resurfacing. It is suggested that students be restricted to the canteen or
the hall during recess. Corrective action will be taken against these who are caught dirtying
school property with graffiti. For example, they will have to clean up the mess after school.

We hope that our feedback has be useful and that the principal and teachers will
acting against the errant students on the issues stated below.

Prepared by,
(Amran bin Ismail)
Head Prefect

The description below is about how cupcakes are made. It contains a number of errors.
Identify and correct the errors.

There are two stages in making cupcakes- the first stage is baking the cupcakes but
the next stage is decorating the cupcakes with frosting. The ingredients you will need for
baking the cupcakes were self-raising flour, sugars, eggs, butter and vanilla essence. As for
the frosting, you will need butter and icing sugar.

Preheat your oven into 200C and line your cupcake pans with baking cups. Nextly,
combine the 250 grams of sugar and 250 grams of butter in a large mixing bowl. After that,
add in 4 eggs with continue mixing. Than, add in 250 grams of self-raising flour. Beat the
mixture untill it is well mixed.

Spoon the mixture into the baking cups until each cups is half full. Bake the cupcakes
for about 20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the centre comes out clean. Removed
the cupcakes from the oven and allow them to cool completely.

Then combine 125 grams of butter with 250 grams of icing sugar and bit the mixture
until it is well mixed. Finally, insert the mixture onto a piping bag and start decorate your


Her, house, singing, heard, an, ran, whose, and, support, a, twisted, it, around, the, done,

For, was, writing, given, can, a , himself, release, vague, trust, make, writing, better, advice

Their, and, among, after, warnings, these, no, harsher, smoking, smoke, do not, hang, on,
although, those, has been, acting, above


And, are, sugar, to, next, and, then, until, cup, remove, beat, decorating

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